whatever the hell we want ||...

By natlovesfandoms

129K 3.6K 1.7K

Elena and Finn went around telling the Ark that they were best friends..... at least that's what people thoug... More

Whatever The Hell We Want (The 100 Fanfiction)
Wrist Band Drama
We Aren't The Only People On Earth
Not So Much Of A Rescue Party
Atom & Charlotte
Pain & Gut
Justice Is Not Revenge
You're A Monster
Hope All Gone
Welcome Home Raven
The Real Threat
Memories and Returns
Love And Escape
Some Unity Day...
I'm In Love With You, But So Is He.

He's All I Have

6.1K 166 18
By natlovesfandoms

Elena's P.O.V.


My screams were heard through the whole forest. We reached camp, and the 100 were running full speed towards us. Bellamy and Jasper carried Finn inside camp and everyone gasped. I held my hands up to my face and cried into them as Octavia tried to comfort me. Finn was unconscious and was getting paler and paler by the minute. I saw Clarke run out of the drop ship and pushed her way through the mob of teenagers. She saw Finn and all the blood drained from her face.

"Finn." She said as she ran to him.

She looked at me and I could tell she wasn't trying to cry. Raven pushed her way through the crowd and she started crying too. She walked over to me and hugged me tightly. Clarke led Bellamy and Jasper to take Finn inside the drop ship. There was a big clap of thunder as I followed them inside the drop ship. They put Finn down on a cot. Bellamy was talking to his bitches, and then they walked out of the drop ship with weapons in their hands. What the hell was he doing? That doesn't matter right now. Finn needs me, and I sure as hell need him.

"Can you save him?" I asked Clarke.

"I promise I will." She assured me.

I nodded and looked over at Raven. She was working on the radio as fast as she could.


I spun around quickly and saw Octavia running over to me.

"What's wrong?" I immediately asked.

"Bellamy's going after the grounder who kidnapped me."

I looked outside and saw it was starting to rain outside. As much as I wanted to go after him, I couldn't.

"No offense, but your brother's a dumbass." I said.

"None taken. We can't let him hurt that grounder."

I gave her a confused look. I sure wasn't expecting that.

"Why not?"

"Because he saved my life. You have to believe me. Please don't let Bellamy hurt him." She begged.

As much as I think the grounders should pay, Octavia had a point. If Bellamy brings back that grounder, it will just raise hell between us and the grounders. Also, Octavia is my best friend. I'm not going to let her stand alone.

"Don't worry. I'll help you.


It's been about three hours since Bellamy left camp. Clarke's doing her best to keep Finn alive. Raven fixed the radio and is trying to contact the Ark. It was pouring outside, which made me more nervous for Bellamy. I didn't leave Finn's side once. I didn't want him dying on me.

"This is Raven Reyes. Calling Ark Station. Can anyone hear me?" Raven was saying through the radio.

"You sure you have the right frequency?" Lauryn asked her.

"Yeah, I'm sure." Raven snapped at her.

"Raven, you can do this." Clarke assured her.

Raven seemed to calm down and got back to the radio. Clarke walked over to Finn and I.

"Anything happen?" She asked.

"Nope. Still unconscious and breathing." I said.

"Good, we don't want him to stop breathing." She smiled.

"Ark station, please come in. I'm on the grounder with the 100." Raven said through the radio.

She looked over at Finn and her face fell.

"We need you."

I walked over to her and hugged her from behind. She hugged me back and I could feel my arm become wet from her tears. Her chest moved up and down as she cried. We pulled away and she got back to the radio.

"This is Raven Reyes. Can anyone hear me?"

"This is a restricted channel. Please identify yourself." A voice came from the radio.

We all ran over to Raven and the radio. I bent down next to her so I could hear the radio.

"This is Raven Reyes. I'm from MECCA station and I'm transmitting from the ground. The 100 are alive. Please, you need to get Dr. Abby Griffin. Dr. Abby Griffin now!"

"Raven, are you there?" A woman's voice came through the radio.

Clarke's face lit up. I moved out of the way and she spoke through the radio.

"Mom? Mom it's me." Clarke said through the radio.


"Mom, I need your help. One of our people was stabbed by a grounder." She said to her mom.

"Clarke, this is the Chancellor. Are you saying there's survivors on the ground?" He asked her.

