NSFW (MxM) ✓

Από guwuega

268K 5.5K 3.8K

• NSFW: Not Safe For Work • • • • In the world of love and crunching numbers, Benjamin had a lot to learn... Περισσότερα

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• Epilogue
• final author's note

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4.6K 100 79
Από guwuega

Glasgow: the glittering gem of Scotland. I have never felt more refreshed in my life than I do being here. Calvin and I got here late in the AM, but he insisted we get up bright and early. We're on the terrace of the inn, overlooking the civilian street below, having breakfast. Calvin's been staring at me incessantly, with a beautiful smile cemented on his face.

"What is it?" I ask him. "You happy to be here?"

"With you, yeah," he says back, rubbing my hand across the table. "Was your breakfast good?"

"I think you're avoiding something," I change the subject. "We had four hours to sleep, and Agatha and Sarah both called both of us wondering where we were. I might have to rethink the blind trust I'm putting in you, mister."

He rubs his mouth and chin anxiously. "They can live without you until Tuesday. We have the next three days to ourselves in lovely Scotland, and I want us to enjoy it." I scowl at him, still upset that he didn't tell anyone we were leaving the goddamn country.

"Call Agatha. Now," I demand, lightly but sternly enough to know I'd do it if he didn't.

"Alright, alright." He pulls out his phone and scrolls to find her contact. He shakes his head like he can't believe he's doing what I've asked, and presses the phone to his ear. "Hey, Ag. ...Yeah, I know I didn't tell you. ...I'm sorry, I was too worried about surprising Ben. ...I'm not trying to guilt you with Benjamin! ...Well, he told me to call you and apologize. Ben and I will be returning home after a few days. You can expect him back by Tuesday, but if you need anything, we can take care of it from here, he has his computer. ...O-okay, love you, too, sis. Goodnight." He hangs up and smugly comments, "Happy?"

"Mmhmm. Much happier now." He laughs half-heartedly.

"Sometimes I can't believe you."

"I can never believe you, so at least you feel my pain sometimes." I exclaim, getting him back in my good graces with a laugh.

"I don't deserve you, you know that?" Calvin says to me in a low voice. I rub his hands with my thumbs.

"You literally surprised me with a trip to Scotland. I never asked for more than your love and loyalty, yet you do so much more for me. What else can you do to deserve me?"

"When you put it that way, maybe you don't deserve me," he jokes.

"I-It's true. I don't think I deserve you either. But maybe the universe put us together because we do deserve each other, no matter how worthless we feel."

"I think it's too early for this sort of chat. Wanna walk?" he asks me. I smile, nodding and taking his outstretched hand. We take the stairs down to the lobby and exit the front doors of the inn.

"Sorry I talk like a romance novelist sometimes. I swear, I can't even control what I'm saying most of the time."

"Yeah. Like, you think we maybe aren't real?" he asks me as we head down the street. "We're just characters in someone's story, yet our lives are real to us. So we are real, only because someone wrote us into existence. We live solely because our author made it so."

"Not exactly what I was going for, but that's a very intriguing thought. What if that is what existence really is? Just a series of storybook characters written inside more and more stories. But in that reality, who is the true God? Who wrote the first book?"

"Ow, my head," Calvin says dramatically. "Don't make me think that hard." We walk hand in hand through the cutest shopping district I've ever seen. There's the smell of flowers and fresh baked goods filling the air, and I'd be dying for it all if I weren't stuffed already. I feel so invisible not having people stare as we go by, like our being together is so normal, yet I feel so loud and proud at the same time. Since I've only been openly gay since I started talking to Calvin, I'm in my baby-gay phase. He's allowing me to live the gay baby fantasy I've always wanted.

"How convenient," Calvin says, peering to our left. "A bookstore. Maybe we can find some new worlds in there?"

"You're freaking cute, you know that," I reply, dragging him along. "It's been a hot minute since I've sat down with a new piece of literature. I've been caught up with work, travel, Netflix series', and you. I should cut one of those out so I have more time to read books. Guess Calvin's gotta go..."

"Hey, hey! Not funny, man," he whines. I skim a glass case containing vintage and limited edition novels. These have always caught my eye, and I started a collection years ago. I had to leave them behind when I moved to New York. I told Calvin all about that, and he bought me a signed copy of Alice in Wonderland for Christmas. I didn't even have time to admire it, really, because we left for a flight the next day, but Calvin says I can either read it and enjoy it or we can get a display case installed at home. I haven't decided, but I might display if I revive my collecting.

