Glad you came (Sebtana)

By wrbbler007

7.9K 124 56

Face it,Santana was done faking who she was.She didn't like Brittany like she wished,she was in love with Seb... More

Chapter 1:Triplets?
Chapter 2: Rant rhymes with Grant
Chapter 3:The truth
Chapter4: memories
Chapter5:sky fell on me.
Chapter 6: Michael Jackson
Chapter7:no way
Chapter8:say what?
Chapter9:who's bad
Chapter10:and I oop
Chapter 11:The groupchat
Chapter13:find her
Chapter14: regionals
Chapter 15:Nationals prep part one
Chapter16: nationals prep part 2
Chapter17: nationals

Chapter 12:the end of Sebtana??

282 5 7
By wrbbler007

I stormed into the practice room to see a few people. Santana was in here and without thinking I went up to her.

"How could you Satan?!I thought you loved me and yet here you are doing who knows what with Puck?! I loved you Santana Lopez..."

At this point I was crying my eyes out. It was extremely silent as everyone sinked in what happened.
"What do you mean Seb?!"

Santana tried to pull me into a hug but I pulled away. At this point my heart felt like it was being pulled out over and over again. I couldn't see and I felt myself slam to the ground.

"Santana you've done enough!"

I don't know who was talking but I was crying into someone's shoulder. After I have clammed down I realized it was me,Blaine and Hunter in our dorm.

"I thought it was real.."
The door opened and in came niff. To be honest they were sorta like my dads,always there for me since I got here.

"How's the child?"
Jeff asked as he sat down on the floor in front of me.
"He's obviously still heartbroken."

I could tell Blaine was trying to lighten the mood,but he failed badly.
"We talked to Santana,she clams to be doing nothing with Puck."

Nick said as he took a seat next to Jeff.
"Maybe you should hear her side of the story Seb?"
Jeff asked as I shock my head. I don't know why but laying on Hunters shoulder just felt so comfortable.

"Are things over with you and Santana?"
Hunter asked.
Yes you don't love her

The fuck I don't love her?!
Be real here Allen
No don't call me that!


I slammed my head against the wall as everyone began to panic. I felt strong arms grab me by my waist.

"We thought you might have just wanted some coffee it's okay."
I felt hunter whisper in my ear. I started to feel more clam in his arms. I was crying into his chest.

"Let's go get some coffee yeah?"
Jeff asked as I nodded. We walked into the Lima Bean to see Puck and Quinn talking by a table.
"Sebby don't."

I was about to ignore Nick and go give him a piece of my mind when I felt a grip grab ahold of me. I turn and see Hunter holding my hand.

Than it hit me. Literally.
"What was that for?!"
Blaine said as I felt the cold slushy go down my face.

"He hurt Santana! I'm happy with Quinn thank you! I honestly don't know why you'd get me involved in your relationship!"
"Rachel said you and her were still seeing each other!"
"Well I want nothing to do with Santana!"

He grabbed me by the collar as everyone stared at us.
"If anything Santana is like a sister to me now. You better get her before it's to late."

He than threw me as I fell to the ground. The warblers all helped me up as we ordered coffee. I ended up getting Santana's coffee order.

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