"Yes, the Earth is survivable. We're not alone. Mom, he's dying. The knife's still in his chest." She said, looking at Finn.

"Clarke, is my son with you?" The Chancellor asked.

Wells's face popped into my mind. I felt a couple of tears fall down my face. Wells didn't deserve to die. He was a good guy. Clarke's face fell when she thought about Wells. Even though they weren't one the best terms, Wells meant a lot to her.

"I'm so sorry. Wells is.... Wells is dead."

She walked over to Finn and waited for her mom's instructions. Raven and I went over next to Finn.

"I'll walk you through it step by step."

Abby said something else, but it was staticky. Clarke asked her to repeat what she said, but there was a jerk on the drop ship, which caused everyone to scream.

"Raven, what's wrong?" I asked.

"It's not the radio, it's the storm!" She said.

Octavia walked inside the drop ship, soaking wet, with two bottles in her hand. She walked over to Clarke and handed them to her. She took them and opened them. She smelled it and pulled away quickly.

"Monty's moonshine?" She asked.

"Sure no germ could survive it." Octavia said.

There was another big clap of thunder outside, which shook the drop ship.

"The storm's getting worse. Lauryn, close the doors." Clarke said.

"We still have people out there."

"Jasper and Monty aren't back yet." Ariana said.

"Yeah, neither is Bellamy." I muttered.

"It's alright. They'll find somewhere to ride it out." Clarke said.

Raven pushed her way through the crowd and walked over to Clarke, who stood up quickly.

"One needle and some wire for stitching."

"Great." Clarke said.

As if on cue, Bellamy walked in and two of his bitches behind him were carrying the grounder that kidnapped Octavia. He was blindfolded and had blood on his forehead.

"What the hell are you doing?" Octavia asked her brother.

"It's time to get some answers."

"You mean revenge?"

"I mean intel. Get him upstairs." He ordered.

"She's right." I said to Bellamy.

Abby's voice came through the radio, telling Clarke that she was ready. Bellamy heard her voice and he had a shocked look on his face. I grabbed his hand to get his attention.

"This isn't who we are." I said.

"Clarke?" Abby's voice asked.


Bellamy looked at me and then looked at his sister. He let go of my hand and kissed my forehead. He started to walk away, his glance never leaving me. What the hell is he doing?

"It is now."

He turned around and walked up the ladder. I rolled my eyes and walked back over to Clarke.

"The blade is at an upward angle between the fifth and seventh ribs." She was saying to her mom.

"How deep?" Abby asked.

She bent down and tried to get a closer look. She started to panic.

"I can't tell how deep it goes." She said, worrying that it was something important.

"That's alright, just don't remove the knife yet."

Clarke took some moonshine and poured it on her hands. She passed the bottle to me and I poured some on mine. I handed the bottle to Raven. She took a big drink out of the bottle before pouring some on her hands. I heard shouting and saw two boys starting to shove each other. Clarke started getting frustrated.

"Damn it! Get them upstairs." She said to me.

I walked over and got in between the two boys. I shoved them away from each other. I banged my hand against the wall a couple of times to get their attention. It was silent after my fifth hit.

"Everybody upstairs! Now! Clarke's trying to save Finn's life and she sure as hell doesn't want to hear you all bitching!"

The 100 started climbing up the ladder to the second floor. I walked back over to Finn, Clarke, and Raven.

"He feels a little warm." Clarke said to her mom.

"That's alright. Clarke, I need you to tell me if there's any fluid leaking from the wound."

She unwrapped the cloth she put around it and bent close to it. I looked at the wound and it was bright red and bloody. I turned away quickly and sat down next to Finn.

"No." She said.

"That's good. That's actually really good. He got lucky." Abby said.

Raven smiled and she looked down at Finn.

"You hear that? You got lucky."

I looked over at Clarke and she showed no emotion. I know she still had feelings for Finn and all. She focused back on the wound.

"Ok Clarke. You need a firm grip on the knife. You need to angle it upward to the left very slightly." Abby said.

"How very slightly?" Clarke asked.

"Three millimeters. Got it?" She asked her daughter.

"Yeah, got it."

She took a deep breath and laughed slightly. You could tell that she was nervous, and I don't blame her. One wrong move, and something worse could happen to Finn.

"Here we go." She said.

"Once that knife is out, the hard part's over." Abby said.

"You can do this." I assured her.

