The Last Imperials

By JLfraise

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#1 in SCIENCE FICTION 2021 #1 in ACTION #1 ACTIONPACKED In the beginning, Mother Earth created seven clans, a... More

Discovered / Chapter One
Chapter 2 / Scyfis
The Intruders / Chapter 3
The Battle / Chapter 4
The City Of Light / Chapter 5
The Great Divide / Chapter 6
The Last Imperial / Chapter 7
The Revelation / Chapter 8
The Survivor / Chapter 10
The Last Battle / Chapter 11
Boundless Light / Chapter 12
The Pool Of Tears 13
The Coronation Of Elders/ Chapter 14

Prometheus Drak / Chapter 9

382 16 0
By JLfraise


I wake up to the sun glaring into my eyes, looking around our cover disappears as the Ladies of Nythiem retract back into their humanoid forms.

Aura jumps up, "Are you serious? It is barely sunrise," she says, asking them.

She begins her telepathic conversation with them. "I'm sure we would have woken up, there was no need to be so rude," she says, dismissing them.

I stand up and start to stretch as the others buzz awake.

Curiously, I send my power to my toes, as I begin to levitate, I slowly float just above the trees.

I stare at the mountains of Batham, "It's about a half a day's journey," I say aloud.

I allow myself to come down, touching the floor everyone is up eating the berries we picked last night. I grab a handful and sit on the mound. I look over, and Z is drawing in the dirt.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Just got some ideas," he says, laughing benevolently.

Rain's eyebrows go up suspiciously.

I look over at Eve with her eyes closed, meditating, her hairs begin moving into place, some are being wrapped into small braids.

"Are we ready?" I ask everyone.

"Yes," says Z, "I will remember these," he says, turning his head up.

We all get up, and the ladies lead, and we follow after them.

"Do they know where we are headed?" I ask Aura.

"Yeah I told them," she says.

We all walk in silence just listening to the wilderness, the birds in the trees, the movement of the trees and the cold rushing water flowing in the nearby creek.

"What are they?" asks Xodus.

"Who?" ask Aura.

"The ladies of Nythiem?" he asks.

"I've never seen anything like them, they are living walking human trees," he says, staring.

"And they can talk," he says in awe.

"They are one of the first," says Aura.

"They walked with Mother Earth for some time," is what they told me.

The first creatures of the earth were as big as mountains, the steps themselves would uplift life and create life all around. They say Mother Earth watched her beings do good, but she was unhappy because they lacked empathy. So she sent them to go rest, some became mountains, others went into the sea and lived within it, others became islands. Some just laid down and became the earth themselves. And they are asleep till this day.

Next, she created spirits that dwelled in the earth, and she created the four ladies of Nythiem. They each are over the Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Western forest of the planet. They are ancient, beautiful women. In this, Mother Earth was happy and saw the need for them, so she allowed them to live and take care of life. But still, she was not fulfilled. Her last and most incredible creation was the Imperials, she created them in her likeness. Wonderfully and fearfully made, she saw the potential in each one of them. That is when she split her power into seven and gave each one a part of her. Afterward, she told them to be fruitful and multiply as she went to go rest, and the seven built their thrones around the place she conceded.

"They know all of this?" I ask.

"They were there during the first war, they were called upon by Ecos," they say.

"Can they only appear by being called on?"

"Yes, only by an Ecos. It takes immense power to summon, but once they are here, they draw power from the one who summoned them," Aura explains.

Turning the ladies of Nypthiem, turn and look directly into Aura's eyes, intensely.

"They want us to know, that Krios deliberately, disobeyed our purpose," says Aura.

"That if we were not given our power today, Mother Earth herself would have risen, and wiped her slate clean. Nothing would be alive, she would recreate all, reconstruct, and redevelop all. Mother Earth is jealous, cruel, and unmerciful. She is superior, and her decision is final. It is grace she has gifted us, that today we stand here," says Aura, looking back at us.

Breaking out of the forest, a great trench stretching for miles going into to the east and the west, cutting through a mountain and into others.

"Oh no, that is too far can't you bring us to the edge of the mountains?" asks Z.

"I can," I say aloud.

"They can sense the stone from here," says Aura.

"Who?" ask Xodus.

"The ladies...," they said. "It is in the center of the mountains."

"That's funny, I can't sense anything," I say.

"The stone is a giant boulder, wherever it has been hidden must have a lot of space," says Sapphire.

"Well let's go find out," I say.

Stars circle my pupils, and we land in front of the enormous mountains of Batham.

Skulls on planks of wood and signs of death cover the entrance to the mountains.

Sapphire walks up to the skull examining it. "These skulls have indents from my clan. We may have clansmen from Akos here protecting the stone," says Sapphire.

