[old] hexes for exes, briarvi...

By nyxiekitsune

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❛ DON'T YOU KNOW THAT I CRIED TEARS OF GOLD FOR YOU? ❜ Livia Wong likes to think of herself as a vacu... More

author's note 01/03/2023
hexes for exes
characters + playlist
author's note


108 14 0
By nyxiekitsune

before anything, I'd like to inform you all that I've changed livia's FC! I love Chloe Bennet, but she is WAYYYY too overused imo. Hence, I've changed it to Jasmine Vega (Lizzie on CAOS!)

stubborn girls)

ONE OF THESE DAYS, Livia will leap off the tallest cliff in Briarville (which really isn't that tall) and pray that heaven or hell lets her in. Probably the latter, since she's not exactly the best person. Never has been, not that she's sad about it. The world punishes good people- look no further than Melody Martinez.

Enough self-pity and moping. Livia was just doing her homework in her room when her phone began to ring. Well, it didn't. It just started trembling on her desk, since she always has it on silent mode.

A glance at the screen informed her that it was Madi Tahiri herself calling. A smile appeared on Livia's face. Here it was.

"Hello there, Tahiri."

"Livia. How's your sister?"

"Wow," Livia drawled. "No hellos to me first?"

"We both know you're probably not okay."

"...true. Pamela is fine. What's up?"

"I did promise you I'll call later on!" Madi's voice was unnaturally cheerful. In Livia's memory, she's always been a bit of a cynic. The cheerful tone made her feel slightly unsettling.

So she said, "Someone's happy today."

"Duh, we were practising our choreography and I like, finally aced it. And I thought what they taught in dance class back at Bellington was hard? This was way more difficult. I'm so happy."

"I'm glad you aced it, Tahiri. So. You're calling because of Pamela again, or do you just want to chat?"

Madi paused for a moment. To be fair, Livia already knew the answer. They were never that close to begin with. One only ever called the other to ask for a favour or to give one.

"Sort of both. Anya is sort of... downright refusing to tell me anything useful."

"Ouch. Don't you have any other spies in there?" Livia asked, frowning as she drummed her fingers against her desk. God, it felt so stupid being so dedicated to some silly game teenagers play, but she'd be lying if she said it wasn't interesting. It definitely was.

"I've always relied on Anya... my mistake, I suppose. I have other sources, but... y'know," Madi grumbled. Livia heard sounds of movement. Probably Tahiri climbing out of bed or out of a chair. Nonetheless, Livia winced at the harsh, unexpected sound.

"She's been okay. Still angry at me, but more-or-less okay."

Madi let out an exhale. "Anya wasn't lying when she said Pamela's stubborn."

Livia didn't say anything. This was a sentence that didn't require answering, Livia noted. So she let Madi continue:

"I've gotten some information. Aaliyah Rodriguez isn't posting daily on her Instagram, which definitely means she's up to something-" daily posts? Seriously? Livia struggles with monthly "-and I heard Lavender Estep either got chased out of school or just switched to the online programme. That's one more girl out of the race."

"Wait, more?"

"What? You don't think everyone's still running, do you? Aaliyah got a few of her allies to drop out and support her instead. Pretty sure it's down from twelve to eight now."

"This is like... The Selection. The Hunger Games. Jesus fookin' Christ."

"Don't say fookin'. It makes you sound like a maniac."

"No it doesn't! Anyways, is there any way I can sort of... help Pamela?"

"At this point, she might have gotten confident- remind her that Aaliyah has played this game much longer than she has, and learnt a thing or two from the monster of it all- me," there was obvious pride in Madi's voice as she continued, "but Rodriguez is just as human as she is. She'll be well too happy right now. Hell, she got out Lavender Estep. Even I struggled with that bitch."

"Who is Lavender Estep?"

"Ugh, you don't want to know. Just know that she's an absolute headache to deal with, and both Pamela and Aaliyah gain advantages with her gone- to be fair, everyone gains advantages with her gone. Everyone hates her anyways."

"Sounds like an amazing person."

"I am not in the mood to deal with your sarcasm, Wong. Just remind Pamela to calm the fuck down as I try to get Anya to actually supply me with information again- are those two working together to keep me out of all this or something?"

Both girls instantly fell quiet.

"It's possible," Livia murmured quietly. "Pamela knows you're trying to interfere."

"For fuck's sake. Why wouldn't your sister want my help anyways? Having me sort of back her validates her claim in some strange way."

"Well, didn't you say that you're technically not even allowed to interfere?"


"I'll see if I can... pry answers out of her. She'll probably rip my eyes out," Livia snorted. "This is not going to be fun at all. I can already tell."

"Sisters," Madi hummed. She'd know. Adeline Tahiri's studying Law at some expensively prestigious Ivy League college in America. The two aren't close, and Adeline seemed to always best Madeleine in whatever she did, much to her chagrin. That was, until Madi got accepted into Bellington all those years ago.

"Anything else?"

"If all else fails, don't be afraid to play dirty."

"How dirty?"

"If she's dedicated enough, illegal dirty. But only if she's sure she wouldn't get caught," Madi hummed.

Livia snorted. "I'm not telling my sister to kill someone."

"She doesn't have to kill anyone, Livia. Illegal doesn't automatically mean murder."

