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I look at myself in the mirror one last time ... I wear a black suit and a white shirt.  I leave the house before Yue wakes up.
Does she think that model is better than me?  Perfect.

He didn't wait for me to go to school ... Is he really offended by the story of the model?
When I arrive at the campus, I find Kido waiting for me as usual in front of the gate.
"Good morning! Are you alone this morning?"  he smiles at me.
"Good morning! Apparently I'm with a five-year-old boy, so yes" I reply, then I take a sip of water from my bottle.
"Do you mean the guy who is coming to meet us surrounded by half the Chinese female population?"
I turn to the spot where Kido is looking and I see a large crowd of screaming students ... And in the middle, handsome as the sun, here's him: Wang He Di.

Here it is, Shen Yue.
I advance towards her, while some girls follow me filling me with compliments and even asking me for my cell phone number.
But I don't care about them.  My eyes only see that little silly girl turn away.
When she finally turns to me, my lips inevitably bend into a satisfied grin: Shen Yue opens her eyes wide and she spits out the water she was drinking.
I won!  Ah!
I walk past her with indifference and I wink at her, without stopping.
I go straight into the faculty.
Take that, Shen Yue.

I gently tap Yue's back to make her breathe normally again.  When she finally stops coughing, she points to the entrance to the Faculty of Economics.
"Did you see him ?! How he lets himself go out dressed like that! It's illegal!"  she shouts indignantly.
What game is Dylan playing?
"Yue ..."
"And he didn't even stop to greet me! He ignored me!"
"Yueyue, try to ..."
"And all those girls! Don't they know he already has a girlfriend ?! Maybe he keeps it hidden ?!"
I give up.

During the Poetry class I can't stay focused even for two seconds.
I keep thinking of that idiot. This feeling is completely new to me.  I've never felt so ... I don't know ... Angry?  Insecure?  Jealous?
I can't stand the idea that the others look at him that way.  Didi is my sun.  Not theirs.
As soon as the lesson ends, I take this opportunity to go out and get some air.
"Shen Yue?"
A black-haired guy approaches me.  He looks surprised to see me.
"Have we met before?"  I ask, confused.
"Oh, right! Of course you don't remember me ... I'm Liu Haoran. Um ... We met some time ago. You didn't feel well and I carried you home in my arms" ​​he explains, blushing.
"Oh! I remember now! I'm sorry, my head is somewhere else today! How are you? Do you study here?"  I smile.
"Fine thanks, you? Yes, I study Journalism ... I'm in my second year" he replies.
"Me too, thank you! I see! I study Literature."
"Wow! I'm really happy to have found you again, Yue! I hope to see you often from now on!"
"Same for me!"
He gives me a quick hug and he greets me before he leaves.
What a coincidence!

"Ok, now please let me breathe" I snort, annoyed.
The last lesson of the day is finally over and I am ready to leave.  I haven't seen Yue all afternoon ... I usually have lunch with her, but today I wanted to ignore her.  I know that maybe I'm acting immature, but it really annoyed me to see her so enthusiastic about that model cabbage!  It's difficult for her to comment on the boys, but yesterday, as soon as she picked up the magazine, her eyes lit up and she shouted: "How handsome he is!"
What the hell!  I was in front of her!  And she dared to say that he is more handsome than me!
I felt hurt in pride, okay?
Suddenly I remember one thing.
"Girls, sorry! Do you know who Song Ye Ren is?"
One of them points to a girl not far from us, who is closing her backpack.
"Hey!"  I approach.
She has almost the same body size as Shen Yue, short and straight hair, small nose ... She looks like her, but she's not comparable.
"Hi! You are Dylan, right?"  she smiles at me.
"Yes, nice to meet you! Yue told me you could help me study Economics ..." I venture, a little embarrassed.
She peers at me from head to foot.
"Have you been to a wedding?" she asks, pointing to my suit.
"Er ... No ... It's a long story".
"Mmh ... Ok. Anyway, yes, I can help you. But I warn you: everything has a price".
Damn.  The girl is very direct.
"Of course! You help me and I'll pay you every lesson" I reply.
"So deal done" she extends a hand and I squeeze it.
We look each other in the eyes and we burst out laughing.
I don't know why, but I feel like we're going to get along very well.
We decide when to meet for the first lesson and then we say goodbye.

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