My Bully Mate

By AlphaStar4

231K 4.3K 1.3K

"Hey dad, I need to tell you somthing" I walk into his office. He looked up from his papers that was scattere... More

Whats up


13.2K 256 62
By AlphaStar4


Its almost midnight. The time I turn 18 and can finally get out of here. Of course they are not going to let us go willingly so I plan to escape after school. The money was still there in the secret cupboard in the roof so no one has seen it yet. I have added 13 dollars to it so that is very helpful.

The pips are still dripping and for some reason I find it peaceful to listen too. Just listen to water helps relax me. That is the only thing here that I like besides my brother he is a sweethart.

I close my eyes, taking in a deep breath and leaning my head on the concrete wall. I'm geting very anxious but yet so excited at the same time. I'm going to be leaving this place with my brother and we get to live the life that we got token away from us. Most girls wold be worrieng about some mate stuff but I dont care..... ok maybe I do a little but I have my brother to worrie about I cant be worried about mates, but I guess it wold be kinda nice to meet mine and have a life together.

Befor I knew it the old grandfather clock that was in the hallway up stares dinged. Telling me that it was my 18 birthday. I felt my brother move a little at the noise. It was pretty loud honestly but no one in the house seems to notice it though. Nicolas turned on his back rubbing his eyes befor they look right up at me "Happy birthday Alessia" he said in a quiet sleepy tone. I rubbed his head that layed in my lap and smiled down back at him.

"In just a few short hours we will be gone and living far far away from here" I said quietly.

With my words Nicolas smiled. We have been dreaming of this day for what seems like forever. I smiled back down at him and we stare at echother for a moment untill we heard noise upstairs of someone shuffling up there. I look up where the noise is coming from "I think we should get some sleep, we have a big day tomorrow" I wispered looking back down at Nicolas. He nodded in agreement and rolled back over to fall asleep.

"Alessia, can you tell me the story of our mama and dad agian? I like that story" Nicolas ask in his cute quiet tiredness voice

"Of course, I like hearing the story too. Once there was a man and a women, everyone thought they where soulmates, and they where right. They where soulmates, the man and the women are warewolfs and each and every warewolf has a mate. Now if you don't know what a mate is, they are your other half, also known as a soulmate but us warewolfs called them mates.

Now our Ma her name is Lucy, she was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Her dark black hair and her baby blue eyes just complete echother. Her fair skin was so soft and smooth with out a blemish in sight. She is the most sweeties lady in the whole world. She always had a red ribbon in her hair"

"What about our Dad?" Nicolas ask

"Our dad also had black hair except his was curly" I say. Nicolas gasp and points to his hair

"Just like mine" he said

I nodded and brush his hair with my hand "mhmm it is just as curly as yours, but he keep it short so then it wold be easier to take care of. Our father had brown eyes that was the exact color of dark chocolate. He was very tough, like realy tough. He punched a realy thick tree down with his own fist, he was also realy smart he could finger out the most difficult of puzzles you couldn't even think of, he can solve it. He was tall and a bit intimidating but he was actually the most sweeties guy you can ever meet." I posed for a moment "Untill you get on his bad side" I joke

"What was his position in the pack?" Nickolas ask

I smiled "He was one of the top worries of our pack, he was the most trusted it seems like all the ladys loved him and try to mate with him but he only had eyes for our Ma" I say

"Can you tell me what happened to them?" Nicolas asks. He looks like he is about to fall asleep any second now

"Well, they had a little girl who had her mathers blue eyes and a son that had his fathers brown eyes. The little girl was so excited she will be geting a baby brother she told everyone about it. She was 13 when he was born and she fell in love with him innately and aware to protect him no matter what the cost is and she did. She was with him night and day and took extra fighting lessons to make sure she was ready for anything. But the thing that had happend to our Ma and Dad she wold never suspecte.
One night is was just a few weeks after the little girl 14 birthday that a fire had started in there house. The girl woke up immediately onec she decided the smoke. She rushed out of bed grabing her safty bag and to the room next to hers that is where her brother layed sleeping. The girl quickly swooped him up and ran out side but not befor she grabbed the boy safty bag from the room. The girl ran out and was panting heavily while the few month baby boy was crying. The girl cuddled him trying to get him to calm down. Soon the firefighters arrived and they started to put the fire out and as soon the girl looked up she saw a man waring a long dirty black Cape and dragging our Ma and Dad behind him. I try to tell the officers and firefighters and they try to look for him but they found no trace of a man or any bodies. The two kids where sent to live with their evil aunt and uncle who had a devil child. Ever since then no one had seen Ma or Dad but the girl sware that when she is old enough she will leave this place and taking her brother with her. Although it will be tough chal along the way she will make it. She will make it for her brother, Nicolas" I ended the story only to see that he has falled asleep in my lap. I sigh and thought that it was time for me to go to sleep too.

