Aikatsu Dreams!

Від Jarthy9091

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Hana Tachibana was a normal first-year student in middle school until her life changed when she met Japan's t... Більше

Chapter 1: Entering the World of Idols - Part 1
Chapter 2: Entering the World of Idols - Part 2
Chapter 3: Idol Lessons
Chapter 4: The Shining Shooting Star
Chapter 5: A Chance to Fly
Chapter 6: Under the Spotlight
Chapter 7: A Summer Day Dream
Chapter 8: Miyuki's Cheer
Chapter 9: Top Star Life
Chapter 10: A New Dream Blooms
Chapter 11: The Grand Announcement
Chapter 12: A Dance in the Sky
Chapter 13: Dark Heart
Chapter 14: Chef Miyuki
Chapter 15: Aikatsu Beach Party
Chapter 16: Tropical Adventure
Chapter 17: The Test of Truth
Chapter 18: What If?
Chapter 20: A Gem in the Rough
Chapter 21: The Light of the Rose Quartz!
Chapter 22: Escaping Perfection
Chapter 23: A Skylight at the End of the Tunnel
Chapter 24: Guiding Star
Chapter 25: Academy Princess
Chapter 26: Seeing the Future
Chapter 27: Snow in Summer
Chapter 28: Dreaming of Stars
Chapter 29: A Stressful Show
Chapter 30: The Star-Studded Show
Chapter 31: Lost in Tokyo
Chapter 32: A Finale of Miracles
Chapter 33: Wings of My Own Colour

Chapter 19: United Together

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Від Jarthy9091

Late July at Top Star Academy was becoming intense for all of its students. With both the curriculum and the heat intensifying, students found themselves working twice as hard to qualify for the 'Grand Prix' but also not die of heatstroke. Despite the competition not taking place until March the following year and final deadlines ending the month earlier, many idols were desperate to earn their set of ribbon charms and qualify. Although their determination was certainly admirable, it was becoming a lot harder to succeed.

Akira sighed as she ate her breakfast in the cafeteria, her depressed expression clear to all who observed her. She wasn't the kind to wear her emotions so visibly yet her recent attempt at a ribbon charm yielded no success.

"Are you sure you're ok?" Hana asked, pouring herself a second serving of cold juice. Akira looked up slightly, still stirring her cereal lazily.

"Yeah, I guess. I'm still pretty bummed," she expressed. It was a known fact to all students at the academy who pursued the 'Grand Prix' that even if you passed the audition or completed the gig, there was still a chance you might not receive an award. Considering many idols were vying for similar jobs or auditions, the high failure rate was becoming more and more aware.

"I know you feel down but look at the bright side," Hana began, drawing Akira's lazy gaze. "At least completing that gig earned you some more fans; you managed to move up in the ranking again." It was the one benefit of competing in the competition and not earning a charm, that despite failing, an idols fan base could continue to grow. Akira and her friends were the best ranked first-years in the academy, even surpassing a majority of the second-years and a large number of the third-year cohort. Thanks to all her hard work, Akira was now ranked 53rd on the official Aikatsu Ranking, solidifying she was even as popular as most adult idols. But despite the encouragement, she still felt defeated.

"Thanks Hana. It just sucks that I still only have one ribbon charm and no matter what I do, I just can't seem to earn another." Hana took a small nibble on her toast as Akira lamented her struggles, but she felt sympathy for her friend. Hana was doing considerably well for herself, already posessing two ribbon charms despite being an idol for just three months. Her natural talent and likable personality earned her a great deal of respect from her fellow first-years plus her status as a brand muse so early on in her career marked her as a truly special idol.

"Morning girls," an energetic voice called out. Hana looked up to see her friend Miyuki strolling to their table, messenger bag draped over her. Despite the early morning fatigue and July summer heat, Miyuki remained in high spirits.

"Morning Miyuki, you seem to be in a good mood," Hana happily addressed.

