Beauty is the Beast (Kakashi...

By Amaterasu

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The combined seasons of 1 and 2 of Beauty is the Beast (Kakashi Love Story) Summary per each season in author... More

Prologue - Demon's Blood
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 - Pt1
Chapter 24 - Pt 2
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Beauty is the Beast: Season 2 - Chapter 1
Season 2: Chapter 2
Season 2: Chapter 3 - Pt 1
Season 2: Chapter 3 - Pt 2
Season 2: Chapter 4
Season 2: Chapter 5
Season 2: Chapter 6
Behind the Scenes Special Post #1
Behind the Scenes Special Post #2
Behind the Scenes Special Post #3
Season 2: Chapter 7 - Pt 1
Season 2: Chapter 7 - Pt 2
Season 2: Chapter 8
Season 2: Chapter 9
Season 2: Chapter 10
Season 2: Chapter 11
Season 2: Chapter 12
Season 2: Chapter 13
Chapter Special #2- First Meeting(s): Toad Sage
Season 2: Chapter 14 - Pt 1
Chapter Special #3- Chunin Exams: Take One! (Pt 1)
Season 2: Chapter 14 - Pt 2
Chapter Special #3 (continued) - Chunin Exams: Take One! (Pt 2)
Chapter Special #3 (continued) - Chunin Exams: Take One! (Pt 3)
Season 2: Chapter 14 - Pt 3
Chapter Special #3 (continued) - Chunin Exams: Take One! (Pt 4)
Season 2: Chapter 15
Season 2: Chapter 16

Season 2: Chapter Special #1 - First Winter Festival

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By Amaterasu

A/N: Okay so I'll be putting up part of the orginal note for these chapter specials just to be clear about what they are to any new readers ^_^ Thanks!

 I had decided a while back that I would be doing “Special Chapters” for Beauty is the Beast. Some may be light hearted, while others are actually serious and delve into the past of some characters. I guess you can think of these special chapters as fillers though some, if not most, will be heavily tied into the present happenings of Beauty is the Beast.


Beauty is the Beast Chapter Special!

Special #1-First Winter Festival

The months of December and January for Konoha were always filled with fun as the annual winter festival arrived and went on in celebration—ending just after the New Year, which was a big celebration in itself. Preparations began just at the beginning of the month of December where many people—both shinobi and civilian—put up decorations and set up several outside shops along the many busy streets. Many beautiful, hanging lanterns lined every street from above, with many children running around with smaller, handheld ones in a bout of joy and laughter as they played. Several travelers were also drawn to the lively village and many of them were actually merchants that visited every year at this festive time to set up their vendors and sell their goods. Some had very beautiful kimono and yukata selections; others, trinket and firework stands; and most others were food vendors, selling sweets and other tempting foods. Game stands were also being set up as well as outdoor stages in various areas where plays would be held throughout the month.

A pair of happy, green eyes glanced around at all of the many venders being set up and all of the many other people who were decorating and getting ready for the long festival in different forms and fashions. He could smell the many different, wonderful foods being prepared for the first night of celebration, which would be given the official start by the Third Hokage from the top of the Hokage Tower. With a small hum of excitement, he looked over to his student who seemed uninterested by the happy commotion.

“Aw, come on Hisayo; don’t look so dull.” Akio chuckled, “This is a time to get animated and have fun! It is our first winter festival here in our new home, so why not try to enjoy it?”

“What is the point in all of this, really?” Hisayo gave a few uninterested glances over to a few groups of people who were excitedly preparing for the evening. It all seemed like a waste of time to her.

“The point? Why, it’s to get together with family and friends to have fun and usher in a new year! Won’t you at least look like you hold some kind of interest? You might offend people if you don’t.” Akio lightly teased as they continued down the street to their destination and site of their recently received—well, really Hisayo’s—mission, which Akio was very careful not to disclose any details of it to her, knowing that she would disappear and be later hard to find if she knew what was really in store for her.

Hisayo gave an irritated sigh, albeit one in defeat. There was just no way that Akio would drop the subject and knew that if she didn’t give in now—however little that might be—then she wouldn’t hear the end of it. “Fine, I’ll try to get into some kind of spirit, but don’t expect too much.”

