Always Be Together (NaNoWriMo...

By EccentricBooks

671 19 41

Many people, not all, go through different best friends throughout life. However, usually a person only has o... More

Chapter 2: Introducing The Carsons
Chapter 3 : The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 4 : Skylar Carson, Life Before Fame
Chapter 5 : Bianca and Henry and Thomas Smith
Chapter 6 : When Dylan Met Skylar
Chapter 7 : Breaking Free
Chapter 8 : Family Reunion
Chapter 9 : Anniversary Showcase
Chapter 10 : All of Hell Breaks Loose
Chapter 11 : The Plan
Chapter 12 : Camping, Camping and More Camping
Chapter 13: Locked In
Chapter 14 : Birthday at MacLaren's
Chapter 15 : Back to The Point
Chapter 16 : Getting Ready for Christmas
Chapter 17: The Christmas Intervention

Chapter 1: Meeting Bianca

69 1 6
By EccentricBooks

I'm dedicating this to Qistina, who has always had my back since I was 10. I'll admit the way we first became acquiant was a quite awkward experience for both of us, but not once do I regret meeting her. I love you, bestie.

Chapter 1: Meeting Bianca

I remember the day I met Bianca. It was a week or two after I had just started going to my new school. I'm a fame brat (a modification to an army brat; since both my parents are famous) so my family travels a lot. I mostly kept to myself as always. I wasn't exactly a social butterfly. So basically, the day Bianca and I met was completely hilarious, now that I look back…. It the first week of school and I was rushing to find my English class as I was running late. When I finally found it, I ran in and apologized to my English teacher. He was quite the eye candy. He looked young too, say about early 20s.

"Ah.. You must be the new student, Vanellope Carson. Interesting name, Vanellope."

"Thank you Mr..."

"Mr. Thomas Nolan."

"Thank you Mr. Nolan and sorry for being late. Also I do prefer being called Elle."

"Its fine, take a seat next to Bianca Smith." I look over the class to look for an empty seat next to this Bianca girl. Finally I found her. She was drop dead gorgeous. Green eyes and red hair. She reminded me of Psyche, Cupid's wife. I made my way to the seat and sat down.

"Ok now class! We shall write an essay." Groans swept through the class. Thomas- I mean Mr. Nolan grinned.

"Anyways, since Vanellope's new, she'll pick the topic."

"Thomas Nolan is hot." I blurted out. The whole class erupted in laughter. Eventually Mr. Nolan gave in and started laughing with them. I just sat there my cheeks burning from embarrassment. I was ready to cry. The only other person who wasn't laughing was Bianca. In fact, she looked pissed off.

"WILL ALL OF YOU SHUT UP!" almost immediately dead silence filled the classroom. Even Mr. Nolan was silent. I never knew a girl like Bianca had so much power over people.

"Sorry Mr. Nolan...I shouldn't have said that."

"Its fine. Ok class we shall continue. Vanellope give us a topic will you?"

"Hmm favorite hobby?"

"Ok class write a 200 word essay on your favorite hobby." Everyone except Bianca and I groaned. It was a breeze for me since I was least I was going to make it my profession. 10 minutes into writing, someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned to look beside me.

"Um hey..." I greeted Bianca.

"Hello, I'm Bianca Smith." she extended her hand towards me. I shook it noticing her Dallas accent with a hint of British in it. I liked it.

"Vanellope Carson. I do prefer being called Elle. I know it’s a stupid name. My mom named me...she's quite, well um, eccentric. Yeah that’s it. Eccentric."

"Nah I actually like your name. It’s unique unlike mine. Bianca is such a common name."

"Its pretty though." I heard a cough. I looked at Mr. Nolan. He was giving me a disapproving look. Awe he looked cute.  

'Shut up horny-side-of-my-brain!'

"We better shut up and finish this essay. Mr. Nolan is looking at us weirdly."

She nodded and we went back to writing. I started writing about how I run a blog where I just rant and I have this notebook I always have to pen down my thoughts and ideas. Afterwards, I just type everything on my blog. Just as I finished writing the paper, the bell rang. Perfect timing. I packed up my things and went to hand in the paper. Everyone was long gone. From the corner of my eye, I could see Bianca waiting for me outside class. Mr. Nolan took my paper and started reading it.

"Well written, Vanellope."

"Thank you Mr. Nolan and please, I prefer Elle. I guess I'll be off now."

"Wait, I'd like to speak to you after school today. Just come to this room and I'll be here." I flushed looking at his green orbs and quickly left the class. When I walked over to Bianca, I saw her smirking at me. I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Someone's got a crushhhh!" she singed song. I punched her. I tend to do that a lot to people.

"Owww! My arm!" she wailed. I told her not to tease me and pulled her to the nurse's office. The nurse kept on asking questions and it got to a point where I could have killed her but I managed to keep my cool. So after putting ice on Bianca' arm, we headed to French.

I could barely concentrate in French; and it was my favorite subject after English. I was too nervous to meet Mr. Nolan after what I blurted out in English.

"You need to calm down, kick-boxer." Bianca stated beside me.

"How did you-?"

"You are shaking like a salt shaker."

