One Night

By RandomGabs

702K 22.4K 756

One night with her girl friends, one earth shattering kiss and off to a new job, where her boss is the guy sh... More

One Night
Fate Sucks
The Meetings
Pushed too Far
Battle of Words
Touching Submission
Climbing out of the Rabbit Hole
The Truth in the Lies
And The World Goes Boom!
A Past
Dinner ;)
Anniversary Surprise
Anniversary Weekend
Dinner for Four before we split.
Alexander's Turn
1 door shuts, 3 more open
A Night In
Blasts from the Past
A Phone Call
A Week Apart
A Week Apart (Pt. 2)
The Night Back
Me and My Broken Heart
Month 1
Month 2
Month 3
Month 4
He Came Back
After (pt 2)
After (pt 3)
After (pt. 4)
Coming for You
A Piece here, A Memory There
How The Grinch (Almost) Stole Christmas
Thinking Out Loud
AnnieMireya Theophilia James

After (pt 1)

8.2K 354 15
By RandomGabs

*Chris's POV* 

It all happened so fast...

She lost control of her car...

The front of her car crashed into the wall... 

I pulled up and got out of my car before I managed to come to a complete stop.

I slipped, but got up, my phone in my hand, calling 911. 

I was pulling her out of her car, which the front end was currently on fire,

I held her body to me.

There was a lot of blood.

I didn't know wher eit was coming from.

A few shards of glass were embedded in her skin, on her chest, stomach, arms.


I checked for a pulse as instructed by the 911 operator.

The ambulance showed up, the lights nearly blinding me. 

They took her away from me, one of them having to hold me back to keep from getting in the ambulance too

They said they'd need all the room they could get.


"Unstable. Losing blood. Might loose the baby. Or the mom or both." 

My leg kept shaking as I sat in one of the hopsital chairs. I had already called Alexander, Sam and Kate and told them what happened. I had to swallow several times to be able to form any words. They should be getting here any moment. But until they came, guilt was eating me inside, tearing apart every inch it could. My leg was shaking violently as I was on the verge of tears. 

I never should have left her. I never should have gone to England. I should have been there from the beginning of the pregnancy. I should have waited for her to come back. I shouldn't have chased her away. I never should have allowed her to get out of the apartment. I should have kept my focus on her. I should have gotten out and tried to talk to her at the red light. I should have done everything I didn't do. I raked my hands through my hair and groaned. What is taking them so long? Is she ok? Is our little baby ok? Where is the doctor? Where are Sam and the others? Where is anyone? 

As if on cue, the doors opened and Sav's best friends ran in, followed by two men, who looked solem as they trailed after the ladies. Sam and Kate came up to me, their faces a mixture of shock, anger, sadness and regret. I stood up to meet them and I opened my mouth to say something, anything. I was instantly slapped by Sam. 

"You fucking asshole!" she said, tears already falling. "You couldn't have stayed away? Huh? Or at least fucking stayed like you were supposed to?! It was your job to make her happy and keep her safe. You weren't supposed to do this to her, not you!" She collasped into Kate's arms, who then motioned Alexander to console his girlfriend. Sam clung to Alexander as sobs racked her body. I looked to Kate, ready to explain. 

She slapped me too. 

"You fucking knew about everything that hapenned to her and yet you still left," she growled. "I'm glad you're a good guy and was willing to come back to support their child and baby mama, but you didn't have to fucking leave her! You broke her! Beyond anything anyone else has done! Christopher, I hope she never forgives you and raises your child with someone else!" Kate huffed before walking off, muttering about whiskey or tequila. 

The new guy whom I didn't know stared at me. 

"I'm Chris," I said, offereing my hand, while my other massaged my face. He glared at my hand before he punched me. 

"Bloody hell!" I said, as I fell. I landed on the arms of the waiting chairs. I got to my feet and glared. "Who the fuck do you think you are?" 

