DAY 10

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I've been living at the Wang's house for ten days and I have to say that we've created our routine by now. Dylan is always unpleasant, but seems to have resigned himself to the idea that I'm there with him and little Su.
My best friend, Jaqi, taps my shoulder.
"Tell me".
"Have you already done the exercise that Professor Zhang left us?" she asks me.
"Yes ... Do you want me to help you?"
"Yes, please!"
I lean toward her desk and begin to explain how to do the exercise, when we notice the presence of Dylan in front of us.
"Shen Yue" he says with his serious look.
"What's up? We hadn't decided not to talk to us here at school?" I ask him with a grimace.
"Yes, but it's important: the coach wants us to do a special training this afternoon and I don't think I can go pick up Su at school. Could you go? "
"Look, look! Our newlyweds finally make their relationship public!"
Caesar, Darren, Connor and Kido, Dylan's best friends, come close to us with a sneer on their lips. The only ones who know about our situation are them and Jaqi.
"Shut up, Caesar! Then Shen Yue, are you going to get Su?" blurts Dylan, nervous.
"Of course! But ... today's new books arrive in the bookstore and I'll have to unload the van ... I'll try to do as soon as possible" I answer.
"I'm coming to help you," Kido says.
"Seriously, would you do it?"
"Of course! When the bell rings, let's go to the library together"
"You are an angel!"
Kido gives me one of his sweet smiles and returns to his desk.
"Careful, Dylan: our friend wants to steal your wife!" guffaws Connor.
He shakes his head and leaves, followed by the other three.
"Yueyue! Until two years ago you would have paid for such an occasion like this! You and Kido alone in the bookshop!" exclaims Jaqi, all excited.
"You said well: two years ago. He doesn't make me the same effect anymore" I reply, shrugging.
When we were 16, I had a crush on Kido ... His kind ways and his sympathy had conquered me. We soon became friends and when I was finally a step away from confessing my feelings, I found out from one of our classmates that he was already in love with another girl.
It took me a while to let me go through the crush, but in the end I forgot him and I started to see him simply as a classmate.

"Yueyue! Did you really think you could download all these boxes alone ?! They are so many! And they weigh more than you!" I exclaim incredulously when the old van driver opens the door to show us the books.
"Why? Do you think I'm not strong enough?" she smiles at me with a defiant look.
"You don't know your limits" I laugh.
She winked at me and rolled up the sleeves of her blouse, and then started carrying a box inside the bookstore.
This girl is crazy, but she is nice. I remember that until two years ago we talked a lot ... I often accompanied her to the bookstore after school ... Then, all of a sudden, I noticed that she started talking less and less with me ... I don't know why. Yet she never seemed angry with me: she continued to smile at me as usual.
Perhaps this is my chance to return to be her friend ...

Finally the basketball training is over ... Today the coach had no mercy on us.
After taking a shower with my teammates, I check my watch and take a shot: it's already eight o'clock in the evening! I have to prepare dinner!
I run home and when I arrive I am greeted by a very good smell of rice noodles with vegetables.
"I'm back!"
Su runs towards me.
"Big brother! Kido and Yueyue cooked together for us!"
I go into the kitchen and see my friend and Shen Yue grappling with the stove, laughing like crazy.
Oh no, Shen Yue! You will not even take my friends!
"Dylan, I asked Kido to stay for dinner, I hope you don't mind ... He gave me a big help today," she tells me.
"Of course I don't mind, his presence here is more welcome than your" I answer.
"God, I can't stand you!" she barks.
"And I can't stand you, so you're going back to your house at last?"
"Guys, that's enough! Let's sit down to eat" Kido intervenes.
Yue and I launch a look of fire and then take a seat at the table.
"How was your training?" Kido asks me as we eat.
"Well, even if I am destroyed now ... The coach will not let us breathe! Next month there will be the match against the Jingo High School and we have to be prepared, they are very strong" I explain.
"Yeah, I remember you lost by a breath against them last year!"
"In fact ... But this year we will have our revenge!"
"YEEEEEEEAH! YOU WILL WIN BIG BROTHEEEEER" Su shouts, raising the wands in the air.
Yue bursts out laughing.
"I guess you'll be tired too ... There were a lot of boxes to unload?"
"A mountain! But this little girl is very strong!" grin Kido, pointing to Yue.
"I told you so! But now my shoulders and arms hurt," she replies.
Kido pushes away the empty plate and gets up, then goes behind Yue's chair and starts massaging her shoulders slowly.
"Kido! No need!" she exclaims, blushing.
"Shhh! But yes, you'll see that soon you'll be better".
I see her relax and close her eyes, while her lips are bent into a small smile.
That's enough. I have to save Kido before he falls completely into that viper's trap.
Now I say I'm going to sleep, so he goes home.
"Guys, I can't stand anymore ... I really think I'll go to bed," I announce, faking a yawn.
"OK, good-night friend!" he smiles at me.
What the hell! Why does he stay there? Seriously he want to stay alone with her ?!
"You should go too, Shen Yue. You're already ugly when you're not tired, imagine now" I say bored.
"Hey! Yueyue is beautiful! She's the most beautiful girl in the world!" Su gets angry.
"I agree!" Kido laughs.
Yue blushes and shakes her head.
"What a bad taste," I reply.
"Weren't you going to sleep? Go, Dyla. The three of us will watch a cartoon on the couch ... Right Su?" asks Yue.
He nods and runs on the couch.
"With us, you mean ..." Kido murmured, uncertain.
"I, you and Su ... if you want".
"Of course!"
I could puke. Aaaaaaah! KIDOOOO! WHAT A STUPID GUY!
"I'll come too," I muttered.
"Weren't you destroyed?"
"Don't bother".