"If that method is illegal, then it's illegal for a reason. No. I'm not letting Pamela throw her entire future into the dirt for some silly high school prom queen crown."

Madi let out a chortle. "Your choice. Except it isn't yours to make, so tell her anyways. Make it clear that it's a last resort."

"Madeleine Tahiri..."

"What?" The Moroccan-British girl asked innocently. "It's just a suggestion. Chill."

It made Livia wonder what lengths Madi had gone to to win her little crown. Illegal activity. Livia kept in mind to google any incidents that had any links to Bellington later.

"Right, right, anything else?" Livia asked, trying to salvage the conversation that was becoming increasingly awkward.

Madi fell silent, deep in thought. Finally, she replied, "Don't think so."

"I'll see you around- or not, since you're all the way in London."

Livia ended the call first. Letting out a groan, she placed her phone back down on her table, too exhausted to continue with her homework. She needs water.

The girl pushed her chair away, forcing herself up. Yawning and stretching, she yanked open her bedroom door, only to find Pamela almost falling onto the carpet. Fuck. Still, Livia remained her cool, fixing her sister with a cold stare.

"You got a problem?"

"Tell Madi Tahiri that I don't want her help."

Pamela was practically steaming. Livia didn't back down. "She's helping you, Pamela. Be grateful, goddamnit."

"I don't want her help," Pamela shot back, trying to pull herself back up.

"Then don't take her advice. It's that easy, Pammy. And stop eavesdropping, it's rude."

"Stop interfering with my business- that's rude too."

"I'm your sister, Pamela. I'm supposed to keep you safe- I failed with Mareena, I don't want to lose you too," Livia sighed, kneeling down to help Pamela up. Pamela swatted her hands away, still bristling with anger. This is not the first time Livia has faced her sister's wrath- hers was much worse anyways.

"I don't need your protection!" Pamela snapped. "I'm sixteen- I know what I want. I can do what I want. I don't need your help. Or Madeleine Tahiri's. I can do this myself! If I get into trouble, it's my problem, not yours."

"Pamela Wong!" Livia snarled, growing more and more agitated by the second. "Your actions have consequences. If you screw up, Dad's business will be affected. I'll be affected. Mom will be affected! If this is as dangerous and risky as Madi claims, it's not just your game. We're all in this."

"I. Don't. Need. Your. Help," Pamela gritted out. "I'll be fine on my own. I've always been fine on my own! Just leave me by myself! I can handle this!"

Livia shot Pamela a pointed look. "Can you?"

Pamela nodded.

"Pamela. Realise that if you fuck up, we're all going to fuck up. What you do will affect all of us. This is a dangerous game you're playing. You don't want me to help? Fine. Don't come running to me when they cut you down with their knives."

With a roll of her eyes, Livia stormed downstairs, not bothering to turn her head to witness Pamela scurrying back into her bedroom. Little eavesdropping piece of shit.

When she walked into the kitchen, Livia poured herself a good cup of Chinese tea and downed it all in one big gulp. God, tieguanyin is so good. It's so soothing, too. Instantly, Livia felt her muscles calm down. She had been shaking. She didn't even notice.

Sometimes, you tend to not notice the details when you're feeling intense emotions. It's why Livia always tries her best to stay calm, though that usually doesn't work out too well. She's not meant to stay cool. Livia likes to do things.

But how can she do anything when she can't even figure out herself?

Her answer was this:

Just don't do anything. You'll only be pouring gasoline on the flames. Leave it to the others to put it out, because you only ever make things worse. It can't be a coincidence anymore. It's your fault, no one else's.

A slam of the door snapped Livia out of her trance, as her eyes flickered towards the top of the stairs. She could faintly spy Pamela's shut door. Snorting, Livia placed her cup in the sink, shaking her head. Girls will be girls.

A few minutes later, she found herself back in her bedroom. Grabbing her phone, Livia ensured that her door was locked behind her before finding Madi in her long list of contacts.

Pamela overheard our call.

A moment later, her phone buzzed. Madi had replied.

lemme guess she's pissed

Livia snorted.

What did you expect?

The phone went quiet for a few minutes, and Livia thought that Madi might be doing something- calling Anya, maybe? But a bit later, she responded:

i'll see what i can do, wong.

Livia doubted Madi could do that much. She had lost a lot of her influence. She didn't have to be a genius to realise that Madeleine is no longer the girl-goddess she used to be. Besides, she only just started in the music industry, any power she has stems from her father, which is a very fragile thing.

So she replied with a simple Okay. Madi must have sensed that that was the end of the conversation, since the girl left her on read. She didn't really mind. There wasn't much for either to say anymore. Business transactions. Shakes of hands and brilliant, flashing smiles, but both sides' loyalties lay as thin as paper. Paper alliances with no real deal behind, the only reason they're even interacting is because there's something at risk that both of them care about- Madi, power; Livia, her family reputation and Pamela's safety.

Which places her at a disadvantage. Livia frowned. Madi has more say in this entire matter than she did.

(And then, Brie's advice chimed in her mind- not everything is a war or transaction, and she has to stop acting like they are. So Livia calmed down.)

Back to homework. Got to finish it all before her mother comes home.

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