The Gang Leader Meats His Maf...

By Rosesc1982

48.8K 1.3K 69

Ace is rude, arrogant a womanizer until he met Rosie. Only she could change his cold heart. Do you believe i... More

CHAPTER 3 Part 1
CHAPTER 4 Part 2
Chapter 21
πŸ† Awards πŸ†


3K 69 2
By Rosesc1982

Edited Aug 23, 2019, Big changes to this chapter if you have read it I would re-read it if you are starting to read this book please just read the chapters that have been edited because I am changing a lot in each chapter and I want you to read the new version of this story.

Thank you 🤗



"I love you, You know that right?" His eyes had lots of sorrow in them as I looked into his eye witch, I had tried to look the other away but for some reason, I just could
I needed to put on an act so he could leave me alone for once and for all.

"That's nice, but I don't think I have ever loved you, Ryan, you were just someone to have a good time with nothing more and now your time is up."

"You are a heartless bitch, do you know that you played me and my feelings for towards you Rosie and I promise that I will never let this go."

"Aww, are your feelings hurt that I have never loved you Ryan nor anyone else for the matter will ever love you as well?"

Ryans face was starting to turn beet red, I could see the anger in his eyes but I didn't care any longer, I just couldn't care for him now that he had sex with that bitch.

I was angry but mostly at myself, the reason for that was I had waisted 13 months of my life with a man my mother had told me right from the start that he was a loser and would end up hurting me.

But me being me I didn't care what her opinion was, she and I had never gotten along.

After she had left my dad and I, she only cared about herself and her next hit of any drug she could get her hands on.

My mother was a big drug addict which, who only blamed my father for her addiction, but my father didn't care he wanted to get her the help that she needed but everything had changed when he had found out from my nanny at the time who called him right away and told him that my mother went to use me by sealing my body at the age of 12 years old to a man who was 50 years old that offered her a million dollars for one night my father went crazy.

He tried killing my mother but I couldn't let him do that, I was worried for him so he actually kicked her out penniless and told her if she would ever come around me again that's when he will finally kill her.

I didn't know what happen to that pedophiler but knowing my dad he would be sleeping with the fishes right now or whatever is left of him.

So of right now, he does not know that I do talk to my biological mother sometimes and those times being her lawyer for her drug charges and bailing her out of jail when needed.

Ryan had brought me out of my thoughts when he had said: "I'm happy that I have been fucking your friend behind your back these past months."

Friend what friend she's not my friend, I said to my self.

I started to laugh this guy cracks me up sometimes, he truly thinks saying that will hurt my feelings like come on be real here.

"I'm happy too Ryan, Do you want to know why? You know what don't answer that I am going to tell you anyways, Now I have someone that can relate to me when I say his dick is too small that I can't even tell when he is inside me until he says that was good baby I have cum a lot." I tried mimicking his voice when I said that.

Right on cue Ryan raised his hand in the air just about to hit me but didn't get the chance too because my two best friends had walked in just at the right moment to save me.

My house has this open-door policy when it came to my friends, if the door was unlocked your more then welcome to come right in but if the door is locked that means two reasons.

One reason being I might not be at home or the next reason could be is I am having some hun if you know what I mean 😏.

"Hey you two, did we walk in at a bad moment or did we walk in at a good moment?" My best friend Mark asked with his arms crossed to his chest raising his eyebrows looking at Ryan. I had always none he couldn't stand that boy as well as my other good friend Dino who was standing beside him.

"Great your hear can you do me a favour? I need you both to help me take out the trash." I then pointed to Ryan.

"Don't either of you touch me, I was leaving anyway, I'm done with this bitch and her crazy ass mood swings and her vulgar mouth towards me."

"Sounds good Ryan and if you ever see me out and about around town pretend you don't know me because I'll be doing that to you." I had the biggest smile on my face to show him that I didn't care.

Ryan gave me an angry look before he stormed off out of my house slamming my front door.

I screamed out hoping he could hear, "If you destroy the outside of my house I'll take your sorry ass to court."

Turning around to face the other two in my living room, they both had goofy grins.

"Finally, the dickhead is gone, I'm surprised you had lasted this long. Normally you get ride of a guy once you hit that 1-year mark, but for some odd reason you gave him an extra month," said Mark who was walking over to my refrigerator grabbing himself and Dino a drink.

I sat my butt down on my couch and criss-cross my legs.

"Normally I do, but the guy wouldn't leave, I tried everything but cheat on him." Just thinking about it frustrated me of the things I had to come up with to just get rid of him.

Dino plopped right next to me, making me lean over to his side, I had to readjust myself and move over a little.

"My God Dino you take the whole couch." I screeched.

"Ya I know but it's not my fault, it's my mothers cooking." He joked.

"Are you sure about that man? You did have three subs before we had come here." Mark said giving him the eye.

I couldn't believe my ears these jerks had subs without me, Me and they even have the audacity to talk about it in my presence knowing how much I loved subs.

"Well, I think it's time for the both of you to leave now," I crossed my arms giving them the look you better run or ill get you and bury you six feet underground.

"Ohhhhhhhh she's mad," Mark said as he looked at my face laughing out loud.

So he thinks this is funny eh I'll show him what's funny, taking a pillow that was behind me I smack him in the head with it, he was shocked but smirked at the same time as he grabbed that pillow from my hand and started hitting me with it now.

"Stop just stop the both of you and Damn girl, your sub is in the refrigerator. Cool the fuck down."
Dino had said placing his hands up trying to block himself from the pillow mark was hitting me with.

Awww this warms my heart these boys know me so well.

"Back to my questions I had asked, how did you get rid of the jackass?"

" Oh, remember that girl named Danielle? I told you about, (they looked at me like they had no clue who I was talking about.) You no the one who got caught blowing that cop on duty that I had to represent in court?"

"Yup I remember now," Mark said laughing his face was even turning red and so was Dinos because they laughed so hard.

"Well after my court case I asked to speak to her just one on one and gave her some bulshit line saying I know it was not her fault yada yada yada and asked her to come over for coffee, knowing Ryan would be there."

"And." They both said at the same time.

"And like I protected Ryan was there and I just put my plan into action."

"Ok, Rosie you're killing us here what the fuck happen? Mark and I don't have all day."

Laughing, " Ok, Ok like I said I put my plan in action I told them that I needed to go make coffee and left them alone. You all know that I have cameras all around my house which they didn't and when I was gone let's just say they did more than first base on my couch in the 5-minute span when I was gone."

Both boys mouths were open just gaping at me.

"So that's why you dragged us out to go couch shopping."

I just shook my head yes at the boys.


Hi Everyone 👋

I want to start off with welcoming you to this story and I am looking forward to hearing your comment.

This story does have a lot of language and intimate scenes so if you don't feel comfortable reading this sorry I do understand and it would be better for you to skip this story and if you are like me who love that kind of actions in stories I do hope that you will Vote and Share this story for others to read.

      💜 THANK YOU 💜

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