How beautiful! This evening there is also Kido with us! But the sofa is too small for all four, so I'm standing on my brother's lap. Yue is sitting between him and Kido.
As we watch the cartoon, I realize that Kido plays with Yue's hand ... Maybe they're engaged? I don't want it! Nobody has to take her away from me!
I think Dylan also saw their hands, because he has a very angry face. Won't it be that he wants to get engaged with her too? I decided, I have to do something.
I get out of my brother's knees and put myself comfortable on those of Yue.
"Hey, little puppy" she smiles, kissing me on the cheek.
Kido leaves her hand. Heard, apes? I'm her puppy!

The cartoon is finished and, as usual, Su has fallen asleep ... And Kido too.
"Wait, I'll take him to his room," Dylan whispers softly, pointing to his brother.
He's about to take him, but Su is clinging hard to my neck.
"Pff ... What a fool," Dylan snorts.
He tries again, but Su doesn't give up.
"Give me a hand to get up, I'll take him," I tell him.
"But he's heavy".
"Don't worry, I can do it if you help me".
He hesitates for a moment, then wraps my waist with an arm and lifts me up from the couch effortlessly, while I hold Su tight to me.
"Can you do it?" he asks me.
I nod and try to walk, but after a few steps I realize that this little one is really too heavy for me.
Dylan notices it and once again supports me, and together we take Su to his bedroom. I feel Dylan's warm hands on the light fabric of my blouse and a chill pervades my back ... But what's wrong with me ?!
"Thank you" I whisper, once out of Su's room.
"You're welcome... Kido is right: you're strong" he replies, surprised. His cheeks are red and a smile escapes me.
We go back to the living room, where Kido still snores loudly on the sofa.
"Do you think we should wake him up?" I ask.
"Yes ... I know his mother and I already know that she would be mad if he didn't go home tonight ... You go to sleep, I'll take care of it".
"Ok ... Goodnight, Dylan".
"Goodnight, Shen Yue".
I put on my pajamas and once in bed, I think back to this day ... Despite all the attentions and compliments from Kido, my heart has not beaten faster even for once ...

"Hey, Kido ... Wake up".
I shake my friend a little, who slowly opens his eyes and looks around.
"Damn, I collapsed," he laughs.
"Yeah, you're worse than Su!"
"Yue has already gone to sleep?"
"Yes, a little while ago".
"Too bad, I wanted to say hello".
Oh, please ...
"Look, Kido ... Don't waist your time on her, ok?"
"What? Why?"
"Because she's the enemy! You can't be so familiar with the enemy!" I exclaim, exasperated.
"Shhhhh! Speak softly ... Anyway ... Are you seriously still convinced that Yue is bad? But have you seen how she takes care of you and your brother?"
"It's just a tactic, Kido! Don't you understand? You don't have to trust her."
Kido looks at me for a few seconds and then he shakes his head.
"You do as you please, Dylan. I want to be her friend. Goodnight. "
He puts his jacket on and goes away.
What a fool.

Author's corner
Hello girls 😘 What do you think about this chapter? Is our Didi really still so convinced that Yue is bad? Mmh ... 🤔
Let me know what you think! A big hug 💜💛

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