Sex, Love, and Basketball *Bo...

By KarmyVolkevens

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**Includes SLB Books 1 and 2** Sex, Love, and Basketball follows a groups of girls and a few guys on their jo... More

1. Move In Day
2. Campus Tour
3. "Shopping"
4. Do I Know You?
5. "Is This a Game To You?"
6. I Deserve Better
7. "International House of Pussy...I mean Pancakes."
8. "I Know It Was You."
9. Daaaammmnnn!
10. Feel My Pain
11. One on One
12. Legal
13. Birthday Sex
14. Momma Don't Play (Skip to the very end of this ch.)
15. Just a One Time Thing: Part 1
16. Just a One Time Thing: Part 2
17. A Deal's a Deal
18. Why Her?
19. Needing Space
20. Making Up
21. Just For The Night
22. Faking It
23. Taking L's
24. Double Dating
25. Perfect Timing
26. Ex's and Oooooh's
27. Pizza and Chill
28. The Honeymoon Stage
29. "Hoemance"
30. Stitches
31. Saying Goodbye
32. The Jealous Type
33. Buzzer Beater
34. First Fight
35. Official
36. Head Ahh
37. "I'd Go Anywhere With You."
38. Exposed
39. Christmas Break
40. It's All Good
41. Sistah Sistah
42. Bad Timing
43. N.I.M.D.K
44. Christmas
45. New To This
46. Fighting and Cheating
47. Misunderstandings and Mental Breakdowns
48. YT People Sh*t
49. Chaos and Tragedies (Part 1)
50. Chaos and Tragedies (Part 2)
(Book 2) 1. The Perfect Couple
2. Awkward Situations
3. No New Friends
4. You Ain't Got No Nipples!!!
5. One Hundred Yard Suicides
6. Get The Strap
7. "Are You A Boy Or A Girl?"
8. Baggage
9. P.E. To The TT. Y
10. Break Ups, Makes Ups, And Things That Start With The Letter P
11. Explosions and....Proposals?
12. First Times and Goodbyes
13. Sebastian's Tree
14. Hypocrite
15. Cherry Pie
16. Match Makers
17. I Hate You
18. Number 22
19. Heat Of The Moment
20. "Eating"
21. The Silent Treatment
22. Meeting The Rents
23. Talk To Me
24. Parking Ticket
25. Ménage à trois
26. Ménage à trois (Part 2)
27. Three's a Crowd
28. Bad Idea
29. Recovery Road (Part 1)
30. Recovery Road (Part 2)
31. Family and Friends Day
32. Old Habits
33. First Fights and First Dates (Part 1)
35. Ghosting
36. Ambush
37. Group Hangout (Part 1)
38. Group Hangout (Part 2)
39. The Kick Back
40. Millenniums

34. First Fights and First Dates (Part 2)

568 44 8
By KarmyVolkevens

Excuse any mistakes or grammatical errors.


I didn't get to "put Jade in her place". I couldn't bring myself to do it. Not to mention, it's way too soon for physical stuff. I'm really not into random sex anymore. I'm also not into playing games with people. People's hearts aren't toys. They shouldn't be played with. Some people have really fragile hearts.

I don't know Jade. I have no idea what she's been through. I have no idea what she can and can't handle emotionally or mentally. Being with someone like Nadia made me understand that I had to learn that stuff. I have to take time and get to know people before I involve myself with them romantically because I don't want to hurt anyone. I also, don't want to be hurt.

I don't have it in me to do the hoe shit anymore. I know what being in love feels like now and even though things are over for now, I'm not afraid of possibly feeling something similar to it. I know I'll never feel for anyone what I felt for Nadia, but that's just because everyone's different. I wouldn't love someone the way I loved Nadia because no one is Nadia, but Nadia.

I'm not saying I'll love someone else anytime soon, or ever, but I just think more about stuff now than I used to. I guess experiencing love changes you.

"This weekend went by way too fast." Jade spoke as she put some of her things into her bag.

Recruit weekend was finally over. I have to admit, it was fun. All the recruits are good, so that's another plus. They're all cool too. Some of them haven't committed, but I wouldn't be opposed to them all coming.

"Well it's not completely over." I stated and Jade furrowed her eyebrows.

"Our date." I said making Jade facepalm. "Wow. Did you forget?" I pretended to be hurt.