We start to head up as Aura turns around puzzled.

Turning we see the ladies of Nypthiem have transformed back into their tree state.

"You're not coming?" Aura says, asking loudly.

Slowly, she turns back around.

"Why aren't they coming?" I ask.

"Because the energy of the earth is magnified here, they are sensitive to Mother Earth and its properties."

"Alright," I say, wearily.

Stepping onto the bridge, it goes zig-zag across the mountain, to the other side of the mountain as the elevation goes up.

"This is dangerous," says Xodus.

"Very," says Rain.

"Don't mind me," says Rains, as he hovers above us.

"Well what about the rest of us?" says Xodus.

"You all are more than capable of not dying if this bridge goes falling into the abyss," he says, shrugging.

"Well, I guess teamwork is out the window," says Xodus, mumbling sarcastically.

"Nobody is dying, believe that," I say aloud.

We scale up, the bridge, looking down the abyss is far sizeable, and behind us the trees have become small from our elevation.

"I sense energy, but it is all over the place like these mountains are alive," I say.

"I sense it as well, these mountains are definitely strange, very abnormal," says Eve.

"Can you find it?" says Z.

"We are looking," says Aura.

"Maybe I can help, if the stone has life energy then maybe I can...?" Aura says.

"Well, if none of you can, I can go scout..." Rain chimes in.

"No, we can't risk anybody..." I say.

"If it is in the earth, then, I should be able to locate it," Sapphire argues.

"Well," says Z, getting cut off by Eve.

We all have abilities to find this stone and many options we need to just choose one...," she says.

A small earthquake shakes us back into reality, looking around Z is at the top of the ledge.

The earth continues to rumble as it slowly turns to mud, then begins to be molded into a spacious mortar.

Z slams his two hammers together by the heads, as the earth circles around us into a bowl.

Four arms start to emerge out of the earth and connect, large claws form at the end of the arms.

Tilting his hammer, we move off the ledge and stand in this bowl in the middle of the crevice.

We all stare at Z shocked.

"My hammers are in the mechanic mode, I equipped them with the ability to manipulate earth.

I think this is suitable for where we are headed.

Also, when my hammers are connected, they have the ability to locate energy. I thought I was going to use this if I ever lost any of you, but I see today we will be using it to find the stone."

Looking past his shoulder, the hammers have become one metal block with handles sticking out. Lines have been engraved into his two hammers, that glow his fiery orange glow. As he touches them, his hammers act as a keyboard reacting to each touch.

"I found it," he says aloud.

"It's in the crevice directly beneath us, but deep, very deep."

Grabbing his two hammers, he tilts them as we dive into the abyss.

Each arm reaches from one side of the mountain to the next, gripping it, and lowering us down.

"I'm going to need light," Z says.

"Can you place your hand on that rune?" he says, asking me.

"This rune?"

"Yes, for about five to ten seconds it's going to need a charge," he says.

Placing my hand on the ruin, the whole interior lights up with my blue aura. Runes engraved into the earth begin to light up all around us.

"Thank you," he says, happily.

Standing, I walk over to him, trying not to stumble from how fast we move.

Looking on the outside of this giant bowl, a ring of white light goes around with crystals reflecting off it, giving spotlights.

"I didn't know you had this much power," Xodus says, genuinely.

"I'm sorry if we ever looked at you like you were too young to actually say something," says Kai.

"I didn't mind, I know what I know. Plus, I never had to work hard when I was around you guys, you all thought I was too young to be in this.

I believe I am, but I enjoyed being catered to," Z says, smiling.

The sun is completely gone, and the only light that shines comes from the ring around this earthly spider.

Going into the crevice, we drastically move slower.

"How do you know where we are going?" asks Rain.

"The hammers have a lock on synthetic anomalies and can give an accurate location on where precisely the abnormalities are.

Both hammers know each of your energy signatures, so it's looking for the one that isn't us."

Darkness surrounds us, the only light comes from the top of the crevice and the ring around us.

We continually climb down into the abyss.

Small talk goes between the group as Z sits down waiting for the hammers to finally locate the stone.

"I don't understand why Krios would go through this much to hide a stone," says Z.

"This is crazy, we are beyond, below sea level," he says.

Suddenly, the hammers stop moving and we come to a stop.

Standing up, we look around, the earth crab has stopped, and the floor is now apparent.

Jumping out of the earthly machine, I land on dirt.

"Maktuai," I say summoning light. A small ball forms in my hands.

Pushing it out, I use it as a light, extending it as a flashlight.

A cave with a high ceiling is to the right.

"I want one," says Z, asking for me to make him a ball of light.

Forming one, I pass it to Z and make one for everyone.

