breathe// 5SOS

By 5sosxruel

115K 3.7K 258

SEQUEL TO FOREVER Getting better wasn't immediate, and that was frustrating. It created tension between fam... More



1.3K 45 1
By 5sosxruel


"Harry, I'm really worried,"

It was the middle of the night, and I couldn't sleep. What if tomorrow was horrible? What if we were the only people there, and everyone laughed at us?

"Ava, why are you awake?" he mumbled.

"I can't sleep,"

He lifted his duvet and I climbed into the bed, finding the warmth nice. Grandma's house wasn't as hot as home, and I was slightly cold.

"You don't need to overthink tomorrow. People turn up and have fun, nothing bad will happen,"

"The crowds though,"

"Stay with dad, it'll be okay,"

"Sorry I woke you up,"

"It's fine,"

He held his arm out and I hugged him, resting on his chest.

"It'll be okay,"

I ended up falling asleep again, waking up almost off the bed. Dad told me I always slept in weird positions. Once he took a photo to show me, and I knew he didn't mean any harm, but it upset me a lot. 

Harry was still asleep and snoring, but I was wide awake. I didn't want to wake him so I went downstairs, seeing grandma in the kitchen.

"Good morning, where were you last night?"

"Harry's room. I got worried about today,"

"Do you want to talk about anything? I know it always helps your dad,"

"You sound really smart, and like you helped him a lot,"

"It was a very different situation, but he had a lot of anxiety too. He had a lot of pressure, struggled with people at school, and lots brought him down. Family is important to his for that reason, as well as the boy's family,"

"How are Luke's and Michael's important though?"

"In university, they spent a lot of time at those houses because they live closer. Ashton often stayed over with their family, especially if he was having a hard time,"

"So just like Calum and everyone is important to me?"

"Exactly. What do you want to eat?"

"I'm not hungry,"

"You need something. Don't let the nerves stop you,"

I chose to have cereal, even though I felt super nauseous. My knee bounced up and down, and my heart raced. I didn't want to talk about it anymore, because I knew it was something to be excited about, so I went upstairs to get ready.

I wore my jeans and a white top with multicoloured stripes. Then, I wrapped my flag around my shoulders and grandma found a safety pin, but I remembered I couldn't wear it at Owen's house.

"I will have glitter too,"

"You look lovely. I hope you and Owen have fun tonight too,"

She hugged me, gently shaking me.

"I love you,"

"I love you too," she said, "go and watch some tv,"

Eventually, dad came, and I got into the car while he said goodbye to a sleepy Harry. Viola looked back and smiled, squeezing my hand.

"How is your back?"


"Good. Do you have Owen's address?"

I told her it as dad got in the car, the three of us driving into a more posh looking neighbourhood. We pulled up at a three story house, which was light blue and white; Dad came with me to knock on the door, and a man answered.

"Are you Ashton?"


"Dave," he smiled, shaking dad's hand, "What are they doing today?"

"I was thinking just some shopping, maybe a walk with the dogs. We're a bit busy, so fitting friends in whenever we can,"

"Sounds good. Owen!"

He came downstairs, a bag on his back, and nerves across his face.

"If he causes trouble, bring him straight back,"

Without a goodbye, he left Owen to leave, the two of us climbing into the car.

"Sorry about him,"

"It's okay," dad said, "we are going back to the flat for half an hour- is that enough?"

"It should be,"

"Good. Ava, you need to take your medicine and put suncream on,"

"I will,"

Owen giggled which made me giggle, and soon the two of us were laughing for no reason. Viola had an amused smirk on her face, while dad just focused on parking the car.

We went up the lift, then into my room to get everything out. I had glitter and face paint, while Owen had coloured eyeshadow.

"Please can I use your mirror?"

"Yeah, I need to take medicine,"

I went to the kitchen where dad was. Sitting at the island, I looked at the medicine. Dad reminded me of the order and I took it all, Owen slowly coming through.

"Shall I do your makeup? It's kind of rushed,"

"We can go later if you want?"

"I will try to be ready," I said, "let's be quick,"

I'm the end, it took an extra half an hour because we put lots of glitter on everyone. Dad wasn't mad though, and we eventually got in the car.

There was a lot of traffic because roads were closed, but we got parked in a car park ten minutes away so that we could avoid some of it on the way back.

I walked with Owen, the music getting louder as we got closer. There started to be small groups of people, and little stalls, until we turned a street that was packed with things. I grabbed dad's hand, looping my arm round Owen's so that we didn't lose each other.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, it's loud and we need to find Julie,"

"I'll call her dad,"

Dad made a quick phone call and then led us towards some stalls, where Julie was waiting. As soon as I saw her, I ran over, tightly hugging her.

"I'm so happy to see you,"

"This is really special to me," she smiled, "thankyou for spending it with me,"

"Hello Ava," her dad said, "you are looking awesome,"


"She needs to come round again," he told dad, who said we could pretty much do whenever. Owen spoke to Viola, but then I looped my arm round his again.

"You can look round some stalls, listen to the music or just wander round. We just need to stay together,"

We decided to look at stalls first, Owen, Julie and I in front while Viola and dad kept a hand on our shoulders. Julie's dad was taking her mum out for lunch.

There were lots of pretty bracelets and badges, even mugs and tops. There were flags, lights, hats and a lot of smiling people.

