DAY 217

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I get up earlier than usual and, without even having breakfast, I go straight to school.
I feel like I'm trapped in a bubble of sadness ...
Tonight I cleared my mind and I came to the conclusion that I must resign myself. Shen Yue proves nothing for me. She was even making up an excuse for not going to the ball! And I'm tired.
Really tired.
And angry. I wish she had the courage to tell me what she thinks in my face ... But obviously I'm not worth it.

Waking up without finding him at home caused me an incredible sense of emptiness.
But I must not let myself be discouraged!
I enter the classroom and go straight to his desk.
"Your lunch" I say, handing him his basket.
"I don't need it" he replies, without looking at me.
"Didi ... Let's talk?"
He looks up and he gives me a half smile.
"The lesson is about to begin, it's not the case."
I leave the basket on the counter and I go sit down.
I didn't see him so cold with me from the days when he was angry with me about the science project.
During the morning, I try several times to approach him, but with poor results ... It is a mask of indifference.
Don't you want to listen to me, Didi? I'll find another way!

"Guys! We have to stop training! The class leaders have to set up the gym for tonight's ball!" the coach screams.
My team and I head to the locker room.
I sit on one of the benches and I take off my shoes.
Suddenly, I hear a lot of rumors ... What's going on?
I look up and I see a miniature hurricane walking determinedly towards me.
"Shen Yue! What are you doing in the ..."
I don't have time to finish the sentence. She takes my face in her hands, she bends over just to reach my height and she kisses me.
Damn it! Is this really happening ?!
Instinctively, I wrap her waist and I pull her towards me to deepen the kiss.
I barely hear the whistles, the applause and the laughter around us.
When we part, she looks at me with determination.
"I'll wait for you at Jaqi's house at eight o'clock" she whispers to me.
She frees herself from my grip and she leaves, leaving me speechless.
"Woooo! Are you two a couple now ?!" exclaims one of my companions.
I don't understand anything anymore.

"Shen Yue! If you dare to change your dress again I'll break your hands!" I scream, exasperated.
Yue and I are getting ready for the ball ... The boys should be here in moments.
"But won't it be too much?" she asks, blushing.
"Honey, you're beautiful! A blow will come to Dylan when he'll see you" I smile at her.
She is so tense ... She is adorable!
She finally cleared her mind about her feelings and she seems ready to face the situation. I really hope this night will be magical for her.
"Jaqi! The boys have arrived!" my mother's voice sounds from downstairs.

I think I need a glass of water ... or an oxygen tank. Yue goes down the stairs and comes towards me.
God, she's beautiful ... She's... Wow.
"Hi" she smiles at me, embarrassed.
I can not talk.
"Hey, buddy! Have you lost your tongue ?!" laughs Caesar.
I clear my throat and shake my head.
"Hi ... You're ... Wonderful" I say, feeling my ears go up in flames.
Yue looks down and smiles.
I'm dying to kiss her ...

I'm dying to kiss her

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POV YUEThere are a lot of people at the ball

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There are a lot of people at the ball. The four of us reach Connor, Darren and Kido on the dance floor with their respective ladies and we all start dancing together.
I look at Dylan, who's jumping like a crazy with Connor ... He's handsome.
Suddenly the DJ puts a slow song and each couple recomposes itself to dance.
Dylan remains in his place, clearly undecided about what to do.
He seems so confused ...
I approach him and I take his hand.
"Come with me" I tell him.
I drag him out of the gym and start running along the school corridors.
"Hey! Where are you taking me ?! What's wrong with you ?!" he exclaims, following me.
I stop in front of our classroom door.
"Go inside" I whisper.
"Shen Yue, what ..."
"Go inside!"
He gives me a suspicious look and then he opens the door.

The blackboard of our class is plastered with photographs.
I walk over to look at them better ... In every single photo, there's me and Shen Yue. In one of these, she is threatening me with a rolling pin ... I burst out laughing thinking of that moment.
I turn to Yue.
"What does it mean?" I ask her, pointing to the blackboard.
She takes a long breath, then she approaches me.
"It means that I love you" she replies, looking into my eyes.
My heart suddenly stops. Did I heard right ?!
I would like to say something, but my tongue, like every single part of my body, seems to have been paralyzed.
"I spent my life feeling lonely, giving love to others in a desperate attempt to receive some in return ... And then you came. Do you see those photographs? Those are proof of how much everything has changed since I have you by my side ... Of how much I need you to be truly happy. You and I are made of little things, little habits, that we have built together day after day. Those photographs simply mean one thing: that I love you. I love your hugs, your smiles, your pouting face, your pranks, your attention ... And I don't care if everything will change now. I don't want to run anymore" she says with shining eyes.
God ... This is too much for my heart ...
I reach her with one step and I kiss her. I put all the energy, the need, the love I have ... And she returns with the same intensity.
An I dreaming?
"I love you, Shen Yue".
Only now do I notice the music coming from the gym ...
I take her by the hand and I invite her to dance.
She bursts out laughing and surrounds my neck with her arms.
Our foreheads that touch, our eyes stuck in each other, our bodies swinging so close to feel the heat ... Everything is changing, isn't it? Well, I'm ready.

Author's corner
Three small chapters written in a sleepless night ...
Now I have to confess to you: I'm about to enter a territory completely uncharted for me 😅 I have been writing fanfiction for years ... And the funny thing is that I've always finished them when the protagonists finally get together.
This time I want to go on ... Therefore, if from now on the chapters will be a mess, I hope you will forgive me 😂 I hope not to become boring and that you will stay with me 😉
Thank you very much for all your comments and your constant support here and on Twitter ❤️ you are special!
A hug,

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