“That’s great! Oh, and promise me you won’t be too upset…” Akio gave a guilty smile as they rounded the corner where he knew her attitude would change due to the upcoming event.

“What are you-?”

“Oh, good! You’ve brought her right on time, Akio-san.” Hisayo found herself quickly grabbed by a raven-haired kunoichi and unceremoniously shoved past a clothing vendor’s curtain entrance.

“Be careful with her, Kurenai; she might try to bolt.” Akio gave a laugh at the rare, openly confused, and surprised face on Hisayo that he had just witnessed before she had disappeared with Kurenai into the street-side shop.

“Not a problem Akio-san, just give me a few minutes.” Came the sound of Kurenai’s struggling voice, followed by several undecipherable curses and angered grunts.

“Hisayo, hold still.” The curtain violently rustled.

“What is the meaning of all of this?”

“It’s for the beginning of the festival, that’s what, now, stop struggling.” A rip was then heard.

“M-my, clothes! How dare you!”

“Oh hush and just start putting this on.”

“You can’t be serious!”

Akio raised an eyebrow curiously. What had Kurenai chosen for Hisayo’s kimono? She had let him know what to expect back at the Hokage’s office when the Third had happily given his orders to him (to have Hisayo fitted and ready to celebrate that evening with everyone else). He was beginning to have second thoughts, though. What if Kurenai’s taste wasn’t fitting with Hisayo’s and this little tactic used in getting Hisayo to participate failed?

“Kurenai, let go!” A couple of crashing sounds were then heard followed by a—was that a sandal flying out of the dressing room?

Akio gave a nervous sweat followed by a sheepish chuckle. Okay…so maybe things weren’t going as planned. “Uh, Kurenai, perhaps I should-” He began to offer to help, but was cut off by her strained voice.

“Al-most…DONE! There.” A pleasant sounding kunoichi said. “Now for your hair.”

“What? I’ve had enough already. Let me go now.”

“Sorry, Hisayo, but this is all for you.” Akio flinched back nervously at the sound of ropes being snapped. He could almost imagine the triumphant, but also, scary look on Kurenai’s face as she continued to ready Hisayo for the festival’s opening night.


“Sorry Hisayo, but I promised I wouldn’t intervene.” Akio couldn’t help but give a small chuckle at her expense.

“Ouch!! Kurenai, stop pulling my hair with that comb!”

“You whine too much Hisayo. I’m surprised really; I didn’t think that you would put up such a fuss when you’re normally so reserved.”

“Well this is different. You are invading my personal space!” A few shocks of electricity then shot out of the dressing area.

“Hey, don’t make me put you under a genjutsu!” A gasp was then heard from Kurenai. “My blouse!”

Akio then heard a light, victorious chuckle from Hisayo. “That’s what you get.”

Akio gave a very heartfelt laugh. Never would he have imagined Hisayo to get to a level so comfortable with others that she would give a fight without actually hurting the other person. Had it been another time, place, and under different circumstance, then she wouldn’t have stood for anything that she was being subjected to such as this, and she would have already blown up the poor shop.

“I can hear you laughing, sensei!”

Akio quickly covered his mouth to calm his laughter, failing to do so, that is, until the curtain was pulled open and he saw Kurenai’s work.

“I present to you your student, Akio-san.”


Kakashi gave a lazy side-way glance from his little orange book, checking on Guy’s pace of setting up decorations…all around their neighborhood...the entire neighborhood. The Sublime, Green Beast of Prey could be seen whizzing back and forth along the street; setting up lanterns, other light fixtures, and silver streamers that would sparkle as they caught the lantern’s light, thus giving off the impression of snow glimmering in the sunlight. Next, on Guy’s self-given list and challenge was to paint masks for the festival to hand out to the neighbors—masks representing the animals of the zodiac.

Kakashi then found himself being rained on by several masks that Guy had claimed to have made all by himself (it really wouldn’t have surprised him if he had.). “Come, my eternal rival! We must get these all painted before nightfall and hand them out!”

A sweat drop formed behind Kakashi’s head at the many masks that were all scattered on the ground around him. “Um, Guy, we don’t have to do this part until later in the month.”

“Aha, but that is where you are wrong, my rival! The New Year will be upon us before we know it and then we’ll find ourselves rushing to paint all of them. We must catch that youthful worm before the dawn, as they say!”