She smiled and bent over. She placed her right hand on his chest and her left hand gripped the knife. She started pulling it out slowly. I heard coughing from my left. Finn was awake and moving. He started moaning in pain. I gripped his hand tightly.

"Hold him down!" Clarke told Raven.

"Finn, Clarke's getting this knife out of you! It'll be over soon! Just squeeze my hand if it hurts and don't move, ok?"

He nodded his head and clenched his teeth together as Clarke pulled the knife out slowly. He squeezed my hand tightly, cutting off circulation. I kept comforting him as Clarke kept extracting. Just then, something hit the drop ship, causing us all to fly on the ground. Finn rolled off of the cot and landed on the floor, causing me to fall backwards out of my chair. I looked at the wall, and saw tree limbs coming through the drop ship. This is one hell of a storm I crawled over to my brother quickly. Clarke had the knife in her hand, which was out of Finn's ribs. I smiled and hugged Finn.

"It's out!" Raven said to Abby.

She smiled and so did Clarke. We all knew she could do it. We helped Finn back up on the cot and Clarke started stitching the wound. By the time she was down, Finn was unconscious again. I smiled and held his hand.

"I'm done." She said.

"Good, do you have anything to cover the wound?" Abby asked.

"We'll make do, as usual." She muttered.

"Should he be this pale and warm?" I asked Abby.

"He's lost a lot of blood, Elena. It's normal." She assured me.

Clare put her hand on his chest and gave a weird look.

"Mom, she's right. He's feverish and his breathing's uneven." She said.

"You need to give him some time to recover. Let me know if he gets any worse, but I think he's just out of the woods."

"Well, down here there's nothing but woods." Clarke said.

She took a deep breath and stood up.

"I need a break." She said.

"Clarke, wait! Raven, Elena, could you give us a minute?"

I looked at Raven and she nodded her head. Clarke needs a chance to talk to her mom. She hasn't talked to her ever since we came down to Earth. They need some time to catch up. I started to stand up with Raven.

"Sure-" I started.

"No. No, stay with Finn." Clarke said.

What the hell? She walked over to the ladder and started to climb up it. I followed her up the ladder and left Raven with Finn. She needed some time alone with him. We climbed all the way to the top floor where Bellamy was. He stood in a circle with his bitches. His face lit up when he saw me. I started walking over to him, but Miller stood in my way.

"Get the hell out of our way." I snapped

"Let them through." Bellamy told Miller.

He moved and I walked to Bellamy. He opened his arms and I went straight into his chest. One hand rested on my back and the other at the back of my head. I put my head on his chest. I looked at the grounder and his face was bloody. What the hell have they been doing to him?

"Well if he didn't hate us before, he does now." Clarke said.

Bellamy led the three of us away from the grounder and to the other side of the room. He looked down at me.

"Who cares? How's Finn?"

"Alive." I said.

"His people will care! How long until they figure out where he is and what happens when they do and they come looking for him? They will, Bellamy!" Clarke said.

"Relax Princess. No one saw us take him. He was chained up in that cave the entire time. Thanks to the storm, we didn't see a soul on the way back."

The thunder came and it shook the entire drop ship. Bellamy grabbed my waist and held me close. He opened the book he held in his hand.

"In case you haven't noticed, his people are already killing us! How many more of our people need to die before you realize they're starting a war?"

I looked at the page he flipped to and it was a picture of our camp. What surprised me the most was that the wall wasn't even built yet. How long have they been spying on us? On the page next to it, there was 100 tally marks, and ten were crossed out. There was 100 of us, and ten of us were dead.

"Look, we're not soldiers Bellamy. Look at him. We can't win." She said.

"You're right. We can't, if we don't fight." Bellamy said to her.


Raven's screams were coming as fast as I climbed down the ladder. Clarke came down right behind me and we ran to Finn as fast as we could. I stood next to Raven, who was panicking. I started to cry as I watched Finn shake uncontrollably.

"He was fine, but then-" Raven managed to try to say.

"Get my mother on the radio!" Clarke said to her.

Raven just stood there in shock. She couldn't move.

"Raven, now!" Clarke yelled.

"I can't! The radio isn't working because of the storm!" She said, walking over to Clarke.

I followed Raven and stood next to her. Clarke was doing everything she could to get Finn to stop shaking. I started to cry on Raven's shoulder as she hugged me.