"I'm feeling good, I've got a gig today after class, it's another attempt at a ribbon charm," she explained. The joy in her voice drifted across the table, and the subject matter managed to spark Akira's attention. Her purple eyes locked their attention on Miyuki as she explained her job.

"Wow, a game show? That sounds like a lot of fun," Hana expressed, her eyes gleaming with excitement at the thought of the wacky antics that could ensue.

"Are you the only one competing?" Akira asked, seemingly fixated on the topic. Miyuki shook her head in response.

"There are a couple of other first-years participating in the same job, I heard that even a few third-years are entering as well," she explained.

"It gets a lot harder when we're going up against our seniors, they're all so experienced," Hana remarked. Akira unintentionally scoffed at her words. "Oh right, I'm sorry." There was a pause amongst the friends as Miyuki stared at both of them.

"What's wrong?"

"Akira's feeling a little—" Hana began, but before she could continue Akira cut her off.

"It's nothing," she sniped. Straightening the purple bow, she wore in her ponytail, Akira rose from her seat. "I should get going," she stated before leaving the table. As she exited the cafeteria, Tori came strolling in from her morning activities.

"Oh, good morning Akira, are you finished breakfast already?" she asked. But Akira simply glanced at her, acknowledging her presence but returned no greeting. Instead, she simply walked past her friend as if she were a total stranger. "Is everything ok with Akira?" Tori asked now joining her remaining two friends at their table.

"Yeah," Hana sighed.

"She can be a bit stubborn, but this was something else?" Miyuki commented. "Are you two having a fight?" Hana stared at her juice, watching the ice cubes slowly shrink as they melted.

"I don't think so, it's just, she's been a bit upset after she completed her job yesterday and didn't get a charm from it," she summarised. Tori and Miyuki looked at each other, seemingly starting to understand. "I know she's been trying really hard lately, but I think it's getting to her."

"Akira doesn't do well with losing, neither of us do but her especially. She won't tell us why, but I think it's best we leave her be for a while," Tori explained, straightening her posture.

"It doesn't help that she keeps on competing against that second-year who keeps beating her," Miyuki added. Hana did remember that Akira's gig had her facing off against many other students one of which was a second-year that she found herself constantly competing against.

"Oh right, I remember now. That second-year did end up competing yesterday too, but she didn't get a ribbon charm either," Hana recollected. "Come to think of it, didn't Akira face off against her back at 'Aikatsu Beach'?"

"Yeah, those two find a way of always ending up paired together somehow," Miyuki mentioned, now chomping on her breakfast bagel.

"Regardless, I think Akira is just getting frustrated. She's been participating in all of these gigs and auditions and she just feels like she's not making any progress," Tori added.

"I see," Hana mumbled, now clenching her glass between her hands, unbothered by the cold temperature.

"Anyways," Tori began in an attempt to change the subject. "I have some exciting news." Miyuki looked up, taking a break from her food whilst Hana managed to put her drama with Akira to the back of her mind for a moment. "I just came from a council meeting, apparently there's going to be a big announcement today," she explained.

"Ugh, when isn't there some 'big' announcement? I feel like there's a new one almost every week!" Miyuki complained.

"They're certainly now a regular occurrence," Hana giggled.

"I know but this one's supposed to be different. All I know is that it'll be announced during class today with a follow up lecture in the performance hall," Tori explained, drawing as much information from her memory as possible.

"Any ideas?" Miyuki asked. "Does anyone on the council have an inside scoop?"

"No," Tori shook her head. "The president has no idea. The note she got came directly from the faculty's office in the Administration building. It pretty much said exactly what I just told you." The girls kept their voices hushed as more students entered the cafeteria for breakfast.

"Do you think it'll involve the 'Grand Prix'?" Hana asked, her voice now a gentle whisper. Tori clutched her chin, thinking of the possibility.

"I imagine so but still, with even the senior students in the dark, this must be something new."

"When you think about it, whenever we received an announcement for an event or update, they almost knew what to expect," Miyuki noticed. It wasn't an incorrect observation.