"I didn't forget! I swear!" Jade seemed to panic. "I just didn't know that was what you were talking about. How could I forget about a date with you? I waited a whole year to go on a date with you. I can't forget about anything concerning the girl I'm always thinking about."

Gosh. I think I'm blushing or some shit. Stop blushing, Daniella!

"I-I was just kidding." I stuttered. "Where are we going anyway?"

"It's a surprise." Jade smirked. "Just don't expect anything fancy or really romantic. My idea of romance may not be like the typical idea of romance. No cliches. Just fun."

"I'm fine with that." I shrugged. I'm not good with planning dates anyway."

"Neither am I. I don't go on a lot of dates." Jade admitted.

"And why is that?" I asked. Jade seemed like the type of girl that wouldn't have a problem getting dates.

"I only go on dates with people I could potentially see myself being with. I don't like wasting people's time and I don't like having my time wasted." Jade informed me.

"But isn't the whole point of a date to get to know someone? How do you truly know who you could be with and who you couldn't? You asked me on a date during a basketball game. You didn't know anything about me." I pointed out.

"But I wanted to. You sparked my interest and that's really rare. I've only been interested in one other person, but she was like the most oblivious person on the planet. Then again, maybe she just pretended to be. You never know with her." Jade shook her head.

"So did you give up on the idea of anything ever happening between you two?" I asked and Jade sighed.

"I had no choice but to. She just disappeared. I have no idea where she is. My aunt tells me she's fine, but she won't tell me where she is. I had to snoop through my aunt's stuff to figure out why she was even gone." She admitted.

"And what did you find out?" I asked being nosy.

"Can we not talk about this anymore? I've just gotten to where I don't spend all of my time thinking about her and I'd like to keep it like that."

Just from the tone of Jade's voice I could tell that this girl was a touchy subject for her. I felt bad for being nosy now because I understood.

"I'm sorry." I apologized and Jade nodded her head.

"I'm going to head back to my campus, but I'll be back later to pick you up. Don't dress up. Like you can literally wear gym shorts if you want." Jade spoke making me even more curious about where we were going for our date.

"Okay. Just let me know when you're on the way."

"Will do. See you later, baby." Jade said making me narrow my eyes at her. "What? You said I couldn't call you Dani."

"Well, you damn sure can't call me that." I laughed and Jade smirked.


After saying that she left my room and I sighed dramatically.


"I can't believe you're going on a date with the person that made you break your ankle. She could have ended your career. She literally threatened to do so and then made you break your ankle and you trust her? Not to mention the shit that went down at conference. She almost got you jumped."

"That wasn't her fault." I said rolling my eyes.

If it wasn't already obvious, Jayla doesn't trust Jade. She feels like Jade has it out for me. I mean, I did too at first, but now I don't. I wouldn't say I trust her, but I don't think she has any ill intentions towards me.

"You breaking your ankle was." Jayla pointed out the obvious.

"Yeah, I know. But that's in the past. I forgave her for that. And honestly, she's not your problem. If anything she's mine and I don't have a problem with her."

"Anyone that wants to fuck with you is my problem. We've talked about this already. I will fuck up anyone that tries to hurt you and I don't trust her, so as of right now, she's on my 'Fuck Up List'."

Jade transferring here is new to everyone, but me. I already knew, so I'm not really mad at Jayla for being the way she is. I was upset at first too and just like I did, she'll get over it.

"You literally have two whole girlfriends you can be worried about. Get out of my damn business and focus on yours. I'm good, Jayla damn." I groaned.

"You were worried about me when it came to the whole Parker thing-"

"And now she's your girlfriend, so we clearly don't listen to each other. Let me be. Jade is cool. She's actually kind of sweet." I shrugged.

Jade really isn't that bad.

"Fine, but if she hurts you, I'm beating the shit out of her." Jayla crossed her arms.

"Fighting isn't the solution to everything." I said for the umpteenth time. Jayla really needs to stop trying to solve problems with her fists.

"I didn't say shit about a fight. I'm going to beat the shit out of her. There won't be a fight."


"Well, she's outside, so I'll see you when I get back."

I went to leave my room and Jayla just followed me. Ugh!

"I'm walking you out there." She said as if that wasn't obvious.

