A Trial by Halves

By moosesforgooses

104K 4.7K 4.3K

What would have happened if Ye Huas plan to die in he Mermaid Wars had been Successful? What would have happe... More

No Regrets
A New Life
A Shimmer of Red
A New World
A Rainbow Halo
A Patch of Sky
Who Are You?
A Growing Enigma
More Questions
Are You......?
When Energy Collides
When Worlds Collide
More Questions
The Spell
The House
The visitor
A Stronger Hold
The Return
A Flicker of Comprehension
Questions, Answers and Tender Eyes
Unravelling the Seal 1
Unraveling the Seal 2
A Time to Talk
The Odd One Out
Lian Song Speaks
Not so Docile
The Struggle
A Little more Understanding
Is She or Not?
First Warning.
One More Sacrifice
A Whisper in the Dark
The Voice
A Voice in The Mirror
Beyond Fear
On Borrowed Time
Another Voice in the Dark
Spiritual Connections
Change of Plans
No Looking Back
A Race Against Time.
The Awakening
Truth and Lies
Four for All
The Final Battle 1
The Final Battle 2
Days of Healing
The Truth
The Long Road to Healing.
A Hidden Force
A Little Death
A Flicker of Calm
A Smile not so Bright
Just One More Sacrifice
How Much More?
One Piece at a Time
Eyes of Honey Brown
A Little Step Forward
A Moment in Time
Echoes of the Past
Her Sacrifice
100 Ways - Part 1
100 Ways - Part 2
All in One Lifetime
A Little Victory

Paying Debts

1K 54 41
By moosesforgooses

Making their way towards a part of the Celestial Heavens that one rarely visited for pleasure, Bai Zhis lips were sealed firmly in determination.  He had not discussed with his wife what he had in mind, and nor was it really proper, but he knew the laws of the Celestial Heavens more than any of them having faced the lightening bolts once in his youth for a lesser crime than what Cheng Yu committed.   But that she protected his daughter and assisted with the care of his grandson, then as far as he was concerned, the foxes owed her a life debt which he was about to pay.

And knowing his wife would not interfere once he had reached a decision, he did not stop to address the many deities they passed along the way, many of whom were still coming to terms with Ye Huas so called resurrection from the dead, only to learn that he had abandoned his post for his own wife.  

Instead they quietly made their way into the forecourt of a Palace that really didn't match the man who owned it.  Lord Pua was a quiet man, unassuming, private and rarely seen among the rest of them.  Though when he did appear, they all knew that something of importance was happening, and as they were shown into his parlour which was lavishly decorated with all manner of gold fittings, silk curtains, plush llama wool rugs and marbled floors, neither could hide their amazement for the obscene luxury considering the man was as humble as they came when out in public.

"Well this is a surprise.  To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit Emperor Bai, Empress Bai?"  the man himself asked nodding his head in welcome.  Having been informed of their arrival, and seeing as he rarely had visitors, his interest was more than peaked when informed by his young guard that he did not know who they were.  

But the mention of their names, soon had the boys eyes popping and his head reverently bowing while quickly leaving them with his master to inform the rest of the guards who had arrived.    

 Bai Zhis name was known the world over and just as revered as Haode and he was counting on it for what he had in mind.  So he did not waste time on small talk or polite greetings.

"We have come for Cheng Yu." he said without further ado, which had Lord Pua quickly ushering them into his study and behind a barrier should any ears be listening having noted the way the guard had reacted to their presence.

"How can I help." he asked now that they were seated around the fire on soft cushions rather than at the large teak desk that other visitors would have been led to.

"As you are aware, she committed a crime that of course should be dealt to appropriately.  However it was not intentional, and nor would she have dared to hurt Haode let alone think to.  We are here to save her life due to the unusual circumstances that we have found ourselves in." Bai Zhi explained as The Empress remained quiet while waiting for the bombshell to hit.

"Yes that is correct.  Unfortunately, I do not see how you can help her.  What she did demands lightening bolts at the very least so my hands are tied." he replied and though he had already determined her punishment, he was prepared to hear them out, because like most of the Celestials, he genuinely liked her so had spent hours upon hours trying to come up with a way to save her, but as yet, he couldn't even manage a lessening of the lightening bolts because they were already set in stone for the crime she committed.

"What I am about to propose may seem rather unorthodox,  but I am no ordinary man in this world and nor am I a vain man, but my position does afford me some protection under your laws and in turn protects my children." he said before stopping to see if the man had any idea where he was going, but the blank look soon had him continuing.

"The Celestial Heavens owe the Fox Clan many debts which have been incurred over thousands of years right back to when my father ruled, yet not once have we ever sought to claim them.  I am here today to claim them all now." He said as his eyes hardened and Lord Pua shifted uncomfortably.

