DAY 80

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I arrive in front of my class and take a long breath. I'm going to tell the guys something that most of them won't like at all ...
By and by I am immediately welcomed by a polite: "Good morning, Miss Dong!"
I sit at the desk and watch them.
"Guys, I just talked to the Headmaster about the Spring Festival" I say cautiously.
Their faces light up with excitement.
The Spring Festival usually includes games and dances with students from other classes ... It is an opportunity to have fun. This year, though ...
"The Headmaster decided that this year the Festival won't only be full of fun..."
"Miss Dong, what do you mean?"
They begin to be worried.
"It has been decided that you last year students will have to compete in an acting contest"
Here, I threw the bomb ... 3, 2, 1 ...
The guys begin to argue with each other and fill me with questions.
I knew it...
I bang my Chinese Literature book on the desk and suddenly silence returns.
"Each section will decide the show to represent and will perform on the day of the Festival. The winning class will win a two-day trip to the spa".
They look at each other with eyes full of wonder and exaltation.
I knew they would like the prize ...
"For the show not only the actors will be needed, but also people who will take care of procuring the props and set up the stage ... Furthermore, someone will have to think about clothes and makeup ... But above all, a director is needed. For this role, I thought of you, Jaqi" I say, smiling at the girl.
She often told me about her dream of becoming a great director ... What better time to start practicing her skills?
She nods proudly and thanks me.
"Ok, I leave you an hour of time to reflect on the story to represent. After that, Jaqi will think about who to entrust the various roles and write the script with the help of Shen Yue, to be delivered to me within four days. Clear: the director can't be dispute.
And know that I want to go to the spa as much as you do, so do your best!"

Wow! What a bizarre idea the Headmaster had!
But what kind of show could we do to beat the other classes?
My classmates have been arguing for half an hour and we have yet to reach any conclusions.
Suddenly Dylan, who has so far remained silent in a corner of the classroom, raises his hand and they all shut up.
"Beauty and the Beast" he says.
He looks at me quickly and blushes. I smile.
We saw that cartoon the night after his basketball game and he was as enchanted as a child ... So much so that we spent almost all night talking about it.

* Flashback *

"How is it possible that he has changed so much only thanks to Belle? He was grumpy and unpleasant before ... And all of a sudden he became kind ..." Dylan says, as the credits roll.
"Love changes" replies Su, who strangely managed not to fall asleep before the end of the film.
He is sitting among us on the sofa. I stroke his hair as I hold a laugh ... It's funny that a six-year-old tries to explain love to an adult.
"I don't think so" I smile.
"I don't think love changes ... Rather, I think it brings out the best in us. The Beast was already good in his heart ... Belle simply managed to capture his best side" I explain.
"But how did she do it?" Dylan insists.
"She did like Yue! You too have changed since she's here!" Su exclaims .
Dylan opens his eyes wide.
"What do you say, little stupid? It isn't true!"
"Instead yes! You were nervous before and you always got angry ... You spoke little ... Since she is there you smile a lot more and you hug more! She is the Beauty and you are the Beast".
Didi blushes and shakes his head.
"You're delirious, puppy ... It's time to go to sleep" I tell him.
He kisses his brother and follows me to his room.
After putting him to bed, I go back to the living room to say good night to Dylan, who is still sitting on the couch and ... He restarted the film.
"Again?" I ask, laughing.
"I want ... I want to understand it better" he replies, embarrassed.
I lie down beside him and lean back against his chest. I don't know why, but it comes naturally to me to seek his contact ... I always feel safe when I'm near him. Maybe this really means having a brother.
I feel that he stiffens, so I'm about to get up ... But he stops me and wraps my waist  with one arm, from behind, and I find myself still against him.
While Belle sings in the streets of her village, Dylan whispers to me: "Kido told me about Guo Yan ... Why didn't you tell me anything? I thought you simply had a fight."
"Because it wasn't important."
"Yes it was! I would at least have gone to beat him!"
"Didi ..."
"No, Yue! That idiot deserved more than a day in the bathroom!"
I raise my head to look into his eyes and I smile at him.
"It's okay. We talked today and I made him understand that he has to stay  away from me from now on. Don't worry ... Beast".
He snorts, but I see him holding back a grin.
As we continue to watch the film, Dylan plays with my hair. Slowly, slowly, I feel my body relax completely and soon I fall asleep.
The next morning, I wake up with my head resting on his legs, while his is resting against my back.
I smile and close my eyes ... There is still some time.

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