Kakashi gave a sigh, thinking of how much his precious reading time would be cut if he were to do as the over-zealous man wished. Of course, he could just bail…Perhaps a carefully and well placed scarecrow might work to make Guy think he really was participating. He was highly considering that option in his mind, when a quick flash of white caught the corner of his eye. He thought he also saw a large amount of lilac accompany it. When he turned to make a clearer observation, the object, or rather the person, was gone.

‘Hmm…odd. Could that have been…?’ Just as he was about to try to investigate the mysterious, but still familiar blur, he was slapped on the back.

 “Kakashi, let’s get this painting show on the road! In fact, I’m challenging you! The loser will have to dress up for the upcoming play as the main character—Princess Yuki!”  Kakashi looked over his shoulder with his lazy eye, covering up his slightly annoyed and pissed state; he had more immediate things to take care of.

“As much as I’d love to help you paint,” That was a total and complete lie, “I just remembered…I left my oven on, so I better go check and make sure my apartment complex isn’t burning down.” And with a quick, smoky exit, Kakashi was gone, leaving behind Guy who was praising such responsible and youthful actions made by him.

“But wait…isn’t this Kakashi’s apartment building?” Guy scratched the side of his head with the end of a paintbrush in confusion.


“Did you make sure he at least caught a glimpse of you?” Kurenai firmly inquired.

Hisayo gave an inaudible, irritated sigh, “Yes, but what is the point of all of…this?” She gestured to herself, for now being partially hidden in the very late afternoon shadows that were being cast from the buildings, people, and shops.

Kurenai gave a wry smirk. “To get you noticed, of course.”

“Noticed?” Hisayo blinked in confusion. “Why?”

“So he’ll see how nice you look, that’s why.”

Another blink in confusion. “Who?”

Kurenai rolled her red eyes, “Ugh, Kakashi—Now try to keep up.”

“I still don’t see how any of this makes sense.”

“It will, you’ll see. We just have to make sure he sees you completely at the appropriate time, which is why I wanted you to pass by his place; to peak his curiosity. It will all be up to Akio-san now to get him to cooperate and meet you where I told you to go.” Kurenai then lifted an expectant eyebrow, “You will do it, won’t you?”

Hisayo gave another sigh, this time one that could be heard. “Alright, I guess. You’d probably tie me up to that place, just like you did at that shop, if I don’t anyway.”

Kurenai closed her eyes in delight. “That’s a good girl.”


Rooftop over rooftop he went, looking down below at the several crowed streets to try to spot the person he thought he had seen. ‘I’m looking for a needle in a haystack.’ Kakashi sighed as he decided that walking in and through the crowds might be useful. He might see someone who might know where she was.

At a very casual gait, he strode through the streets, passing by the dozens of highly active shops and people who were just about finished with all their preparations. It was late enough in the day and also close enough to the start of the evening festivities, that he could see several men and women dressed and ready to celebrate. It was one big sea of beautiful colors and patterns that kept the eyes moving in all directions. The mixed scents of perfume worn by the ladies as well as the food, was also making it hard to pick out any familiar scents. After several more minutes of aimlessly wandering, he considered the possibility that maybe he had been seeing things from before. He didn’t have any solid proof that who he had seen was Hisayo, but then again, there really weren’t many people in the village with snowy colored hair.

“Kakashi, over here!”

Kakashi’s onyx orb quickly turned to the sound of the familiar voice of Akio, who was approaching from behind. The older man was dressed in the same fashion as everyone else around. The diagonal dark and light blue patterns on his yukata were of a simple diamond design, and his short, black mane was in its, nowadays, shaggy style; though it did look as though it had grown out a couple of inches since he had last seen him.

With a happy smile, Kakashi fully turned around to greet the man with a small wave. “Akio, it’s been awhile, how have you been?”

“Just great. And yourself?”

“Oh, I’ve been the usual.”

“Are you not dressing for the occasion?” Akio looked seemingly confused by the shinobi’s usual dress, since everyone else was ready for the evening.

“I’m more comfortable to stay in uniform, besides, I’ve celebrated in the past before, so I’m quite use to it.”

Akio gave Kakashi a light, playful scolding slap on the shoulder. “Nonsense, Kakashi. This is mine and Hisayo’s first winter festival here in Konoha; won’t you help us celebrate properly the first time at least?”