"Please don't let him die." She begged Clarke.

His shaking started getting slower and slower. I saw white fluid start coming up from his mouth.

"What the hell is that in his mouth?" I asked.

"He has fluid in his lungs! Help me flip him over! He could choke!" Clarke said.

He all flipped him onto his side and all of the white fluid poured onto the floor.

"He's burning up! Did the knife-" Raven started to ask.

"No, this isn't the knife! It's something else! I did everything she told me! Wait, I've seen this before. Shortness of breath, fever, seizing. It's poison!" Clarke said, wiping the fluid off of his mouth.

"Clarke, you sterilized everything! We watched you do it!" I said to her.

"Not everything." She said, looking at something behind me.

I turned around and saw the knife on the table. She walked over and grabbed it.

"Raven, stay here! Elena, come with me!"

I followed her up the ladder again and to the top floor. The latch was locked tight and I banged on it hard.

"Open this damn thing up!" I yelled.

A couple of moments later, Miller opened the hatch up, but he blocked our way. Clarke started getting pissed off.

"Move the hell out of the way Miller! Now!"

He moved and Clarke, Octavia, and I climbed up. Wait Octavia? How did she get behind me? That doesn't matter. Clarke stormed over to the grounder and held the knife up.

"What's on this?" She asked.

"What are you talking about?" Bellamy asked.

"He poisoned Finn!" I yelled.

"And all of this time, he knew Finn was going to die no matter what we did! What is it? Is there an antidote?" Clarke yelled.

"Clarke, he doesn't understand you." Octavia said.


I turned around and Bellamy handed me a box of tiny bottles from the grounders bag. Each one had a different thing inside. Clarke started to rummage through, but didn't recognize any of them.

"Which one?" She yelled.

The grounder didn't answer. He just stared at us blankly. I put my hands on my head and a lump started forming in my throat.

"Answer the question!" Bellamy yelled at the grounder, seeing how I was reacting.

"Show us. Please!" Octavia begged.

"Which one? Our friend is dying down there and you can stop that!" Clarke said to the grounder.

The grounder still didn't answer. I felt tears start running down my face. Bellamy placed his hand on my lower back and then glared at the grounder. He started towards the grounder.

"I'll get him to talk."

Octavia tried to grab Bellamy's shoulder and hold him back.


"He wants Finn to die! Why can't you see that? That's your best friend's brother and your defending him?" Bellamy yelled at her.

Octavia turned towards me. She sent me a sorry look.

"Elena, it isn't like that." She said.

I shook my head and slid down the wall. I put my face in my knees and started to cry. I don't know how I'd handle it if Finn died. He's all I have left of family. I love him to much. He's brother and I can't live without him. He's the one who's been there with me through everything. I can't lose him or I'm gonna die without him.

"Do you want him to live or not?" Bellamy asked Clarke.

"Clarke, this isn't who we are! He was protecting me! He saved my life!" Octavia yelled.

"We're talking about Finn's life!" Bellamy yelled.

"Do it." I heard Clarke say.

I looked up and saw Octavia being pulled back by Miller and some other dude. Bellamy was cutting a long piece of a seatbelt from the drop ship. Clarke was glaring at the grounder with the bottles in her hands. Bellamy walked over to the grounder and cut off his shirt. He had tattoos up and down his arms. He showed no emotion as Bellamy threw his shirt on the ground. Bellamy walked over to me and bent down beside me. He placed his hand on my shoulder.

"You don't have to see this." He said.

I wiped my face and threw my arms around Bellamy. He hugged me tightly and helped me stand up. I pulled away and leaned against the wall.

"I want to see this." I said.

He hesitated, but nodded. He stood in front of the grounder. He swung the belt and whipped the grounder hard. I flinched when I heard come in contact with his skin. Bellamy glanced at me to see if I was ok. I nodded my head and he did it again, making me flinch again. Clarke dropped on the floor in between Bellamy and the grounder. She placed all of the bottles in front of the floor.

"Which one is the antidote?" She asked.

"Just tell them." Octavia begged.

He didn't answer them. Bellamy placed his hand on Clarke's shoulder. She stood up and walked over to where she was standing again. Bellamy continued to whip the grounder. It went on for awhile. The weird thing was that the grounder just sat there and let Bellamy whip him. He still didn't open his mouth and say anything.

"Enough!" Octavia yelled.

