Beauty is the Beast (Kakashi...

By Amaterasu

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The combined seasons of 1 and 2 of Beauty is the Beast (Kakashi Love Story) Summary per each season in author... More

Prologue - Demon's Blood
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 - Pt1
Chapter 24 - Pt 2
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Beauty is the Beast: Season 2 - Chapter 1
Season 2: Chapter 2
Season 2: Chapter 3 - Pt 1
Season 2: Chapter 3 - Pt 2
Season 2: Chapter 4
Season 2: Chapter 5
Season 2: Chapter 6
Season 2: Chapter Special #1 - First Winter Festival
Behind the Scenes Special Post #1
Behind the Scenes Special Post #2
Behind the Scenes Special Post #3
Season 2: Chapter 7 - Pt 1
Season 2: Chapter 7 - Pt 2
Season 2: Chapter 8
Season 2: Chapter 9
Season 2: Chapter 10
Season 2: Chapter 11
Season 2: Chapter 12
Season 2: Chapter 13
Chapter Special #2- First Meeting(s): Toad Sage
Season 2: Chapter 14 - Pt 1
Chapter Special #3- Chunin Exams: Take One! (Pt 1)
Season 2: Chapter 14 - Pt 2
Chapter Special #3 (continued) - Chunin Exams: Take One! (Pt 2)
Chapter Special #3 (continued) - Chunin Exams: Take One! (Pt 3)
Season 2: Chapter 14 - Pt 3
Chapter Special #3 (continued) - Chunin Exams: Take One! (Pt 4)
Season 2: Chapter 15
Season 2: Chapter 16

Chapter 14

1.3K 42 2
By Amaterasu

Kakashi stood quietly and waited for Akio to speak. He inwardly sighed. Wasn’t it just a few days ago that they stood like this in the hallways of the hospital? He wondered what it was this time. 

Akio closed his eyes and took in a small breath before opening them back up and speaking. “Why are you’re interested in Hisayo?”

Kakashi lifted his eyebrow in confusion. Interested how? He didn‘t know what to think of that question.

“Excuse me?”

“I have dealt with plenty of people in the past that have seen her in that state to know the response she receives. Why do you continue to see her every day? What makes you unaffected by her other half?” Akio further asked.

Kakashi took a step back in his mind. It was true, he wasn’t very affected by it, at least not in a negative way, but he didn’t quite know how to answer that question. He thought it would sound funny if he said it was mostly because of his dreams.

In fact after the confrontation with Hisayo in her demon state, the reflection in the white wolf’s golden eyes had suddenly become clear in his dreams. In one of the eyes, Hisayo, as a human was reflected at him; in the other, was Hisayo’s demon form. Two separate halves of a whole, he thought.

He still couldn’t figure out why he was having that dream, He hoped that if he spent time around Hisayo, then he could slowly understand, but would Akio understand his reasoning? He hoped he would and then maybe Akio wouldn’t feel so tense over the matter regarding Hisayo.

“I only want to understand. I don’t think it is right to pass judgment on something that I know nothing of. And also…I have been having this dream.” Akio narrowed his eyes. “Wait it’s not what you think!” Kakashi waved his hands in front of him with a sweat drop and closed eye.

“Hmm, fine, explain.” Akio crossed his arms.

“It may sound odd, but after I first met her, I have had this recurring dream of a white wolf reflecting Hisayo in its eyes. At first it was fuzzy, but after seeing her a few days ago in her demon state, it became very clear. However, I’m not understanding it completely. I do know though, that I shouldn’t be judgmental. I won’t outcast her because of what she is. I will set an example just like the one she has set with Naruto. I want her to be accepted. You must feel the same seeing as you‘ve brought her up yourself.” 

Akio stood, at a loss for words. This man before him was trying to do the same thing that he was. Akio thought back to when he first wished to change the clan. It had happened just after the death of the previous half-demon. He had vowed to stop the vicious cycle and had hoped that if he led by example, then his old clan would follow. It was the same situation here now.