Add to my list of side quests: infiltrate and recover the sacred texts left behind in my homeland. God, I'm such a nerd. I'm glad I don't say these things out loud for Calvin to hear them. He'd probably head for the hills if he knew what a dork I was. Wait, he already does. I guess that says something about him. He's either really into dorks, or he loves doing charity work.

Calvin clears his throat. "Have you ever read this? It's titled Through Open Eyes. Jean Young." I shake my head, taking the book as Calvin hands it to me. I admire the cover and unique structure of the pages. Just by skimming it, I know I would love to take it home.

"I like it," I say, handing it back to him with a nod.

"I actually met Jean when I was... eleven? I was a fan, and she was doing a book signing at the University here. This was 1996, mind you, so my means of getting there from Edinburgh were little to none. I begged with my mother. She approved finally, and I got to take the train all by myself there and back. It was the only time I had seen my birthplace since infancy. She told me I was too young to be a fan, but she admired my maturity for being one anyway."

"That's really awesome, Calvin. You should try meeting her again someday. Maybe she remembers you." Calvin blushes.

"I-I doubt she'd remember me. It was over twenty years ago, and I was one in hundreds of strangers in one day." I giggle, shoving the book against his chest and patting his hand there.

"We'll get the book, you reread it, and let me know if we should email her or something. I'm sure I can find a way to contact her." Calvin gulps and nods. I never knew he could get so worked up over his idols.

"You think she'd actually talk to me?" he asks.

I nod. "Honestly, yeah. Writers are pretty weird people. They'll do anything new and interesting to inspire their writings. Then again, if she's retired from literature, maybe she will decline. Can't hurt."

"I'm sorry, did you say you wanted to meet Jean Young?" the store worker asked.

I cock a brow. "Yeah, possibly. It depends, really."

"You're talking like it's simple to send a famous author a message and set up a meeting."

"I'm talking like I'm the CFO of a technology company and I have the necessary means to do so, thank you very much."

"You, a Chief Financial Officer? I'm surprised a faggot got a job like that. You're usually the errand boys, aren't you?"

Calvin growls, "Excuse me motherfu–"

"Calvin, lets just go," I interrupt, grabbing his wrist hard and dragging him out.

"Cunt!" Calvin spits as we head out the door. "What's the big idea?"

"Not getting arrested in a foreign country, that's the idea! Jesus, Calvin, you've got to remember people can say whatever they like. You can't fight everything that insults you."

"But that's more fun," he whines. I drag his ass out of the vicinity before he gets the bright idea to return into the store.

"Sucks we didn't get that book," I sigh.

"Oh, shit." I look at Calvin, who is holding the book in his hands. "I forgot to put it back, Ben."

"Fuck," I grumble quietly. We step out of the walkway and assess the situation. "Well, we can't go back, not after that whole ordeal. But we can't just steal it either."

"I can find them later and pay them back. I'll pay them double the price and tell them to fire that guy. Bod ceann." I laugh, agreeing with that plan. If we can't do that, we can always come back in person. That's exactly what I came to Scotland with my boyfriend to do. Let's break the law I guess.

"So is that the environment here? Are people very homophobic here?" I ask Calvin. I have no idea personally. I've never been, and it's not like I studied the cultural temperature of modern day Scotland before I came here.

Calvin sniffles, his nose visibly red from the cold. "Not really. I think that guy back there definitely has some serious repressed sexuality issues he needs to work through. But the mass majority of people here are so kind and honestly shrug at the queer folk. We coexist. It's pretty nice."

"I wish America was as forgiving. Honestly, if it weren't for work, I'd beg you to move me to another country with less problematic politics and a more accepting society."

Calvin chuckles. "But the U.S. is so charming." He can't even say the sentence without laughing, and I do, too. "Alright, I promise someday that we'll move to another country. Wherever you wanna go. Deal?"

"Are you sure you trust me that much?" I ask him.

"Yeah. You have good taste, better than I even have. So yeah, I trust you'd pick a great place to live."

"Okay, let's do it. We can colonize Antarctica and finally make it relevant." Calvin laughs and shoves me playfully to the side. I smirk, returning to his arm and hugging it tight. "On a serious note, Toronto could be nice, but that might be a bit boring. I guess England is the move. Or even here?"

"I'd like that." Calvin smiles fondly at the river we've been walking nearby. Across the water, there is what looks like a park and an art museum. "That's Kelvingrove Park. It's right next to the University."