We walk into the cave, it has to be here, the hammers wouldn't have brought us here.

"Well, we will keep looking, it's a long hall. It's here," I say, assuring Z.

As we walk down, noises come from the ceiling.

Breaking open, a two-story stone covered in symbols is in the middle of a giant cavern.

Its golden aura flows like a slow-moving river all around it, as if it is alive.

Waterfalls of black liquid fall into small canals leading and circling the giant stone.

We walk down paved stones, entering the giant domed cavern.

"Don't touch this liquid," says Sapphire.

"I believe this is poison, it actually blocks our connection to Mother Earth," says Sapphire.

Stepping over the small canals circling the stone, we reach the center.

The stone hums to life as we get closer to it, sparks begin to fly as we stand next to it.

"It knows we are here," says Z.

"Together," I say. We all reach out our hands, "1, 2, 3," I say.

Placing my hand on the stone.

I stand in complete darkness.

"My name is Prometheus Drak," a man says in a deep voice.

"I've long awaited this moment. Come closer."

My body is pulled as a series of images fly past me.

"In the beginning, the celestial planets battled for the power of Life and Light.

The surrounding planets all desperately wanted this power and were willing to fight to get it.

Ecota, Naycucu, Raka, Beyku, Enoch, Recuma, Belize, Nyviti, NuJaFoo, Falem, and Dareti.

Our mother, Ewa has held this power for all millennia. She has birthed and has shared this power with all life on this planet. She created rivers, mountains and created stars so that the cosmos may never be dark. She filled the galaxy with beauty and delivered the celestial beings out of the age of darkness."

Images fly past me, as he shows the stars being created and rivers forming and the celestial battle between Ewa, and her brother and sisters.

"She created different types of life before us, but she was unhappy.

For she sought rest, but the cosmos had to be protected if she was ever to sleep.

So, she created Imperials and dispersed her power evenly between the clans.

Gifted immortals, our purpose was tremendous and was to share her power once the race was on its feet.

The first Elders were the first that walked with Ewa and learned the secrets of her power.

They were taught and also learned what a celestial battle would look like, they were unlike any other.

Millenia went on, and our race prospered, Mother was content and happy with all we had done.

The planets grew jealous watching her prosper more than ever. Some clung to the darkness and became dry and brittle in their jealousy.

The first to attack was Enoch, he decided to block the blessings Ewa gave to NuJaFoo. As a result, she made an example of Enoch, and cast stars to destroy his face and reveal the darkness inside of him. He was forever darkened and only allowed to cast his glory, partly."

Standing in the cosmos, I watch the battle between Mother and the moon.

"In the wonders of our age, a great evil was amidst.

Krios, an Imperial of Akos, one of the leaders of the great City of Light.

His actions were far more significant than we believed.

Once he threatened the Elders, he left the City of Light and went to his home clan.

We did not see nor hear of Krios, for seven years. On the fifth year, the clan went totally dark, and we lost all communication between Abhur and The City.

On the seventh year, we saw plans for war. In defense, we belittled our enemy, building a wall around the City of Light.

Not actually preparing, we went on with life, the Elders dismissed all theories of war and continued to remain oblivious to the imminent threat.

When Krios was finally ready, he attacked each great city of each clan. Leaving nothing but earth in its place.

Each clan fought for themselves and fought clan against clan, Krios' army was unified and fought as if they were one mind. Synced and ready, they moved in a fluid motion.

Our selfishness is what destroyed us, as I am an Auriel we were his hardest foes.

But his unification was overwhelming, the two empires of Krekok and Nephfire were alongside him providing him with the man power.

Every demon, dark elf, dwarf, and abominable creature joined his army.

When his army was gathered, he marched his way to the City of Light and to the Elders. What was left of each clan, joined in arms and meet him before he reached the City of Light.

We cheered on as the seven battled Krios alone, but each one slowly fell and was killed by his hands. The last Elder from Auriel fought with the rest of us. When all seemed lost, he gave his final command to go and hide and preserve the knowledge of your clans.

Striking the ground, he created the boundary between darkness and light and saved all who were left and the City of Light from destruction.

Imperials use the Condor Lines, they all lead to the City of light, they are preserved with Mother Earth's energy if you fall or become weak. She has left her power inscribed into these lines, they extend all over Mother Earth. Find them, harness them, and use them to strike down vengeance of your ancestors, and free us from our transgressions.

I loyally have followed the Last Elders command, preserving my consciousness and path I've chosen to save the knowledge of our fall, and our beginning, both which will help you decide our future. I have carried this burden long enough, now it falls to you Imperial. I am proud to have lived to see this day. I am Prometheus Drak, Imperial of Auriel. Be safe child of Eden."

