breathe// 5SOS

By 5sosxruel

115K 3.7K 258

SEQUEL TO FOREVER Getting better wasn't immediate, and that was frustrating. It created tension between fam... More



1.2K 41 2
By 5sosxruel


"All better," Luke smiled, the two of them shuffling into the living room. This time, she pushed me out the way to sit with Michael, Cal and I moving up.

"That's good,"

"I'm hungry again,"

"Can you help me make lunch then?"

She nodded and came to the kitchen, where we made everyone a sandwich. Carefully, she took her's and Michael's through, quietly eating her own. I hated it when she felt like she had to mind her own business around people who cared for her.

"What's on your mind?" Michael pushed, brushing the hair from her face.

"What am I doing this week?"

"Well, Harry asked if you'd like to see his friends on Tuesday, you could perhaps see Julie, and Harry said he gave Sam your snapchat,"

"I've not had a message,"

"You don't really go on your phone, do you? I'd have a look just in case,"

She went on her phone and hummed, putting it back down.

"He couldn't message because I didn't add him back,"

"Oh right. If he wants to do anything then we'll sort it out,"


"Decide when you want your nails done with Amber too,"


"Can we trust you to be okay in Luke's office tomorrow?"

"Yeah. Can you visit?"

"We aren't sure," Calum said, "it's a hit and miss day because we have some patients tomorrow who really don't like being there. I'd imagine the day would run back to back,"

"Oh, okay,"

"In fact, you could go to Grandma's and spend some time with Lauren. Mum is picking up an extra shift but Lauren gets back from uni- she'd live your company.

"Yes please,"

I nodded and put my empty plate down, turning on the tv.

"We have Taylor, and Ashley, and Toby," Calum muttered.

"Toby is nice,"

"The other two aren't,"

"Dad, please can we watch a Disney film?"

"Choose one for us, then I think the guys will start to head off,"


"You'll see us later this week anyway,"

"When is Viola back?"

"Not long after they've gone I expect,"

Contently, she watched the film, her and Michael under the blanket. It was a cooler day, and the air con had been on, so I guessed she was feeling the difference.

Luke leant on me, and I leant on Calum, putting my arm round his shoulder. Being with all my friends made me feel so safe and supported.

My family were my rock, but these guys were like... a boulder. I genuinely wouldn't get through a single day without them.

They fuelled my energy, and thoughts, helping me come up with the ideas and positivity I needed. They offered advice, they let me cry to them, and they celebrated my happiness.

I never dreamt I would have friends like this. I never dreamt I'd have someone like Viola, and I never dreamt I'd have such an amazing daughter. Lauren was in uni, Harry worked so hard at school, and I was so proud.

"Is tangled getting to you?" Calum chuckled, "You okay?"

"Yeah," I whispered, "just grateful,"

He smiled and Luke looped his arm through mine, his cheek pressed against my arm. Calum was my best friend, Michael and I always helped each other with anxiety, but Luke was my little brother.

I felt like I had to protect him somehow, from something, even if I had watched him grow up. I started uni a year late with Cal, and we were paired up with those two as new students the next year. Michael was pretty independent and distant with things, having been an only child and dealing with anxiety alone, whereas Luke was nervous and stuck with us a lot.

We were like his fake big brothers.

Sometimes I missed those times, because it was much more simple. There was studying, but there were parties and days out, and proper holidays.

I didn't often see him not being professional anymore, because ever since Ava had been around he'd been on alert; moments like this made it shine through again.

"And are you okay?" I whispered to him.

"Yeah, I just miss home,"

"Well we are going over soon,"

He nodded and sat up straight again, the credits rolling onto the screen. Ava had fallen asleep so Michael took her to her bedroom, while Luke gave me a hug.

"I'm so tired,"

"I know," I soothed, "but it's gonna be okay. Petunia will give you lots of cuddles,"

He laughed, nodded and letting go. Michael came back through and folded the blanket back up, stretching his arms.

"I should probably head back, South will miss me,"

"Thanks for coming," I smiled, hugging him, "we really appreciate you being here,"

"I'll see you at some point," he smiled, "tell her I love her,"

"Gosh, I remember you stressing at us, saying she wouldn't be ready. She's come a long way," Calum said, hugging him goodbye after Luke.

When he door shut, and it seemed no one else was leaving, we sat down again.

"Have you been okay?" Calum asked both of us, "really? Because now is the time to talk,"

"I've felt shit," I said honestly, "but it's been okay,"

"Same here, I've been seeing my mum a lot,"

Luke was pretty silent, and I took his hand, giving it a light squeeze.

"And what about you?"

"There's nothing exactly happening, but I feel down. I feel like everything is so routine, and I love my job, but it's sometimes hard to enjoy it. It sucks,"

"I reckon that after Christmas, it'll be a fresh start. I know Ava isn't either of yours, but you've been on this rollercoaster with me,"

"Well I think it's been a wonderful one. We've had our downs, but our ups too," Calum said, "I promise this down goes back up,"

The three of us ended up doing a group hug, before they left, wishing Michael had stayed that little longer.