"I don't need you to." I groaned.

"I'm still walking you out there."

Jayla must think she's my momma or something. If you don't sitcho baldheaded ass down.

"I'm not baldheaded, bitch." Jayla said making me frown.

"I thought I thought that." I laughed awkwardly.

"Well you didn't, dumbass. I hope Jade is setting your stupid ass up." Jayla said as we got on the elevator.

"No you don't." I rolled my eyes. "You love me."

"I love Aniya and she'd be pissed if I let anything happen to you." Jayla shrugged.

"Bitch bye. You loved me first." I scoffed.

"Whatever." Jayla said getting off of the elevator when it opened.

"I got your text, where are we going?" Aniya said popping up out of thin air, it seemed."

What the fuck? Speak of the lesbian...

"How did you-"

"I took the stairs." Aniya said already knowing what I was about to ask.

"And what do you mean where are 'we' going? 'We' aren't going anywhere." I said looking between Aniya and Jayla for answers. "And when the hell did you text her?"

"Right when I found out you were going out with Jade. You really thought I was going to let you go out alone with her?" Jayla asked.

"Yeah, did you even tell ma? You know damn well she wouldn't want you going out with someone that put you in the hospital." Aniya added her input.

These overprotective bitches.

"I'm old enough to go out with whomever I damn well please." I groaned. "We shared a room all weekend and y'all are just now becoming concerned with me being alone with her? I'm way more vulnerable in my sleep and alone in a room with her than I am out in public with her."

"As if you being in public matters. She made you break your ankle in front of thousands of people." Jayla argued and I rolled my eyes.

"Look, I appreciate your concern, but I can handle myself." I spoke calmly. "I want to go on a date with Jade and that is what I'm going to do no matter what you say or do. This is my decision. Not yours or anyone else's. Now if you'd excuse me-"

"Fuck that, come on, Aniya." Jayla said pulling Aniya through the lobby and towards the doors.

I sighed dramatically and followed them outside where Jade was parked. She got out of her car and looked a little confused when she saw all three of us.

"I told them not to come out here." I spoke in an apologetic tone.

"We just wanted to come out here and let you know that if you try some fuck shit we will both personally beat the shit out of you. And we won't jump you because that's weak bitch shit. However, we will take turns rearranging your face." Jayla told Jade and I was expecting Jade to be intimidated, but she just chuckled.

"I didn't know you had a twin." Jade said not even addressing what Jayla said or Jayla for that matter.

"I'm Aniya. And you can side step what she said, but just know, you won't be able to side step an ass whooping from the both of us if you fuck with my sister. I would have beaten your as the day you made her break her ankle, but I wasn't there. Your smugness is kinda making me want to beat your ass right now honestly." Aniya said smiling at Jade and I got in between the three of them before anything could pop off. Better safe than sorry.

"You have nothing to worry about. If I wanted to do Fuller any harm outside of what I've already done, I would have done it already. She's a pretty heavy sleeper." Jade said making me furrow my eyebrows.

What did she mean by that?

"Look, we're gonna go. You two can go back inside, she gets the message." I said trying to speed the process of me actually leaving with Jade up.

Jade took that time to open the passenger door for me and I told Aniya and Jayla bye before getting in. Jade shut the door once I was in and I wasn't sure if anything else was said, but she simply smiled at me when she got in on the driver's side.

"Your body guards are cute." Jade chuckled and I couldn't help, but to laugh too. I found humor in how unbothered Jade was by Jayla and Aniya's threats.

"You know they weren't kidding right? You're laughing, but those two are crazy." I said to which Jade just shrugged.

"I'm crazier." She said putting her car in drive and pulling off. "You're over dressed by the way."

I looked down at my jeans and frowned.

"How?" I asked confused. I thought she was kidding when she told me to wear gym shorts.

"Don't worry. I brought us clothes for what I have planned. I figured you wouldn't have taken me seriously when I said you could wear gym shorts."

Who wears gym shorts on a date?

"Can you tell me where we're going now?" I asked and Jade shook her head.

"You'll see."

"I'd like to at least know where you're taking me before you murder me. Is it the woods? An alley? An abandon car lot? A cruise ship?" I asked making Jade laugh.