I'm surrounded in darkness, and I fly back, as the stone pushes my hand off it.

I'm back to reality.

Looking up, the stone no longer glows but is just a plain rock.

"Wow," says Xodus, walking from behind.

"You all saw it too. Yes, the history of our race," says Aura.

"The makeup of Mother Earth," says Eve.

"We were so much more," says Rain.

"And Krios knows all of this yet, insist that his plan is perfect," says Z.

"He's a madman," I say.

"He's crazy," says Sapphire.

"He's going to destroy everything," says Sapphire.

"We can't, you can't, I can't....

We are going to stop him and kill him," I say with confirmation.

Noises continually come from the ceiling.

Looking up the ceiling is covered in black creatures like bats.

"Whoa," I say aloud, pointing up.

"Lupus," says Sapphire, bringing out two swords.

"What are they?" asks Eve.

"Infectious diseased animals, Akos is always killing them.

Usually, when there is too much, they become wilder than ever and attack the wall on Abhur."

"This is way too many, almost as if they put them here to guard this stone," Eve says.

"It wouldn't be out of their character," says Sapphire.

As long as we are quiet, we can get out of here, but as soon as one is awake, you will hear a loud screeching noise. They crawl extremely fast and do not let their claws or teeth touch you. You will heal, but very slowly, war is coming, and we do not have time for that," says Sapphire.

"Only way to kill them is either by beheading or fire.

Let's go," she says, strolling. As we get to the steps of the entrance, stepping on the last step, it begins to cave in as the ceiling opens up, dropping hot oil.

"Move!" yells Sapphire, as she jumps off the stairs, dodging the oil.

We all run back down, but the boobytraps have already activated. Coming out of the four corners of the wall, four mechanical archers send metal arrows flying into the ground. "Get to the stone!" I yell aloud.

I make a protective tunnel back to the stone as we all run through it.

Looking up, lupus falls to the ground, unbearable screeching noises go off, as every single one begins to awaken and fall from their hanging position.

Arrows seamlessly bounce off the tunnel, as lupus slip off the stairs and get caught in the archers' grasp.

"Can you create a tunnel to the exit out this cavern?" yells Xodus.

Extending my energy, I form a tunnel to the hallway, and to the earth crab.

"Let's go, people," I say, as they all take off running back up the oily stairs. And into the hallway.

Sapphire is the last, "I got this," she says.

Inhaling, she engulfs the entire cavern with blue fire from her mouth as if she is a dragon.

The screeches go even higher, but she does not stop until the flames reach the ceiling.

Together, we run down the hallway as lupus come crashing, tumbling on top of each other, like crabs in a bucket chasing us.

Turning to the left, Z is screaming, "Get in, get in!!"

Barely getting into the bowl, he takes off as the earthly spider climbs ten times faster than when we went down.

Lupus begin crawling up the crevice, covering the walls, they start leaping, trying to get inside.

Others begin clawing up the arms, making their way to the bowl. Sapphire jumps from arm to arm beheading the foul creatures. Once sliced, they turn to ash and another takes its place.

Z throws fireballs at the wall to stop them from climbing up. But hundreds come out of the crevice like cockroaches.

"Festering pestilence!" yells Sapphire.

We slowly begin to emerge out of the crevice, as hundreds of roots come out of the walls, whacking and knocking lupus off, losing their grip, they fall into the dark abyss.

"That's my girls," says Aura, contently.

They begin wrapping lupus and throwing them into the abyss.

Sapphire finishes off the rest, jumping from wall to wall, slicing off their heads.

Getting on top, we walk over the dirt, before bringing the giant bowl down to the ground, where it begins to melt into the mud. Z pulls his hammers out, dislodging them from the earth, spinning each one separately.

"They asked was it worth it?" says Aura.

"The ladies?" I ask.

"Yes, it was extremely helpful."

"We saw what this battle is going to look like, it was overwhelming how many soldiers Krios had.

These kingdoms have grown, whatever soldiers they had, has now doubled if not tripled. We saw how many soldiers Abhur has, that is more than enough to overrun the City," I say.

"We must prepare them for the battle ahead."

"It will be the defining moment of our race," says Aura.

"And our last chance to restore balance," says Eve.

"We will not fail," says Xodus.

"We are going back to the City," I say.

"Everyone come close," extending my power, small dirt pebbles begin to fly up.

In a flash, we fall to our feet, we stand at the entrance of the City.

"Well, look like you crickets did not die!" yells Nomos.

"Haha, Nomos open the gates," yells Rain, sarcastically.

"Hey hey, what I tell you about bossing me around, last I heard you aren't commander and chief.

