Beauty is the Beast (Kakashi...

By Amaterasu

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The combined seasons of 1 and 2 of Beauty is the Beast (Kakashi Love Story) Summary per each season in author... More

Prologue - Demon's Blood
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 - Pt 2
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Beauty is the Beast: Season 2 - Chapter 1
Season 2: Chapter 2
Season 2: Chapter 3 - Pt 1
Season 2: Chapter 3 - Pt 2
Season 2: Chapter 4
Season 2: Chapter 5
Season 2: Chapter 6
Season 2: Chapter Special #1 - First Winter Festival
Behind the Scenes Special Post #1
Behind the Scenes Special Post #2
Behind the Scenes Special Post #3
Season 2: Chapter 7 - Pt 1
Season 2: Chapter 7 - Pt 2
Season 2: Chapter 8
Season 2: Chapter 9
Season 2: Chapter 10
Season 2: Chapter 11
Season 2: Chapter 12
Season 2: Chapter 13
Chapter Special #2- First Meeting(s): Toad Sage
Season 2: Chapter 14 - Pt 1
Chapter Special #3- Chunin Exams: Take One! (Pt 1)
Season 2: Chapter 14 - Pt 2
Chapter Special #3 (continued) - Chunin Exams: Take One! (Pt 2)
Chapter Special #3 (continued) - Chunin Exams: Take One! (Pt 3)
Season 2: Chapter 14 - Pt 3
Chapter Special #3 (continued) - Chunin Exams: Take One! (Pt 4)
Season 2: Chapter 15
Season 2: Chapter 16

Chapter 24 - Pt1

1K 19 0
By Amaterasu

Several pairs of eyes continued to keep watch as the ceremony began. Several monks lined the pathway to the large statue on either side with bowed heads and the Grand Master slowly made his way forward with the scrolls in a very formal manner. Chanting could be heard as Hisayo, her wolves, and Kakashi continued to watch over the grounds.

A pair of gold eyes couldn’t help but glance over to where a certain masked shinobi was stationed. He stood on a branch under the shade of a tree on the opposite side of the temple walls from where she was stationed at. She continued to growl at herself for allowing him to get away with using her name in such an informal fashion yesterday. She had been too caught up in his words and her off-feelings that she hadn’t caught the slip, until it was too late to go back and correct it. He might try to get away with it again, she continued to tell herself; and she’d be sure to definitely correct it the next time. She wouldn’t let such strange emotions get in the way again.

The small snapping of a twig brought her out of her thoughts and she quickly turned her head to see the familiar grey coat of one of her summons, Ichiro. His crystal blue eyes looked past her at the object that had captured her attention—Kakashi. He then gave a small wolfish grin before making his way to Hisayo’s side.

“Have something…” Ichiro looked between Hisayo and Kakashi, “…or should I say, someone, on your mind?”

“Don’t you have rounds to make? Go bother one of your brothers or sisters.” Hisayo spoke in an unconcerned voice while making sure to keep her eyes on the ceremony taking place.

“Aw, you’re no fun.” Ichiro growled in a disappointed manner as he turned his scarred cheek away from Hisayo.

Hisayo was about to respond when light rustling sounded from her and Ichiro’s left. Myukyu popped out from the brush, causing Hisayo and Ichiro to let out their held breathes.

“Myukyu, what is it?”

The small brown wolf sat and panted for a moment before speaking. “A message, from Kakashi.”

Hisayo gave a light sigh. “What does he want?”

It had been this way in the past twenty-four hours. Hisayo would send Myukyu to deliver her messages to Kakashi, and Kakashi would then do the same. Poor Myukyu, he had been going almost non-stop the whole time. But she had been too afraid to speak face to face with the masked man. Not after their conversation yesterday.

“He wants to discuss a last minute strategy, but wishes to speak with you face to face. He says it‘s very important and your cooperation in the matter is needed.”

“Tell him, not happening.”

Myukyu groaned in frustration. “Please? I’m kinda tired of being in the middle here.”

“I’m not leaving this post.” Hisayo continued to fight against the request.

“Not a problem Hisayo. I’ll remain here until you return.” Ichiro casually told her.

Hisayo simply growled under her breath. “Fine, but I won’t be long, so don’t get comfortable.”

The irritated kunoichi stood from her seat and disappeared in the brush. Ichiro and Myukyu then looked at each other with mischievous grins.

“Think it will work?”

Ichiro gave a deep laugh. “It will. The rest of the pack has agreed to help in the matter, so it will.”