"Those other ones are lame, but the cruise ship sounds nice. I could push you off and make it seem like you fell. The possibility of there being witnesses would spice things up. The adrenaline rush would be magnificent." Jade said as if the idea of murdering me was somewhat arousing. In a non sexual way of course.

"Can you take me back to campus?" I asked only for Jade to burst out laughing.

"Hell no. If I wanted to kill you, you would have died in your sleep. Like I said, you're a heavy sleeper."

There she goes with that creepy shit again.

"How exactly do you know that?" I asked and Jade glanced at me before turning her eyes back on the road and smirking.

"I'm calling Jayla." I said pulling out my phone and Jade snatched it from me and threw it in her back seat.

"Calm down. I'm not going to do anything to you. I've just been fucking with you. You obviously think I'm crazy, so I took advantage of it to freak you out." Jade said making me narrow my eyes at her.

"You still threw my phone like you were out of your damn mind. My mom will beat my ass if I break that phone." I spoke seriously and Jade laughed.

"It landed on the seat, it's fine. I promise."  Jade smiled. "Also, I don't know if you're a heavy sleeper. I would never try to disturb you in your sleep. You look way too cute when you're dreaming about me."


"I have never dreamed about you." I scoffed.

"I wish I could say the same." Jade sighed. "I can literally say you're my dream girl."

"You are so damn corny." I said unable to stop myself from laughing at Jade's attempt at being smooth.

"What?" She asked. "I'm being serious. I'm always thinking about you, so I guess it just makes sense that I always dream about you. I have to say, I like dream you better because she likes me back."

Jade was pouting at this point and I had half a mind to pinch her cheeks.

She's so freaking cute.

Fuck. I meant stupid.

Goddamn mental autocorrect.

"Well maybe you should have taken dream me on a date instead." I teased.

"I have already. We're actually in a happy and committed relationship. I think she's the one." Jade smiled and I chuckled.

"Yet here you are, cheating on her." I spoke in a fake tone of disapproval.

"She's just a fantasy. I'd much rather have the real thing." Jade looked at me when she said that and I had no control over the heat that rose to my cheeks and ears. Ugh! Why the hell am I blushing?

"Ha, made you blush." Jade just added to my embarrassment and I buried my face in my hands. It's all I could manage in that moment.

"I take it back. You can kill me now." I mumbled into my hands and Jade laughed.

"As much as I'd love to, I don't want your sister and Jayla to tag team me. I'm forced to let you live." Jade sighed in mock disappointment.

"Okay, you can stop that now, you're creeping me out." I said side eyeing Jade.

"Okay. I'll turn creepy Jade off for now." She sighed. "There are a lot of Jade's to choose from. Just tell me which one you want and I'll fetch her."

"Quiet Jade sounds nice." I said to which Jade frowned.

"I'm sorry. That Jade doesn't exist. The best I can give you is jaded Jade, but she's no fun." Jade pouted and I rolled my eyes.

"Are you ever serious?" I asked because I noticed that Jade joked a lot. I know I do too, but it was hard to differentiate between her serious moments and her playful ones.

I know. I knows I'm one to talk.

"When I need to be." She shrugged. "I was serious when I apologized to you and when I asked you on this date. You've seen me serious, so I'm not sure why you asked that."

"Because I can't really tell the difference." I admitted and Jade just shrugged.

"That keeps things interesting doesn't it?"

"I want you to be serious. I'd be way more interested in actually getting to know you. You can play around any other time." I spoke seriously.

"Fair enough." Jade nodded her head. "But just know, asking me not to be myself isn't a good way to get to know me."

"When did I ask you not to be yourself? I'm simply asking you to take this date seriously." I frowned.

"Not a moment has gone by that I haven't been taking it seriously. I don't know what you want though. I joke a lot. I don't see the issue with that."

"The issue is that I don't know when you're being serious. I don't know what to take seriously and what to brush off as a joke." I explained.

"Take me serious when I say that I like you. And that I had no idea I'd ever actually be on a date with you. Take me serious when I say this unbothered exterior is a facade and I joke when I'm nervous. I'm coping." Jade said finally looking at me with something other than a smirk on her face. "Also, I've been beating myself up since I got in the car because I haven't complimented you on how you look yet. Even in simple clothes, you're breath taking. I would have told you that the moment I saw you, but your sister and Jayla sidetracked me."