Plus, y'all wasn't even supposed to leave.... oouu Nuru got something for you," he says, laughing.

"Someone get him," says Rain, quietly.

"Before I do," he says, his hands shaking.

"I got it," Eve says.

"You have less than a minute before I call the Golden Fire Eagles to come rip out your esophagus," says Eve, plainly.

Without hesitation, the doors begin to open,

"Nomos, we can be friends," says Eve.

"I'm good where I'm at lady," he says, cautiously.

Eve bows her head gently and begins to walk with the rest of the group.

Walking down the beige golden streets, people begin to cheer excitedly for our arrival.

And in seconds white horses come galloping down to us.

Prince Nuru stays on his horse as he approaches us.

"How dare you! You all could have died and risked everything we have worked so hard to prepare for."

"I am sorry," I say aloud. "It was all my idea.

But we did not come empty handed your highness," I say, bowing.

"Sapphire, Imperial of the of the south Abhur, the chosen just like us.

She is well trained and can give much insight on how Krios acts and what to expect in the upcoming war," I say.

Getting off his horse as he grabs her hand, "It is a pleasure."

"The pleasure is mine, this place is beautiful," says Sapphire, amazed.

"It is where Mother Earth went to rest, did you think it would be anything less?"

"Honestly, I did not expect this," she says, turning, taking it all in.

"Everything has been left intact since the Elders were first here over one hundred years ago, all we are missing is the streets and skies full of Imperials. Oh, how I wish I were able to see it, the days when the earth flourished," says Prince Nuru.

"They will flourish once more," I say. "We will make sure of it."

"But until then we prepare and situate ourselves for the upcoming battle," I say.

"We should be seeing Sapphire's family at the gates in no less than a day, please prepare your men for that."

Together we all walk back to the castle, as citizens of the city begin throwing flower petals of violet, red and white, out of their windows. Rejoicing people dance to music after we walk past their homes.

Turning down Main Street, the whole city becomes alive as Main Street sidewalks are full and citizens wave flags. A crowd follows close behind us, following us to the steps of the palace.

Reaching the steps of the palace, Prince Nuru gets off his white horse, and we stand in a line for the whole city to see.

"Your seven chosen!" yells Prince Nuru.

"Long have we waited for this day, the day the seven chosen would come to these gates and the prophecy fulfilled!

Our city has lost much, but has gained perseverance, long-suffering and the willingness to endure.

We are stronger than we have ever been, my father's father would be proud to see this day.

We have waited and prepared, now the day of reckoning is only days away, so let us show them why Imperials chose our city to be its standing point! And let our pillars of trust, admiration, and courage hold our city amongst our greatest threat.

I will fight with you! And if I go down, let it be known, I gave it my all for this city, and we gave everything to save it."

Bringing out his sword I feel immense power pulsate from it.

"Let the light conquer all!"

Sending out a wave of pure light, the crowd roars in courage.

"Come with me Imperials," he says.

Turning, we follow him into the castle as the crowd still roars in excitement.

Slowly, the castle doors close as our teachers stand angrily.

"You disobeyed our orders," says Raiko.

"Technically, you didn't give us orders," I say.

"That doesn't matter, you all could have died," says Verse.

"Very irresponsible," says Ma, a hunchback with a twined long ponytail.

"We learned what it was to be a team, and how our powers originated, also how our very cosmos was created," argues Eve.

"We saw what it was like to see a thriving clan and a thriving nation. No matter how corrupt it has gotten. We connected far more than we would have ever during our training. We achieved our goal and learned valuable experiences, and knowledge we will pass down to future generations of Imperials," says Eve, Rain and Xodus.

"It was a need that was not going to be met," I say, confirming what they said.

"I'm just happy you all made it back alive, I had no doubt," says Batham.

"Traitor, the birds told me of your conversation with him," says Verse.

"You of all people...," Verse says, getting cut off.

"I OF ALL PEOPLE should know that the first Elders, fought many battles and learned trust for one another. They were not related as you all are, but I've never seen such a tight-knit family.

They were role models in kindness, forgiveness and selflessness, beings of true power. They needed this, it has made them into stronger Imperials spiritually and mentally," Batham says, kindly.

"Show Sapphire to her room girls," Aura and Eve walk away with Sapphire, as they head to the east wing of the castle.

Now you, four boys, I don't want no horseplay," says Genesis, through the walls.

"Otherwise you will end up in my garden wrapped in thorns, I mean it," her voice echoing, fiercely.

"She's so scary," says Z.

"The day she comes out of that tree will be the day we are all scared," says Battimus, worryingly.

"So true," says Verse.

"Why do you say that?" I ask.

"She is ancient. I do not believe she is an Imperial."

"Yet she has trained many?" I ask.

