The Scholarship

By b_odelius

410 80 31

There's a new reality television show, and it's going to blow your mind! High Schoolers from across the coun... More

Press Release #1
Press Release #2
THE ESSAYS-Chapter Five
THE ESSAYS-Chapter Six
THE ESSAYS-Chapter Seven
THE ESSAYS-Chapter Eight
THE ESSAYS-Chapter Nine
Press Release #3
THE EPISODES-Chapter Eleven
THE EPISODES-Chapter Twelve
THE EPISODES-Chapter Thirteen
THE EPISODES-Chapter Fifteen
THE EPISODES- Chapter Sixteen
THE EPISODES-Chapter Seventeen
THE EPISODES-Chapter Eighteen
THE EPISODES-Chapter Nineteen
THE EPISODES-Chapter Twenty
Press Release #4
POST PRODUCTION-Chapter Twenty-One
POST PRODUCTION-Chapter Twenty-Two
POST PRODUCTION-Chapter Twenty-Three
Press Release #5
POST PRODUCTION-Chapter Twenty-Four
POST PRODUCTION-Chapter Twenty-Five
Press Release #6
THE REUNION-Chapter Twenty-Six
THE REUNION-Chapter Twenty-Seven
THE REUNION-Chapter Twenty-Eight
Press Release #7

THE EPISODES-Chapter Fourteen

7 2 0
By b_odelius

Stevie Quay is back on the screen wearing a traditional black tuxedo by Dulce and Gabbana, but he looks somewhat casual with a microphone in his hand.  He once again shows his dimples as he stands in an empty ballroom with an obnoxiously ornate chandelier overhead. 

"Welcome to our Friends and Family Night here at The Scholarship.  This ain't no Chuck. E. Cheese event but a glamorous, over the top gathering of all those involved in the show," Stevie looks around for a moment and lowers his voice, "and some of their not so glamorous family members."

He walks to the other end of the room where wide, ornate doors stand open to a large balcony.  "It's a beautiful night for a ball, isn't it?"  He walks out on the balcony and stands silent for a moment enjoying the view of downtown Los Angeles.  He turns around and looks right into the camera.  "We're so glad you can join us for another behind the scenes look into," he pauses somewhat dramatically, "The Scholarship!"

*          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *         

            The next camera shot shows the ballroom full of people in fancy clothing.  Not everyone is dressed quite as nicely as Stevie Quay, but there is an air of style in the room.  The camera pans the crowd slowly as several familiar faces grace the screen.

The camera stops and zooms as it captures the Plath sisters in all their beauty.  They are at the bar with a middle-aged man dressed in a suit that looks as though it was just pulled from a hamper.  He wears glasses that seem too big for his face, and he fumbles with the martini Candy Plath has just handed him.

Candy, on the other hand, is dressed in a silky, floor length dress of lavender with strappy silver heels.  Her hair is curled and pinned up, but thin wisps escape her hairdo and elegantly frame her face. 

Cynthia Plath stands next to her sister in a simple black cocktail dress and four inch black heels.  Her hair is simple and straight with a diamond hair pin on one side.  She laughs as she sips her signature drink.

            "Relax, George," she says to the awkward man standing between her and her sister. 

            "I appreciate you inviting me, Cynthia," the man practically stutters.  "I just feel incredibly underdressed." He looks down at his clothing in dismay.  "I wore this suit to the lab this morning, so it's a bit wrinkled."

            "I think you look adorable," Candy reassures him as she gently lays her hand on his upper arm. 

            "Thank you," George says.  "You look positively stunning."  They smile at each other.  "Have you been keeping up with the final episodes of The Big Bang Theory?" Candy's eyes light up.

            "Yes!  I can't believe it's their last season!" She gushes.  "Do you think they'll do anything crazy on the series finale?"  George and Candy continue their discussion about their shared love for the popular sitcom, but Cynthia's eyes have been fixed in a certain direction for several moments.  The camera finally follows her gaze to the doorway of the ballroom where William J. Jones stands with his daughter on his arm. 