"True," Tori admitted. The girls remembered back to the announcement at the end of May, where they were first introduced to the concept of the 'Top Star Grand Prix'. To all the first-years, it was an exciting announcement; something new and fresh to spark excitement. However, for the returning students, they were aware of the event and had almost been anticipating its reveal.

The 'Grand Prix' is one of the most followed idol events in Japan, with fans all over the country tuning in to watch their favourite idols compete for the victory. Almost always, the winner of the competition: the school's top idol, ends up on the path of success with Claire Kurioshi as the prime example. Having won the event two years consecutively, Claire also held the title of Japan's top idol, remaining at the pinnacle of the official rankings since she was crowned. For a fifteen-year-old in the cutthroat entertainment industry, an idol of her ability is an inspiration to many.

"I think it's interesting that the seniors are in the dark as well," Hana suggested. "It means for once, we're all on an even level with an equal chance of success." Miyuki nodded to which Tori reciprocated.

"Though it is possible this announcement could be something entirely different, we should be prepared," she explained. The three friends nodded in agreement.

"Should someone tell Akira?" Hana asked. There was silence at their table as the chatter of students intensified.

"I think she'll be ok. But if it makes you feel better, I'll catch her up to speed before class starts," Miyuki offered, downing her breakfast in one. "Afterall, our classrooms are next to each other." Hana smiled compassionately, her way of asking kindly. Miyuki shot an energetic grin before gathering her things and racing off to the main campus.

"Don't worry," Tori reassured, her gentle voice calming Hana's nerves. "You and Akira will be fine, just let her work things out."

"Right." The two idols continued to sit at their table until it was time to leave for class. They joined the large group of students making their way to class, seemingly ready to face whatever announcement was awaiting them.


The class bell chimed throughout the academy as students began filing into their respective classrooms. Tori and Hana sat down in their assigned seats whilst other students continued to stand around the classroom and gossip.

"Apparently, there's going to be an announcement today."

"Yeah, I heard that first-year Miyuki telling that Akira girl." Hana and Tori exchanged a look of defeat but ultimately acceptance.

"Well, I guess the council didn't say no one else could know," Tori justified. Hana giggled in response, knowing that somehow the word would have gotten out.

The class' gossip quickly halted as Setsuna strutted into the room with energy. Setsuna's dark hair flicked from side to side as she moved, the light reflecting off of her glasses.

"Good morning sweeties, and welcome to another wonderful day of learning!" she declared. She spoke with the same wild energy as always but there was a hint of excitement in her words; clearly, she was just as excited for this announcement. "Now sweeties, I'm sure the word has drifted around this morning that there will be a big announcement," she began, captivating her students' attention. This was the moment they had been waiting for; Hana, Tori and the other students in their class leant forward, preparing themselves for the reveal. "And that big announcement is..." Hana held her breath, she didn't know if she was ready for it. "Not going to be announced until the end of the lesson," Setsuna smiled.

"WHAT?!" Hana forgot where she was, letting the excitement overtake her, she screamed out in denial. Her cry shattered the atmosphere as everyone in the class was now more focused on her than the actual announcement.

"Hana-sweetie, is something the matter?" Setsuna asked, placing her hands on her hips and giving her an analysing look.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Yasoku. I guess I was just a little too excited," she responded, bowing her head in forgiveness. This caused Setsuna to erupt in laughter.

"Oh, don't be, I'm not like Waka, I'm grateful for your outburst. It proves you're really excited." Setsuna's relaxed approach to teaching certainly differed with many of the other instructors but there was no doubt she was good at her job. "However, I have been instructed to teach you about a specific topic before I can reveal this amazing news, so bear with me, ok?"

"Yes, Ms. Yasoku," her students replied.

"For today's lesson, we will be covering Special Appeals—"

"But Ms. Yasoku," Tori interrupted, raising her hand.

"Yes, Tori-sweetie?"

"We've already covered Special Appeals."

"Yes, we have. Then, would you care to revise what we have covered?" Tori rose from her seat with perfect posture. Without even needing to think, she recited their lessons from memory with accurate detail.