"I want to go!" He chuckles as I enthusiastically lead him to the bridge to cross the water. It's such a nice day out, with the sun shining to help battle the cold winter. I decided on a black turtleneck with a trench coat over it, and black pants. The sunlight is doing a lot for my warmth, but so is my mans.

When we get to the park, I can see the university buildings in the near distance. To our left is the museum, so I lead Calvin by the hand to the building. I'm assuming he's been here before, but if he hasn't, that's fine as well. I like this pace of visiting new countries. It's nice to have no itinerary like you do with school and work trips. This is unlike a vacation as well, where you still make plans. This is a pure getaway trip where we meander and do what comes to mind. I love it.

Calvin tugs my hand to slow me down and stop me. "What?" I ask.

"Babe, we have to pay to go in," he says. I chuckle.

"Sorry, I was excited." I pay for our entry, after forcing myself in front of him at the front desk and slapping down cash. He looks at me uncomfortably as he is cramming me against the counter.

"Why are you insistent on paying?" he asks.

I push him back with my butt and turn around, hands on my hips. "Because you paying all the time makes me look broke!" I giggle. He shrugs.

"You look far from broke, babe." He grabs the silver necklace he gave me for Christmas by the charm and twists it in his fingers. "You look like the most priceless thing in existence."

I'm blushing like the clown I am. "Shut up," I mutter, taking his hand in both of mine. He pushes his fist toward me gently, and I in turn pull his hand to my lips and kiss his knuckles.

"You want your change or what?" the clerk asks me as we're being stupid. I chuckle, thanking them and returning to the corridor into the museum. The main room is so tall and ornate, and the building branches off into different exhibit rooms. Calvin leads the way since he has an idea of the place a bit more than me.

We enter a large exhibit hall with paintings and sculptures about the space. I've never been the biggest fan of art museums, usually because I attended them alone because I had no friends outside of cheerleading and work.

In pure Benjamin fashion, I fixate on one painting as I think of twenty things at once. "You enjoying yourself?" Calvin asks me from behind.

I mindlessly reply with a, "Yeah," and continue staring into the eyes of this portrait. What are the odds my life ended up the way it did? I could've went down a completely different path at so many different points, but I took every single right one for me. If I didn't, I would know. But now, having an amazing job, boyfriend, and true friends, I know the path I took was right. I suppose there is no true 'right' path to take, because any direction in life can be profitable in many ways, but it truly scares me to imagine life any differently at this point.

"You know, I figured out something," I say. Calvin tenses up. I can feel it in his chest as he's leaned up against me from behind.

"Y-yeah. What's that?"

"When we were in Tarrytown, I had an intuition that you were hiding something. I mean, you had planned to surprise me with this trip that whole week, or even longer. Anyway, you still surprised me, but I sort of knew you were keeping a secret."

He chuckles quietly. "Leave it to Benjamin to do detective work. I'll never be able to surprise you with anything if you keep that up."

I scoff. "Whatever. If that were the case, I should've known you were bisexual since we met. I should've known you had eyes for me. There's a lot I don't see, but when you're worried or stressed, it's like a blinding light to me. I know when you aren't one-hundred percent okay."

"Then what does that mean about me right now?" he asks.

I close my eyes and think about our time together today. How he's acted today, and in general, since we left New York. "I think there's still something there, but whatever it is, it is overshadowed by how much fun we're having."

"I can live with that," Calvin says. What does that even mean? If you've got something on your mind, don't ignore it. Don't let your good time coax you into ignoring your problems and frustrations. I am going to enjoy today, but I will get it out of him. He can't hide forever.

"Benjamin, just let it go," I tell myself aloud, suddenly having a change of heart. If he doesn't want to talk about it, then I shall respect that he doesn't. It'll be better for me if I don't trouble myself with his secrets and struggles unless he comes to me with them. With that in mind, I turn and head deeper into the exhibit hall.

"Baby, you aren't mad at me, are you?" he asks me after ten minutes of silence.

"What? No, not at all," I respond. "I'm sorry I made it sound that way. I'm mad at myself for worrying over what you don't want to tell me. I don't have a right to force you to talk. And I don't even know if you have anything to say. I need to check myself, I'm being obsessive."

Calvin hums in thought. "I promise you I will never hide anything that you need to know. I've got a lot on my mind all the time, same as you. If we could share a brain, that'd be ideal. Then we could help each other deal with the perpetual chaos. What I'm saying is— do not worry. Let's enjoy our time together." I nod, kissing his cheek and moving on. Calvin and I weave through the museum and, once we've seen everything, I start making my way to the exit. Calvin, on the other hand, takes me by the wrist and leads me into an unmarked hall.