That caught Kakashi’s attention and he raised his brow curiously. “Hisayo…is celebrating with you?” He didn’t quite think she was the type for such a thing. She was always serious and rarely ever expressed any like or fun of anything at all. So, he couldn’t really see her in a crowd celebrating or even enjoying herself, for that matter.

“Of course she is!” Akio then held in a chuckle. “I’m sure she’d love some company too. You know, a few familiar faces to help her better relax and enjoy everything.”

“But I thought you two were celebrating together.”

“Bah, she’ll be tired of me hanging around and pestering her before the evening even gets under full swing.”

An amused expression creped upon Kakashi’s face. “Which is why she isn’t with you now?”

 “Yes.” Akio feigned a cry in disappointment. “She’s too cool for her old man.”

A small chuckle escaped Kakashi’s covered mouth before he gave a nod. “Alright Akio, you’ve got me. I guess I can get more involved and dress up this time around.”

“Great!” Akio was quick to drop his charade with a bright smile. “There should be something waiting for you in a box just outside your apartment. Be sure to read the note with it.” Akio then turned Kakashi in the direction of his apartment, giving a light encouraging push. “Now, you better hurry before the sun starts setting. Go!” And Akio left in a large cloud of smoke, not giving the now suspicious shinobi time to ask any questions.

‘I’m being set up, aren’t I?’ Kakashi thought with a sigh and small slump of his shoulders before heading back to his neighborhood and apartment.

There was indeed a package waiting at his door for him. He stood looking down at it for a moment with his hands in his pockets and a blank expression. He then picked the box up and went inside to see what the contents of it were. He carefully lifted the lid of it off, finding it to be, “A yukata, huh?” The indigo yukata had several patterns of small white cranes flying through clouds, all across it.  He then picked up the small note that was lying on top of it and read:

Follow the floating lanterns for a sight to the south.

Kakashi gave an inward sigh. “A scavenger game, is it?” He then looked out his window, taking note of how low the sun was becoming. He had to hurry.


He reached the river bank starting from the north, closest to the Hokage Mountain, and looked to the water, seeing the flower-like lanterns making their way to the south, as well as more lanterns being placed in the water by many people just as the sun began to set on the horizon and cause everything to glow an orange hue and cast long shadows.

 He set off at a relatively quick but calm speed down the river’s side, following the lanterns as was instructed by the note. Just when he began to think that Akio was simply playing a trick on him, he stopped dead in his tracks and held his breath, not sure if who he saw at the top of the next bridge was who he thought it was.

The person had her back turned to him so he couldn’t be sure, but it had to be though. He studied her white hair that looked to be partially pinned up and held secure by a somewhat large lilac colored flower pin on the side of her head. Next was the kimono she wore; also the same lilac color he had seen earlier. He saw the beautiful floral patterns running up and down the kimono, as well as the purple obi that was wrapped around her, keeping her kimono secure.

 Almost as if sensing being watched, the woman turned her head and the beautiful gold orbs that connected with his eye confirmed her identity. She…was stunning. Never had he seen her in such a beautiful state. Well, sure, he always had thought her to be beautiful, but seeing her like this…it took his breath away; she truly was a sight to be seen indeed.

After covering up his shocked expression of Hisayo’s appearance, he gave a bright smile and wave as he approached her atop the bridge. “You look very nice, Hisayo.”

With a tiny blush, Hisayo looked away and to the ground, before mumbling, “Th-thank you…Kurenai picked it out.”

He then gave a small chuckle. “I suppose then, that she was the one who picked out my piece?”

Hisayo nodded, “And made the two of us meet here, with Akio’s help no less.”

Kakashi let another chuckle escape when he saw the annoyed expression that replaced the blushing one that he always found himself to be fond of—even more so as it was rarely ever seeing. “I guess that explains it all now. I was afraid before that he was trying to play a trick on me.”

“Yeah, sorry about that.”

The chuckling stopped. “So then, you knew about all of this?”

“Akio thought that I should be into celebrating since it’s our first winter festival here in Konoha.” Hisayo then folded her arms in irritation. “Then somehow—don’t know why—Kurenai got involved and ambushed me so I really didn’t have any choice or say in the matter.”

“Well, I guess this is all a good thing then.”