Okay, I'll admit, nervous Jade is cute.

I didn't mean stupid that time.

"I'm nervous too." I admitted. "You're only the second person I've been on a date with. Not knowing where we're going just adds to that nervousness."

"We're not far away. I promise." Jade still refused to tell me where we were going.

"Can I get a hint?" I asked hopefully and Jade bit her lip as if she was thinking.

"Gloves." She said making me rack my brain for all things glove related.

I thought of some things, but couldn't think of anything glove related and relevant to a date.

OJ used gloves.

"I'm not going to kill you." Jade laughed and I face palmed.

"I thought I thought that." I laughed.

I really wish I didn't do that. I'm gonna think the wrong thing out loud one of these days.

"Nope. 'OJ used gloves' slipped right between those lips of yours. You have really nice lips by the way. I hope that's not a weird compliment." Jade laughed.

"It's only weird now that you asked, but you have nice lips too." I shrugged.

"They feel a lot better than they look." Jade licked her lips and I rolled my eyes.

"You just love trying to be smooth huh?" I asked playfully.

"Maybe a little." Jade said turning onto a gravel road. It was pretty dark and I could feel myself getting a little nervous.

"Where are we?" I asked and Jade sighed.

"We're so close. Can you just hold out?" She asked and I huffed.

"Fine." I mumbled.

A few seconds later I could see a building in the distance. It looked like a warehouse or something.

"This place is like a safe haven for me. I know it seems a little creepy, but just wait until we get inside." Jade said getting closer to the building. I could see that there were already cars parked in the gravel, but I didn't know if the possibility of us not being alone made me more or less nervous.

Jade finally parked and turned her car off.

"I promise this isn't a set up. I've never brought anyone here before. Not even the first person I fell for. I mean, I'm not saying I fell for you or that I'm even falling for you. That'd be ridiculous this soon."

Jade's rambling made me laugh despite my own nervousness.

"Jade." I said cutting her rambling off.


"Let's just go inside." I smiled and she did the same.

"Okay." Jade got out of the car and rushed over to my side to open the door for me. I'm usually the one that opens doors, but I'll let it slide since she's the one taking me on a date. It's not like chivalry can't be mutual. Especially with the same sex. Neither of us has to take on a certain "gender role". That's stupid.

Jade closed her door once I got out and then went to her trunk

She pulled out a bag and I couldn't help but to wonder if I could fit inside of it. It was sort of big.

"It's not for you." Jade laughed and I groaned.

"Did I do it again?" I asked and she shook her head.

"No, but your eyes got sort of big." She laughed. "This is just the stuff we'll need for tonight."

"Okay." I said lacing my fingers with Jade's free hand.

"We've gotten to the handholding stage already?" She asked playfully and I rolled my eyes.

"Just because you're not going to kill me, it doesn't mean someone else won't. You're familiar with this place, so I'm depending on you to keep me safe." I half joked.

It was dark as hell out here and I didn't know where the hell I was. I'll admit it, I was a little scared. Sue me.

"I got you." Jade smiled a smile that I could hardly see without the light from her headlights. We got to the building and Jade knocked on the big metal door. I was right about it being a warehouse.

After a few seconds the metal door opened and a muscular man with a chocolate complexion was standing on the other side.

"What part of always come alone don't you understand?" The man asked Jade in a voice that almost made me piss myself and she rolled her eyes.

"Dani, this is Darius and he's kidding. He was expecting us." Jade said and I let out a breath of relief when Darius smiled.

Dude had some pretty ass teeth. He was handsome. I might need to put him on my mom. I'm kidding.

"I have to take advantage of sounding like I should be doing All State commercials and everyone inside already knows me." Darius chuckled and I let out a small laugh of my own.

Joking or not. Dude was intimidating.

"You gonna let us in?" Jade asked and Darius stepped aside so we could come inside.

Jade led the way and I followed her into the warehouse. We went through another door and that's when I realized where we were.

"We're boxing?" I asked Jade when I saw the different boxing rings. There weren't any actual fights going on but people were practicing. It looked more underground than anything though.

"Look who the cat dragged in." Some girl said when she spotted Jade.

She was pretty. Like really really pretty. Her chocolate skin tone reminded me of Darius from a few seconds ago. That along with her pearly white teeth.

