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I turn around and SBAM!  A snowball hits me right in the face.
Wang Su.
"Su! I swear I'll kill you!"  I scream, starting to chase him.
"Hey! Ok! Ok, sorry! Stop chasing me! You're frightening me!"
I don't listen to him and with a leap I reach him and push him to the ground, on the cold snow.
"Don't you ever do it again!"  I threaten him, putting a foot on his chest.
"Damn it! Are you sure you're a girl ?!"  he exclaims, laughing.
"Yes. I'm a girl. But you're just a fool," I reply, then I kick him and leave him complaining.
"Hey! XIXI! Wait!"
I keep walking, until a cold hand grabs my arm and forces me to stop suddenly.
Su makes me turn around and gently pushes me against a tree, without leaving me.
"I know you're a girl, you fool. You're a beautiful girl," he whispers, with a smile.
He caresses my face and leaves.
What the hell ... What ... That look ... What ... Ok, heart, stop beating so fast!  Are you crazy?!

"SHEN YUE! Did you see ?! Isn't it  beautiful?!"
Didi is showing me the snowman that he and the boys are building outside the cabin.  Me and Jaqi are sitting on the porch drinking hot chocolate.
"It's horrible!"  I laugh.
"Hey! How dare you ?! Look at his sweet face!"  he exclaims, indignantly.
"The carrot is crooked ... What kind of nose does it have?"  Jaqi grins.
"Maybe your child will have a crooked nose ... Are you going to laugh at him?"  mumbles Dylan.
She shakes her head and reaches them to arrange the snowman's face.
"SHEN YUE! Have you seen where the other gloves are?"
"They're still in my suitcase, love," I reply.
"If he calls you once more I swear I put the gloves in his mouth! He screams your name every two seconds! How can you stand it ?!"  Xixi sits next to me, crossing her arms against her chest.
I burst out laughing.
"Oh, but it sounds so good from him ..." I sigh, bringing a hand to my heart.
"Tsk, I'm about to die of diabetes."
"Hmm ... are we nervous, miss?"  I ask her, turning to her.
I see her torture her hands.
"Yueyue ... How ... How can you tell if a boy likes you?"
Oh!  What's going on here?
"I think you're asking the wrong person, you know? Unfortunately I'm not very good at picking up these things ... But ... Well, if I think of Didi ... I know that he loves me because he looks at me totally differently from how he looks at the others ".
"Differently, how?"
"Oh, it's not that simple to explain. It's a very special way of looking ... It looks at me like I'm the most important thing in the world. It doesn't matter if we're surrounded by a crowd of a billion people, his eyes   will only soften with tenderness and sweetness for me ... And ... Well, even his smile is all mine, I have his best smile. Then, there are other little things that can make you understand if a boy likes you: if he compliments you  , if he finds any excuse to be near you, even make fun of you, if he's annoyed when you're with someone else ... "
Xixi rests her head on my shoulder and sighs.
"What's up, honey?"  I ask her, stroking her long hair.
"I think that ... Wang Su likes me" she grumbles, still hidden against my shoulder.
"Mmh ... And that annoys you?"
"No! I mean, yes! Or maybe ... I don't know."
"Do you already like someone?"
"I ... I thought so, but ... Aaaaah! Yueyue!"
She hugs me and I hold her tightly to me.
"Baby, I know how you feel ... Su is your best friend, you are always together, you are like brothers. And the idea that things can change between you scares you and embarrasses you. I know.  But one day, taking your time, you will understand what your feelings are for him. No hurry. I'm sure if you'll realize that yours can only be a beautiful friendship, Wang Su will understand. And if you'll find out that you feel something special for him ...  Don't be afraid. There's nothing more beautiful in the world than loving and being loved. I know I'm biased, we're talking about my little brother ... But believe me, Wang Su is special and he will respect your every decision" I tell her  .
I lift her chin to look into her eyes.
"Don't worry," I smile, kissing her on the forehead
"Hey! What are you doing? I want cuddles too!"  exclaims Didi.  He runs towards us and envelops us both with his long arms.
We burst out laughing.
As soon as Dylan kisses me, Xixi rolls her eyes and mumbles away: "Diabetes!"

