Bullied & Abused ✔️

By Franta_21

401K 10K 1K

[Complete] Ever have something happen in your life that changed your whole world? Well, the night Ariel Reed'... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen (Part 1)
Chapter Nineteen (Part 2)
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three (Part 1)
Chapter Twenty-Three (Part 2)
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two (Part 1)
Chapter Thirty-Two (Part 2)
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five

Chapter Eight

9.2K 222 35
By Franta_21

The final bell rang, signaling the end of the day. I stood up from my lab table, gathered my things, shoving them into my backpack, and walked out of class.

After I went to my locker, I walked toward the main hallway where I was meeting up with Adam. As I walked down the main hallway to the main entrance, I saw Adam and his girlfriend Bella sitting on the stairway, then began walking over to them.

"Hey, Ariel," Bella said, noticing me approaching them.

"Hi, Bella." I replied with a smile, "Haven't seen you in forever." She shrugged off at my comment, then laughed, smiling back at Adam, who was staring at her.

Wow. Okay. I thought.

"You ready to go?" I asked, turning to Adam after an awkward moment of silence. He looked up at me with a blank face like I was speaking another language.

"Um, I'm gonna be home later." He answered. I looked at him confused, "I was gonna go hang out at Bella's house for a little bit." He explained.

"Okay? I'll see you later then?" I questioned. He nodded, saying yes, then I turned around and walked away.

"Guess I'm walking home," I whispered to myself as I came out the front doors of the school. I made my way down the front stairs and headed toward the sidewalk beside the street. It was about a fifteen-minute car ride home from school, which meant about a half an hour walking distance home.

Thanks, Adam.

I was walking for almost five minutes where a grey jeep zoomed past me, then came to a halt a few feet away from me. I stopped dead in my tracks, staring at the jeep, then it reversed back, coming toward me. I turned to see who the driver was. The car stopped right next to me, and I saw Kian sitting in the driver's seat.

"Hey, Ariel." He said, smirking at me.

"Kian." I growled under my breath, staring back at him, "What are you doing?" I asked, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"Get In." He replied, "I'll give you a ride home." There was no way I was getting in his car.

"Um, no," I said sarcastically, shaking my head.

"Come on, Ariel." He said with a serious face, "Just let me give you a ride." He added, shrugging.

"No, Kian!" I snapped, then turned and stormed off down the street. A little while later, I came to another road and stepped into the crosswalk. Suddenly out of nowhere, Kian's jeep speed around the corner and stopped right in front of me, almost hitting me.

"Kian!" I screamed, glaring at him, "What the heck! You almost hit me!" I yelled. He just smirked at me with a stupid, idiotic smile, making me cross my arms in front of my chest as I glared at him. He chuckles, glancing down, then flickered his eyes up to me as he smacked his lips together before grinning at me.

"Just let me give you a ride." He said, nodding his head at me, then glanced down the road he just drove down and added, "This isn't a good area to walk down. A lot of crazy people live down this street."

"If I say yes, will you shut up?" I asked. Kian chuckled, smiling at me, then nodded, "Fine, then. Yes, please give me a ride home." I said, making him laugh again. I rolled my eyes, and I walked around his car, getting into the passenger's seat, slamming the door behind me.

"Wow. Take it easy on my baby." Kian said after he heard the stupid door close. I looked over, glaring at him, "She's new." He added.

"Just drive me home," I said, looking directly into his eyes. He looked at me for a second, then put the car in drive and took off down the street.

There was an awkward silence in the car for a while before Kian reached over, turning on the radio up slightly, and the faint sound of "Sorry" by Justin Bieber came on. I ignored the radio and just stared out the window. I felt Kian glancing at me as he drove down to the street, but I resisted the urge to snap at him. Soon we took a right onto another road, and I saw the street sign. It was Autumn Street, which was the street my house was on. Suddenly I realized he didn't ask me for directions once the entire drive.

Did Kian know where I lived?

That thought freaked me out, giving me a slightly chilled feeling. I looked out the window and watched as we passed a few houses, then pulled up in front of my house. My eyes widen, staring at my home as I heard Kian put his car in park. He turned off the engine, and the car fell silent. I sat there for a second, not saying anything to him. I didn't know what to say, but there was one thing flowing around my mind.