She was looking at Jade like she really liked what she saw, but Jade didn't seem fazed by it.

"Hey, Sasha." Jade smiled kindly.

"Who's your friend?" Sasha asked turning her attention to me. She looked friendly enough, so I smiled.

"I'm Dani." I said holding out my hand.

"Nice to meet you, Dani." Sasha shook my hand and I wondered what kind of moisturizer she used because her hands were so soft. Maybe that's weird, but oh well.

"We're just gonna go in the back." Jade told Sasha and she nodded.

"Let me know if you need anything."

"Will do."

I followed Jade as she walked towards the back and she was greeted by more people as we made our way to our destination.

Once we got to where Jade was heading I saw punching bags and dummies and whatnot.

"So, like I said before, I know this isn't necessarily romantic, but it's something I enjoy and I wanted to share it with you. It's actually pretty fun. I'll even let you use me as a punching bag after I teach you a few techniques. And then we can get cleaned up and get food after."

"You had me at 'I'll even let you use me as a punching bag.'" I said making Jade laugh.

"And I was starting to think you were warming up to me." Jade pouted playfully.

"This is sort of a change in subject, but Sasha, is she like-"

"Sasha is a friend of mine. I know she can come off as flirty, but that's just how she is. Besides, she's not into girls and Darius would break my neck if I even thought about going there." Jade laughed. "And before you ask, no he's not her dad. She's his little sister. Their dad is a lot scarier than Darius."

"Oh." I said since Jade had answered all my questions.

"Why? Were you jealous?" Jade asked and I laughed.

"No, I was just wondering if you were hella oblivious or hella dumb."

"Dumb?" Jade asked and I nodded my head.

"She's gorgeous and she seems nice." I shrugged.

"I agree, but even if Sasha did like me, I wouldn't be able to date her. I don't date high schoolers." Jade said making me frown.

"She's in high school? Ew! I feel like a fucking creep."

"Calm down. She's 17. A two year difference isn't a big deal. I just would feel weird dating someone in high school." Jade said.

"I feel ya."

"Aside from all that, you ready to glove up?" Jade asked.


"My goodness for someone that's as athletic as you are, you're such a palooka." Jade insulted me I'm sure.

"Whatever that means, your mom's a bigger one." I said making Jade laugh.

She had taught me a few techniques, but I wasn't any good. This shit is hard and I was tired. A bitch has asthma. Despite all that, I was having fun. Even thought I sucked I was enjoying myself. Especially when I got to hit Jade. And there were those times when she'd show me how to stand properly and hold my hands up properly so I wouldn't leave myself opened to my opponent. She'd used those times to get closer to me and I'm pretty sure she didn't have to touch me that much, but I didn't mind at all.

It wasn't a surprised that I was attracted to Jade and after tonight that attraction just increased. Seeing her boxing even without an opponent is really sexy.

"Nice come back." Jade spoke sarcastically.

"I wanna see you in action." I said after drinking from the water bottle Jade had given me.

She let me take the gloves off because she could tell I was getting winded. I was in shape for basketball, but this was a whole different type of energy. You had to train according to your sport and I had no training for boxing.

"I only fight during the summer and I take it you go back to New York during the summer." Jade spoke and I nodded my head.

"I'd fly out to see you." I said not really knowing if that was true.

"Bullshit." Jade called me out, but she didn't seem upset. "Maybe I can send you some highlights. My aunt always records even though she doesn't really like me fighting."

"That'll work. I would rather see it in person though. Take this however you want, but boxer Jade is kinda sexy." I flirted.

"Kinda?" Jade kinked an eyebrow.

"Okay, she's super sexy."

"Palooka Dani is sort of cute too." Jade said making me playfully glare at her. "Sorry. Super cute."

"Tell me what that means." I demanded and Jade shook her head.

"Google it."

"Screw it. Can we get cleaned up? I'm starving." I admitted. I had worked up quite the appetite.

"Of course. I got us some clothes to change into. Don't worry all the under clothes are new." Jade informed me.

"There are showers in the locker room, but I'll let you go first because they're community showers."

"We don't have to take turns unless that's what you want. I'm fine with showering at the same time. It's not like it's anything I haven't seen before." I shrugged.