"What're we doi–"

"Shh," Calvin whispers. I do as he says and go quiet. We take the emergency stairs up to the top floor, and I have an idea what we're doing that is confirmed when he opens the door up top to the roof access.

"Calvin, this isn't allowed," I say.

"Sure it is," he refutes. I just shrug.

"Surely we can continue breaking the law today, as we've already proven we're immune to legality. We should rob a bank next."

"Shut up and come sit your cute ass next to me," he says, plopping on the roof with his big booty and sliding his legs through the bottom of the railing. I do the same and hug the second bar up, looking down at the city. It's not the highest altitude by any means, but it's high enough to see a few miles out.

"Cute." I slip my hand in his back pocket and jiggle his butt.

"You're dumb, you know that?" he threatens at the touch of the cheek.

"Yeah, dumb thicc!" I yell, smacking my own butt.

"If you're dumb thick, what's that make me?" he asks.

I roll my eyes at him, folding my arms. "Your ass is so dumb thick, it's gone into a vegetative state. She's dumb dumb back there." Calvin loses it, lying back on the roof and laughing like a cutie. I love his laugh so much. It's one you don't expect to hear often because of the stoic person he is, but when you do hear it, your heart explodes. At least mine does.

"What a heartbreaker you are, Calvin Reid."

. . .

"Nice, Calvin," I complain, jogging down the front steps of the museum. "I knew that was a bad idea."

"If we're not getting banned from public places, are we really living?" he asks me.

I scoff. "Seriously, why did I go through with that?" I shake my head, yet can't help but smirk like a teenager. "I'm going to make you write our formal apology to them. I feel bad for breaking the rules."

"Why apologize? They aren't going to un-ban us from entering."

"Uh, a show of good faith, maybe?" I reply. He just scoffs, ruffling his hair.

"Ben, there are infinite museums, exhibits, and things of the sort. I'm sorry I got us kicked out and banned. At least we saw everything first. I'm sure in a year or so, it'll blow over and they won't care."

I take his arm and walk into the park with him. "That's the idea. That's precisely why you'll be apologizing." He groans. "If you do it now, they'll forgive later."

"Fine. I'll type something up when we're home." I chuckle, pleased with myself. All that being said, getting banned from a museum will probably be in the top three highlights of this trip if not the number one. I guess it all depends on Calvin and the more trouble we can get into.

Our walk through the park is slow and peaceful. It's so funny to hear the people of this city speak and interact. Sometimes I can't even understand them, their accents are so thick. Sort of like when Calvin is angry or upset and he slurs things together. It's hot on him, though. Multiple peoples' dogs run up to Calvin and I happily, and I can't help but squat down and love on the cuties. Calvin would love to, but he's always acting like he has no heart when we're in public. He's not shy, but he enjoys his silent giant facade a little too much.

"Calvin, I think this sweetie likes you," I say, petting the labradoodle. Calvin looks to the side, grumbles, and ultimately squats beside me to pet the dog too.

"Awe," he chuckles, receiving a lick on the nose.

"You've honestly never looked hotter than you do being cute with a dog," I say. He cocks a brow at that.

"Bet. We're getting a dog now." I laugh.

"You really wanna open that box? Okay. Now we have to talk about breeds, and you'll ideally be taking care of the little guy or girl since I have the day job."

Calvin scoffs. "Alright, I get it. Never mind."

"I'm teasing. If you are going to take care of our dog during the day, then by all means, I'd love to get one. But I can't take care of it" He nods.

"Maybe we can hold off on the dog parenting life for a while. We have a relationship to take care of, feed, and water constantly at the moment."

I fake gasp. "Are you calling me a dog, Cal? At least I don't have the name of a dog."

Calvin laughs. "Benji! Come here, boy!" he calls to me. I fold my arms, forcing down a smile with a playful sour frown and walk away from him. Eventually we wade through the saturated park and reach the university on the other side. The campus is beautiful; tall stone buildings and beautifully kept greenery surround the campus. We head into the central courtyard and look around.

"I vaguely remember where things are. I believe that is the building where I met Jean," Calvin points out.

"That's crazy. To think, she and many other esteemed people have been here before." I can feel the academic excellence in the energy here. We head into the library to retreat from the cold and decide to grab some coffee. We aren't able to really do anything here since we aren't students, but it's interesting to be here. Watching college students study regardless of holiday really hits somewhere in me. I feel that pain. As traumatic as it would be for me to revisit my college campus, it's nice to be in the environment again.