"Special Appeals are a unique stage phenomenon akin to idol auras. Thanks to the coords we wear on stage and our excitement to perform, we are able to execute dynamic appeals in different environments. There are three types of appeals; normal which are known as the 'Shine' appeals, brand exclusive which are performed when wearing brand issued coords and campaign appeals which can be executed when wearing coords that are attributed to a campaign." The class applauded their peer's knowledge and Setsuna smiled with appreciation.

"Well done Tori-sweetie."

"Thank you, Ms. Yasoku."

"However, you are incorrect." Tori stood still, her face pale; it looked like she was going to be sick. Hana never thought she'd see the day where Tori would be wrong about a topic, but it happened, and she didn't know how to react. Tori's rigidness and lack of expression was a strange experience; it was as if all colour in the universe had vanished and she was a blank canvas – empty.

"Are you ok?" Hana asked. She reached out to comfort Tori, but the idol collapsed into her seat, still present but a shell of what she once was.

"Hana-sweetie, is she alright?" Hana waved her hands in front of Tori's face, trying to elicit some reaction.

"I think she's broken; I think you broke her," she deduced. Setsuna approached their desk, examining the lifeless Tori before muttering a few words.

"Extra credit." Suddenly, the colour in Tori's face returned and her body jolted to life like lightning in the sky.

"What happened?" she asked, her speech slightly slurred.

"She fixed you! I think?" Hana exclaimed, though it wasn't entirely obvious if Tori could truly recover from this experience. All the other students in the class remained engrossed, captivated by the interaction.

"Wait, so if Tori was wrong, what hope is there for any of us?"

"Did she die for a second, or just pass out?"

"Remind me not to criticise Tori." Setsuna returned to her desk, seemingly pleased with how she handled the situation.

"Now every sweetie, calm down. Tori is fine and she's not entirely incorrect; she just didn't know everything." Setsuna was a teacher yet her words were certainly not very encouraging.

"I can't tell if she's trying to break you again or if this is an actual lesson," Hana whispered. By this time, Tori had fully rebooted, and she was herself once again.

"Ms. Yasoku? What else is there?" It was just like Tori to jump right back into learning after a traumatic experience.

"The Special Appeals you were talking about happen when a single idol executes them. However, there are several classes of Special Appeals, and today we will be covering dual appeals."

"Dual?" Hana asked under her breath, having not heard the term before. Even Tori, a well-informed idol, lacked information on them.

"Dual appeals are like regular Special Appeals however, they are performed by two idols rather than one," the teacher explained. Setsuna pulled a remote out of her tan jacket's pocket and with a quick click of some buttons, a video projected onto blackboard.

Two idols were performing on stage together, dancing and singing in unison. They're coords complimented each other, sharing a design only differing in colours. As they danced together, they became surrounded by an explosion of light as it appeared, they were executing a Special Appeal. However, instead of individually, they appeared together. The two idols became surrounded by a pillar of light before launching into the air. They spiralled around one another, leaving a trail of glitter as they flew. Finally, they separated from one another before uniting once more and posing together, their hands intertwined.

"Sweeties, this is the dual Special Appeal 'Starlight Spectacle', the achievement of two idols performing in total synchronicity." The students marvelled as the appeal replayed before them, dazzling the young idols with its radiance.

"So pretty," Hana gawked.

"Although, if two idols who are not in sync attempt to perform this appeal—" Setsuna began. She clicked her remote and a different video played, this one involving a different pair of idols. These two seemed to dance in unison and their singing was complimentary, however it was apparent there was no harmony between the two. As they went to perform the appeal, the light that surrounded them shattered and the beautiful stage illusion dissipated. "When two idols lack harmony, they are unable to perform a dual appeal. Attempting to do so will destroy the stage," Setsuna explained. She clicked her remote and the videos stopped.

"Ms. Yasoku?" Hana asked, raising her hand. "When Tori and I performed together that one time, I felt like we were in sync. But all we were able to do was perform our own 'Shine'appeals," the idol explained.