Hisayo’s arms loosened and looked at Kakashi with a light, curious expression. “What do you mean?”

“Well, I can help you enjoy your first winter festival. I’ll admit that it’s been a few years since I properly celebrated one, but I think I remember how.” Kakashi lightly joked as he gently took Hisayo by the arm and led her to where the festivities would soon begin.


“See?” Kurenai smiled as she and Akio saw Kakashi and Hisayo disappear from view. “I knew that we could get them to have fun. Gosh I even forgot when the last time was that I’ve seen Kakashi out of uniform.”

Akio laughed. “And this is the first time I’ve seen Hisayo in such festive wear. I’ll have to beat men away from our apartment door after tonight.”

“I doubt anyone will even realize it’s her.” A gentle voice sounded, and a feminine figure emerged from the shadows.

Akio and Kurenai glanced to the right to see their guest, and with a happy smile, Akio greeted her, “Kinu, a pleasant surprise. How have you been these past several months?”

It had been a near six months, since he and Hisayo had seen her, not since just after the incident with their clan. He had received a scroll with recent updates of the clan via Karasu a couple of weeks ago (He had Karasu form a contract with her during one of his own covert missions to track the clan in order to make their lines of communication easier and much quicker) but she hadn’t said anything in her report about visiting so suddenly.

The ex-clan member gave a smile of her own. “I’ve been well, thank you.” She then looked to Kurenai, who was confused as to who she was, and bowed from the waist up. “I’m Ookami Kinu. It is nice to meet you…?”

“Yuhi Kurenai.” Kurenai returned the introduction with a nod.

“Kinu, are you here because something has happened?” Akio calmly, yet nervously asked.

Kinu gave a shake of her head. “No. The clan has been busy preparing for their winter moon celebration, so I thought it would be alright to come and visit while I was able to.”

That put Akio at ease and his posture became more relaxed. “Well, you’ve arrived just in time; Konoha’s Winter Festival is going to begin very soon.” Akio then turned to the other raven-haired woman. “Kurenai, will you be joining us?”

Kurenai shook her head ‘no’ with a small smile. “Thanks Akio-san, but I have a few plans of my own. I’m sure I’ll be running into you and everyone else later though.”

“Alright, take care then and thank you for all of your help.” Akio waved goodbye as he and Kinu separated from Kurenai.

“Anytime, Akio-san.” Kurenai too, took her leave with a small wave.


The Third stood atop the Hokage Tower and looked down at all of the festive lights and people that had all gathered for the festival’s official start. He could see several familiar faces and clans gathered together. The Inuzukas were mostly standing on the rooftops with their beloved canines; the Akimichi clan members were surrounding a food vendor, happily eating; Asuma and Kurenai stood by each other, ever so often exchanging happy, but nervous glances; Hisayo’s Genin could be seen standing around with Naruto in discussion—probably about where their sensei/friend was at the time and wondering if they might see her during the night’s events. The Third could also make out Akio in the crowd, standing next to a woman with similar features as him—he guessed it was the ex-clansmen that Akio had always spoken of in the past.

The sun was now set and the blue sky grew darker, with only the village’s lights now available. He cleared his throat through the mic, gaining the hundreds of people’s attention. With one final glance at the massive crowd, he smiled widely, seeing Hisayo and Kakashi standing together. As he saw Hisayo’s eyes looking up with a hidden expression of excitement, he could also see Kakashi glancing down at her with a soft and—without a doubt—loving, expression.

“It is my greatest pleasure, as well as with great excitement, to begin Konoha’s Winter Festival activities! I express my thanks to the many people who have come to help us celebrate, as well as to those in our great and prosperous village for preparing our home to welcome in such a great number of people this year! Now please, enjoy yourselves during this festive time of year, and let the celebration…BEGIN!”

The fireworks that ensued drew a great, excited commotion from everyone throughout the village as they went on for several minutes. The many colors and patterns of fireworks filled Hisayo’s eyes that had grown in size due to her wonder and excitement. As her gold eyes looked over to see Kakashi staring up at the firework-lit sky, she found herself smiling.

Perhaps, she would actually enjoy her first festival here in Konoha. As long as she had people like Kakashi close by, then she would have fun. She would—as she had unconvincingly said to Akio—get into some kind of spirit, and this time…she really meant it.

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