"I can't believe you put up with being a college student in America," Calvin comments. "The cost is so outrageous."

"I'm aware," I sigh. "I'm still working on the debts. Why do you think I have no car or house?"

"I know, I know. Hey, but it'll be okay. You'll have those debts paid off in no time. Meanwhile, we'll work on getting you a car. What do you want?" I chuckle.

Shaking my head, I reply, "No, Calvin. In the off chance we break up, I don't want to have to pay you back for a car."

"You won't have to. Listen... I want to provide for you. If that means getting you a car, then so be it. If we don't last forever, that's fine too. It'll still be your car. I mean that."

"Calvin, no. That's on, period." He snickers.

"No that is not on, period, luv."

"I hate being pampered," I whine. "It feels wrong."

"It feels so right for me, though. Let me buy you stuff." I groan, nodding gently against the library table.

"Okay. I'll think about it." Calvin shakes my shoulder excitedly.

"This'll be fun!" he shouts way too loudly for a library.

"I couldn't help but notice your conversation, boys," a woman says quietly across the table. "Are you two, by chance, lovers?"

"I– uh..." I don't know what to say.

Calvin clears his throat. "Yes, we are together. Listen, we've already dealt with some homophobia today, so we'd rather not have to deal with anymore today, ma'am."

She smiles. "Oh, on the contrary. I'm fascinated by the two of you. May I talk with you two?" she asks. We both nod, allowing her to slip in next to us. "Can you keep a secret?"

"We kept a secret for the majority of our adolescence, so I think we can," I say. She giggles.

"Fair enough. I'm in disguise." She tugs gently on her black wig and puts a finger to her lips. "I'm actually an author."

Calvin whispers, "Wait. Are you–"

"Jean Young. It's a pleasure to meet you both."

Calvin squeaks. "I-I-I can't even wrap my head around this. You're here, in the flesh. I... I just stole your book," he blurts. I facepalm, shaking my head.

"We can explain that," I whisper. She giggles again. We explain what happened in the shop, and she actually agrees to help us solve the issue diplomatically. She will use her status to fix the situation for us, and we thank her. It's nice of her to randomly want to help us out, considering we just met.

"Calvin Reid, you said your name was?" Jean asks Cal. He nods, still star-struck. "I met a little boy many years ago at this exact school by the same name. That's you, correct?"

Calvin coughs. "How could you remember that?" He asks, baffled by such impeccable memory. I am stunned as well.

"Yes, I know it's odd. I have sort of a photographic memory for faces and names. It's taken me a good amount of our conversation to realize and make sure you were the same boy from twenty years ago. Astounding. It seems like fate we'd be here at the same time so far in the future."

"I was thinking the exact same thing," I say. "Though I don't really believe in fate, this is very strange to be coincidence."

"Fate is a fickle thing. I suppose some things are fated, but the circumstances of those fated things to come may change. In any instance, Mr. Reid and I met each other here today. I'm glad it was with his sweet boyfriend."

"Awe, stop," I say. "Can I ask you something? Your accent... it's slightly French, no?"

"My father is French, and my mother was Scottish. I'd personally say it is a bad match, a Frenchman and a Scot. But they loved each other until my mother passed away. He still does."

"I'm so sorry. We didn't mean to make you talk about your life, Ms. Young." Calvin says.

"It's alright. And call me Jean. We are adults, Mr. Reid."

"Call me Calvin, then," he chuckles.

"Listen, Calvin. I've been working on a biographical collection of stories on the LGBTQ+ and you fit my criteria for the few stories I have left. What better subject than one of my own countrymen and fans? Would you like to tell your story for my book?"

"Oh, my God. It'd be my honor to share my story if it were for your writing. That is too generous."

"No. What is generous is you sharing your story of hardship and individuality with the world. People love hearing what I have to say far too much. This biography will paint a bigger picture. I want to use my platform to make people listen to people. It shouldn't always be me. That's my new secret project slated for release next fall."

"I love it," I say, turning to Calvin. "I know you'll tell the best story possible, Calvin. You are one of the most interesting and wonderful souls I've ever met. I can't wait for people to hear what you have to say."

"Can you help me tell my story?" he asks me. I point to myself, and he nods. I look at Jean, and she nods in agreement.

"Uh, y-yeah, sure. I'll help you if you need help. It's just that when you get into a groove, you can't be stopped. You'll be perfectly fine without me."