"Well, if it's okay with you, it's okay with me." Jade shrugged, but I could tell she was nervous. I sort of was too. Not because we would see each other naked. I've seen plenty of girls naked. What made me nervous was how I could possibly feel seeing Jade naked. She's already been pretty touchy tonight and I liked it a lot more than I should have.

Then again, what's wrong with me liking it? I'm single.

"Okay." I shrugged and Jade hesitated before leading the way to the locker room.

I won't bore you with the details. Because there are none. Nothing happened in the showers.

"There's this burger place that I like to go to. It's called Bunz. It's sort of like Hooters but-"

"Let's go." I said not needing a further explanation.

"Don't forget who you're on a date with when we get there." Jade joked and I just rolled my eyes.

The ride to the restaurant wasn't that long.

"Look, before we go in here, I don't want you to think I objectify women or anything because I don't. The food is great and the staff is super friendly. People might think that because they're dressed a certain way they should be treated accordingly, but I disagree. I have a lot of respect for the women in here and women in general. So yeah." Jade said once she'd turned her car off.

"I gotcha." I said understanding where Jade was coming from.

"Okay, well let's go." Jade said getting out of the car and coming to my side.

Jade closed my door once I got out and just like before I slipped my fingers through hers.

"This place scares you?" She asked clearly joking and I shook my head.


"Oh." Jade said looking down at our hands and smiling.

Ew. I think I might like her.

Once we got inside, I had to keep my jaw off of the floor. I really understood the name now. Not that I didn't before, but sheesh.

"You're drooling." Jade teased and I wasn't even phased.

Damn right I was drooling!

"You said this place was called 'Heaven' right?" I asked and Jade laughed.

"Jade!" One of the scantily clad waitresses exclaimed upon seeing my date.

She didn't look to be much older than us.

"Hey Nina." Jade smiled.

"I'm surprised you're not alone. Who's this?" The waitress asked training her eyes on me and I tried not to say anything the old Dani would say, but boy was I tempted. It's been a minute since I've been able to shamelessly flirt with someone that wasn't Nadia.

I guess I can't shamelessly flirt now either. I wouldn't want to disrespect Jade or anything.

"This is Daniella." Jade introduced me and Nina held out her hand for me to shake.

"The name tag gives it away, but my name is Nina. It's nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too." I said, shaking Nina's hand.

"Let me get you two seated." Nina said gesturing for us to follow her.

Once we were seated Nina took her notepad out.

"I'll go ahead and get your drinks. Jade, you want your usual?" Nina asked and Jade nodded.

"Yes ma'am."

"What about you?" Nina asked looking at me.

"Fruit punch if you have it, but no ice." I spoke and Nina wrote it down.

"Aw that's cute. That's Jade's usual." Nina pointed out and Jade rolled her eyes.

"It's pretty common." Jade shrugged.

"It's still cute." Nina smiled. "Let me go get your drinks. Your menus are already on the table. Take your time."

After Nina left a few more waitresses walked past us and they all greeted Jade.

"You're pretty popular." I teased when the waitresses were out of earshot.

"I'm a regular." Jade shrugged. "My aunt showed me this place to be funny when I was younger. She makes fun of me about my first reaction to it to this day. She says my eyes were the size of flying saucers and that I was salivating like a dog. I'm sure it wasn't my proudest moment."

"So basically how I was when I walked in." I laughed and Jade nodded her head.


I ended up getting the same thing as Jade. It was a simple double cheese burger and fries. It was better than the ones from a fast food restaurant though. I guess it helps to use real meat.

"So, be honest with me. Did you enjoy yourself..with me I mean? I know it hasn't been the cliché romantic stuff, but I don't really do this." Jade spoke seeming a little nervous about my answer.

"I have enjoyed myself with you. I didn't really know what to expect, but I'm glad we did this. It was fun and pretty chill even though the boxing got me kind of winded." I laughed.

"That usually happens when you're a palooka." Jade used that stupid word again and I sighed.

"Stop calling me that without telling me what it means."

"It basically means that you're inexperienced in boxing and generally clumsy." Jade finally explained.


"Okay, so I guess I am a palooka." I chuckled. "But I can only go up from here. That is if you'll teach me more stuff."

"You want to learn for real? Because Darius is a far better trainer than I am and he'd be-"

"I'm so sorry for getting you so hyped up." I cut Jade off. "As cool as boxing is, I already know it isn't for me. I don't really like fighting."

