The Boyfriend Project. C.H. (...

By Foreverattached

1.6M 41.3K 17.2K

"Calum please don't go." I plead desperately. "I can't stay." He says coldly before grabbing his bag and wa... More

The boyfriend project. C.H. (A.U.)
Thirty - Six.
Note ◇
Important! ◇
Sixty-Three. (Part 1)
Sixty-Three. (Part 2)
Sixty-Three (Part 3)
Thank you ♡
Seventy - One.
Epilogue and Sequel details.
Seventy- Seven.
Seventy-Eight. (Part 1)
Seventy-Eight. (Part 2)
Eighty - Epilogue
A/N: The End. ♥
Sequel ♥
Hi or Hey ♡
Alternate Ending ♥
One Million Reads!


12.8K 429 477
By Foreverattached

Wednesday 8th October.

For the first time since I made the mistake of sleeping with Kyle I felt like things were starting to become better.

Things with Calum were still tense of course but that awkwardness had slowly disappeared and we were no longer tip toeing around each other. It was almost like old times just minus the talking and joking and laughing and get the point.

I would take slow process over no progress though and it seemed as if the ice between myself and Calum was slowly beginning to thaw.

I really didn't blame him for anything though. If the shoe was on the other foot I know I would of been exactly the same if not worse. I know that I tried to use the excuse that we weren't even 'dating' but that didn't matter.

There were plenty of feelings on my side so why did I think that it wouldn't be the same on Calum's side? Like I said I was an idiot.

I had decided that if things continued this way then I would make Calum listen to what I had to say and instead of avoiding it like I had been, I was going to lay all my cards on the table.

I would tell him why I slept with Kyle and I would finally tell him how I felt but then again things never went according to plan when it involved the two of us.


"Back to my place?" Luke asks looking around the boxing bag that he was holding in place for me while my fists continuously connected to the bag.

Kyle was the only thing I was picturing and it definitely helped with how pissed off I still was.

It would be even better if it was actually his face.

"Calum?" Luke calls getting my attention.

"Sorry, yeah." I tell him dropping my hands.

"Okay sweet." Luke nods letting go of the bag and grabbing his water bottle.

I knew that all boys had picked up on my not so pleasant moods lately though none of them had asked me about them and I hadn't told them anything. I guess I hadn't told them because I honestly didn't even know what had happened.

I mean I know that Genie had slept with that jerk off but I just didn't understand why... What possible reason could she of had to do that?

I'm not gonna lie it fucking hurt but it didn't change at all how I felt about her which sucked because I was still so pissed off about it.

You know I never use to understand the whole still loving someone even after they had messed up and hurt you but now I really understood. I guess that's how parents felt with their kids, unconditional love and all that.

"Caluuum!" Luke yells and snap my head up to look at him. "I was talking to you.."

"Oh sorry,  I just blanked out."

"I noticed." Luke chuckles. My friends were honestly so awesome. They all knew that if I wanted to talk about whatever it was then I would and so they didn't bother me about it which I was grateful for.

"So what were you saying?" I ask trying to focus my attention on Luke.

Eventually after messing around the gym for a little while longer Luke and I finally got to his house.

"So what's going on with Claudia?" I ask raising my eyebrows at Luke. Although I had been so caught up in my own drama, The whole Luke and Claudia thing hadn't gone unnoticed.

"I haven't talked to her weeks." Luke says shaking his head.

"What happened?"

"Long story short I told her I loved her and that I wanted to be with her and she just said nothing." Luke tells me then a dry chuckle leaves his lips. "I guess I should of known that that  was never going to work out huh?"

"Damn Luke that sucks." I say biting down on my lip. That really did suck and it only brought up my own fears in telling Genie how I feel.

What if she did what Claudia did to Luke?

"Serves me right though Cal, everyone around her and me knew we wouldn't work as a couple but no, I just had to be my good old optimistic self."

"Come on Luke that's something we all love about you."

" just sucks when you really want someone and you think they want you too but then you turn out to be wrong." Luke lets out a sigh.

"I know man, I know."

"No wonder Michael doesn't date." Luke says suddenly. "I guess he got screwed over more then I did but still." Ah right.

Michael didn't date because he wanted to be an asshole male and just sleep around, No. Michael just got sick of being screwed over by girls which was fair enough.

I did think that him and Aria would of worked out well but no amount of convincing could get him to even consider that.

"Maybe you should bat for the other team?" I suggest with a smirk. This conversation definitely needed to be lightened up.

"You're such a dick." Luke laughs shaking his head at me.

"It's a talent." I shrug.

"Honestly Cal, You and Ash got so lucky, things seem so simple and easy for you two."

"Nothings ever how it seems Luke." Though I wish that wasn't the case.

"I guess." Luke sighs. "Anyway I feel way too girly right now so lets do something manly."

"Manly?" I laugh. "Alright Hemmings what do you have in mind?"

"How about...." Luke stops to think before a grins appears on his face. "A game of football."

"That's your best idea yet." I praise ad Luke and I both stand.

"I know." Luke says smugly. "We just need to find the ball." Oh god, here we go. Since Luke was naturally quite a messy person he usually lost stuff pretty easily.