"Since we're here together already, how about we start with your childhood?" Jean asks Cal.

We talk for a few hours about Calvin's upbringing and life here in Scotland, all being recorded so Jean can listen back and take direct quotes as needed. They relate on many things given they are both from here, and I'm fascinated by their dialogue. I'm also intrigued by how quickly Jean types things up, faster than I ever could, and she takes impeccable notes on the things we talk about.

"That's pretty much the important parts of my childhood, I suppose. Beyond that is the last decade, which I spent working and staying in the closet. Then the newest phase of my life, Ben."

"Precious," she says, touching my hand with hers. "You two have something so surreal and beautiful, I can already see the future you'll have. I'm excited for the rest of our interview, Calvin, but I have a train to catch. I literally might actually miss it, we spoke for so long."

Calvin laughs. "If you miss the train, let me know and I'll reimburse you for the fare."

"Nonsense. It would be a pleasure to miss a train if it meant meeting wonderful people and writing good literature." She stands from the table and pulls her face mask up to her nose. "Farewell, Calvin Reid and Benjamin Lionheart. I can see your souls dancing. They're in perfect harmony."

I smile at that, blushing a bit when Calvin rubs my thigh under the table. "You have our emails," Calvin says. She nods, waving and waltzing out the door. We grab our things and head out as well, walking down the sidewalk back through the park. It's less busy now in the late afternoon.

"Calvin?" I chirp.

"Yes, luv."

"Why did you ask me to help you tell your story? I don't really know it that much. I learned so much more about your childhood today than I ever have. I couldn't help you."

He smiles, stopping in front of me and kissing my forehead. "That's why I asked you. If you are with me when I'm interviewed for this book, then you'll have a front row seat to know anything and everything about me."

"That's really cute," I say. He takes my smile in his lips and pulls my front against his. I love being chest to chest with him; there's something comforting about his body on mine. We let go of our embrace and walk close next to each other. I can't help but blurt, "Are we not going to address how weird that endeavor was?"

"Honestly, I've been avoiding the thought," Calvin replies with a laugh. "But maybe it's like what you said this morning. I seriously think we're living in a novel and someone is making this shit happen because real life isn't like this."

I laugh out loud. "Don't make me think about that! It's scary!"

"What do you want to think about then?" he asks me.

I have no clue really. "As amazing meeting Jean Young was, I'd like to think about dinner. We sort of skipped lunch so we can get an early one."

"Yeah. Besides, we have a train to catch in two hours, so we should get food."

I cough," A train? Where are we going?"

"Somewhere. It's a surprise."

"You and your surprises. If we have two hours, that means we need to go back to the inn and get our stuff. We might have to get something from the deli in the lobby and book it to the station." He nods, and we continue on our way back to the hotel.


"Calvin!" I squeak, squirming beneath him on the bed.

"Let's have a quickie before this long ass train ride," he mutters, licking my neck. I laugh and bite his ear hard, causing a yelp in pain from him. "Ow, okay, never mind!"

"You're so horny, it's unbelievable," I say, pushing down on my growing lap. He looks down to it and back up to my face like I'm the biggest hypocrite. "Shut up! You turned me on, okay!?"

"How about you let me suck you off, and I'll secretly jerk off in the bathroom right before we leave?" I chuckle, pushing his crotch gently with my sock-covered foot. His eyes shut and his lips part slightly at the sensation.

"That's pretty gay, bro," I say in a very straight voice.

"Please. I want to taste you." I groan, nodding as I unzip my pants. I pull out my dick and make it bounce against my stomach. Calvin grunts in lust as he gets on his knees at the end of the bed. His lips stay tight as he pushes them over the tip of my member. The head crosses the threshold, and his tongue glides across the bottom of it, all the way to the base. He locks his intense gaze on mine, bobbing up and down on my throbbing dick.

He releases me, grips it in his hand, and sucks on my balls. His clenched hand does wonders to my shaft. I grip the sheets and fall back against the bed, too frustrated in teasing pleasure to handle myself. His lips pull one of my balls, causing all nerves to set on fire and subside into pleasure. He finally returns to my dick and swallows me whole, swirling his tongue around in a circle.

I gasp at his sudden spitting on my hole, but immediately fall back in line with a moan as he rams two fingers into my entrance. He adds a bit more spit to the mix before popping back on my member with his mouth. The sucking and fingering combined send me over the edge, and I orgasm inside his mouth. He can tell when I am coming, so he slows down and coasts me through it. He pulls off of me, and when I look up at him, his lips covered in my cum.