            "Excuse me, will you?" She says to her lab assistant and her sister.  They barely notice when she leaves and walks toward her fellow judge.  The cameras follow her as she slowly makes her way over to William. 

            "Good evening, William, " she says as she lightly kisses him on the cheek.  "And who is this stunning young lady?"  William is dressed in a rental tuxedo, but he makes it look good.  His daughter, Gabby, barely reaches his shoulders, even in heels, but she looks beautiful in her red gown. 

            "Cynthia, I'd like you to meet my daughter, Gabrielle, " His daughter curtsies, but then looks embarrassed and giggles.  "She's not royalty, Gabby.  You can just shake her hand." William says with a snort. 

            "I'm sorry.  I don't meet a lot of celebrities in New England," Gabby says.  "But it's really nice to meet you!" She adds. 

            "Your dad has told me so many wonderful things about you, Gabby.  I feel as if I already know you!" Cynthia says, kindly ignoring the curtsy. 

            Oh, really?" Gabby looks at her dad and then back at Cynthia.  "That's interesting." 

            "Gabby here is really anxious to meet Stevie Quay," William says as he quickly changes the subject.  The trio walks further into the ballroom and scans for Stevie. 

            "Oh my god, Dad!  I see him! I see him!" Gabby practically shouts as she pulls William by the arm toward a piano in the corner.  "Nuh-uh!  He plays piano, too?!" She exclaims. 
             "I actually heard that," Cynthia says.  "Apparently, he's quite talented." 

            "Dad, if you introduce us, I swear I will never ask you for anything else for the rest of my life!" Gabby stops and turns toward her father. 

            William shrugs his shoulders and says, "Well, I guess it's inevitable.  Let's go."  They make their way to the corner where Stevie Quay sits next to the professional piano player.  They are playing a duet, and a small crowd has gathered to listen, including William, Cynthia, and Gabby.  When they finish, the group claps politely, and Stevie stands up to leave.  He notices the judges standing there and approaches them. 

            'Hello, doctor judges, " he says.  "Or is it judge doctors?"  He looks at Gabby and offers his hand.  "Well, hello there.  I'm Stevie.  And who might you be?" 

            Gabby gives him her hand, and he bends over to gently kiss it.  "Gabrielle Jones.  It's nice to meet you."  Although she squealed like an adoring fan around her father, she is graceful and coy with Stevie. 

The young man grins until his dimples show and takes Gabby by the arm.  "Have you seen the view from this place?  It's phenomenal.  It looks like a whole different Los Angeles from up here."  He leads her to the terrace as she looks back and gives her father a quick wave. 

Cynthia loops her arm through William's and says, "Don't worry.  They'll be fine."

"I don't know if I trust that boy," William admits. 

"Would you trust any boy with your teenage daughter?" She asks him.  He frowns.

"I guess not," he admits. 

"Let's go get you a drink. You can meet my twin sister, too," Cynthia says as she steers him toward the bar.

"Twin sister?  Are you identical?" William asks, suddenly forgetting about his teenage daughter standing on the deck with Stevie Quay.  Cynthia laughs but doesn't answer him.

The cameras suddenly leave the judges and make their way back through the crowd to the balcony.  Stevie Quay and Gabrielle Jones stand shoulder to shoulder as they lean on the railing and look out over the lit up city of Los Angeles. 

"So, Gabrielle, is this your first visit to the west coast?" Stevie asks.  Gabby nods her head, but doesn't look at him.

"First time here," she says.  "I wish my dad had more time off to take me around the city.  It's so beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you," Stevie says, as his voice cracks just a little.  Gabby starts to laugh.

"I'm sorry," she says once she's gotten a hold of herself.  "That just sounds like such a line.  I don't think I'd even believe you, except..." She starts laughing again.

"Except my voice cracked?" Stevie asks as he drops his head in embarrassment. 

"I think it was cute," Gabby tells him as she bumps him playfully with her hip.  They stand silently, gazing at the city. 

