DAY 112

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I look in the mirror and try to fix my hair bush. Maybe I should put some gel on?
Yes, I really think so.
I run to Dylan's room.
"Hey, little man! Aren't you ready yet? We'll be late for Xixi's party!" he tells me.
"Didi ... Can you ... Can you lend me some hair gel?" I ask.
He opens his eyes a moment, then smiles.
"Wait a minute ... you've never been so elegant! Isn't this Xixi your sweetheart?" he grins.
"What?! Didi! Xixi is ... She's unbearable! I don't even like her! Imagine if I look good for her!" I scream.
What a question!
I turn and leave the room, but Dylan takes my hand and stops me.
"Hey, come here" he smiles at me.
He drags me to the bathroom and pulls out a jar from the cabinet.
With an attentive look, he puts gel on his hands and rubs it with energy in my hair.
"Oh, look at you! You're almost as handsome as me!" he exclaims, when he ends.
I glance at my reflection in the mirror and a laugh escapes me ... I don't even look like myself!
"Here we go?" I ask.
I can't wait to go to the party!
"Ok! But first take a picture ... Yue must see how fascinating you are today" he winks at me and pulls out the phone.

I accompany my brother to Xixi's home and greet him with a kiss on the forehead.
He looks so euphoric! I think he likes this Xixi ... Aaaah! Su's first crush!
I look at the photo I took a little while ago ... He looks like a small adult. I have to send it to Shen Yue! No, I have to show it to her in person! I want to see her reaction!
I know her aunt doesn't like guests, but I don't think she'll get too angry if I stay out the door, right? And it's Saturday afternoon, maybe she's not even at home.
Enough, I go there.
When I arrive, I ring the intercom and wait.
A very tall woman with long dark hair opens the door and peers at me suspiciously.
"Who are you?" she asks.
"Oh, um ... Hi Madam, my name is Wang He Di. I am a classmate of Shen Yue ..."
"Wang? Is your father the owner of the bookstore?"
"Hmmm ... I'm sorry for the trouble my nephew has caused you in these months. She knows how to be very chaotic" she says, looking up at the sky.
"Oh, no! No disturbance, madam! In fact, my brother has become very fond of her ... And he hopes that after she has finished helping you, she will be able to return to us for a while longer" I reply.
She gives me a puzzled look.
"Help me?"
"I never asked her."
Ok. I'm not understanding anything.
"Er ... Can I talk to Shen Yue?"
"She's not here. She went to stay with a friend of hers for about ten days now. Now I'm sorry, but I have other things to do. Hello".
She close the door.
Shen Yue. Why?

Yue and I are studying in the kitchen when we hear someone ring the intercom.
"It must be Dad ... He always forget the keys" I snort.
I run to open.
He could kill someone with that look! What fear, damn it!
"Where is she?" he asks me.
"I know she's here. I need to talk to her".
I don't like those dark eyes at all ... Has he discovered something?
"Didi?" Yue comes out of the kitchen.
"Oh, now I'm Didi again?" he blurts out, with a laugh full of sarcasm.
"Er ... Yueyue came here to study. Do you want to join us?" I try to smile at him.
"Did you come here to study?" he asks her directly.
Yue pales.
Dylan bursts out laughing again.
"You know what, Shen Yue? I thought you were a different person" he turns and walks away.
Yue runs out.

"Dylan! Dylan, stop! Please!" I cry, without stopping to run.
Finally he stops and turns to me.
I'm out of breath and my feet hurt from running in slippers.
"What do you want?"
"Dylan ... I'm sorry. I ..."
"You what ?! Tell me. All that bullshit about being brother and sister and then filling me with lies! You didn't even have the courage to tell me that you got tired of me and Su! You made fun of him too! You realize ? What did you think these days when you hugged him, eh? Did you feel at least a little guilty ?! If you wanted to leave, you just had to say it! I didn't keep you chained in my house! " he yells at me.
He is red with anger ...
My heart loses a beat ... I feel like crap. Some passers-by look at us curiously.
"Didi ..."
What have I done? What have I done? What have I done?
"Wang He Di. I swear I didn't want to lie to you, really ... And I've never done anything with the intention of hurting or teasing Su. Never. And neither you. I ... I had to leave, okay? "
"Because ..." I'm inventing an excuse to tell him again. Another lie.
Better the silence ...
I say nothing.
"It doesn't matter. I don't care about you any more. If you had told me you were no longer comfortable with us, that you preferred to be somewhere else, I would have understood you. I know that I am unpleasant and I know that taking care of my brother can sometimes be tiring. What I wanted from you, however, was a little sincerity. I spent those weeks thinking about you, because I felt you were strange and I saw you tired and ... I was worried that your aunt made you work too much at home and that you didn't eat properly. I was worried that I had behaved badly, because you distanced yourself so suddenly ..."
His face ... I hurt him so much ...
I would like to explain everything, but I can't. I can't tell him about Sun Qian. He would end up feeling sick.
"I'm sorry" I whisper.
"Everything here? Nothing else to say?"
I look into his eyes and shake my head. Some tears begin to flow down my cheeks, as I see his lips ripple in a bitter smile.
"Goodbye, Shen Yue".