"That is the other risk you run when performing together. Even if you feel like you're on the same wavelength, if your hearts aren't united then you will only be able to shine for yourself." Hana turned to Tori who returned a similar look of concern. "Girls," Setsuna addressed, this time her voice carrying a serious tone. "Our study today of dual Special Appeals is not a random interruption to our curriculum but an important step in your Aikatsu. You must learn and be able to execute a dual appeal with another idol in order to excite your fans and prove you understand harmony."

This was the moment when Hana knew the announcement was coming, it had to be, Setsuna never got this serious unless it was worth getting serious over.

"At the end of this month, Top Star Academy will be holding a 'Unit Cup', where you and another student in your year will perform on stage and together you will be expected to perform a dual Special Appeal," Setsuna declared. The class erupted in confusion and chatter.


"We have to perform that?"

"What will happen if we don't?"

"This 'Unit Cup'is going to act as your final summer exam, participation is mandatory and passing is crucial, the teacher explained.

"How will this 'Unit Cup'work?" Tori asked amidst the panicked students.

"Always attentive to details Tori-sweetie, I love it." Setsuna cleared her throat to hush the students. "After today's lecture, you will all report to the main performance hall where you will join all the other students. There you will informed about the structure of the tournament by the headmaster. You will also find out your pairings as well."

"Wait, our pairings are being decided for us?" Hana asked.

"Correct, the academy has chosen which idols will perform together and it is not limited to just your class. Every first-year will be paired up with another first-year from one of the five classes, the same rules will apply for the second and third-years."

"How are we supposed to perform in sync with someone we might not even know?" a student in the back called out.

"Classes for the rest of July will be cancelled and the pairs will be free to use their spare time to interact, practice and get to know one another. That time will be crucial to developing your unit."

"So, we'll be paired up with another student and be expected to perform as a unit?" a tall student surmised.

"Yes sweetie, idol units are extremely popular and eventually maybe you might end up as part of one. The academy wants to broaden your understanding and experience of units and performing successfully as a unit by presenting all students at the academy with this challenge."

"Have the upperclassmen participated in this before?" a blue-haired idol called out.

"Not to this extent. They have covered idol units before but never to this extent, this will be an entirely new experience for all students."

"Ms. Yasoku?" Hana asked, gaining her teacher's attention. "What will happen if the unit fails to perform the appeal?" Her question finally brought some calm to the classroom as everyone was also curious as to what the answer may be. Setsuna went silent, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath.

"Failure to complete a dual Special Appeal in the 'Unit Cup'will result in a fail on your overall grade for this term, meaning it will be incredibly difficult to raise your average back up in time for the final tournament. Also...." Her dialect shifted once again, this tone now carrying the weight of an immense burden. "Should you and your unit partner fail to perform the appeal, all ribbon charms acquired by both students will be revoked."


It was a shock to everyone. Never in the history of Top Star Academy had an event like this been created, where failure would mean more than just a grade. Hana still couldn't wrap her head around the decision. If she and her partner failed to perform the Special Appeal in the 'Unit Cup', then both Hana's and her partner's ribbon charms would be taken away, almost as if they never existed in the first place.

"It's a cruel punishment," Tori noted. "But I can see why they made it this way." All students were filing into the Performance Hall reserved for seating the entire student body. In this large auditorium, juniors and their upperclassmen shared similar fears, for once they were all on an even playing field.

"Hey!" a cheery voice called out amongst the sea of murmurs. Miyuki came barrelling through the aisles, Akira in tow. "There you are."

"I can't believe you managed to find us," Hana remarked. There was no strict seating schedule for this announcement, and with students piling in from all entrances, it was no surprise to see first-years rubbing elbows with the third-years. "Here, we saved you seats just in case." Miyuki shuffled down, choosing to take the seat next to Tori closer to the middle, whilst Akira was left with the vacant spot next to Hana. She paused for a moment; her discomfort obvious.

