Draco's suffering

By Bangtanarmy581

158K 4.3K 1.2K

When Draco is in his sixth year at hogwarts, at sixteen, before he leaves, his father, Lucius Malfoy, beats h... More

House Elves and Escape
Untitled Part 29
Part 31
Part 32
Part 36


3.5K 107 20
By Bangtanarmy581

Draco officially decided that he liked the second Prince more, which he felt was possibly rather rude, but he did. A lot more actually, as he could not bring himself to understand the crown prince. Perhaps there was something that Draco was missing, but he felt rather annoyed and upset with the first prince at the moment. Though he was not entirely certain those feelings were...allowed, he simply could not help himself. The first one was annoying and kind of scary, two things which Draco simply despised in people. The second one, by contrast, was much nicer, and calm Draco felt more calm in his presence. It was something that Draco could not wrap his mind around, and he felt rather nervous trying to actually figure out why that was. He decided to just push it away for the moment, as he had many other thing to worry about in the present, and as such he could not be distracted. The Second Prince was quite gentle, or so Draco was beginning to tell, despite his rather intimidating stature.  Unlike the first prince, the second one did not tell at him, or scream or was loud. He liked him a lot more.

At first, when the second Prince had said he would settle him in, Draco thought he would just put him in his room the the crown Prince had shown him and let him be. Draco knew better than to hope otherwise. He didn't like that room though. It was cold and large and reminded him too much of the Manor. Desolate. Dark. Still, he had been in worse, and so he supposed he had to take the little mercies after all.

"Where did my brother place you, little one?" The Prince asked. Draco, after a little bit of description, managed to get the younger Prince to figure out where Ferin had our him, and for some reason, was angry. Draco, misinterpreting the anger, mentally chastised himself for somehow angering the second Prince. Of course, the second prince was swift to state that he was not angry at Draco, yet he could not think of any other reason that the second prince would be angry with him. At this point, he had caused trouble for both of the princes, and he had not really meant to. He dreaded what this would mean. He knew this was a bad idea, and the fact that he had let Fluer convince him was making him rather upset. He should have pushed her away and shoved her out of the Manor instead of being polite. 

They soon reached the chamber which Draco had been placed in, and the Prince walked him in. Draco's mood drastically lowered. He really did not want to be in this room. He didn't like it. At all. It was cold, and dark, and just do empty. He had already resolutely told himself that it was useless to try and ask for a replacement, and yet, that seemed to not help when he had called out, impulses sort of taking over rather then remaining rational and staying silent as he was supposed to.

"Wait!" Draco impulsively called out, eyes wide and body still slightly shivering as the Prince had turned towards the door. His voice trembled in its speech, and Draco cursed himself for showing such weakness. It worked, however, as the Prince turned himself around and looked at Draco expectantly. Draco was nervous now, he had not meant to yell out in the first place. He could not comprehend what took over him.

"What is it?" The Second Prince asked, tilting his head gently to the side. There was no traces of anger in his voice, but Draco still found himself unbearably nervous, biting his lower lip, and gnawing on the flesh. The bit of pain calmed him. 

"I don't..." Draco inhaled. He could do this. "I don't like this room. " he practically whimpered. "It's so, large and dark, and chilly." He said softly. Trying to explain his dislike. He kept messing up, and Draco could only blame the fact that he was presenting. Still, that was no excuse. He was acting so...so weak. He hated it.

"I would imagine so." The Prince said understandably . "That is why I am moving you. I just wished to know where you were placed, that is all. So not to worry, you shall be placed in a more fitting room." Draco closed his eyes, careful not to sigh in relief, but he was relieved. Incredibly so. "Let's go, I shall show you to your new rooms." The Prince said gently . Draco moved forwards, not really thinking much of the fact that he was basically blindly listening to the other. His father, if he ever found out, would be disgusted. But Draco, for once, was not thinking of how his father would react. "My name, is Mingyu," the second Prince said. "What is yours?" He asked kindly.

"Draco," Prince Mingyu hummed.

" And your full name?"

"Draconis Abraxas Malfoy," Draco replied happily. Despite the many things he disliked about himself, his family, and everything in general, he did take great joy in his name. He liked it quite a bit. Mingyu, though he did not show it, was surprised. Though it was well known that the Veela gene was entwined within the Malfoy genetics, it was not common for a Malfoy to come here to transform, as they often either had no transformation, the genetic code muted over the magical one, or they refused to come at all. From what he can gather, however, the last Malfoy to undergo a transformation was Lucius, whilst he was under Voldermort's tutelage. Furthermore, he had been a dominant Veela, not a submissive one. Almost all of the Malfoy's had been dominant Veela, and the last Malfoy to transform had been 4 decades before Lucius.
Therefore, it was surprising that the boy was even here. He would get something had happened to Lucius, causing the boy to be able to come here during his transformation. He shuddered to think how the boy was treated under Lucius. It was well known how cruel the other was.
Still, he would watch over the young boy. He felt...responsible for him.

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