She's avoiding me ... Why is s
she avoiding me?  It was just a snowball!  Or maybe it's because I complimented her?  But who is offended by a compliment?
Xixi today is strange ... And not understanding what bothers her  makes me mad.
I turn to the sound of her voice.
"Hey! Xixi! Sorry for the snowball, okay? I didn't want to ..."
Before I can finish talking, she hugs me tight.
"Wo! What do I owe all this love for ?!"  I exclaim, surprised.
"It's not love!" she blushes, beating my arm.
"I know, silly" I laugh.
"And ... are you ok with that?"
"What do you mean?"
She looks at me with her uncertain little eyes.
"If I wanted to be just your friend ... Would that be good for you?"
What?  Did she find out? Does she know how I feel about her?
"Xixi ... You ... You know that I ..."
"Yes I know".
We remain silent for a while.
"It would be good. We have been friends since we were children, Xixi! And, whether you like it or not, you were my first little girlfriend! So ... You won't get rid of me so easily. Don't worry about me, okay?"  I tell her, ruffling her hair.
She nods.
"So ... friends?"  I reach out and she squeezes it firmly.
"For now" she whispers.
My eyes widen.
"What a boiled fish face!"  she laughs.
"Aaaah! You have already a crush on me!"  I exclaim, giving her a little push.
For now...

"Ok! Let's have a sled race! Whoever comes first down the slope, will decide the name of Caesar and Jaqi's baby!"  exclaims Connor, calling everyone's attention.
"Hey!"  replies Jaqi, indignant.
"What? You said that you don't know how to call him! I've already got some names," he grins.
Caesar's murderous gaze forces him to become serious again.
"Okay, okay! So let's do this: whoever wins, will be served and revered until tomorrow morning. He can ask anything he wants".
"I like this idea!"  Yue claps her hands.
"Oh, I don't think so. Have you seen your opponents?"  laughs Darren.
"What would you say? I'll tear you all up! One by one!"
Her combative side scares me and intrigues me at the same time.
It's like seeing a shaggy-haired kitten.
"What is that stupid grin?" she asks me defiantly.
"I really hope to win, you know?"  I whisper in her ear as I stroke her back.
She blushes and looks away.
Each of us, except Jaqi, takes a sled from the Bed and Breakfast garage.
We position ourselves at our starting places and wait for Jaqi to give us the go.
"Ready Set Go!"

"Darren! Massage with more delicacy, you're breaking my foot!"  I complain.
I see him snort and I hold back a laugh.
"Who would have thought that you would have gotten yourself beaten by a gnome like her?"  Jaqi smiles, satisfied.
"An evil gnome," Connor mutters, handing me a cup of tea.
"It's too cold," I say.
He snorts and returns to the kitchen.
"Yue, your suitcase is ready" Caesar shows me the photo of how he has arranged things inside.
"Hmm ... you should bend my clothes better".
"I don't know how to do it better than this!"
"Try again until you'll be better".
While we competed, everyone did nothing but tease me until I managed to overcome them and win.  So yes, now I'm taking my little revenge.
"Shen Yue, the bathroom is ready!"  exclaims Dylan, entering the living room.
"Perfect! Slaves, I leave you some free time ... Ah, tonight you will think of dinner, Dong Xin must rest" I say.
I follow Dylan to the bathroom.
"I see you like giving orders, ah?"  he smiles, embracing me.
"Actually not. But that's what you deserve" I mumble, breathing in the scent of his sweatshirt.
"Mmh ... I admit that you're right".
He gives me a kiss on the head and leaves me, ready to go out.
"Where are you going?"  I ask him.
"I'll let you take a bath"  he answers, surprised.
"But you didn't check the water temperature!"
He goes back and puts his hand in the tub.
"It's perfect," he says.
"And you call that check?"
He turns to me with an inquiring look.
I smile at him.
I approach him and help him take off his sweatshirt.
"Damn, I'm a bad servant," he sighs, giving me a kiss.
"Try to make up for it," I reply, stroking his chest.
"With pleasure!"
Suddenly he lifts me and lays me  still-dressed in the tub, coming in with me.
We both burst out laughing.
I love our being children, our intimacy, our constant desire to stay together ... I could not be happier than this.

Author's Corner
I'm sorry for taking so long, but some things kept me away from writing ... Thanks for your patience! Today or tomorrow I will update the new chapter, which I hope will be special for you as it is for me! 💛💜
A big hug,

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