“I just hope she doesn’t get angry at us for it.”

An onyx eye continued to survey the area below from his perch. Everything seemed to be going smoothly and from the looks of it, the wolves had continued to keep making rounds like they had told him they would, last night. They were never in one area for too long, always circling the walls of the temple.

Over the past day he had learned a lot from the rowdy pack; such as that they were all from the same litter—five brothers and three sisters, each given their name based on order of birth by gender. Apparently their mother was not the creative type.

That wasn’t the only thing that they all had in common, however. Each one had a very distinctive scar. It made it easier to tell which one was which since many of them had the same coat color. Ichiro was really the only one that stood out amongst the rest since he was the only one with a dark grey coat. Tsugi and Rokuko were the next in line for being easy to pick out. Kakashi still had to look at their scars to pick out who was who between the two though.

They had happily told him about how each received their battle scars. It all started when Eiji and Daigoro began proudly comparing their scars and arguing over whose was better. That in turn got Nana, the sassiest in the group, to jump in the middle and declare the scar over her muzzle to be the best. Her story was the first to be heard around the fire last night.

Afterwards, they had all decided to work on their strategy for today’s event. That was when he realized that Hisayo hadn’t been around the whole time. In fact, he hadn’t seen her since she went to watch over the area earlier that day. The only time he had heard from her after, was when she sent Myukyu to him. He had sent a message through the wolf asking why she was not around with everyone else for their gathering, but the only reply he had received from her was yet another message, via Myukyu, telling him not to bother her unless it was something important. It hadn’t stopped him from continuing to send messages through Myukyu though.

Kakashi let out a frustrated sigh. What would make her distance herself like that again? She had been that way during their trip here to the temple, but she had opened back up and started speaking with him again. He thought nothing of it, but after the second time last night, he had begun to wonder. Had he said something to push her away? He didn’t think so, but looking back on what he had said yesterday, he didn’t blame her. She wasn‘t used to having another person, other than her sensei, tell her something like that. Perhaps she was simply trying to get her feelings in order and think on the matter.

“If I were an enemy, then you’d be dead right now.”

Kakashi broke out of his thoughts and smiled at the kunoichi who had taken up a spot on a branch opposite of his own. She was sitting down and leaning against the tree with her arms crossed and looking at the ceremony. It looked like it was about halfway over with by now.

“I was wondering when you’d make an appearance.” He simply said, ignoring her remark.

“Myukyu said you wanted to discuss something important.”

“I did?” Kakashi raised an eyebrow in confusion.

“Didn’t you?”

“No, I didn’t tell him anything.”

Hisayo quickly connected the dots. Myukyu had set it up and she had a feeling that Ichiro had a hand in it himself, what with his earlier offer of keeping an eye on her post. Myukyu’s whining should have set her off that something was up. Rarely did he ever do that, but her fondness for the runt as well as the inward guilt she had for making him be in the middle, had caused her to give in.

“Why that little-”

“Don’t be upset. I’m sure he means well, Hisayo.” Kakashi cut in with a closed eye smile.

Hisayo quickly turned her head over her shoulder to him. “It’s Hisayo-san. Do I have to beat it into you?” She threatened.

“Aw, but you didn’t say anything last time.”

Hisayo’s face turned a light shade of red. “Well that’s because I was…” How was she supposed to explain herself exactly?

“Was it because I was distracting you with my charms?” Kakashi joked.

“Charms? What charms are you talking about? Like talisman charms?” Hisayo turned her head away from the ceremony in a thinking manner.

She knew how charms worked. You set them up for either good luck or as warders of evil. She even knew of a particular temple in the north where monks used talismans against demons. Though there were hardly any demons around now days, they still continued to practice the vanquishing of them. Hisayo inwardly shivered at the thought. She hoped Kakashi wasn’t referring to those kinds of charms.

“No, as in an attracting characteristic.”

“And what would those be?”

Kakashi turned his head to look at Hisayo, a bit taken back by her question. “Well, like hair, eyes, facial features, and things like that.”

“And how does one confirm that those things are…attracting?”

“You mean you don’t know?”

Hisayo simply shook her head in response.

Kakashi was astonished to find that the woman beside him didn‘t know. Surely, at least once in her life she experienced some kind of attraction to someone—or at least seen an example of someone showing it? He was trying to figure out how to explain it. He couldn‘t use Icha Icha as an example, could he? The ringing of the gong from inside the temple signaling the end of the prayer ceremony was heard.