After a moment, Stevie asks, "Would you like to spend the day with me tomorrow?  I could show you around the city.  I grew up not that far from here.  I know where all the cool kids hang out."  He laughs after his last sentence.

"I'd have to check with my dad," Gabby tells him coolly, but the camera catches her eyes widen with silent excitement. 

"Cool," he tells her.

"Cool," she responds. 

            Once again the cameras return to the ballroom just in time to see Bobby Smarts arrive with his estranged wife, Melinda, by his side.  Bobby is wearing a blue plaid custom made tux with a brand new Rolex on his wrist.  Melinda sparkles from head to toe in her diamond-draped gown of royal blue.  The smile plastered on her face looks like she just came from a Botox appointment. Nevertheless, they are an extremely handsome couple. 

            "Thanks for coming with me," Bobby says quietly to his wife.  "You sure do look hot tonight!" Melinda doesn't stop smiling, but the tone in her voice implies otherwise.

            "Just don't forget that you agreed to take me shopping tomorrow on Rodeo," she tells him. 

            "I know, I know," Bobby says.  "Now let's go find the bar." 

            There are actually three bars in the ballroom, but Bobby picks the one where he sees his fellow judges.  He takes Melinda by the hand, and she lets him even though he hears her sigh loudly. 

            "So this is where the party's at!" Bobby says loudly as he and Melinda approach the bar.  "Everyone, meet my wife, Melinda.  Melinda, this is everyone." 

            Wide eyes of surprise fill the faces of William and Cynthia.  They look at each other as if to say, Who knew?

            Melinda smiles and doles out compliments to everyone.  Bobby stares at her with open admiration.  As they walk away, he says, "You know, I'm looking forward to spending the day with you tomorrow."  Melinda pats his arm with one hand while she takes a big gulp of her drink with the other. 

            The cameras return to the bar where the crowd has thickened.  K.C. Washington, the reporter who is interviewing all the finalists, and Raul, the head hairdresser for the show, have both joined the group.

Julie, the production assistant, is also among the bunch.  Julie and Raul are deep in conversation about how the edits for the show are going.  K.C. is trying, unsuccessfully, to pull William away from Cynthia as Candy stands close by and gives the reporter the stink eye.  Candy suddenly takes K.C. by the arm.

            "You know, I've always been fascinated with the news industry," she says as she turns K.C. away from the bar and starts walking in the opposite direction.  Cynthia smiles at her sister, but then quickly turns to William.

            "William, would you like to have dinner with me tomorrow night?" William looks taken aback.

            "Oh, I don't know," he begins.

            "You know what? Never mind.  It's no big deal," Cynthia says quickly.

            "No, no. I didn't mean I don't know if I want to have dinner with you, Cynthia," he says with sincerity.  "I meant I don't know if I can because of Gabrielle.  She just got here, and she probably wants to go sightseeing tomorrow..." He stops talking as he sees his daughter practically sprinting toward him.  "Speaking of..."

            "Daddy!  Stevie Quay just asked me to spend the day with him tomorrow!  Stevie Quay, Daddy!" Gabby bats her eyes and clasps her hands together in a begging motion.  "I know I said I'd never ask you for another thing, but..."

            "Where does he want to take you in L.A.?" William asks as he starts firing questions at his daughter.  "And what kind of driving record does this boy have?  I'll need a copy of his driver's license and..." 

Cynthia not-so-subtly clears her throat next to William.  "You know, William," she says while winking at Gabby, "Stevie is a local kid.  I'm sure he knows the city well.  Gabby will be perfectly safe with him."

William looks at Cynthia and then back at his daughter.  "Okay, sure," he says reluctantly.  "Have fun.  Just be careful!" He can't help but add.  

            Gabby looks at her father and then at Cynthia.  "Thank you!" She says.  "Both of you!" She gives Cynthia a grateful smile.  "I can't wait to tell Portia I have a date with Stevie Quay!"

            "Wait, a date?!"  William says as his daughter prances off the screen.  The episode ends, and the screen goes black.

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