The Lost Descendant: The Adve...

By RoseStojkovic

24.3K 453 61

When Ben invites Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos, and some other friends to stay the weekend at his summer house they... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37

Chapter 36

189 5 0
By RoseStojkovic

Ben flinched and barely caught himself from falling down the stairs as another spear flew towards them and landed on the deck with a thunk. he looked up and saw a flash of neon green cross Mal's eyes. He saw her shoot a look towards the crow's nest as Gill rang an alarm Bell and yelled "Enemy ships off the starboard bow!"

"Where's Uma?" She asked Ben with a huff. Before he could reply Harry called out "Defense positions!" and the crew moved with a new purpose.

"I'm not sure," Ben replied "the last I saw her she was in her cabin." She took in a breath and pushed past him as she went down the stairs and onto the busy deck.

"Where are you going?" He called after her as he and Evie followed her onto the main deck.

"To find Uma," looking back at Ben she added "someone needs to set her straight." When he saw her expression he felt his stomach drop.

"Captain on Deck!" Gill called, and Ben Saw her make a b-line for the blue braided pirate.

"Mal, wait!" He called after her. But she was quickly swallowed by the busteling crew. He had to weave and push his way through to follow her. When he and Evie reached them the rest of the group was already their.

"What were you thinking?" He heard Mal ask, she was standing squared up to Uma with her arms crossed.

"Save it princess, I already got a lecture from your boyfriend." She replied with an edge of annoyance. Ben could sense that Mal was about to give a smart comeback when the air was pierced with a loud "teeeeehooooo!"

Ben turned toward the direction of the yell to find a large, very built man, with tattoos across his whole upper body, and what looked like a giant fishhook in his hand, standing on the bow of the lead ship.

"Your attacks on our ships stop now!" He yelled across the open ocean between them. The onslaught of spears had stopped for a brief moment."Surrender now or today the lost revenge meets it's watery grave at the bottom of the ocean!" Ben had heard about the might of the demigod Maui from cheaf Moana herself. But, he had never thought he would be on the receiving end of it.

His attention was pulled back to the confrontation in front of him.

"Listen," Uma said "as you can see I have to prepare my crew for battle. So unless you want to 'dragon up'" she said with air quotes "and light my enemies' ships on fire, you should head below deck and get out of the way." There was a ferocity in her eyes, he had seen it once before in Mal's eyes when Uma had him hostage on the very ship they were on now.

Mal wasn't moving, and you could cut the tension with a knife. Ben could have sworn he saw sparks flying between the glares they were giving each other.  He was about to try and neutralize the situation when Lonnie interjected

"That's not a bad idea." Everyone turned towards her, Ben was utterly confused.

"How is having Mal attack our ally's ships a good idea?" He asked.

"Not to attack them," she clarified "but if she flew over there maybe you could work something out."

"Couldn't someone just go over in a dinghy?" Hallie asked.

"No" Uma replied "it would look like a surrender party. And who said you could help? This is my ship, I make the rules."

"Technically it's my ship." Ben interjected. Uma looked at him with the same ferocity she had been directing towards Mal.

"What?" She asked, though it sounded more like a challenge.

"I gave you this ship, and you work for me." He clarified "And anything you do with it reflects upon me." He had felt a little nervous when he had first started talking, but after having gotten the words out he felt better about himself. His mom had been right, Mal had been exactly what he needed. "That's why we need to end this little quarel between you and the Polynesians, they are my allies and I can't have my ship ransacking them."

"So let's go see if we can talk it out, your Majesty." Uma replied, she was clearly frustrated. "Come on" she added addressing Mal "do your thing so we can go over there."

"No, you're staying here." Mal retorted "You've caused enough trouble. Plus I'm not letting you get on my back." Before anyone could say anything else Mal walked over to the starboard side of the ship.

"Make some room!" She commanded, and the crew obeyed. As Ben started to make his way over to her his brown eyes met her green ones surging with magical energy. She closed them and was quickly enveloped in deep purple smoke. Then she shot out of the cloud and into the air in her dragon form. She circled the ship once before coming low enough for Ben to climb on.

Once he was secured they started towards the lead ship. Ben caught sight of the blue depths of the ocean below zipping by them and he held on tighter. They had never done this before, and it's not that he didn't trust Mal not to drop him, but the thought of plummeting into the water below still frightened him.

Mal slowed as they approached the ship. She came up level with the deck so Ben could get over safely. Once he had disembarked onto the deck of the ship he was greeted by the demigod.
"King Benjamin, I didn't know you were on that ship." He said with a polite bow "I would never intentionally put you in danger your majesty."

"That's alright." Ben replied cordially, as he adjust his clothes.

"Where did this magnificent beast come from?" Maui asked, gesturing towards Mal as she was landing on the deck. "You might not want to call her a 'beast'" Ben cautioned "she has quite the temper." He caught a slightly confused look cross Maui's face before turning to see Mal emerge from the purple smoke, dusting herself off as she came up to stand next to him.

A/N: Hello all my lovely readers! I know it's been a while since I've updated but since school started up again I've had less time to work on the story. Plus I had to figure out how this story would work with the current canon after what we learned from D3. When I first started this story I purposely made the story take place a few years after the first film so that it would work with the canon if Disney decided to make more films. But alas, we learned who Mal's father is in the last film. So now my story takes place in an alternate universe, oh well. I hope you enjoyed the chapter, I am going to keep working on the story, but I'm not sure when the next chapter will be out. So until then, stay rotten to the core!

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