"How do you know where I live?" I blurted out, turning my head to look at him.

"What? No' thank you'?" He replied sarcastically as he looked over at me. I glared at him for a second, then thanked the jerk and asked my question again.

"Adam gave me your address today." He explained with one hand on the steering wheel.

"Why?" I asked, eager to know.

"Cause we're working on our film project tomorrow." He answered, snapping a little. I just rolled my eyes, sighing, then opened the car door grabbing my bag from the floor, and jumped out, slamming the door behind me, not caring about his stupid dumb new car. I walked up the driveway and to the front door, trying not to look back to see if Kian was still there. I took my key out of my bag, then unlocked the front door as I heard a car's engine start. I froze for a moment, then turned around.

I saw Kian's jeep began to drive away slowly. I watched him until his jeep disappeared out of sight, then opened the door and ran inside, slamming the door and locking it behind me. I stood there with my back against the door. Soon tears began streaming down my face as I slid down to the floor, laying one arm across my knees and the other on my right knee as I rest my head on my palm. I sighed as I pressed my lips together, then whipped my tears. I turned my head and looked up at the window beside the door, then looked down, grabbing my bag next to me. I pulled out my phone from the front pocket and then quickly texted Adam.

Hey, when are you coming home?

I sent it and waited, staring at my phone. I didn't want to move from my spot. I was afraid if I stood up and looked outside that Kian's car would be there again. As that crosses my mind, Adam texted me back.

Not for a while. Why?
What's wrong?

Nothing's wrong. See you
When you get home.


I stood up with my backpack on my shoulder and headed upstairs, trying not to look outside to the front. I walked down the short hallway and turned into my room, which was the last door on the right facing the road. I dropped my bag beside my desk and sat down, opening my laptop. I put on a pair of headphones, then began playing music from one of my playlists as I started researching for a history assignment.

I heard someone come home, and I knew it was Adam cause our dad never came home on Fridays. He was always gone during the weekends. All weekend he would be doing god knows what with some of his "friends" on the other side of town.

So it was always just me and Adam at home, which we both liked a lot.

I was focused on writing an outline for an English paper that I barely heard the front door open. A minute later, I heard a knock on my door, and I looked up seeing Adam leaning against the door frame.

"Hey." I said, smiling at him as I took off my headphones and put them on my desk, "What's going on?" I asked, and he just shrugged, which was his way of telling me nothing.

"Have you eaten yet?" He asked after looking at his watch. I glanced over at my laptop screen and saw it was about seven-thirty. I had gotten home around 3:30 and began doing homework right away.

Guess I just lost track of time.

"Not yet," I replied, looking up at him again.

"You wanna order pizza and watch a movie?" He asked, and I immediately nodded, saying yes. He chuckled before saying pointing at his room across the hall, "I'm going to go change real quick, then order the pizza. You wanna go downstairs and a movie on Netflix to watch?" He asked.

"Sure," I replied, then Adam left into his room as I saved my work on my laptop before closing it and headed downstairs. I turned on Netflix on our TV and started searching for a movie until Adam came down dressed in black sweatpants and a grey t-shirt while he held his phone in his hand.

"The pizza will be here in about twenty minutes." He announced, walking over to the couch and sitting down next to me while placing his phone next to him on the other side, then helped me pick something to watch. In the end, we decided to watch season one of The Flash from the beginning.

It was around midnight when we finished watching the fourth episode of The Flash. As soon as it began the next episode, Adam stopped it, and I looked at him.

"You can keep watching if you want, but I'm gonna go to bed." He announced, passing me the remote. I nodded and said goodnight to him as he stood up and went upstairs. I waited until I heard his door close, then turned the TV off and went up to bed myself.

I went into my room, closing the door behind me, then quickly changed into a black tank top and matching black shorts. I crawled into bed and under the covers. Before I turn to go to sleep, my phone beeped. I rolled back over to face my side table and grabbed my phone, reading the text.

Goodnight Ariel.
- (415)-628-5382

I looked at the text confused, then text back.

Who are you?

I sent it and immediately got a response. My eyes widen, afraid to read their message.

You know who I am. I'll see you soon.
- (415) -628-5382

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