"Clarke! He's getting worse!" Raven yelled from the first floor.

"We're running out of time!" Clarke said, going down in front of Bellamy and the grounder again.

"Which one? Which one is it? If you tell us, they'll stop! Please tell us which one is the antidote and they'll stop this!" She begged.

He didn't say anything. I put my face in my hands and started crying. Bellamy was determined to get an answer every time he saw me cry. He threw the whip he made on the ground and grabbed something in the floor.

"Elena, you don't need to see this." He said to me again.

"I'm not leaving until he opens his damn mouth." I said.

He walked over to the grounder and held a sharp thing in his hand.

"Last chance." He said to the grounder.

The grounder just glared at him and didn't say anything. I covered my face as Bellamy shoved the object through his hand. The grounder started trembling hard. As Finn kept popping into my mind, and I started crying even more.

"What is taking so long?"

We all looked over and saw Raven climb through the hatch. She ran over to me and hugged me.

"He stopped breathing."

"What?" I asked, starting to panic.

"I got him breathing again, but I don't know if he will next time." She said.

"He won't tell us anything." Clarke said to Raven.

Raven glared at the grounder and walked over to a set of wires behind me. She pulled two wires out from the wall and rubbed them together to create electricity. I back up to Bellamy and he grabbed my waist.

"What are you doing?" Bellamy asked her.

"Showing him something new." She said.

She started walking towards the grounder with the wires. The grounder started backing up as far as he could go. Raven then pressed the two wires to his chest. He started crying out in pain. She pulled them away and he started breathing heavily.

"Which one is it?" She asked.

He didn't answer her so she put the wires on him again. He started crying in pain again and then Raven pulled them off. She asked him again and he didn't answer. That's when it happened. I fell to the floor and hit my hands against it.


I started sobbing hard and I was on my knees. Everyone had their eyes on me. Raven, Clarke, and Octavia gave me sad looks. Bellamy fell to the ground and pulled me into him. I cried hard into him and he rubbed my head. All of the memories of Finn and I flashed through my head. Childhood, dancing around our room like maniacs, doing things just to get in trouble and have fun, getting arrested, going to ground together, everything I remember doing with him flowed through my mind. I didn't want that to go away. I didn't want my brother to go away. He's the only thing I have left of family. I'm dying inside right now. Finn never deserved to die. I'd have nothing to live for if he died. Raven bent down and rubbed my shoulder. Octavia went over and grabbed the knife off of the floor. She stood in front of us and cut her arm with the knife. The ground tried to get to her, but he couldn't. That's when I realized he cared about her.

"Octavia no!" I said.

"He won't let me die." She said.

She bent down on the floor and grabbed one of the bottles. She held it up high so he could see it.

"Is this it?" She asked.

He didn't answer. She grabbed another one and held it up.

"C'mon! This one?" She asked.

He didn't say anything. I cried harder into Bellamy as Octavia picked up another bottle with an orange liquid and held it up.

"What about this one?"

I looked at the grounder and he nodded his head. I started crying of relief as Octavia handed the bottle to Clarke and her and Raven went down to Finn as fast as they could. I bent down to Octavia and hugged her tightly. She hugged me back tightly.

"Thank you." I said.

"Of course. I wasn't picking sides, I promise." She said.

"I know." I said to her.

We pulled away and I stood up. Bellamy rushed over to me and pulled me into him. I put my head on his shoulder as he lifted me off of my feet. We pulled away and he kissed me. I kissed him back and this is what I needed right now. I needed Bellamy. We pulled away and he hugged me again.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that." He muttered.

"It's fine now. Finn's gonna be alive."

I placed my head on his shoulder as he rubbed my back as he hugged me. I looked at the grounder and smiled at him.

"Thank you." I mouthed to him.

Then he did what I didn't expect him to do. He nodded at me.


Yay! Long chapter!

I literally started tearing up as I wrote this chapter. I focused this chapter more on Elena and Finn because I wanted you all to see how close they really are. There's some Belena at the end, but it's mostly Elena & Finn.



Also, for you Melena shippers, Murphy will be returning VERY SOON.😏😉

So be prepared.😉

Also, I started a Vampire Diaries FanFiction called "Salvatore Sister" if you wanna check that out! Just go to my profile and it should be there!

Please leave your thoughts and opinions in the comments below!

I love you all.❤️ Stay amazing.👍

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