"Worst analogy ever!" she gave me a deadpan look. I grinned at her. After French, the rest of the classes were a bit of a blur. At lunch, I met some of her friends; Rae, Henry, Charlie and Eric. They welcomed me with open arms...and I thought I'd never fit in. I also found out that Charlie and Eric were together while Rae and Charlie were siblings.

Soon enough, the last bell rang and I was ready to rush to the English room when Bianca stopped me.

"You need to slow down. And be fashionably late. You can't let Mr. Nolan think you're desperate. Sit down and let me prep talk you." After 10 torturous minutes of prep talk, I ran out to meet Mr. Nolan. By the time I reached the classroom, I was panting really hard.

“Vanellope? Is that you?"

“Yep. Its me!” I calmed myself before I went in. I stopped panting and went in with a smile plastered on my face. I avoided his face in case I blushed.

“Stop avoided my eyes. It’s rude, you know.” 

“Well if I wasn’t so embarrassed from this morning, I would look you in the eye!” I snapped back. Then I realized what I did and widened my eyes. Thomas just laughed at me. He has a nice laugh.

“Don’t worry about it, Van. Outside class, treat me like a friend.”

“Van?” I asked in disbelief.

 “Well do you have a better nickname for yourself?”

“Yeah I do actually, my family calls me Vanilla or Vanny but as I mentioned before I prefer Elle.” I glared at him. He flashed me a smirk; how childlike.

“How old are you again?”

 “Twenty-two.” Whoa. He was really young for a teacher, not to mention attractive. I really need to stop ogling at my English teacher.

“Hmmm really? Could have fooled me for a five year old.” I rolled my eyes. Honestly, I have never seen such a teacher this immature. He narrowed his eyes at me ever so playfully.

“Well, lets not waste time and let me tell you why I asked you to see me.” I gestured for him to continue.

“Well I read your essay and I must say it’s a work of art. I see passion and effort put into it so well done, Van.” He winked as he said my nickname. “ So I was wondering if you could help the school newspaper. They need writers and an editor and since I’m the teacher-in-charge, I am asking if you’d like to join?”

“Um can I think about it?”

“Sure Van.”

“Don’t call me that!” I glared at him but obviously failing miserably since he shot me a playful look. Then I saw something in his eyes, recognition. Shit. I knew what he was going to say next.

“What did you say your last name was?”

“Carson. Vanellope Carson. Before you ask, I’ll answer. Yes, my mother is Skylar Ellexis Carson, world-famous writer and best selling author of the mystery novel Secrets and my father is Dylan Carson, the world famous scientist.” I gave him a bored look, whereas he, on the other hand, looked excited. Great, another one of parents’ fans. I hated it when Mom and Dad’s fans used me to get to them…. I mean that is just low, really low. He opened his mouth to ask a question but before he could, I cut him off.

 “Look at the time, I need to go.” I started to leave when Thomas stopped me.

“Hey, I’m not like the other fans. I admire your parents. I won't use you." And now he was too close for my liking. As if on cue, I started blushing. I brushed his hand off and adjusted my glasses.

"I have to go, Thomas." With that I practically ran out of the classroom. Talk about embarassing. Guess who was waiting for me outside the very classroom? Bianca and she was flirting with my brother, Blake. I practically ran over to him and jumped on him.

"BLAKEY!!!" I caught Bianca shooting me jealous glares...someone likes my brother. I took advantage of the fact that she didn't know our relation to tease her for teasing me about Thomas. I planted a huge kiss on his cheek.

"I missed you too, lil' sis." Dammit planned ruined. Bianca looked relived.

"Little sis? Blake, I'm older than you by 2 minutes!" Bianca looked confused.

"You two are twins? No wonder he looks like you!" Blake and I just grinned at her.

"Nope. We're quadruplets. The other two are home waiting for us."

"Q and Dyl are home too?!”

"Wait.... quadruplets? That’s so cool!"

"Yeah we get that a lot. Well we have to go now, Bianca. See you around." Blake waved her off and we walked towards his bike.

"Wait is my bike at home too?!"

"Yep!" Now I was happy. My siblings were here, I made friends today, my bike was waiting for me at home and so were my parents.


Soon enough we reached our new neighborhood, Palm Woods. The moment we reached the door and burst in and jumped on my brother and sister.

"OH GOD I MISSED YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!" I practically screamed at them.

"Geez chill sis, we missed you too," They laughed.

"Heyyy no hug for me?" Blake was pouting in a corner. We laughed and pulled him in. Before we moved to America, we were living in Landon and it was the holidays so my siblings being social butterflies went off camp leaving me alone in the house while my parents were away for work. It has always been like this since Mom's book sold out. I was the first one to get to America with our butler and Aunt Qistina (my mom's best friend and my sister was named after her) because my siblings were at camp and my parents had to finish up something back in London.

"Sooo where Mom and Dad?" All their faces turned sour. In that moment I knew they weren't coming home soon.

"They're going to miss our birthday..."


"Who said I was neglecting you four?" Mom's sweet voice rang through the room. We all turned our heads to the door. There they were. Our parents.

At this point of time, we didn't care that we were 18 so we ran towards our parents screaming 'Mommy, Daddy' and tackled them to the ground.

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