Leaning my head on the hard wooden wall, I let darkness consumed me.


Soon my aunt and uncle came down the stares. Waking both of us up.

"Well nice to see you too brats are awake" my aunt said

I wrapping my arm around Nicolas so then they will only have their attention on me.

"We have a birthday surprise for you" my uncle said. 'Oh no' I thought to my self. This happens every year since I moved in with them. Every year on my birthday they wold do unspeakable things to me. I'm just happey that they never do it to my brother. I kinda had to beg them not to hurt him and that I wold do anything, and I did. I do what ever they say or want me to do and get myself in a bit of trouble so then they wont even think about Nick.

My uncle grabs a hand full of my hair and drags me up the stares. I thrash around a little so then they wont think about Nick.

Once upstairs they throw me to the wooden floor. My aunt slammed the door shut and lock it while my uncle proceeded to get the rope and a bandana. I tried to stand up but was instantly pushed back down to my stomach. My hand where rufly pulled behind my back. I was about let out a small scream but the bandana was quickly tied around my mouth making a gage. They tied my handed with the rope so tight I dont think I could beable to feel them for a few days.

"Happy birthday my dear niece, how old are you turning? 18 years old? Wow the big one eight you're an adult now huh, you think you are big and strong because you're an adult well bad news kid. You're not and we are going to make sure of that" my aunt kicks me in the stomach while my uncle kicks me in the face. I squeezed my eyes as tight as I can so no tears wold come out. Biting the bandana so hard it feels like my teeth are going to brake.

They kick me agian, and agian, and agian, and agian. Not once did I scream nor did I cry. I did feel the pain and I feel terrified. I'm terrified that I will not be enough for them and they wold remember my brother, my 5 year old brother that didn't get to live a proper life for the longest time. He didn't even get to remember what it felt like to be full or have at least a decent bed to sleep in or descent cloths.

The next thing that they did was the wort part of this whole ordeal. They rip my shirt off of me I flinched at that movement for I know what will happen now. I keep my eyes shut, not wanting them to see my pain nor my fears. I hear chuckles then a firey slash on my back. A scream threaten it way out but I held it back, I cant show them my pain that's what they want and I'm not going to show them that. I'm never going to show these people what they want.


The burned where to much for me to handle. Suck it up. I just suck up all the bull crap that life throws my way. Although it doesn't sound so good that's life. Lifes doesn't sound so good especially for some people. I actually consider myself lucky because their are people out there that has it worse then me so I guess I shouldn't be complaining about it.

My body feels weak, weaker then what it was befor. I tried to sit up but my arms calasp under me. I grunt as my bloody body hits the ground. I let out a sigh, trying to gain some strength to get up. I took in a deep breath pushing myself up only to feel two little hands on my right shoulder trying to help lift me up.

I struggled to get up, my whole body felt like noodles I could tast the iron in my mouth but I didn't mind the tast. I tasted this so much I started not to care no more. After a few minutes of struggling to get up, I finally managed to at least sit up. My body leaning on the wall, I look up to my baby brother Nicolas right there. I can tell that he has been crying, his eyes and cheeks where red and puffy with some tear going down his face, that was the obvious part that he was crying.

He had lots of emotions runing through his eyes and face, he is sad. He is worried. He is scared.

I gave him the beast smile I could to tell him I'm alright but he seemed not to believe it. I start to stand up using my knee as support along with the wall.

My brother started to panic when he saw what I am doing "Nonono you cant get up you're hurt!" He said in a panic tone.

"No no, I'm fine I promise buddy. Now let's get ready shell we" I say geting off the wall.

Every body part. Every single bone. Every single cell in my body was burning in pain and beging for me to reast. But I ignore them, I didn't want my brother to worrie about me as much as he was now. Shakey I start doing my chores but I couldn't halp but see that my brother was not buying anything that I was telling him.
'Does he know what is happening to me?' I ask my self



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