Dusk And Dawn (Todoroki X Rea...

By Thefirsteclipsed

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You've always lived contently in a secluded, quiet little village. It seemed you'd have to hide from the dark... More

Chapter 1 (Quiet life)
Chapter 2 (Esper)
Chapter 3 (The Angel Falls)
Chapter 4 (Quest for the sun)
Chapter 6 (Todoroki)
Chapter 7 (Silver/Esper)
Chapter 8 (Wood and Ice)
Chapter 9 (Shelter)
Chapter 10 (The cold night)
Chapter 11 (Earthquake)
Chapter 12 (The Manliest Boi)
Chapter 13 (Battle Shark)
Chapter 14 (Lord Explosion)
Chapter 15 (Catch the key)
Chapter 16 (Icy-Hot)
Chapter 17 (*Player 3 has joined your party*)
Chapter 18 (Back on the road)
Chapter 19 (The Incident)
Chapter 20 (New Favorite People)
Chapter 21 (Gaurdian Theater)
Chapter 22 (Sworn to the sword)
Chaper 23 (Quiet den)
Chapter 24 (Endevour)
Chapter 25 (Kidnapped)
Chapter 26 (Too fancy for me)
Chapter 27 (We've got to escape)
Chapter 28 (Music to my ears)
Chapter 29 (Dull atmosphere)
Chapter 30 (Ughh...)
Chapter 31 (Momo Yaoyoruzu)
Chapter 32 (The not-so grand ball)
Chapter 34 (Finnally, some good friken action)
Chapter 35 (Figure in the dark)
Chapter 36 (Prisoner to constant 4th wall breaks)
Chapter 37 (Uncertainty)
Chapter 38 (Sweet dreams)
Chapter 39 (New Destination)
Chapter 40 (Sunflowers)
Chapter 41 (Honesty)
Chapter 42(His Choice)
Chapter 43 (His answer)
Chapter 43 (Return of the Manliest Boi)
Chapter 44 (Short but sweet-ish)
Chapter 45 (Moron in bandages)
Chapter 46 (Behind bars)
Chapter 47 (Mice and Grape Trees)
Just a small lil update not a chapter sorry
Not a chapter, sorry! ">~<
Chapter 48 (Koko and the Kraz-E kids)
Chapter 49 (Tomura Shigaraki)
Chapter 50 (Cheese)
Chapter 51 (Himiko Toga)
Chapter 52 (Guardian Theater 2 (Electric Boogaloo))
Explaining the plot and the end

Chapter 5 (Run-away)

2.9K 109 91
By Thefirsteclipsed


'A quest all of my own!' I thought, pulling clothes out of my closet at random. Most of them where lady-like attire I'd been forced to wear by social normalities but that doesn't mean I had nothing.

I pulled out a white button-up shirt with belled out sleeves, a dark F/C dyed leather waist coat, black knee length shorts and matching fingerless gloves.

I put them all on, along with an old pair of my father's boots that I'm sure he won't miss and a few belts that had pouches attached which fitted round my arms.

I filled thoes pockets up with food supplies and small bottles of water. I also found annother belt from the attic which had a perfect loop in it to slide the sword into.

With the sun still only just rising, I crept out to the stables and found out a few carrier bags that attached to saddles and reigns. I filled thoes up with more water, food, some blankets, a hair brush and hair ties. (If your hair is long enough to need hair ties)

"Espur." I whispered, unlocking the stall as quietly as possible.

He was still sleeping.

I tried to load the saddle and reigns on him, If I did this while he was awake (And was acctually wild) he'd throw a fit and wake everyone up.

Succesfully getting the reigns on him and half putting the saddle on, I tried once again to wake him up.

This time he did and walked out of the stall quietly, stopping just outside to let me finnish tying the saddle on.

Now I was convinced he's a trained horse that got lost.

He let me climb on top of him and stood perfectly still and I racked my brains for any riding advice my father might've given me in the past.

Remembering how to comand it to go, I tapped my foot on Espur's side and he gently started to walk along.

He must've realised that this was my first time and walked out onto the path by himself whilst I tried to remember how to get him to turn.

"Oh, Wait!" I whispered, pulling the parchment out of one of the saddle bags.

I unrolled it to see half of the map of the country.

'The other half must be with who ever this 'Ochako' gave it to.' I tought, studdying the ripped egde of the paper's right side.

There were two marked points on the map, both made with black ink and clearly indicating the areas I'd have to travel to.

"I should start with the one closest." I said alloud, nudging Espur to head towards the village exit, the one facing way from the city this time though.

I rolled the map back up and slid it into the bag when all of a sudden, my anxieties started to play up. I have so little time, hardly any experience. I still don't fully understand how my quirk works let alone how to find these 'key' things or even what that boy's name was.

"Can you go faster please?" I urged Espur.

He started to run a little, kicking up a little dust as we rushed past the village's sign.

'I'll just have to hope I'll learn that boy's name later.' I thought, glancing back at the carved lettlers on the sign.

With that, I'd left the peacefull village of Midoria and was now on my way to find the 3 keys and save the world...

Time skip bought to you by Espur being a speedy boi

The sun was now high up in the sky, we must've traveled for at least 30 or so miles in the last 2 hours. Maybe I should've left a note to my mother...

I shook my head, clearing my mind again. I have to focus now, this is all impotant. Don't forget anything that boy told you.

By now we'd slown down to a walk and I was on the look out for a good place to stop.

Off the side of the path, I found a clearing and let Espur rest and drink. I sat down neer him and turned the information over in my head.

"I've been given half a map and I have to find 3 keys." I explained to him, "I've also got this sword... but that's not important. What is, is that we only have two months to find everything we need and take them to the tower in Gallex city... am I missing anything?"

I stopped to study the sword's black blade. It seemed to be made out of some kind of stone. Obsidian perhaps. It looked slightly beaten up, most likely from it being used to kill those monsters.

I sighed, wishing I had more information but I was suddenly cut of by a noise.


Someone with a deep, young sounding voice entered the clearing through a gap in the bushes and trees.

He saw Espur first, stopping dead in his tracks. Espur looked up at the boy and they started to glair at each other. 'You...' The boy mouthed as Espur let out an exasperated snort.

"C-can I help you?" I asked, forcing fake confidence onto myself.

They broke eye contact and the stranger turned to stair at me instead.

We looked eachother up and down, I notice 3 things about him immediately.

He was hella tall, had two tone hair (White and red) and a large black eye patch covering the left side of his face...

He staired at me with his one free eye, his face and posture making him look emotionless.

"I don't think you could help me." He looked down at the sword, my S/C hands gripping tightley onto the handle as I hugged the blade close to my body, "But it seems that you could use mine. So then, tell me, what brings a scared little girl like you miles away from any sign of life?"

I blinked, bewildered, lost for words at his forwardness. I'd never been called a scared little girl before, quite the opposite really.

Frozen in my spot, the idea of telling him what I'd experienced hours before hand crossed my panicking mind. But his cold, soulless deminor made me decide that lying was a better idea...

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