Kakashi sighed in relief. “The ceremony is over. Let‘s go secure the scrolls, shall we?”

Hisayo nodded before they descended from their high perches.

“Again, I thank you.” Masahiro bowed as he held up the three scrolls to be taken back to Konoha.

“And Konoha thanks you, Grand Master.” Kakashi also bowed.

Hisayo stood to the back of everyone with her pack, waiting for their time to return home.

“Have a good conversation?” Ichiro teased.

“So, you and Myukyu did plan it.” Hisayo accused.

“Well actually, we all did.” Myukyu confessed.


“You see, everyone made sure to work real hard to keep the place secure enough so that you and Kakashi wouldn’t be interrupted.” Ichiro explained.

“Why would you all do that for me?” Hisayo looked at the whole group. They were all exchanging smirks.

“Because, we sense something good going on.” One of the females spoke up. It was Tsugi. She flicked her tail around in an anxious manner.

“What are you talking about?”

Another female laughed. “It’s obvious really. We can smell the pheromones in the air.”

Hisayo felt heat build up in her face. “W-what? I don‘t know what you‘re all talking about.”

“Deny it all you want, but we know.” The wolves then chuckled among themselves.

Okay so maybe they might be right. But they were only talking in retrospect of wolves and their behavior; and though she may be able to shift into a wolf, she most certainly was not one. She was a human being for crying out loud. Okay, maybe not a full-fledged human, but still—human behavior did not work the way wolves’ did. She couldn’t help but think though, that maybe they were right. Was that why she felt weird around him all this time? Were those the same feelings that wolves had when they came across…

“What’s so funny?” Kakashi asked as he approached the group.

Hisayo quickly turned away and tried to control her heated face. The wolves began trying to stifle their chuckles.

“Oh, it’s nothing. Just some wolf talk is all.” Ichiro covered.

“We should be on our way. Call us if you need us again, Hisayo.” Myukyu said before making a hasty exit, followed by the rest of the pack who were still chuckling.

“Hmph. See if I do.” Hisayo grumbled under her breath.

“Ready to go now?”


“And how about we take it slow and easy? I’d like to enjoy a stroll down the road of life.” Kakashi masked crinkled into a smile.

Hisayo sighed and crossed her arms as she turned away and began walking. “Fine, whatever. It still doesn’t change the fact that I’m still stuck with you.”

“I’m not that bad am I?” Kakashi jogged to catch up to Hisayo.

“In some areas: Yes. In others…not so much, I guess.”

Kakashi gave a light chuckle as he walked behind his teammate. “That’s a compliment right?”

“Just hurry up. I’m ready to go home.” Hisayo gave a small smirk.


“Who are you?”

Golden orbs looked into the cold green ones of a young man. They were slightly afraid, and seemed weak; however, the voice that sounded was the complete opposite. “I’m no one and yet, someone at the same time.”

“Just answer my question, girl.” The young man looked down at the equally young woman who sat in front of him with her knees in front and legs under herself. His eyes were sharp and held a glint of superiority in them. He wasn’t the patient type, so her cryptic reply only annoyed him.

The woman flinched a bit, but then smiled lightly. “I go by many names. And you?”

“My name is none of your business.” He shot out, still annoyed by her continued ‘round-the-bush’ replies.

Just then his name was called from across the courtyard of the manor he was visiting on business. “Akio! Otouto! Where did you go now?!”

The girl with no name gave a small giggle and Akio’s face turned slightly red in embarrassment and anger. He had always told his brother not to call him little brother when not in their own home. It didn’t used to bother him before, but he had been a child back then, and when one goes through different stages of growth and ages, such things were no longer wanted or needed.

“Stop laughing.” He demanded quickly without any thought to his tone of voice.

The girl suddenly stopped and flinched greatly before stumbling away and bowing deeply as though she were afraid she would be attacked. “M-my apologies, Akio-sama. I didn’t mean it. I’m sorry!”

He was surprised by her actions. He didn’t think he had sounded so frightening when he had spoken, but then again he always sounded intimidating and also had an equal air about him. He continued to hear his brother call to him, but ignored him; instead finding himself walking over to the girl sitting right under her doorway.

“Am I really that scary to you?”

The still bowing girl spoke, but this time in a smaller voice. “All clan members scare me, Akio-sama.”

“Why?” He didn’t understand her, nor could he place who she was. He couldn’t really recall seeing her face or out-of-place appearance she had—and he knew everyone in the clan. However, it did hold a sort of familiarity as if he had, in fact, seen her before.

