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"Hey! Did you order the cake for Wang Su?"  Yue asks me, as she helps me move a table of the Bookstore.
Today is my brother's birthday and we decided to organize a small party for him, to thank him for the great help he is giving us at home.  The more he grows, the more he proves to be a good boy.
"Yes, don't worry. Rather, I still have to buy the paper glasses and plates, the festoons, the gift ... Perhaps it will be better to go," I reply, agitated.
I want everything to be perfect tonight.
"Ok! Let's go, then! We have little time" she smiles at me, clapping her hands.
"What? I have no intention of going with you. You go home," I say, rolling my eyes.
"I come with you! You don't understand any of those things ... You don't know what teenagers like," she mutters.
She's unnerving.

We wander around the shopping center in search of decorations and everything that can be useful for Su's party.
"Look at these! They are perfect!"  I exclaim, showing Dylan some plates printed on the image of ninja turtles.
He raises an eyebrow and shakes his head.
"And these?"  I ask, pointing to others with the image of Courage the Cowardly Dog.
"Shen Yue! And you would be the one who knows what teenagers like ?! At their age now young people go to snog in the public gardens!"
"Don't scream, you idiot! Certainly they don't watch Courage the cowardly dog!"
"But I watch it ..." I murmur, shocked.
Wang Su ... My little Wang Su ... No, he doesn't go out and snog in public gardens ...
"I bet what you want that he already has some porn mags hidden under the bed," Dylan grins.
"You're right, you're right! Now they use cell phones ... No more mags" he insists.
He bursts into laughter and raises his hands in surrender.
Wow.  It's so rare to see him laugh ... I  look him for a few seconds.
"What are you looking at, fool?"
I shake my head and concentrate on my research.
In the end, we opt for simple blue plates and glasses.
"Now we have to think about the gift ... Have you already taken it?"  he asks me.
"Actually, no. I ... I would like to make you a proposal," I say, looking down.
"This is not good. Let's hear."
"See ... I don't know if your father will agree, I haven't had the opportunity to talk to him before he left for Italy and you know that his phone has some problems these days ..."
"Ok, ok, cut short".
"You see, Wang Su and I have been visiting a pet store for a while now when we go out for a walk. And there is a small talking parrot! It seems that he has become so fond of Su! Once he heard me call him  Puppy and now, as soon as I and Su enter the shop, he exclaims: "Puppy!" He's adorable! Su would love to take him home, but he costs so much ... So ... I thought we could split the expense between you and me.  It's still a large sum, but if you saw them together you would think it was worth it!" I explain.
"What cost are we talking about?"
I stand on tiptoe and tell him in a whisper.
"WHAT?!"  he shouts, his eyes widening.
"Ok, ok! It doesn't matter!"  I hasten to say, realizing that maybe it's too much.
Dylan watches me for a few moments.
Enough to make me blush.
"All right. After all, Su never asks for anything, he's good at school, helps at home and sometimes even in the bookstore, he doesn't make trouble ... I would say he deserves it. And then, since we're never at home, at least  he will have some company at home, " he says.

"Hey our little friend! This is your new home!"  Yue exclaims, lifting the parrot's cage to show him our house.
She looks so happy ... I doubt that this gift is more for her than for Su.
"Soon Wang Su will find you a name, promised! You remember Wang Su, right? Puppy ..." she smiles, resting it on the table.
The parrot jerks his head and then repeats: "Puppy!"
"Aaaaaah! Did you hear that ?! Didi! Did you hear that ?!"  Yue jumps up to me and pulls at my shirt sleeve.
Ouch ... What is this stupid feeling I hear in the pit of my stomach?
That fool must stop taking such confidence.  How she dare?
"Hey ... You can call this one Small idiot" I say to the parrot.
"Don't teach him certain words!"
"Oh, come on! With all the words we told him, you think he'll memorize just what we don't want? You saw too many cartoons, Shen Yue ..."
"Small idiot!"
We both turn abruptly towards the parrot, incredulous.
"He repeated it!"  I exclaim satisfied.
"If I am a small idiot, you are a Big idiot, Wang He Di! He must be a polite pet! He doesn't have to learn swear words!"
"Big idiot!"  the parrot again.
"I can't believe it ..." I whisper.
"Small idiot! Big idiot! Small idiot! Big idiot!"  the bird insists.
"Here! Look what you've done!"  Yue complains, upset.
"Hey! Don't take it out on me! Anyway, in two minutes he will have already forgotten everything ... Come on, we have to move to prepare everything!" I snort.

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