Beautifully Flawed

Von feranulopo

1.8K 352 100

Meet Rhea silver ,the New girl. She is feisty and confident yet so insecure it gives you a headache.she lost... Mehr

Author's note
"you've got this"
"You have no idea"
" what"
"who does that!?"
"or else you'll what"
"uhh.....I don't know"
"what time is it? "
"I've got an idea"
" you're forgiven"
"never! "
"I'll try "
"Are you okay?"
"well i have t-"
"fuck these tears"
"I hate you!"
"can I tell you something"
"come with me"
"well, i said no!"
"it's faster"
"Oh My God"
"shut up"
"where were they?"
"i-I'm sorry"
"W-What guy?"
" i love you more"
"oh thank God!"
"Are you ready?"
" 'El crándo'...."
"i agree"
"i told you so"
"How do i look?"
"Give me a minute."
"Get up"

"what?.....hell no!"

38 8 1
Von feranulopo

"Fuck you stupid sun" I'm woken up with a nasty headache and the bright sunlight streaming into my room.I'm about to get up when I feel my whole body erupt with pain .And that's when all the events from last night come crashing down on me ,the race, that wacky club, the girl in the room,those sick rapists,the fight shoulder. Turning to look at my injured shoulder, I wince  in pain . After lying on my bed for about five minutes , I struggle to get off the bed. Shuffling to the bathroom ,I stand in front of the mirror and to say I look like a mess is an understatement . My white tube top has blood stains on it ,my hair is a tangeled mess and I have mascara smeared all over my face....and a little bit of drool. To put it simply I look like something out of a zombie Apocalypse . After taking a much needed shower ,with plenty of difficulty I put on my loose short shorts and an oversized white T-shirt. I honestly don't know how I'm going to explain my injury to my dad. Speaking of my dad, I wonder if he's home . Basically dragging myself out of the room I'm engulfed in something that smells almost heavenly, walking towards the staircase I sniff the air trying to guess what it is, and I smell pancakes ,coffee and my dad's signature omelette ."yup, he's home " I say with a smile. Deciding there's no way to hide from him especially when I'm sooooo hungry , I head downstairs . Turning the corner to enter the kitchen "hey dad ,why are you up so earl-" I'm so shocked by the sight in front of me. My Dad and JAKE Anderson are MY kitchen? "Oh hey Rhea honey, you're up". " uhhh....what's going on?" I ask still trying to comprehend the image of my dad cooking omelettes right beside Jake Anderson who is flipping pancakes SHIRTLESS in MY kitchen! "what do you mean...we're making breakfast" " okay". " so Rhea , how was your race and please explain why I met this fine young man in my house this morning" "uhhhh....t-the race went well...Axel tried to cheat again, but I still beat him....literally" I said with a snicker while recalling the race . "okayyy, but why is he here?" Dad asked while pointing at Jake. "Umm...I sort of had an accident yesterday and he helped me get home "  "Rhea ,are you alright!? What sort of accident, are you hurt?" He asked quickly making his way towards me " yeah dad I'm fine...its just a shoulder injury ". " actually , you need to get that checked up...we both know its not just a shoulder injury" I hand Jake a hard glare for butting in and because I know he's right "tell me Rhea, what happened" letting out a sigh I take a sit on the kitchen island "look Dad I don't want you to worry ,okay?...its just that after the race ...we went to a nearby club to celebrate my win and then Jake and I sort of walked in on what was supposed to be a gang rape . it was horrible, about three guys were trying to rape this little girl and I'm pretty sure she was about thirteen. We just had to help her. We ended up in a fight and at the last minute the last guy stabbed me when I was trying to help the girl...its really nothing major.Jake treated it for me but I'm going to the hospital to get it checked out" he's quiet for about a minute before he let's out a breath ,shaking his head slightly "look Rhea ,I'm honestly proud of you for saving that little girl but you need to be more careful I don't know what I'd do if something happened to you" "I love you dad" "I love you more sugarplum"  "come on dad , not that nickname again!" He lightly kisses me on the forehead and walks out of the kitchen . I let out a sigh ,grabbing a plate and pilling it up with pancakes and omelettes "uhhh...are you really going to finish that?" Jake asked with and amused look on his face "yeah ...why?" " isn't that a little...too much?"  "Please...I'm only eating this little because I need to get back on a diet" at this he let's out a bark of laughter his head falling back "y-you're about to eat about twelve pancakes and you say you're on- on a diet!?" He says still laughing uncontrollably " if you don't stop making fun of me right now ,I'm going to slap you with this frying pan"
He stops laughing and I take my plate to the living room and turn on the TV , he clears up the kitchen and meets me in the living room with his own stack of pancakes.  "So ...what have you planned for today"  "nothing really....I have to get my shoulder checked and I need to fix up my the way where is my bike?" "Oh Shawn and Ace dropped it off earlier"   "thanks alot for helping me out yesterday ,it means a lot. I guess this means we are friends now?" "Duh....we totally kicked ass yesterday Rhea,so yes I guess we're friends" .