And by lost I mean buried deep in his mess.

Twenty minutes had gone by and we still hadn't found Luke's stupid ball.

"You dispose of your condoms properly right Luke?" I yell from the top of the stairs.

Before I even step foot in his room I wanted to make sure that there was no chance of finding any used condoms.

I mean Luke and I were close but not that close.

"Have you met my mum?" Luke yells back and I have to laugh. Thank god out of all the things that Liz taught Luke, that one actually stuck.

Once I've gotten confirmation that I wouldn't find anything that I didn't want to, I enter Luke's room and let out a groan almost immediately.

I loved the kid but damn was he messy.

I spend a good fifteen minutes searching his room and I'm utterly relieved when I find the ball under his bed.

I'm about to find Luke and tell him the great news when something catches my eye.

What the fuck?


"Lots of kicking then huh?" I ask in amusement. I was once again skyping Bobby and he had been telling me all the latest on Kristy's pregnancy.

"Oh yeah and apparently it's all my fault." Bobby gives me lopsided grin making me smile.

"Well you are the one who impregnated her."

"Yeah, Yeah." Bobby chuckles and goes to open his mouth to say something else but Calum comes barging in to my room and the first thing he does his slam my laptop shut instantly disconnecting my call with Bobby.

Well that was rude.

A frown instantly spreads across my face as I take in his appearance. He was taking extremely sharp breaths, Almost as if his chest was struggling to control his breathing. His fists were both clenched, sitting at his side, His eyes looked like they were on fire and he had a permanent frown etched onto his face.

"Cal?" My voice is so quiet that I don't think he even hears me. I had never ever seen him this worked up and honestly I was scared.

"You know this whole time everyone has thought that Claudia was slut when in reality it's actually you." Calum's voice is rough and what he says makes me feel like the wind had been knocked out of me.

"Excuse me?" I manage. I was still stunned at the words that had just left his mouth.

"If you're going to fuck my friends at least have the decency to cover your tracks better." Calum spits one of his hands reaching in to his pocket before he chucks something on my bed.

My bra.

The one I was wearing that night at Luke's.

Well shit.

"You think I slept with Luke?" I ask looking up at him but by the look on his face, I knew very well what he thought.

"Didn't you?"

"I..-" I start but then stop. Was there even any point in defending myself when clearly he had his mind made up?

I honestly couldn't believe that he thought I would do or that I could. I know I slept with Kyle but Luke?!

"It's yours isn't it?" Calum asks his voice rising just the slightest.

"We both know it is." I say shaking my head. I really had no words tight now.

"You know when you asked if I just wanted to get in your pants but I said no? Well that was lie." Calum says harshly. "I did just want to get in your pants and I honestly have no idea why I kept the whole 'fake dating' going, I mean I got what I wanted."

Well that hurt. I'm pretty sure my heart split in half at that information. I guess Sam was right after all.

"You know what?!" I ask feeling something snap. If Calum wanted to hurt me like that then I was going to do it right back. "I did sleep with Luke, and trust me he made me feel better then you ever did."

I can see that my words sting him and that's exactly what I wanted, even though there was that small part of me that felt insanely guilty. I never wanted to see Calum hurt yet here I was doing just that and even worse I was using one of his best friends to do it.

"I should of never wasted my time with the whole 'fake dating' shit, clearly you're as easy as they come." Calum growls.

"Fuck you." I seethe. I very rarely swore at anyone but I was just beyond pissed right now and also extremely extremely upset.

"You did Genie, Oh and Luke and Kyle."

"Just piss off Calum. Honestly I'm just done." I tell him my eyes dropping to the floor, really I just wanted him to leave so that I could cry in peace, there was no way that I would cry in front of him.

"If that's what you want."

"It is." I say and I feel my heart break even more when I look at him again. It was hard seeing the person you love in pain but it was even harder knowing you were the cause.

God Calum I'm so sorry. This was not what I wanted.

"Fine." Calum mumbles before walking out of my room, making sure to slam my door on the way out.

An hour had passed and it been quiet, too quiet. I knew Calum hadn't gone anywhere cause I hadn't heard the front door.

Of course over the last hour I had practically sobbed. I knew that this was all my fault and that I pretty much deserved all of this but it didn't make it hurt any less.

All I wanted was for Calum to hold me in his arms and tell me that everything was going to be okay.

That was seriously all I wanted but then again we can't have everything we want.

My ears perk at the sound of Calum's door opening and then his footsteps, I hear the front door open and him walk out only to enter again a few minutes later.

My curiosity gets the better of me and find myself getting off my bed and opening my door to peak out.

Whar I see of course makes my chest tighten and without a second thought I step out in to the hallway and follow after Calum.

"Calum please don't go." I plead desperately.

"I can't stay." He says coldly before grabbing his bag and walking to the door.

"Cal.." I reach out for him but he flinches away.

"It's feels like you put a knife through my chest and pushed it right through to the other side of my back." His eyes are glassy and I feel my heart shatter.

This wasn't suppose to happen. Calum was the last person I ever wanted to hurt yet I had hurt him the most.

"The Boyfriend project worked out really well Genie." He says before walking out the door.

A/N: Well this chapter hurt to write ;*

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