"That's different," I say with a smirk. "I'm so used to sucking you off."

"Liar!" he pouts. He wipes his mouth and rubs his hand on my thigh. "Tastier today, for some reason. Was it the goat milk this morning or–"

"Get your ass on the bed," I demand. He puts hands up in surrender and does so. I stand and pull my briefs back on, then climb in the bed as well. I throw my legs over the sides of his face, placing my tired member hovering right over him.

I unbuckle his belt and undo his pants, shoving them down to his thighs. His sex is revealed, a mass of thick meat and hair he has gradually chosen not to shave anymore since we started dating. I like it like that though. Immediately, I swallow him whole. I love the feeling of that fat head in the back of my throat. I waste no time, rapidly moving my head to please his delicious cock.

"Fuck," Calvin groans. His hands caress my ass through my underwear, his finger pressed to my still sore hole. There's something so hot and dirty about doing this when we are pressed for time. It's as if we're teenagers not supposed to be doing this.

I squeeze Calvin's balls a little, making him buck into my throat hard. I cough hard and lean up from his lap, sitting down on his face in the process.

"Mmm," I hear him groan. He begins to lick and bite at my briefs. I return to his cock and push my ass back on him harder. His muffled moans and slowed movement of his hips tells me he reached climax. I hold position and drink him down, until I'm out of breath and have to pull off.

I stand from the bed and pull my pants back on, avoiding his stare. "That's was hot," he mutters, unable to move from the bed.

"Are you better now?" I ask.

"Are you?" he returns.

"Shut up."


After Calvin and I stopped by the deli and bought some dinner and snacks for our overnight train, we headed to the station with no time to spare. Having heated moments when we have little time to begin with is never a good idea, but it was seemingly necessary at the time.

Calvin can't stop chuckling every time he looks at me. I think he's still thrilled that I was being the slightest bit domineering during our mentioned moment. "What, Calvin?"

"Oh, nothing. I suppose I never expected you to force yourself on me, considering the early days of our relationship." He's right. Early on, I wasn't even committed to have sex, I was so nervous and afraid of it. Getting past our first time was essential to my sexual awakening, and now I'm literally horny all the goddamn time. Not the greatest trait, but Calvin appreciates it.

"I was impatient, and I wasn't going to let you... you know, and then not let me return the favor." I let go of a pained breath.

He smirks. "I'm always willing to help you nut, whether I get to or not."

Calvin and I scan our passes and head through the gate, myself minding the people around and Calvin choosing to be as explicit as he wishes. "Should I Google if we can have sex on a passenger train?" I whisper to him jokingly.

"Absolutely, please do. This is imperative information." I laugh, nudging him. We eventually get on the train and reach our personal quarters we purchased for the night. It's nice as hell.

"Did you pay for a luxury suite?" I ask him.

His cocky grin says it all. "I absolutely fucking did."

Open browser. Google: can I have sex on an overnight train?

"Wha-haha!" Calvin laughs mid-word. "Did you really search that?"

"I wanted to know!" I whine. "It's basically everyone saying things like 'You shouldn't be having sex in the public washroom but people still do.' So... let's keep the noise down?" Calvin laughs, grabbing me by the waist and lifting me into his arms, my legs around his hips like I love it. It always puts me in the mood to be up against him.

"You better find something to bite down on, 'cause this is gonna be loud."


I stare through the window above our bed and watch as the land rushes past us. Calvin, still in nothing but a smile, lies back on the bed comfortably.

"Are you enjoying yourself, Ben?" he asks me out of the blue. At first I thought he meant me watching out the window like a dog, but I realized what he actually meant.

"Calvin, I'm having such an amazing time. This trip couldn't get any better."

"I'm so glad you're having a good time," he says, kissing my thigh, as it was the closest skin to his face. I relax into that little kiss and lie across his chest, pressing mine against his. His breath lifts me up and down every few seconds. "I'm so in love with you. It freaking hurts."

"I know. It's so intense. I didn't know love would be... so intense." He sighs with me. "I am kind of excited to finally go home and be there again. I'm a bit tired of traveling."

"You like our bed too much," he jabs. I fake gasp.

"Correction: I love our bed too much. Especially when you're in it." I kiss the side of his pec.

"Yeah, same." He huffs again.

"Everything okay?" I ask.

Calvin breathes, "Is it that obvious."

"Talk to me, baby."