"Oh my God Rhea! ,I'm so sorry about what happened....God! I feel like an awful person's all my fault, I should have never taken you to that club ,I should have never got drunk, it was so irresponsible of me .I'm so sorry, really I understand if you don't ever want to see me again just-"  "Mira please just shut up!" Mira came to check up on me a couple of minutes ago and she's been pacing and ranting about how sorry she is for the past ten minutes . She's giving me a freaking headache and I really can't take it anymore "listen to me Mira...I've honestly been through more shit and you really need to understand that it's not and it definitely was NOT your fault . So please stop pacing!"  " I know , I just can't help feeling guilty, i really am sorry....its just that i haven't really been myself lately i just felt like i needed to loosen up" i actually understand her more than she could ever believe. She isn't  really in a good  state of mind, obviously it's not everyday you get to hear that your dad's a supposed killer...."Mira, stop apologising everything will be know what lets go to the mall i need new boots"  "i dont think thats safe Rhea, you're injured and you just took your meds" "calm down okay....I'm perfectly fine, now lets go"  Mira drives us to the mall and we start looking for the perfect pair of boots. We've been here for almost an hour now and I've finally found the boots of my dreams. Mira and i decide to head to the food court for lunch."but seriously ,why boots, why not heels or flats or sneakers?"  "I have enough of those already and boots are really comfy" as we walk into the food court I'm suprised to see Jake ,holding hands with a little girl who looks around the age of eight ..........and he's a real full smile! I point them out to Mira and we're about to walk up to them when i notice two men in black t-shirts and sleeves of tattoos staring at them.
Honestly, I'm pretty sure their up to no good because they don't exactly look happy . "Uhhh....Mira?"  "Yeah?"  "Is it just me or are those men in black t-shirts staring at Jake like they want to rip his head off?"  "Yeah...those guys look angry, do you think Jake knows them?"  "Well I guess there's only one way to find out" I stroll across the food court towards Jake's booth .Jake looks up and his eyes  widen in suprise "Rhea,what are you doing here?"  "What do people do at the mall"  "well i mean you're  injured  and i literally just saw you a few hours ago"  "well I'm injured...not dead . But any ways i need you to check this out for me" i pull out a compact mirror from my bag and set it at an angle ,so he can see the two men staring at him and the little girl. I see jake staring at the mirror with a confused look on his face. "These guys have been staring at you for a few minutes now....they look like bad news,do you know them?" A look of realization sets on his face and he begins to shake his head  "what?...hell no!" "You have to calm down" i turn to little girl and offer her a small smile "hi there, I'm Rhea"  "hey,I'm chloe but you can call me chlo" she says with a cute shy smile on her face "so chlo ,I'm  guessing you're  Jakes little sister?" "Yup" she says popping the 'p' turning back to Jake "Jake we need yo get the both of you out of here without making a scene....we need to leave unnoticed so they don't follow us"  " you have a plan? Or what do you suggest we do?"  "Did you come with your car...or a bus?"  "Unfortunately we came with a bus" jake says with an embarrassed sigh  "good, so chlo is going to go with Mira while I get rid of those two guys"  "and how do you plan to do that?" Jake asks with narrowed eyes. "Leave that to me,but while their occupied i need you to slip out through the underground parking . Mira will be waiting there with her car .I'll meet up with you in a few minutes"  "why -why are you doing this . I mean you're  injured but you're still going through all this to help me ?"  "Well for one ,you saved me back at the club and.....I'll do anything for the adrenalin rush "with a sly smile i shoo Mira and chloe away, take a fry out of his food pack,and look around . In no time ,i spot three security gaurds chatting at the far end of the food court. Taking in a deep breath i begin to run, despite my injured shoulder. I run as fast as possible with a distressed look on my face while stumbling. Soon i reach the security gaurds and I  bump into one of them "whoa there, be careful ......are you okay, are you hurt?" He asks while staring at me with a scrutinizing gaze. "Y-yeah, I'm  okay b-but there were some guys in black,they had t-tattoos ,lots of them and they came into the girls restroom and they've been following my friend and i about all day, and now they keep watching my brother, I swear i don't even know them" Gosh, i should win an award for this. I mean my acting skills are on point . The three gaurds  look at each other and then one with the name badge ' Mike ' asks "where are these men?" I point them out slowly without being noticed ."did they hurt you ?" "N-no but please make them stop" "its okay girly calm down" they walk towards them and i notice Jake slip out of the food court unnoticed while the two men are being dragged out by the security gaurds . They keep yelling and asking what they did ,but the security  gaurds weren't  having any of it. I meet up with jake and Mira at the parking lot and we drive out.
"Thanks alot for helping out in there...i feel so stupid for not noticing that I was being followed or watched"  "it's okay really, now who wants to come over to my place for some pizza!?" Chloe immediately raises her hands while bouncing in her seat "me! me! me!"  "Okay then, to my house it is!"


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