It was perhaps a small start, but Hisayo was in fact, leaving a good impact on some of the people here in this village; an impact great enough to create a positive opinion of her, despite what she was. He felt so much at ease now after hearing Kakashi words. He didn’t need to worry over whether or not Kakashi would be accepting of Hisayo, because in some way, he had already done so.

Akio’s gaze towards Kakashi softened and he gave a warm smile. “Thank you.”

“I hope your mind is at ease now.”

“Yes, it is.”

“I’m glad. Well I hate to run, but I have few things to take care of. I’m sure you won’t mind me coming by again?”

“No, not at all.”

“Goodbye for now then.” Kakashi smiled behind his mask as he walked pass Akio and made his way out of the building.


Hisayo continued to sit up in bed with the support of her pillows and had occupied herself with staring at the clouds slowly moving by her windows. Akio opened the door and walked through; taking up the seat that Kakashi had sat in earlier and gave a sad frown.

“I’m sorry that I couldn’t get there to stop any of it in time.”

“You did what you could sensei. It was my fault for not sending word sooner. I should have the moment I found out that I would have to pass through that land. I’m sorry for losing control.” Hisayo looked down to her hands in her lap.

It had been a long time since she last lost control from removing more than one cuff and she felt ashamed for not being able to keep control like she had done so many times before in the past. It must have been the clan’s blood that had set her off like that.

“It’s alright Hisayo. You are not at fault, however I doubt that the clan with see it that way.”

Hisayo quickly looked up to her sensei. “So then do you think they will come here?”

“If they know that we are now part of the Land of Fire and Konoha, then I doubt they will try anything.” Akio reasoned.

“In any case, I think I’ve lost any hope of the clan accepting me now. Losing control the first time around the clan back then was bad enough, but now…” Hisayo grew very quiet.

“Hisayo, if you fight hard enough, if you never give up, then there will always be hope. In time, the clan will understand, but right now we must focus on Konoha. We must work hard to make sure they understand. The Hokage will want a full report once everyone involved in that mission returns.”

“Does that mean that everyone knows?” 

“As far as your team goes, Jiro is the only one that knows. The Genin had moved the caravan far enough away that they could not see what had happened.”

“And the rest of the group that had been with you when you arrived?”

“The only one they assured would be to know from them is the Hokage, once they make their report. They will not breathe a word of it to anyone else.” Akio crossed his arms in his sleeves and looked out the window.

“I see.” Hisayo gripped her covers in her lap and closed her eyes.

She became worried of the reaction the Hokage would have over what she was. She knew that he understood of Naruto and what he was, but what about her? She was something completely different than the nine-tails. She could almost feel herself trembling.

A warm and gentle hand place itself on her head. She opened her eyes and looked up. Akio looked down to her and gave a warm smile.

“Everything will be alright Hisayo. I’m here, so don’t be afraid. Now, I must leave back to the academy.” Hisayo felt her trembling body start to calm down. She gave a deep sigh and relaxed.

“Thank you, sensei.” Akio smiled and quietly left the room.


Naruto stood true to his word and returned to see Hisayo again as soon as his day at the academy was over.

“I’m back, Hisayo-san!” Naruto cheerfully hollered. As soon as he stopped at her bed he gave a stifling chuckle that Hisayo knew all too well.

“Who did you get this time?” She asked sternly.

Naruto pointed to the doorway and Hisayo’s eyes followed. She couldn’t help but bite at her thumb to keep from chuckling. Akio stood in the doorway, covered head to toe in syrup and feathers.

“And here I thought I was still off the hook from Naruto’s funny business.” Akio sighed in defeat. He would never catch a break with this kid, would he?

“Not anymore, Akio-sensei. Hisayo-san is back and I don’t have to stay out of trouble anymore.” Naruto grinned from ear to ear.