"Is everything okay, Cookie?"
Me and Dylan are sitting at the park, on a bench.
I feel that something is wrong ... He is bloody serious and has not yet said a word.
He doesn't answer.
"I think we should break up" he whispers suddenly.
He didn't really say that.
It's a joke.
"I think we should  break up. I'm sorry".
He doesn't mind at all! He's not here with his head, I see it!
"Why ?! I did something wrong ?!" I exclaimed.
"No ... No, Sun Qian, you are perfect ... But I don't feel anything for you anymore. I ... I'm sorry. I don't want to tease you, that's why it's best we break up ... Forgive me" he says , lowering the head.
Shen Yue.
"It's beacouse of that viper, right?"
"Does it have anything to do with Shen Yue? She brainwashed you, eh? I knew it! You like her, don't you?! That ugly one ..."
"Don't talk about Shen Yue like that!" he blurts, angry.
He sighs and then massages his temples.
"I don't like her, okay? I don't like her and she has nothing to do with what I'm telling you. Really, Sun Qian ..." he mutters.
I lost? Is it really over?
I approach to try to kiss him, but he rejects me with kindness. I try again.
Yes, it's over.
I'm so angry and ... Disappointed.
I can no longer stand to see his face displeased. You never felt anything for me, did you? She's in your head today, isn't she?
I take my bag and leave.
I will find better, Dylan Wang. You don't deserve me.

"Dylan? Are you sad?"
Su studies me with her dark eyes and strokes my arm while we watch TV.
"Sincerely? Yes" I reply, trying to smile.
"Do you miss Yueyue?"
To hear her name I feel my heart sink. Why does everyone do nothing but name her?! As if she had anything to do with me ... She's gone. And she did it because he wanted to do it and not because she had to, as she said.
"No lies" she said.
"Just for a while" she said.
"Sorry, Su ... It's just a day like this. How did Xixi's party go?"
His face turns red like a tomato and a small wrinkle forms on his forehead.
"That nasty nasty one opened my gift last!" he mutters.
"Oh ... And did it bother you?"
"So you like her..."
I burst out laughing.
Little Su, luckily I have you.

Yue hasn't stopped crying a moment since Dylan left.
I don't understand why she didn't just tell the truth ... It's Sun Qian who should feel guilty about what happened, not her!
All of a sudden I get a message and ...
"Oh no" I whisper.
"What happens?" asks Yue, alarmed.
She tries to compose herself and wipe away the tears.
"Sun Qian wrote to me. She no longer wants to participate in the show" I say.
"What?! But it's tomorrow!Why?!"
"She and Dylan broke up".
Her face turns pale.
"If you try to think even a second that it's your fault I swear I'll slap you! Now I'll call her".

Jaqi comes back to me after hearing Jaqi on the phone.
She looks downcast.
"Nothing to do. I couldn't convince her" she sighs.
"Now how do we do it?" I ask, tense.
"You have to replace her".
"What?! No. Jaqi. No. Dylan wouldn't agree at all! And then I don't know how to act! I'd ruin everything!"
"Yue ... You know how much I worked on this show. I took all of  myself. Miss Dong trusts me and what do you think she will think when I come up empty tomorrow? Please ... Think of all our classmates, the evenings they spent in rehearsals, painting, building ... You are the only one who knows Belle's lines. You were the one who wrote them. You just need to go over the script for a couple of hours and you will be ready. Please, Yueyue ... "
How can I tell her no? True, everyone has committed to this project, doing even things they would rather not do. I owe them.
"Ok" I reply.
"Ok? You will do it?!"
I nod and Jaqi jumps around my neck to hug me tight.

Author's corner
Ok, don't hate me too much ... Please ... I know I'm hurting poor Yue a lot, but trust me😘
This morning I reread your comments to the previous chapter and at one point I thought: "Damn, I should leave the keyboard to them!" 😂  certainly Sun Qian would not make a good end 🤭 but in short, the result I think would be interesting 😁
I hope you enjoyed this chapter ... And I hope even more that I'm not getting too boring 😅
Let me know what you think😊
A big hug 💜💛

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