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While I'm chatting in the classroom with Caesar, before the professor arrives, I feel two small hands cover my eyes from behind.
I smile.
"Shen Yue?"
"Tsk, you'd like it" the voice grins behind me.
Song Yi Ren takes her hands off and sits next to me.
"You are tremendous!"  I snort.
"I know! So? See you today?" she  asks me.
"Sure! I'll wait for you at the usual time! I'll have to repeat the test soon ... We have to study as if there were no tomorrow!"
She ruffles my hair and she reassures me that it will be fine, then she greets me and Caesar and goes to sit in her usual place.
When I turn towards him, I notice that he is looking at me with a strange look ...
"What's up?"
"I see you get along very well" he says.
"Yes, she is a nice girl".
"Is Yue okay with it?"
"What? Yes, of course! Why shouldn't she?"
"Well ... If Jaqi knew I had a similar confidence with another girl, she would kill me instantly" he replies, shuddering.
"Mmh ... But it was Yue who told me I have to make friends with those in my course!"  I exclaim.
"I don't know, my friend. Yue is different from Jaqi, but ... In short, just as her friendship with Kido annoys you, your friendship with Yi Ren could annoy her".
"Hey! It's different! Kido doesn't want to be his friend! Yi Ren, on the other hand, has no interest in me" I mutter.
"Ok, ok!"  Caesar raises his hands with a grin.

"I understand! You don't really like me!"  screams Xixi.
We are in the school garden, in our secret corner.
"Xixi! I like you so much! But ..."
"Enough! I don't want to listen to you anymore!" she gets up abruptly and leaves me alone.
She has been tormenting me for days ... She'd like me to kiss her.  And I'd really like to do it!  But ... I'm not capable.  I'm afraid of making mistakes!  I saw how Didi and Yueyue kiss ... It seems really difficult!
But if I explain it to Xixi, she would certainly find it ridiculous.
I have to talk to Yueyue.

Mr. Wang decided to repaint the Bookstore, so I have a few days off.
While Dylan is in his room with Yi Ren, Kido and I are playing checkers in the kitchen.
"If I win you owe me a foot massage, I warn you!"  he exclaims with an evil smile, moving one of his pawns.
"Same thing goes for you!"
It's been a few days since he left home ... We tried to talk to his parents, but they sent us away.  His mother even packed his suitcase.
I know that as much as he strives to look cheerful as always, he is suffering a lot ... So I'm trying in every way to keep him in good spirits.
Suddenly Su comes out of his bedroom and comes towards us with a hesitant air.
Oh oh.
"Yueyue..." he whispers.
"Tell me puppy ... Is something wrong?"
He sits in front of me and Kido and he torments his hands.
"You're making me worry" I tell him, stroking his face.
"Yueyue ... Can you explain me how to give kisses?"  he asks me, in a whisper.
I almost fall off the chair!
"What?!"  I exclaim.
"Xixi wants a kiss ... But I don't know how to do it!"
He seems about to cry ... Poor my puppy!
How can I explain it to him?  And then ... Well, at his age how do you kiss?  Do you kiss at seven?  Isn't it a bit early?
I turn to Kido, looking for help.
He widens his eyes, caught off guard.
"You and Didi always kiss each other! Help me!"  almost shouts Su.
This thing is really making him nervous.
"Well ... You have to approach her slowly and then ..."
Before I can finish the sentence, I feel Kido's warm hand gently grab my chin and then his lips on my cheek.
"Like this" he smiles, letting me go.