"All of you, choose something you'd like. Owen, if you want to take it home I'd keep it small, if you want something bigger then you can keep it at our house for now,"

"Please can I just have a bracelet?"

"Of course. Tell me the price, I can't read that small without my glasses,"

"It's a bit blurry," I said.

"You have an eye test soon,"


"Anyway, choose what you want,"

We spent a long time choosing the bracelets- each one had a different pattern. Mine was pretty, and Owen's was all the colours like my flag. Dad paid and we tied them on our wrist, moving out of the crowd for some food. We'd spend a long time milling around.

Owen and I got a toastie, Julie got a burger,while dad and Viola got a salad. I thought that was boring, but we were having pizza tonight.

"So, are you enjoying it?" he asked, fixing my hair.

"Yeah, it's actually nice to be round so many people like me. My chest feels a bit tight, but I'm glad we chose the less busy stall,"

"Owen, are you enjoying it?"

"Yes thankyou. Please could we maybe look at more stalls? I heard there's some makeup and stuff,"

"Of course," Viola smiled, "we will go home in an hour-ish so that Ava doesn't get too overwhelmed, unless you want to stay longer,"

I shrugged, leaning into dad as I ate the food. It was tiring, and my feet hurt, but it was fun.

"This just shows the mean people at school that I'm not weird,"

"You don't need to prove yourself, but yes. You aren't weird at all,"

"I love this place,"

"I'm glad you do. Let's have a good time, because it doesn't last forever,"

"And Julie," Viola said, "Are you enjoying it?"

"Yeah. Thankyou,"

We got back up again and weaved down the street, finding lots of stalls with handmade items. Dad let Julie and I go in a photo booth, where we pulled funny faces then she surprised me with a kiss.

"I love being here with you," she whispered, "it's really special to me,"

"Our dad's are so nice,"

"See, mine's not actually scary,"

I smiled and nodded, holding her hand as we met Viola outside. She gave us the two photostrips and shook her head.

"Don't let your dad see that, he might cry because you're all grown up,"

"Will he actually?"

"No," Julie giggled, "it was a joke because parents are always protective over their children in relationships,"

Owen found some people selling makeup not tested on animals. I didn't even know that's where it was tested on, and it seemed unfair.

"My feet hurt,"

"Is there anything else you want to look at?"

"I wanted to get a flag like Ava's, but we can go," Owen said. Julie had done a little shopping before, so she didn't need anything either.

"It's alright. Viola, Julie and Ava will head back to the car, we will find you a flag and meet them there,"

Dad kissed my cheek and I took Viola's hand, the three of us making our way out of the crowds. I was sad to leave, but I'd had a good time and a mixture of the heat and aching made me feel unwell. We bought five drinks on he way there, and got the lift to the fourth floor of the carpark.

"That was really fun,"

"You looked so happy,"

"I feel really proud of myself, and who I am,"

"That's such a beautiful feeling. Can I take a photo of you two?"

"Okay," I said slowly, leaning against the car door as she got her phone out. We smiled, then did a silly face.

"There you are. Now you get to go home and hang out. Julie, you can sleepover another time,"

She showed us the photo and I didn't look too bad, so I let her keep them. We promised never to share them anywhere apart from with the family, and she said she would show her dad.

My dad was taking forever.

We waited in the car for a while, and I took my inhaler, then I heard dad's voice. Owen ran to the car and jumped in, holding a flag round his shoulders too.

"All sorted?" Viola asked.

"Yes thankyou,"


Dad climbed into the car and they kissed, before he started to reverse. On the way home, we sung to the radio, and I finished my drink. I was really thirsty, and hot.

Saying goodbye to Julie was upsetting because I didn't know when we'd next see each other. Whenever I was with her, she made the bad into good.

Today, being with so many people whoa accepted us being girlfriends made me want to put myself out there. Holding hands and kissing was still something so foreign to me because I had never put my body out there by choice.

It was really overwhelming go have someone love you when your body hadn't been loved like that before.

Once we were home, I showered, then got into comfy clothes.

"Come and choose the pizza," dad called, both of us going to the kitchen. He had the laptop on and got us to choose three toppings each, then even ordered some coke. I was never allowed fizzy drinks because I had braces and was prone to cavities, but it was a special occasion.

"You are eating so much sugar," Viola hummed, "you better floss tonight,"

"So living with dentists really is like this,"

"We aren't that bad," dad said.

"Well sometimes you say mean things,"

"Ava, I do not. I say helpful things. Anyway, you two, bugger off,"

We went to my room and I laid on the bed, the weather cool enough for me to wear leggings.

"How long have you lived here then?"

"Um, I think 11 months. Wait... 10, I've not been counting,"

"Ashton is really nice,"

"He is the best person ever,"

"I couldn't imagine living with two dentists, then having two doctors and another dentist as basically your uncles,"

"It's actually good, because then the appointments aren't as bad. Also, if I have any questions, I can text them,"

Milo ran through and jumped onto the bed, licking my cheek and barking.

"Hello," I giggled, hugging him as he curled to my chest.

"Is this Milo?"

"Yeah, he thinks I'm anxious but I'm actually excited. He's a puppy,"

"Oh right, I can sit on the chair if you'd prefer,"

"It's fine," I smiled, "thankyou for coming today,"

"Thankyou for inviting me, because I wouldn't have been able to do any of this without you,"

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