Hisayo had to admit it. The boy was right and it was her fault that Akio continued to be a victim of Naruto’s pranks. She did, after all, tell the boy that he should keep Akio on his toes.

Akio sighed again. “I better get home and change. I’ll be back a little later Hisayo.”

“Why change? That look suits you better sensei.” Hisayo smirked.

“I think I prefer my usual look Hisayo, but if you‘re so into the look, then perhaps I should make adjustments to your wardrobe at home.” Akio smiled innocently.

Hisayo’s smirk left her face. “You wouldn’t dare.”

“Perhaps, we will see.” Akio smiled and waved as he went out the door.

Hisayo had a frown on her face and looked away from the door with a ‘humph’. She knew he was just playing with her, and couldn’t help but give a small smile and shake of her head.

Naruto continued to grin and chuckle after he left. “You should have seen it! He didn’t know what hit him!”

“I’m sure it was a sight.” Hisayo calmly agreed after losing her smile.

“So, when do you get to leave the hospital?” Naruto questioned with s straight face.

“I plan on getting out tomorrow morning.”

“Really? That’s great! Akio-sensei wasn’t kidding when he said you were faster at healing than everyone else. You must be a super ninja!” Naruto smiled with wide eyes in excitement.

“What has Akio-sensei been telling you?” Hisayo guessed that Akio had just been trying to reassure the boy of her condition, but she wondered if that was all.

“He just said that and that the two of us are more alike than I think. I don’t know what that last part meant though. Do you?” Naruto squinted his eyes to try to figure out what Akio had told him. It was lost in his mind.

She couldn’t believe sensei would say something like that to Naruto. What was he trying to do—get the boy to find about her and freak out? She would definitely have to have a word with her sensei when he returned.

“I haven‘t a clue.” Hisayo lied.

“Hey Hisayo-san…” Naruto began to speak after a long silence.

“What is it Naruto?”

“Can I stay here until it gets dark? I mean, you can’t go to the park to swing with me so I just thought that maybe…” Naruto looked down to the ground. He didn’t know her to spent time with him any other way, so he was afraid that she would decline his request.

“Come and make yourself comfortable.” Hisayo moved over in her bed and patted the spot next to her.

Naruto’s eyes lit up by her reply and he happily climbed onto the bed next to her. Hisayo shifted to get a bit more comfortable. She found that it hardly pained her to move around so much and she was pleased her wound was healing faster than anticipated. She definitely would be leaving tomorrow morning.

“Thanks Hisayo-san!” Naruto thanked as he hugged her arm tightly.

She was a bit surprised by his sudden actions. Other than her sensei, she wasn’t use to anyone showing her any kind of affection. She relaxed as Naruto’s hold on her arm loosened and he made himself comfortable leaning up against her. They both quietly looked out the window and watched the birds pass by in a series of graceful swoops.

Hisayo faintly smiled and looked down to the boy, liking the fact that Naruto was unafraid to be so close to her. He wasn’t afraid to express emotion to others like she was, despite how his life was. She hoped that if the day came that he did discover what she was, that he would continue to be the same towards her as he was now.

It was a few hours later that Akio had arrived at the hospital. It had taken longer than he thought to rid himself of the syrup and feathers and the sun was now starting to set. He opened the door to the room Hisayo had been staying in and was met with a heartwarming sight.

Hisayo was still sitting up with her head leaning to the side and had an arm over Naruto, who was still leaning against her. They had both fallen asleep. Akio smiled and turned around to quietly leave the room. He didn’t want to ruin Hisayo’s bonding time with the little boy. He would just have to come back first thing in the morning.


Hisayo woke to the early morning light and shifted around a bit, only to find her movement to be hindered by something. She was puzzled at first in her groggy state, but upon waking up more, she found out why. Naruto had clung around her waist still asleep.

‘That’s right, we both fell asleep.’ She began gently shaking the boy awake. “Naruto wake up.” The only response she received was incoherent mumbling followed by some snoring. 