"She was here in the development of the city, an unmoving rock against a rushing river. She stayed, and the Elders respected her wishes which was to let her garden thrive. Today, we still hold that tradition," says Prince Nuru.

"I wouldn't even think of toying with it, I've sensed Genesis all over the world. She is unlike any other being," says Verse.

"But go to your rooms... prepare, we will all dine together tonight," Prince Nuru announces.

"Please inform the girls," he says, as he begins walking down the main corridor to the throne room.

Verse nods her head respectfully.

We all head to the west wing, as we get on the lift, slowly dropping everyone off.

Getting to my level, I walk into the room and instantly sit down in the meditation circle, crossing my legs, and I feel my body escaping reality. My eyes get hazy, and I let the drowsiness kick in.

I'm back in the cave with the stones in a circle.

Light passes in between each stone in a fast-moving circle.

"What is this?" I ask, as my voice echoes.

I jump awake, to banging at my door, touching the ground, I walk back to the door.

Opening it, Rain, Xodus and Z stand there, arms crossed, staring hard.

"Why aren't you dressed?" asks Rain, rudely.

"What, what time is it?"

"It's time you got a sundial, it's time for dinner," says Rain.

"Oh snap," exfoliating my energy out of my pores, I change in an instant to an all-white ancient tunic with a golden symbol of my clan going all around.

"Ready," I say, smiling.

Rain just rolls his eyes.

We all walk to the lift, as Rain explains that tonight's dinner is in the throne room, and we are late.

We make our way into the throne room, and long tables seating fifty, go all the way to the door.

In the middle, sits Prince Nuru and above him, steps lead up to several thrones. Each one with a symbol of each clan.

My chair is in the middle, to my left is Verse, Aura, and Sapphire. To my right are Rain, Xodus and Z.

Drapes of tan, burgundy, and white hang to the floor, we survey the crowd.

Men and women dressed up in their most elegant clothes as the elixir, bread and all types of different food lay at the buffet.

"You will one day sit on these thrones as the new Elders," says grandfather, telepathically.

Searching for him, I find him prompted on a wall, staring in astonishment.

"I've been grateful to see one of my own blood become a chosen. Thank you for your gift," he says, nodding.

I nodded back in sincerity.

Food is soon brought to us by servants of the castle, and we watch as men and women get up and dance to violins and violas.

Elixir is poured into our drinks, looking inside I swish it around. It leaves a golden hue around the rim of the cup.

Aura and Verse soon walk down and join in the holding hands, as people run around in a circle to the music.

I watch as the soldiers standing guard begin to relax and take a few sips of elixir and even put down their weapons and join the feast.

I form a shield around the doors and windows trapping everyone inside, creating a protective barrier.

Barely anyone seems to notice except for Z and Rain who stare curiously.

"It's just for precaution," I say, telepathically.

They shake their head in understanding and go back to enjoying the party.

Soon, I am the only one on the throne, just sitting observing taking it all in.

Thinking about my parents, I slowly slip out of the scene and begin to teleport to my old farm.

In a flash, I land on my feet, walking up to a hut that barely holds itself together by love.

Opening the door my father and mother sit by the fire, holding hands.

"Oh, how I've missed you," I say.

Turning, they jump up as my mother burst in tears.

"My baby!" she says, embracing me.

"You look amazing," she says, looking at me astonished.

"You look, good son," says my father, standing upright and tall as if he's in his twenties.

"Thank you, dad, how are you feeling?" I ask, concerned.

"Oh, I was in bad shape not too long ago, but I feel as if my bones and muscles are brand new.

"Good," I say, grabbing both of their hands I begin to restore them. My father's hair starts to turn from white to black, as my mother's wrinkles under her eyes rapidly fade.

Her hair goes from wild to silky smooth as my father's hair, entirely comes back on top of his head.

Looking at my dad, he grows three inches tall, and his muscles become more defined than they ever were.

The stitching on both my parents begins to rip as I look at them now in their young thirties.

"Oh my," says my mother.

"Did you," she says, touching her face examining her hands.

"She looks beautiful," says my father.

"You look like the man I married thirty years ago," says mother.

"You will never grow old again, and you will never live in this hut either.

Come with me to The City of Light," I say.

"Oh well, I'm not ready for that, nowhere near."

"I don't have anything to bring not even fine clothes."

"Give me your rings."

Staring at the two bands of gold, I tap my index finger on each one. My symbol of my clan begins to appear etched into each one.

"As long as you have those on, you will never age, you will always have something to wear, and you will always be able to protect yourself."

Placing them on each hand, they get shivers of power.

"I don't like this feeling," says mother.

"You will get used to it, now think of something you always wanted to wear but did not have the money to afford."