"Um, Hana, do you think we could swap seats, I-I think I could probably see better in your spot," Tori suggested.

"But we're right next to—" A sharp jab to Hana's ribs, courtesy of Tori, initiated by Miyuki caused her to jolt in pain. "Ouch," she whined. Unwilling to receive another spontaneous attack, Hana stood up, swapping seats with Tori. As she sat down, now next to Miyuki, Akira sat down in the vacant spot, now next to Tori.

"I'm sorry," Miyuki whispered. "I tried to get more out of her before class, but she wouldn't budge. Whatever you did has really upset her."

"I didn't do anything!" Hana fiercely retaliated.

"You don't have to whisper," Akira said, her vision fixated on the empty stage. "Everything's fine." Akira may be a radiant beauty and a talented idol for her age, but she was a terrible liar, and this was no exception; everything was not fine.

Hana and the others didn't get much time to figure things out until the presentation began. As Headmaster Kokomoi approached the stage, he received sporadic applause, driven by obligation rather than appreciation.

"My students, I am sure you all have questions..."

The instructor began his lecture about the 'Unit Cup', sparing no details. The event would take place over two days; the last two days of July and would function similarly to the actual 'Grand Prix'. The event however would not be held at the academy but rather at Kirumi City's biggest stadium, reserved exclusively for massive events.The setlist of performers would be randomised with different grades performing consecutively. At the end of each performance, the unit would be rated a pass or fail determined by whether or not they succeeded at performing the appeal. Should they pass, their total score would be tallied and at the end of the final day – the top units from each grade would be revealed. These three units would be rewarded with ribbon charms, one for each member.

He also outlined other guidelines and procedures for the competition. Firstly, once the idol pairs have been revealed, they cannot be swapped; the unit must perform together or forfeit, receiving a fail in the process. Secondly, the unit must come up with a name and present themselves on stage, prior to their performance. Thirdly, classes will be cancelled until the cup has concluded, meaning unit partners should use the free time to train and deepen their bonds. Unlike 'Aikatsu Beach' however, units have the freedom to pick the stage and song they would like to perform and can wear whatever coords they decide; the better their presence on stage, the better their score.

"In conclusion, this 'Unit Cup' is a major hurdle that you must overcome in order to reach the 'Grand Prix' and success will be determined not just by your own abilities, but how you perform with others. This will test everything you have learned so far on your Aiaktsu journey and will require you and your partner to unite your hearts." The headmaster concluded his speech with a final bow to silence, before exiting the stage.

As he did, the screen behind him lit up. This was not the average screens used in classrooms or the other auditoriums, this beast took up the entire wall of the stage. One by one, pictures of every student began flashing on the monitor, truly highlighting how many students actually attended the academy. Nearly five hundred idols appeared on the screen, and as the last picture uploaded, there was silence.

Everyone knew what was happening, the unit partners were being revealed.

Hana held her breath and prayed she would be partnered with one of her friends or at least someone she could perform alongside. As the portraits began to spiral around on screen, everyone in the auditorium seemingly had the same wish.

With an electronic whoosh, pictures of idols began pairing up with one another, following the rules the teachers had specified; first-year with first-year and so on. Everyone's eyes darted trying to locate their picture and their inevitable partner.

"Look!" Miyuki called out, pointing her finger at the screen. Her cry was amidst many other similar students, but Hana paid attention. On the screen's second column, at the very bottom, Miyuki's portrait appeared. After a moment of anticipation, a photo flashed next to hers, revealing her assigned partner.

"No way, we're partners?!" Tori exclaimed, realising it was indeed her picture paired with Miyuki's. Was it deliberate or luck that paired the two friends up with one another? Considering the daunting task that is the 'Unit Cup', Hana couldn't help but congratulate her two friends.

"Congratulations, you two will make a great team," she said, flashing both of them a happy smile. Miyuki and Tori both shared excited looks but at the same time, they noticed the lack of noise from Akira.