Jade's face fell a little, but she just waved me off.

"You don't have to apologize. It's not for everyone." She shrugged. "But if you ever just want to go back for fun, let me know."

"Okay." I smiled.

Once Jade and I finished eating, she paid and I left the tip. We were on our way back to campus now and I couldn't help, but to be a little disappointed. I didn't really want the night to end.

"You wanna spend the night?" I asked out of the blue and Jade glanced at me and then focused on the road again.

"Um, sure. It's not like I haven't already. Only thing is I took my bedding back to campus, so..."

"We can share." I cut Jade off. "I know the beds aren't the biggest in the world, but I'm not opposed to cuddling." I shrugged.

"Dani, I don't know if that's a good idea." Jade laughed nervously and I frowned.

"We don't have to do anything."

"I know, but it's just that...I might want to. And sharing a bed will just make it harder for me not to do anything stupid." Jade admitted and I bit my lip.

"Would it really be stupid though?" I asked and Jade didn't respond.

We made it all the way back to campus without saying anything else and once she parked she finally spoke up.

"I'm not even sure if I have a chance of anything beyond this with you, but I don't want to ruin it in one night by rushing into anything." Jade said as if she was trying not to upset me.

"I get it." I smiled, so Jade would know I wasn't upset. "And you do have a chance. But you're right, there's no need to rush. We're going to be seeing a lot of each other no matter what, so let's just take things slow."

"Exactly." Jade agreed. "And that's good to know."

Things got quiet again and I sighed.

"Well, I guess I'll see you around." I looked at Jade and she nodded.


Jade got out of the car and came around to my side to open my door.


"Of course. Um, I can walk you to your room if you want. Like I know you don't need me to, but-"

"Come on." I said grabbing Jade's hand and cutting off her rambling.

When we got to the doors of the dorms I rolled my eyes at the sight of Aniya and Jayla in the lobby. These bitches.

"We can take it from here." Jayla said once Jade and I entered the building and I rolled my eyes hard enough to make them fall out of my damn head.

"She's literally just walking me to my room. As you can see, I'm in one piece, so back the fuck off please?" I begged and Jayla narrowed her eyes at me, but didn't protest.

"I'm telling momma." Aniya spoke sounding like a childish little shit. I just ignored her and kept walking.

Jade didn't say anything until we got on the elevator.

"I like how protective they are of you." She laughed and I groaned.

"I don't need protection. I especially don't need it from you."

"What makes you so sure?" Jade asked and I just stale faced her.

"I already know you wouldn't hurt me again, so that doesn't work on me anymore." I crossed my arms.

"Bummer." Jade said just as the elevator doors opened.

We walked to my room in silence and once we got to my door, that's when the awkwardness kicked in.

I guess we both decided to end the awkwardness at the same time because just as I went in to hug Jade, she held out her fist. What the fuck?

"Were you gonna fist bump me goodnight?" I asked in both amusement and disbelief.

Jade noticeably blushed and then facepalmed.

"I panicked." She laughed despite herself.

"Well, it's not like things can get anymore awkward than this." I said holding out my fist for Jade to bump.

"Don't make fun of me." She said leaving me hanging.

"I'm not, just bump my fist." I said shaking my fist and Jade bumped it.


I burst out laughing right after she did it.

"Stop laughing at me you asshole." Jade pouted. "I should have let Jayla and your sister take over."

"No you shouldn't have." I disagreed.

"Yes, I should have." Jade argued.

"No." I said placing a hand on Jade's cheek. "You shouldn't have. Because then I couldn't do this."

"Dani, I don't think-"

Jade stopped mid-sentence when I pressed a soft kiss to her cheek.

"What were you saying?" I asked trying not to laugh at how badly Jade was blushing.

"N-Nothing. Um, goodnight, Dani." Jade said starting to back away from me. I snickered to myself when she almost tripped over her own feet.

"Goodnight, Jade." I said waving at her and then going in to my room. I shut my door and let out a breath I didn't even know I'd been holding.


I like her.

How'd you guys like this chapter? 👀

Were Jayla and Aniya too hard on Jade? 😂

Do you like Jade? 🤔

Thank you for reading! ❤️🙏🏽


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