Once they were gone, I went to Ava's room to check she was still sleeping, opening a window. She stirred and her eyes fluttered open, making her whine.

"Hey babygirl,"

"I'm tired,"

"I know, but do you think you could help me cook?"

"Dad," she whined, tugging at my hand. I hugged her, kissing her cheek.

"Are they all gone?"

"They are, but Viola is back soon,"

"I want Milo,"

"Come and see him then. You also have sandwich stuck in your braces,"

She groaned and stood up, following me to the kitchen. I got the chicken out and gave her some vegetables to cut, and Viola was bringing back the wraps for fajitas.

"Be careful with the knife," I reminded, "Did you have a nice dream?"

"I didn't have one,"

"Oh right. At least it wasn't a nightmare,"

"How small do I cut these?"

"Normal size, enough for all three of us to have at least two,"

"Why would I eat the same as you?"

"You might have less meat. It doesn't really matter,"

"I can't eat the same as you,"

"Ava," I said, washing my hands, "you eat as much as you can. We aren't gonna call you greedy if you eat the same, and it won't matter. If you're hungry then you can't help that,"

"Okay. I've cut everything up,"

I put the chicken in the pan, hearing Viola enter the flat. Ava ran to meet her, while I put the vegetables to cook too.

"Did you have a good day?"

"It was lovely," she smiled, "Your mum is so nice,"

"Good. We had a great time too,"

"You know after Christmas there's a week before our holiday? The orphanage is coming back in,"

"You could come down and see Georgia," I told Ava, "it doesn't feel like almost a year huh?"

"Will she still like me?"

"Of course,"

"Is the food still stuck in my braces?"

"No, you're good,"

She hugged Viola, closing her eyes. Seeing the relief she gave Ava warmed my heart.

"How long have you been boyfriend and girlfriend?"

"Five months. The holiday makes it six,"

"How much longer until she is my mum? What am I supposed to do?"

"I don't know Ava," I chuckled, "I'd wait a little longer until you called her mum though,"


"I know it sounds like a long time, but things are still new-ish with your dad. If we decide down the road to just be friends again, it wouldn't be nice for you to not have me here all the time as a mum," she explained, "we don't plan on that, though,"

"So when you get married?"

"That sounds like it, if we do,"

She nodded and smiled, before biting her lip.

"What about my real mum?"

"What about her?"

"Will she be upset?"

She was so innocent, and caring. Young but old. I held my hand out for her she she took it, leaning on my chest.

"Ava, if you want to talk about your parents, can we maybe do this tomorrow so that I tell you the right thing? I don't want to tell you something that isn't right because you don't deserve that,"



"My first foster home was nice, and they took me out for food and took nice photos, but then it got bad. Or that might've been the orphanage. I'm not really sure,"

"This your home now,"

"With you and Viola,"

"Exactly. Could you set the table?"

She nodded and put the placemats out, Viola kissing my cheek as I served our food up. It had been an extra long say without her.

"Will learning about her parents upset her?"

"I don't know," I sighed, "but she really wants to know,"

We ate our tea together, Viola talking about everything she did. Ava decided she did have a dream, and talked a lot about how we visited the beach, but really I think it was a hint that she wanted to do that on holiday.

Afterwards, she had a bath while we cleaned up, because she complained about her joints aching, then she got in bed. A wave of tiredness had crashed into her.

In agreement that she read to me, I gave her a massage, because at this point she got them every night, then I kissed her goodnight.

"Luke said we are doing a hard workout tomorrow,"

"Take plenty of water then,"

"I don't like it,"

"I know, but we've got to keep you healthy, especially with asthma,"

"I love you,"


Viola and I got ready for bed, digging up all the files we got when Ava was adopted. Finding the one, we settled back.

There was more than I remembered, but not a great deal about her family.

"Her mum was from the Dominican Republic, her dad from the U.K. I got that bit right," I said, opening the files. It said all her homes, and had a little information, but nothing major about her family tree.

They didn't have much on her parents at all, but I guess they didn't need to.

"They moved to Australia two years before Ava was born," Viola said, "they lived in a rough area,"

As I read it more carefully, the situation seemed slightly odd. Her mum was unemployed, yet received child benefits for a child that didn't seem to be anywhere. Fraud would make sense considering her dad was sent to prison twice for short sentences, and had a lot of fines.

But what if it wasn't?

"You think she has a sibling?" Viola asked, raising her eyebrows, "that is a big thing to say,"

"I don't know, maybe. They were getting the amount for a new born, meaning they could be a similar age to Ava," I said, "why else would they get child benefits?"

"Perhaps they were put up for adoption too,"

"But Ava was found one night while they were drinking. Surely they wouldn't make the mistake again?"

I was second guessing everything, because if she had a sibling- an actual blood related family member- then everything would change.

Change for the good... or for the bad? Perhaps I would lose my little girl, perhaps I would gain a son or daughter.

"Or perhaps it is nothing at all," 

"One person has got to know,"


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