Hisayo sighed and began poking the boy. He fidgeted and began giggling after a few moments. Hisayo gave a tiny smirk. She had found a good way to wake him up.

She began poking him some more, finding the spots around his lower ribs the most ticklish. Naruto laughed louder in his sleep and rolled around in the bed in an unconscious attempt to get away from the tickling fingers. He ended up tumbling out of the bed to the floor, taking the covers and a pillow with him.

Hisayo’s eyes slightly widened and she quickly looked over the edge of the bed. She was afraid that she may have hurt the blonde headed little boy.

“Haha, no fair Hisayo-san.” Naruto sleepily grinned with one eye open while he rubbed the sleep from his other eye.

Hisayo gave a small sigh in relief and returned back to her normal demeanor. “You need to get up now or you’ll be late.”

“Do I have to?” Naruto whined, still on the ground.

“Only if you want to set up early enough to catch Akio-sensei in another prank of yours.” Hisayo calmly advised.

Naruto’s eyes lit up in excitement and he quickly untangled himself from the covers and stood up, now fully awake.

“You’re right! I better go!” Naruto ran to the door and turned around.

“Oh! Since you‘re leaving here today, when will we get together to swing?” Naruto asked.

“Don’t worry. I will find you later, alright?”

“Okay! See you later Hisayo-san!” Naruto cheerfully waved and darted out the door, barely dodging someone on his way out.

“It seems that he has a lot of energy this morning.” Kakashi’s voice sounded.

Hisayo carefully eyed the shinobi. She still didn’t know what he was hiding or even why he came back to visit her. She just didn’t understand.

“Why are you here again?”

“Well I was enjoying a walk on the path of life when I came across a certain sensei. He asked me if I could deliver these clothes to you. So I kindly accepted his request.” Kakashi held up a large paper sack in front of Hisayo while giving a smile.

Hisayo took the bag of clothes. Why couldn’t Akio deliver them to her himself, she wondered. Had there been a problem or was it just his way of getting her to ‘make another friend’, as he might say to her?

“Thanks.” She simply said.

“Oh, and he thought you would be happy to receive these back.” Kakashi untied the two kodachi from around his back that he had been carrying and also held them out for Hisayo to take. The whole time he gave a smile behind his mask.

“Why are you doing this?” Hisayo looked at the two blades that continued to be held in Kakashi’s hands.

“Because Akio-san asked me.” he replied.

“No, why are you doing this? Why do you keep visiting?”

Kakashi’s face became calm and serious. “Can’t you just understand that I’m only trying to be friendly?”

“But I hardly know you.” Hisayo took the blades from Kakashi’s hands and looked at him.

“That’s exactly the point of being friendly, so you can get to know people. So let’s be friends alright? Isn’t that what you’ve been with Naruto, his friend?”

“That’s something completely different that you wouldn’t understand.”

“Maybe if I knew you more, then I would.”

“Well trust me you don’t.”

“And why is that?” Hisayo set the blades next to her and looked away. She would not say another word. 

“Aw, come on, don’t start being distant now.”

“Just go and don’t bother me anymore.” She continued not to make eye contact with him again.

“Why can’t you be accepting of others?” Hisayo’s breath slightly caught in her throat in realization after his words.

She was doing it again, wasn’t she? She closed her eyes and took in a small breath. That’s right, she was supposed to try and make an effort, but with recent events, she had started to close herself off again, and it wasn’t fair to Kakashi when he wasn’t involved, was it?

Hisayo gritted her teeth before speaking with no emotion. “Just don’t expect the same treatment that I give Naruto or Akio.”

“Wasn’t going to. It wouldn‘t be any fun if you treated me the same as those two right of the bat, now would it?” Kakashi gave a close eyed smile.

He would try his best to earn her trust and friendship and he hoped that if she continued to be unknowing of his involvement in that mission, then she would be easier to befriend.

The wolf flashed across his mind. Perhaps then, the wolf would howl no more.

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