“They dislike that I’m different. So sometimes…” Her voice trailed off.

“Sometimes what?” He asked.

“…I am…beaten.”

It was then did he start to really look at her. Her arms were covered in cuts and bruises. He knelt down and lifted her face slowly to meet his. His cold eyes did not betray the slight shock he felt as he saw that her whole left eye was a mixed color of black and blue. There was even a slightly deep cut just where her eyebrow arched.


“Akio. There you are. It’s time to…go.” His brother’s sentence slowed when he saw whom his brother was with.

Akio turned his head and looked up at his brother with fierce eyes. His voice held no hint of concern. “Seiya, do you know why-”

“Let’s go, Akio.” Again Akio’s voice was cut off by his brother’s. “Leave her, now.” Seiya ordered firmly before turning to leave the manor, which they were visiting together.

“But, Seiya.”

“Now!” Akio flinched at his brother’s tone.

Never had his brother ever used that kind of tone on him before, not even when his personality would get him into trouble, which was very often. His lack of concern for others often led to casualties in his group when in the line of duty. The only one to receive any concern at all was his brother, and no one else. He quickly obeyed and followed his brother. He shot one last glance over his shoulder at the girl, but she was nowhere to be seen.

It was night when he went back. He snuck around the manor in search of the girl, knowing that she wouldn’t be hard to find, or miss—not with her uncharacteristic clan features. His brother had told him once they were home about who and what she was.

If his brother was hoping for him to get the message and stay away, then all of his hoping had been in vain. He knew his brother was only telling him for his own good, as well as to keep up the image he had as leader, but he was too curious to stay away, even at the orders of ‘Leader-sama’.

As he crossed the courtyard to the place he had met the girl, who he now knew to be part demon, he thought he could hear muffled sobbing coming from the room she had stood outside of. He quietly made his way into the room once he confirmed the crying to belong to her. She was sitting in front of a lamp that dimly lit the room. Papers, scrolls, and books all lay scattered across the room. On some of the items, he could faintly make out small splatters of blood.

She stopped crying once she realized she was not alone in the room anymore, having smelled his scent. She turned her head and gave a small smile in an attempt to hide her real feelings of sadness and pain.

“It’s you again. Have they sent you here to make sure I clean up the mess? I promise I was about to do it. ” She quickly moved to pick up all the materials on the floor.

Akio slowly walked to her cleaning form and stood above her with his arms crossed. “I don’t think I have seen you before, at least, I don’t recall any meetings of you in the past.”

The white haired girl stopped cleaning and gave a small smile, but did not look up to meet his gaze. “I would think that you would remember someone like me, because I remember you.”

“What?” Akio questioned.

“We were only children when we first met, though it wasn’t under any happy circumstances. Don’t you remember?”

“Hmph, I think I would remember a mongrel like you.” Akio’s cold eyes glared down at her.

Though his words were harsh, she didn’t flinch back. She only gave a small smile. “It’s okay that you don’t.”

Akio looked at her and thought how odd it was of her to be smiling despite his hurtful comment and even more so when she was in such a position in the clan. He didn’t know why, but he immediately found her to be intriguing.

“So, you’re Leader-sama’s brother?” She began on a different subject.

That’s how it continued through the night and several nights after. She asked him questions and he would answer them in his usual cold and rude manner. It didn’t matter to her though, for she found his company to be more appealing than that of the other clansmen.

Where she was beaten and hated by them, she had found quite the opposite with Akio. Okay, so she didn’t really know if he hated her or not, but so far, his visits weren’t hostile. He would get upset if she poked at him enough in a joking manner, but never would he retaliate in a negative manner. He was annoyed at times, but otherwise unthreatening.

One night was different however, and he was the one to poke fun of her, in his usual cold manner of course.

“So you have all of these scrolls and books, and you can’t even read them?” Akio looked at the shelf full of reading material. It wasn’t a very big shelf, but many books were small in size, so many of them fit. The scrolls sat on top of those when not in use.

“Most of them have pictures, so I just look at those.”

“What’s the use if you don’t even know what they are about? It’s a waste of time just looking at pictures.”

“Not for me. For me, it’s the only glimpse I have of the outside world, even if they are only pictures and most of them aren‘t of real places. And even though I cannot read, that doesn’t stop me from making up my own stories to go along with them.” Akio looked at the young woman with slightly soft eyes.