"What's wrong?" Tori asked. She noticed Akira's fixed gaze on the screen, her eyes widened. It was apparent that Akira had been assigned her partner. Tori craned her head to try and match Akira's eyesight as she surveyed the list of already revealed partners. Tori's search ended quickly though; her deep blue eyes having found what she was looking for. "Oh boy..." she muttered.

"What is it Tori?" Hana asked, seemingly confused by her reaction. Hana joined in on the examination of the screen, having still not found her partner. After a moment of searching she found her picture next to another idol's. "Oh..."

Akira exhaled, disappointed by the revelation herself but felt the need to acknowledge it aloud.

"Yep, looks like we're a unit."


Many students left the hall to join their new partners for some training and bonding whilst others still searched amongst the crowd to find their partner. Hana examined her phone, her 'Grand Prix' application now updated with details of the 'Unit Cup' and Akira's picture aside it, confirming that she was indeed her unit partner.

"Well, at least we know each other, we won't have to get through any awkward icebreakers," she joked. Akira stood opposite her in the foyer, ignoring Hana's attempt at conversation. "Ok, looks like we can skip icebreakers and just go straight to awkward," she muttered under her breath.

Tori and Miyuki stood behind the two of them and rather than figuring out their first cause of action as a newly formed unit, seemed to feel pulled into their friends' drama.

"Out of all the first-year students at the academy, they decide to pair the two idols who are fighting?!" Miyuki reiterated.

"I imagine they didn't account for there being any ill will between the two," Tori defended. "Though I have to admit, this was certainly not the most desired outcome."

"I'm sure that they would be so excited to get the chance to work together but Akira's got an attitude and Hana doesn't know how to deal with that."

"We can hear you!" Akira's voice called out, her purple eyes darting to the location of Akira and Miyuki.

"WAH!" Miyuki cried in fear, cowering behind Tori's long brown hair. "Don't be mad at me too!"

"I'm not mad!" Akira kept insisting.

"You have a funny way of showing it," Tori stated. "Why aren't you excited?"

"Who said I'm not excited?"

"It's pretty obvious considering you haven't said a word to Hana since we left the auditorium." Akira went silent again, her cold shoulder now extending towards Tori.

"Look, I don't know what's going on. I'm sorry if I've upset you or if I did something wrong, I don't even know what I could have done to make you act this way but if you want me to help, you need to talk to me," Hana pleaded, her voice getting shaky with emotion.

"Hana," Akira said, her voice pent up with frustration. She paused, taking a moment to choose her words carefully. "You just don't understand, I can't talk to you about it, you wouldn't get it."


"Just stop. I don't want to talk about this. All we need to concern ourselves with is practicing and winning. Nothing else matters." It was tough for Hana to hear words so cold come from Akira's lips. Out of all four girls, Akira could definitely be considered the most intense, but Hana never thought she would be the recipient of these feelings. "We'll practice tomorrow, until then just leave me alone." Akira turned around swiftly and after standing motionless for moment of time, she exited the building, alone.

"It's going to be hard to leave her alone when we all share a dorm," Miyuki muttered, now removing herself from the sanctuary of Tori's hair.

"Hana?" Tori asked, approaching her friend. Hana turned around swiftly, her expression breaking Tori's heart.

"I'm fine, everything's ok." Hana's words seemed to be reassuring but her tear-filled eyes and sniffling stutter proved that much like her unit partner; she was a terrible liar. "Excuse me." Not wanting to see her friends see her so downtrodden, Hana ran to one of the buildings other exits, no real destination in mind.

As the sun began to set across the academy, casting the sky in an ocean of orange light, the path to the 'Unit Cup' was officially beginning. But as Hana left a trail of tears behind her, it was evident that her and Akira's journey was not starting as anyone would have imagined. 


Next Chapter Synopsis:

Chapter 20: A Gem in the Rough

"Preparations for the 'Unit Cup' are now underway, but with Akira still not talking to Hana, their chances of success are decreasing. In a last ditch attempt to repair their friendship, the girls join each other on their normal Aikatsu routines, hoping the experience will provide some clarity. "

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