"I don't think Xixi wants a simple kiss on the cheek" Su complains.
I glance at Yue, who still has red cheeks ... She is adorable!
"Well, that's how it starts. Every great love story started with a kiss on the cheek!"  I exclaim.
"Of course! Trust me! It starts with kisses on the cheek and in a few years you will even get to use the tong..."
Yue slaps me on the leg, so I stop.
Su seems to think about it for a moment, then he smiles at us with satisfaction and embraces us.
When he leaves us alone again, I see Yue pulling a sigh of relief.
"That child is extraordinary" I laugh.
"He is" she replies gently.
She loves him so much ... I like this side so protective and maternal of her ...
"It must not be easy, however, to answer all his questions and take care of him. I admire you!"
"Oh, Kido! I'm not to be admired. Have you ever cared a lot about a  person? When you care about someone, it comes naturally to you to take care of him ... To worry about him. And it's never an effort" she smiles at me.
I look at her eyes full of light for a moment and I mess with her hair.
"You know what, Yueyue? There is a person I care a lot about ... Don't get me wrong, I mean as a friend. And that person is you. I feel I'd do anything to make you happy ...
I'll always be your shoulder, okay? "
She nods and hugs me.
True, I still feel something for her, but Yueyue is above all my dearest friend and I want to cultivate this special relationship.
"Well, I'm glad you told me ... Now, prepare your golden hands because the victory is mine!"  she says, while devouring another of my pawns.

While we're studying, we see Dylan's little brother pass in front of the room with a big smile.
"Hey, Su! Are you happy?"  Dylan asks him, making him stop.
The baby enters and nods.
"Yueyue and Kido showed me how to kiss!"  he exclaims satisfied.
In a second, Dylan jumps to his feet with his face red with anger.
I grab him by the shirt and I try not to let him go.
"What do you mean?" he exclaims.
"They told me I have to kiss Xixi on the cheek ..."
"And did they even show you?"
"Yes. Oh! I forgot my English homework!"  Su runs out of the room.
I still hold Dylan's shirt tight.
"Now I break his face" he whispers, trying to free himself.
"Wang He Di! It was just a kiss on the cheek! And you have to stop reacting this way ... If you don't control your jealousy, you'll end up losing Yue" I tell him.
"She'll think you don't trust her at all!"
"But I trust jer! The problem is Kido!"
"Do you think Yue wouldn't reject him if Kido took a step forward?"
I see him breathing deeply to try to calm down.
"Ok, you're right. Let's forget about it ... Let's continue to study" he murmurs.
I leave him and I look at him as he sits at his desk.
Poor boy...

I accompany Yi Ren to the door and I thank her.
When I go into the living room, I see Yue lying on the couch reading a book and Kido sitting on the floor, massaging her feet.
Are we joking?
"Shen Yue? Can you come for a moment?"
I leave home and wait for her to join me.
"All right?"  she asks me, worried.
I look into her eyes for a second and then I hug her tightly.
I'm scared.  I'm so afraid of losing her.
"Hey..." she whispers, stroking my hair.
"I love you" I say.
"Me too ... Didi, what's going on?"
"Nothing. I just need you" I reply, hiding my face in the crook of her neck.
"I'm here" she smiles, squeezing me.
We stay like this for a while ...
"Didi, I have to tell you something!"  she exclaims suddenly.
I move away just to look at her ... She looks euphoric.
"Tell me".
"A friend from the Journalism faculty offered me to give me photography lessons!"
A friend.
Damn it, Shen Yue!  Do you want to kill me or what ?!
Ok Dylan, calm down ...
"A friend? Do I know him?"  I ask, trying to seem indifferent.
"Mmh ... Uh, yes! You saw him! Do you remember the night you asked me to go to the ball? The guy who took me home?"
"Shen Yue. Are you serious?"
"You can't take lessons from him!"
"Why not?"
"Are you stupid or what ?! That's why we quarreled that night! That idiot kissed your forehead!"
"Didi ..."
I see that all the enthusiasm slips away from her eyes, but she still gives me a smile.
"Ok, I understand. It doesn't matter" she says.
This displaces me.
"Yes. I understand that it can bother you and I don't want you to suffer for such a thing" she simply replies.
Am I selfish?  Why can't I try to trust her?
I think back to what Caesar and I talked about this morning ... Yue lets me study alone in the room with Song Yi Ren even while she's away ... Song Yi Ren, who often hugs me and plays with me.
"Take those lessons" I whisper, stroking her cheek.
"Didi ... It really doesn't matter".
"Hey, take advantage of my moment of magnanimity!"
We burst out laughing.
"Thanks love!"  she exclaims, hopping.
I hold her back to me.
Aaaaah! This tiny girl!

Author's corner
How are you? 😘
So what do you think of this chapter?  Things are getting a little complicated, uh?  😅
A big hug!  💜💛

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