"This will do nothing," she says, arguing.

"Just do it," I say, overpowering her.

She closes her eyes as my blue essence begins to wrap itself around her.

Opening them, she stares down. She is in a red gown that cut revealing her legs as sandal straps wrap all the way up her thigh.

"Oh my," her eyes, watery.

Looking at my father he already is changing.

Finished, he is dressed in an all-black tunic with gold lettering the same as mine except black.

"Nice choice," I say.

"Well, I liked what you had on," he says, shrugging.

"Oh, but I have nowhere to go," she says, turning around admiring her gown.

Grabbing my father's shoulder and my mother's dress, we teleport in the middle of the crowd in the grand throne room.

My mother steps back in fright, as my dad just smiles grabbing a flask, he throws it back, gulping it down.

"This is a party," he says, arms wide.

"How did we?" "Welcome to the City of Light mother," I say, contently.

"Is this your mom and dad?" asks Aura excitingly.

"Yes, yes, it is."

"Yes, I remember them from the tunnel vision," she says, smiling.

"He's kept his eyes on y'all no matter how far you were," she says, reassuring them.

"Your parents?" asks Eve.

"Yes," I say. Eve walks up to my mother touching her hair, her hair reacts to her power and bounces into a springy curl pattern.

"You are just beautiful," she says, holding her hand in the prayer position.

"Oh, thank you, my love," says mother, nervously.

"Mother and father, these two are two of the chosen."

"Oh, your highness," she says, bowing right away.

"Rise," says Eve. "You will not bow here. We reverence our Elders here," she says, bowing and smiling.

"And there's Xodus," I say, pointing to a small table where men stand in line to arm wrestle him.

"Rain is up there," pointing to the ceiling, Rain floats in intoxication, drifting around the ceiling with no direction.

"And Z is right there," ladies surround him, while he smiles innocently, while they play with his hair.

"And Sapphire is?" I turn, scaling the room for her.

"Behind you," she says.

Turning, Sapphire is in a red and black gown that matches her rubies.

"It's nice to meet you," she says, smiling contently.

"You all are just so beautiful," mother says, astonished.

"Oh, why thank you, you are too much," says Sapphire.

"You all are beautiful young ladies, you must hear that quite a lot being around all these boys," says my father, punching me while winking at the same time.

"Sadly, no," says Eve.

"I'd think not," says Aura.

"Shame," says Sapphire, as they all turn away simultaneously.

I turn to my father sheepish, he stares shaking his head.

"Those are beautiful girls why have you not...

They are just my friends," I say, backing up with my hands up.

As people begin to cross in front of me, I yell, "Enjoy the Party!" I say, turning exhaling getting lost into the crowd.

I find my way back to my throne and slump down, the crowd is even more rambunctious now that the elixir has kicked in.

As the hours go on, from sunset until the moon fully peaks, people fill the throne room with joyous laughter, praise, and adoration.

I watch grandfather welcome my parents and show them to where they will be staying. In peace, I retreat back to my room.

Sitting in the meditation circle, I close my eyes.

A cold breeze flies across my shoulder opening my eyes, I'm in the middle of a dark forest.

"This must be one of these crazy dreams I keep having," I say aloud.

Getting up, the branches break under my feet, and the grass is wet.

"Realistic enough," I say.

A small earthquake rumbles the ground as the sky lights up in blue essence.

A small earthquake goes off again, as I begin to start running towards the light.

I begin to start hearing screams and children crying, breaking through the trees, a blue shield of my essence protects Sapphire's family.

Jeremiah, the grandfather, holds it together, as lupus, circle trying to penetrate it.

Jumping off the small cliff, I land making an entrance as the ground barely holds up from under me.

At once, they all turn, and their worry turns to relief.

As lupus now realizes, their predator is outside of its shield, they begin to topple on top of each other. I let them come, waiting for the right moment to strike.

Putting my right leg back, I get into position.

Finally, I strike the ground forming huge cracks headed directly for the lupus and the family. The cracks get to the family and go around the shield, "Perfect," I say.

Sending my essence through the cracks the lupus begins screaming as they are filled with my energy and are disintegrated in a matter of seconds.

Standing back up, I push the earth back together with my telekinesis after it is clear.

"Are you all okay?" I ask.

"We are fine, we would not have made it if it weren't for you," says Jeremiah.

"I'm sure you would have," I say, reassuring them.

"You had all the tools, you learned how to configure a shield," I say.

"Well, you damn near missed the whole chase getting up to this point.

That's why! I was preparing for bed, and as soon as I closed my eyes, I was transferred directly to your location."

"But you had to be still so it could accurately teleport me," I say.

"A shield was a perfect decision," I say, smiling.