He always saw her having a positive outlook on things. She never took what she had for granted, such as her precious books, and she always smiled in front of him no matter how he found her when he visited.

He inwardly frowned at that last thought.

He was slowly finding that he disliked seeing her in a beaten state. She had never done anything wrong, and yet she was still punished for no reason at all.

He stood up out of his seat and left for the night without a word to her. Her only response to his departure was a happy smile. She knew he would return the next night—and he did.

“Is this for me? Really?” A large smile was held on her face the moment he held out the book.

“I had no use for it, so I figured since you enjoy looking at pictures, that this was appropriate.” Akio looked away to hide his slight blush in embarrassment. He wasn’t use to thinking of others or even giving a gift to anyone for that matter, but he figured that it would make her happy even if it was just a simple picture book.

“Wow, I love it! Thank you, Akio-sama!” She expressed happily while holding the book close to her.

“Yeah, well don’t go thinking I did it simply because I thought of you. I just need space on my shelves for more important things.” He covered up his kind act with his usual cold self.

Soon the days turned into weeks and with the falling autumn leaves, came snow. It wasn’t very heavy, but it was still enough to give anyone chills. He found her huddled in a corner trying to keep herself warm with what little clothing she had on her body.

“He-hello…Ak-Akio…sa-sama.” She chattered furiously. She still managed to give him a small smile.

Akio rushed to her side, taking off his haori and wrapping it around her. “I need to get you warmed up.” He then began to sit her up.

“I’m f-fine. Don-n’t w-worry.” She still continued to chatter.

“No, you’re not.” Akio argued as he brought her close to try to warm her with his own body heat.

The young woman chuckled between chattering teeth. “You’re n-not doing th-this fo-for me, r-right?”

She had, by now, become used to his comments about not doing something or bringing her something because he simply thought of her. She had always been alright with those excuses, so it came as a surprise to her when she heard his response.

“I am. You don’t need to be suffering even more than you already have been.”

Her eyes widened slightly, but they soon softened and she pressed into him for more warmth, holding onto the front of his kimono. He responded by gently tightening his hold on her, giving her even more warmth. She soon found herself not chattering anymore, finally able to hear the steady beating of his heart.

In that small moment, Akio had found himself unable to deny the feelings he had for the white-haired woman. No longer would he make up excuses. No longer would he feel the need to be cold towards her in order to hold his true emotions at bay. Though there were no words exchanged between the two, they both knew what the other felt. The simple act of embracing one another was enough and for the frail woman being held in his arms, it was all she ever truly wanted.

“Megumi.” Akio whispered as his green eyes groggily opened to the sound of a heavy door creaking open. It had stirred him from his sleep and his dreams.

The noise echoed down the cold and dark corridor of the cell floor. With that sound came angry footsteps. They stopped at the closed door in front of him. The sound of a key clicking the door open was heard before it was slammed open.

Satoru stood in the doorway with an unpleased look. In a flash, he had Akio held up against the wall with a hand around his throat. The sound of the chains restraining Akio chimed violently and a small crack of the wall behind him could be heard; as well as felt. That blow and sudden movement had done nothing to help the pounding headache he was feeling since he had woken up.

“Where did you hide her?!” Satoru’s eyes narrowed in anger and irritation.

Still they could not locate the woman. The scouts had searched every corner of Konoha and still they had come up empty. It hadn’t taken the scouts very long to report back to their leader for fear of punishment should they be too slow for their leader’s liking. Satoru was filled with anxiety over it all. He needed to get a hold of her soon. He had a deadline to make and if she wasn't delivered to his client, then everything would be ruined. Not just his client’s plans, but his as well.

Akio remained silent despite the pain he was feeling. He would sooner die before telling Satoru anything about Hisayo’s whereabouts. The response he earned from the angered leader was a fist to his ribs. Akio was then released, falling as far as his chains would allow, in a fit of coughing and gasping for air.

“I asked you a question, now answer me!” Satoru then placed a solid kick to Akio’s ribs, further damaging them and causing blood to be coughed up this time.

“I…won’t…say.” Akio painfully replied after somewhat catching a bit of air.

Satoru angrily narrowed his eyes at the reply he received and preceded to slam his foot against one of Akio’s arms. He smirked in satisfaction upon hearing Akio yell out in pain. He held his foot against the arm still and slowly began adding pressure against it.

“I can go at this all day. I’ll break every bone in your body until there is nothing left.” The young leader threatened in a dark voice.