He crossed his arms. "I'm Savanna's boyfriend," he said. "I'm assuming your the asshat who left an amazing girl all alone and pregnanat while you were in a fucking different country? The fucker who left the girl we're all here for?" 

My anger dissapated as I hung my head and nodded, the force of the truth in his words nearly made me cry out in pain. He gave me a disgusted look before he turned away. 

"Thought so," he said, brushing past me to follow Kate. 

"Anyone here for Savanna Blackwell?" the doctor asked as he stepped through swinging doors. I leaped to my feet to greet him as did the others.We were on him faster that Google could load with the best possible fucking internet.  

"Yes, I'm here," I said, forcing myself not to reach for the man and shake him while demanding he tell me everything already. Sam and Kate grabbed each other's hands as they nodded.  

"And you all are?" 

"We're her best friends," the girls said simultaneously, both of their voices sounding like they were on the edge of tears. 

"Fiancee," I lied. He nodded and looked down at the chart. 

"I have good news and bad news. Good news is she's alive and stable. We have her in ICU right now, and her vitals are strong. Shes' responding well to the medication we're giving her. It was touch and go for a moment, due to a complication with her pregnancy," he said, flipping through a chart. 

"And the baby? How is the baby?" I asked, wringing my hands together. I needed to know if both of my girls were ok.  I needed to know if both of them were alive. The doctor hung his head, the chart in his hands falling to his side. 

"I'm so sorry. We had to remove the baby in order to save Savanna's life and unfortunately the baby didn't make it," he said, sadly. He clapped me on the shoulder. "We did all we could. We had to make a decision in the spur of the moment. I'm so sorry for your loss." 

I felt my insides collaspe on themselves. My little girl....gone. I'm not going to be a father anymore. There was nothing there to father. Tears sprung into my eyes, my lungs felt like they were caving in on themselves and my knees felt weak. The doctor excused himself and soon I was enveloped in the embrace of Savanna's closest friends. She's alive, but our child is dead. She's gone. Our baby... Tears started to fall harder and my knees gave out, my heart aching for the death of my child. I lost my child. I felt like a hole was in my chest. Oh no. 

When Savanna finds out, this is going to kill her.


"You can see her now," the doctor said. All of us immedietely got up. He took a step back, his eyes wide at the sudden proximiy of all of us. "Only two at a time please," he added. "Perferably the two with the most impact to her life." 

We all stood there awkwardly, staring at each other, wondering which of us was going to be able to see Sav. I silently prayed it wouldn't be the boyfriend as he looked between us, a hopeful look on his face. Sam glared at me and Kate ended up suprising me by saying, "Sam and Chris you two go." I looked at her gratefully. 

"Are you sure?" I asked. She nodded, wrapping her arms around herself. 

"I'm not ready to see her," she mumbled, looking down. I nodded and Sam and I started to follow the doctor through the swinging doors. We walked through the corridor, careful of the nurses and eqipment. We turned a corner and as we walked down the hallway, the doctor added some extra information. 

"While Savanna was in the accident, from what I can tell, she sustained considerable amount of blunt force trauma to the front and back of her head. Although it looks like she was unconcious while it happened, it is possible that the sheer force of the accident may have caused some memory loss," he said, as he walked down the hallway. 

"So how extensive is it?" Sam asked, sounding close to tears. He stopped, in front of her door, I assumed and gave us a pitiful look. He swallowed before he spoke. 

"We'll have to see that when she wakes up," he said, "Her room." 

Sam and I just stared at the door for a moment after the doctor walked away. 

"I still love her," I said. 

"I know." 

"I never wanted to hurt her." 

"I know." 

"I'm not sure I can see her." 

"I know." 

"You hate me." 

"I do." 

I paused, staring at the grey door. 

"I hate him." 

She laughed. "I know." 

"I'm sorry." 

She put her hand on my arm and looked me in the eyes. "Believe me I know." She gave me a hug and as we embraced, though the door window, I could see the edge of the bed and my throat went dry. Was I ready to face her? 

AN: I may have or may not have cried while writing this one... please don't hate me. 

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