Snapping of branches go off to my left, turning my head, soldiers with white flags and armor reveal themselves just outside of the trees.

Syria and Helios come out of the trees.

"Why, hello there," I say.

"Kai!" they yell, running up to me. Syria gives me a warm hug while Helios gives a firm handshake.

"It's so good to see you!" she says.

"I've missed your faces," I say.

We break out into small laughter as Bones comes out of the trees complaining.

"What's the holdup?" he yells, turning looking at me.

"Well, what is a chosen Imperial doing here?" he says.

"Saving what's left of Sapphire's family, the Imperial from Akos.

"I am Jeremiah." "Ah, I'm Bones." They say walking up to each other, giving each other a firm handshake.

They are around the same age both with grey hairs, yet both restored with my energy.

You all can come with us, we aren't too far from the City of Light, we should be there by dawn.

"Oh, thank you," says Jeremiah.

"Formations," yell Bones, as the army stands up straight, their armor clanking together. Levitating, I soar above the trees, astonished to see an army, miles long with torches and white flags. I drop down stopping just before I touch the ground and land.

"Bones your army is huge." "We didn't want to show up late, so we decided to come early," he says, smiling.

"Please, Jeremiah, wrap your family up and follow Bones, we have very little time before Krios' army will be here."

"I will follow you all to make sure the army gets there safe."

"Yes, we have a lot to catch up on," says Syria.

"How is the new chosen? What are they like? I hear they were a girl," asks Syria.

"Yes, her name is Sapphire, and she is beyond strong, very headstrong and opinionated.

But she makes the whole team feel as if we are one, she is and was exactly what we needed," I say.

"Oh, that makes me happy, seeing you all leave, broke my heart...

I can't wait to meet her!" she says, excitingly.

"How are you Helios?" I ask.

"I'm well, chosen."

"Don't do that," I say.

"Don't do what?" he says.

"I wasn't even a chosen when you first met me at that gate, so don't act like I am now."

"You were always a chosen even if you didn't know it, you were born a chosen, and you will die if you do die, a chosen."

"You are not wrong, I do not deny the destiny Mother Earth has put on my life, but please talk to me as your brother, not your commander."

"As you wish," he says.

"I am doing well, I'm ready to see the end and meet death if I do in this upcoming battle.

Nephfire and Krekok have the biggest armies in all the nations.

They will be a very hard foe, and we will each have to fight for our own lives."

"This is true, I will come up with a plan to reassure everyone until then, let us not stress about what we have no control over," I say.

We continue to walk in silence as the Enoch falls and NuJafoo rises.

Birds begin to chirp as the NuJafoo peeks over the mountain, the City of Lights walls stand strong and its crystal gate at the very front to the beige brick road.

"Wow, I've never seen the City of Light," says Helios.

"Neither have I," says Syria.

"What is that giant statue?" he says. Looking up above, behind the castle stands the giant stone statue which out of its hands, two giant waterfalls fall into the western forest, and the rivers flow out on the sides of the city.

"That I believe is where the thrones of the Elders are, apparently. They sit on top of the head, above the clouds," I explain.

"Amazing," says Syria.

"The last great city, just beautiful," she says, admiring.

"Just wait till you get inside or see it at night," I say, smirking.

We finally make it to the gate where Nomos patiently waits.

"Yeah, I thought you were bloody Krios' army from the mountains! I was about to put this whole city into evac mode! Warn somebody next time," he says, going off as he opens the gate.

"That was probably the best discussion I've ever had with that man," I tell Helios and Syria.

"He seems like he woke up on the wrong side of the bed," says Syria.

"That's Nomos," I say, confirming.

"I lead the army into tier one of the city, I'm sure we awoke a lot of people," I say.

"I'm sure of it," Helios says.

"But this is a warm welcome and should be an event full of welcoming," he says.

"I would hope so," I say, citizens, begin to come out of their homes and rubbing their eyes from exhaustion shocked, to see soldiers in platinum armor as they make their way into the city.

Once at the steps of the palace, I teleport inside, as I see Prince Nuru already being dressed by the servants of the castle.

"You did not tell me an army was going to be here by morning," Prince Nuru says, angrily.

"I didn't even know, I went to rescue Sapphires remaining family, and I brought escorts on the way," I say, jokingly.

"Escorts ha, you don't have to stress about where these people are going to live until the war and even after," he says, walking past.

"No, that's your job," I say, slyly.

I head for the lift to finally close my eyes, opening my door, I stare at the Meditation circle.

Unsure if I should risk my sleep or just go directly into a bed.

I decide a bed and get into the warm covers, exhaling.

I feel my eyelids getting heavy, and I close them, unable to wake up.

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