Akio could feel the breaking of the bone, but continued to say nothing. He only gritted his teeth in an attempt to hold back a pained yell. His efforts, however, were lost as he finally gave in and yelled out in agony as the bone continued to break.

“Leader-sama, more word from the scouts. It appears that our prisoner’s summon has been spotted on the outskirts of the village.” Kinu’s voice was heard in the near darkness. The light leaking in from the main floor barely made out her features.

Satoru lowered his foot and turned away with a satisfied chuckle. “That’s right. You had summoned that bird. Why didn’t I think of it before?” Satoru walked to the door and looked over his shoulder at his beaten prisoner. “Your summon will lead her straight here.” He then made his exit, leaving behind his guardian, Kinu.

“You could have saved yourself all of this pain if you had simply told him what he wanted to know.” Kinu now stood in the doorway with a sympathetic look on her face.

Akio seemed to ignore her as he focused his efforts on dulling his pain through labored breathes. The fact that he had indeed heard her was made clear though as he lifted his head and locked eyes with her. She felt even more sympathy for the man as she saw the emotions he held in his eyes. Pain, sorrow, and worry filled them. She could take it no longer as she took out a small cloth from the only sleeve of her kimono and made her way forward to rid his face of sweat and blood.

“Why?” Was the only thing he spoke in response to her actions.

Kinu was quiet for a moment before she spoke. “I suppose I feel pity for you. I understand the pain Leader-sama has inflicted on us.”

“Yet you all still follow him.”

“We don’t have a choice.”

“What happened exactly?”

Kinu cautiously looked over her shoulder and listened for any foreign noises before speaking in almost a whispering tone of voice. “It happened almost three years ago. A strange man approached the clan, claiming to be some sort of miracle worker that could bring the dead back to life and restore our clan’s bloodline to the way it used to be, before demons had tainted it.”

“Would this man be the same client that Satoru was speaking of?” Akio questioned, now being able to breath in an almost normal manner.

“Yes, the very one. Your brother didn’t feel right about allowing the man to remain on our clan’s premises, but agreed to let him stay for a short while. The elders had thought it a good idea to deal with potentially new clients, and had swayed Seiya-sama to let the man stay. During the time, Satoru was very taken by the man and his stories. He was always seen escorting him around our land. We didn’t know it then, but the man, now Satoru’s client, had somehow found out about our clan’s history and discovered Satoru to be a strong carrier of demon blood due to the fact that he was born with a sibling of demonic origin. He had asked Seiya-sama to allow Satoru to travel with him. He claimed that it was for the clan’s benefit. It would open up great doors of opportunity for us if we spread the word of how great our clan is, he had said.”

“What did Seiya have to say on the matter?” Akio asked, already knowing the answer.

“He said no, that he didn’t trust him or his claims. This upset Satoru greatly, but he didn’t say a word. Instead, he went behind everyone’s back and received tutelage under the man in secret. No one knew about it until a year ago when Seiya-sama decided to follow him one day. It was the start of tyrannical rule for us all.”

“Why hasn’t anyone fought back? Why have the elders not responded to this?”

Kinu‘s face fell, “The elders are dead. He killed them all.”

Akio’s eyes widened in shock.

“We all didn’t see any of this coming, before it was too late. That man…he turned Satoru into a monster just like the rest of the half-demons that have ever been born into this clan. We don’t know how, but he did. For the past year everyone has lived in fear of him and can only do as he says or we die at his hands.”

“I will help you all.” Akio stated.

“And what can you, a beaten and chained up man, do?” Kinu laughed.

“I wouldn’t be chained if you would just release me from these restrains.”

“You would die then.”

“At least I would die fighting. I will continue to fight until my last breath for everything that’s precious to me, even this clan that has forsaken half-demons and myself. I won’t cower in fear like you all have done for generations.”

Kinu looked at Akio and shook her head with an unconvinced sigh. “You can’t rewrite history or break tradition.”

“Perhaps not, but creating new traditions can help lead to a different future.”

“You’re a determined one, I’ll give you that.” Kinu smiled softly before standing to leave. She had been down here too long. Leader-sama might get suspicious and send down her brother to retrieve her.

“Wait. Your name…it’s Kinu, isn’t it?”

“And what if it is?”

“I just wanted to thank you, for your kindness.”

“Enjoy it while you can. Sadly it’s the only act of kindness you’ll more than likely be receiving here.” Kinu sadly spoke as she shut the door and locked it back up.

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