His worried expression doesn't make me necessarily afraid, but I'm not thrilled that he has a troubled mind.

"I... I–"

"–Calvin, why is the train stopping?"

He laughs. "Shit! I forgot to tell you."

"Tell me what?" I ask, rushing to pull on my clothes and shut our window blinds.

"We actually just took the train to Edinburgh. I told you it was overnight, but that was a trick to make you think we were going somewhere far." I put my hands up in disbelief.

"This was a lapse in judgment, man! We're bare-ass nude, in the station. If we don't get off now, we're going to be stuck in here!"

"I feel bad for the next passengers in this room," Calvin sighs, pulling pants on. I shudder thinking about that. Maybe they'll change the bedding after we leave? God, I'd hope so, especially since we just laid in what I assumed to have been clean sheets.

"You got everything?" I ask him. He nods, our bags in hand. I open our door and head into the aisle, where most everyone has left already. Thankfully we aren't the only stragglers. As I'm looking around in curiosity of the new city, Calvin whistles to get my attention. He's leaning against a taxi, bags already put away.

"Your chariot awaits," he says curtly. I chuckle, entering the door he opens for me. Calvin rushes around the other side and hops in beside me. Then he gives the driver an address, a rather residential sounding address, and we head that way.

"Where are we going now? Did you get an airbnb or something? Or– hold on, did you rent an entire movie theater? I won't know because you regret to inform me of anything!" He laughs hysterically at my stress.

"You don't have to worry about anything. I have a feeling you'll like where we're going next." I just shrug, lying my head in his lap. The drive was a little long, but we finally made it to our destination. I was tired as all get out at this point. We exit the car and get our things. I stand on the edge of the road and wait for Calvin to pay the driver. He walks to me as the cab drives away in the distance.

"I'm so ready to pass out, Cal. I'm tired as heck. I'm too tired to even curse." He chuckles.

"Good thing we're home. Ben," Calvin gestures to behind me. A two-story house sits behind us on the hill. Lights pepper the path and stairs up to the front door.  "This is my Edinburgh home."

"Wait. Is this where you grew up?" I ask him.

He shakes his head. "I couldn't probably ever go back there. Only if I could find where my mother was... put to rest, then maybe I'd have a reason. So no, this is a new place I bought about five years ago. I've stayed here a handful of times. It's nice."

I don't argue with that, heading up the path and entering the house behind Calvin. The front foyer is large, with a big opening into a main hall with a staircase that curves from the left side and up across the back wall. The room is lit by a crystal chandelier and cute sconces on the walls. It's sort of gothic in its style, with a rough log-cabin style edge to it.

"Ain't she pretty," I say.

"I'll give you a tour tomorrow. How about I show you the bedroom and we'll call it a night?" he asks. I nod generously, heading upstairs with him. Entering the bedroom, I'm taken aback by the breathtaking aquarium in one corner, floor to ceiling and full of tropical fish. In the center of the room is the biggest bed I've ever seen, with a royal-style frame that has drapes hanging across the poles. To the left is a large bathroom with a tub that could fit six. The shower has some... useful tools included, so that's a plus.

"Pretty incredible," I sigh, sitting down at the end of the bed.

"I even had groceries delivered and everything, so we've got the next two days planned. We can stay here and enjoy it. I know it's not much different than just being at home, but–"

"It's even better," I interject. "New York really is great or whatever, but this is like a home away from home. I'm excited to be home with you, and not fear unannounced guests at any hour. We can enjoy the peace and quiet."

"Just what I was thinking," he agrees. I smile, pulling him down onto the bed with me. As I'm straddling his lap, I begin to pull off my shirt. "Woah, round three? I didn't think you had that much in you!"

"No, not round three," I tell him, receiving a bit of a disappointed pout. "I'm just getting comfortable."

"Wait. Before you do get naked, I'd like to ask you something." I let go of the fabric and place my hands on his shoulders. He gestures to me to move, so I do. He gets a bottle of wine and two glasses, walking over to the bed again.

"What's up?" I ask, immediately downing the half glass of red wine.

He laughs weakly. "Hold on, I'm a little warm. I need to splash my face with cold water or something."

"O-okay," I sigh. I watch him walk away into the bathroom, his big booty swaying with each step. I cozy up to the many pillows at the head of the bed, waiting for my mans to return.  I fail to realize I'm way too comfortable, and drift off into la-la-land.

. . .

See you tomorrow, Edinburgh.

~* ~* ~*

thank you so, so, so much for 10K reads! it seriously means the world to me 💔

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