"Emperor Bai, I understand what you are saying and was I in a postiion to seriously consider your request, I would gladly do so, however she attacked the Heavenly Ruler and almost killed him.  Nothing can save her now, not when The Heavens itself laid out the punishment for attacking its ruler.  Haode too has considered the possibility of lowering the punishment, but only a title would save her now which as you know, she does not have." he replied with just as much angst in his eyes as the Empress held in hers.

"And that is why I am here." Bai Zhi replied smiling and slowly putting one on his wifes face as the implication of his words began to sink in.

"Tell me what you have in mind." Lord Pua said with a growing smile of his own now that he too realized where Bai Zhi was taking their conversation.

For a further three hours they talked and the finer details of his proposition carefully considered until eventually a contract was drawn up and signed by both men.  And needing only one more signiture the three then left Lord Puas Palace for one other before a final visit to Haode himself.


For days, Cheng Yu had waited patiently to hear her fate.  And though Ye Huas command that she be left alone and unharmed was honoured, no one was allowed to visit her Palace other than the maids who brought her meals and quietly shared a little gossip with her before leaving her be, because like Lord Pua and everyone else that they knew, Cheng Yu was the life of the Celestial Heavens and so well liked that many had wept unashamedly at her predicament.

Not even Lian Song had come to see her, and the longer the wait played out, then the more concerned she became.  Not so much for herself, but for him.  Her mind had never once strayed too far from thoughts of him and knowing how uncompromising Haode could be, she knew that he too would be in trouble.

But to be left in the dark as to what was happening regardless of what the maids told her, was the hardest to bear.  She had learned that a war had taken place on Ruoshui River, but as for the outcome, she didn't even know that.  And nor was she aware of Ye Huas injuries, Bai Qians survival or even where little Er Li was.

The days had passed her by so slowly that she had no real choice but to either sleep it all away, or lose herself to the constant worry that never left her alone and being a soical butterfly who could never remain in one place for more than a couple of hours, the seclusion was almost killing her.  Even in the Mortal Realm with Ye Hua, she had more freedom that she did then but what she missed the most, was Lian Song.

She knew without a doubt that he would be there with her to the bitter end, so it was obvious that he too was being kept away from her and that would only be because of his high rank.   He might not be the Crown Prince, but he was the son of the current Ruler so therefore a man of status and seeing as she had almost killed his father, there was no possible way for him to get around the laws that he was also bound to.

She was an assassin and a wanted fugitive who had been left completely in the dark, so the moment a guard entered to make way for Lord Pua, she truly felt that not only had come to take her to her death, but she would be walking the final few minutes of her life alone.

Falling as gracefully as she could at his feet, she did not beg for her life, instead she greeted him most humbly before rising to her knees but keeping her head down.

"Lord Pua has come for me." she whispered in resignation and defeat.

"Indeed." he replied in a tone so soft, that she was momentarily thrown by it, considering a kind voice was not what she had been expecting.

Raising her eyes to look at him, they grew wider as Bai Zhi and the Empress stepped into the chamber.

"Stand up child." The woman said just as softly before taking her arm and forcing her to her feet.

Confusion hit immediately as she looked from the woman to Lord Pua and back again.

"My dear.  Do you know who we are?" The Empress asked as she was then led back to the seating she had been resting on before they arrived.

Shaking her head but not daring to utter a word, her eyes remained fixed on Lord Pua as the woman introduced herself.

"This is my husband Emperor Bai and we are Bai Qians parents." she said smiling at her while holding onto her hand to offer her the comfort she obviously needed because the girl was so highly strung, she imagined she would faint at any moment.

"Just listen to what they have to say Lady Cheng Yu.  Nothing more is required from you until they are done." Lord Pua quickly interjected before she could open her mouth seeing as she was about to.

So quietly she remained seated next to The Empress of the Fox Clan while her husband spoke in the same soft manner that Su Su did.  She already knew that she was Bai Qian and having seen her fall to her death, she couldn't imagine what her parents wanted her for other than an account of what had happened.  But as she listened, the tears began to roll down her face as what they proposed to do unfolded.

"She's alive?" she whispered incredulously before bursting into tears of relief and disbelief.

"That you can cry so readily for my daughters fortunes and misfortunes says I have definitely made the right decision." Bai Zhi said smiling, having just informed her of Bai Qians survival and ascension to High Goddess.

"Your kind heartedness is why we are here now.  You remained at my daughters side the entire time, even though you could have returned to lesson your punishment in return for information on their whereabouts thus saving your own life over hers."  Bai Zhi said which instantly had her head snapping up to gape at him.

"Ahhh.  I see you had not thought of that possibility did you?" he grinned at her.  "Had you returned immediately following their escape back into the Mortal Realm, you could have bargained your punishment down in return for information.  That you didn't realize this, is not relevant, because it is not in your nature to strategise against another anyway, so my decision still stands." he said with his hand out towards Lord Pua for the contract they had written up.

"You were not to know that death would have seen my daughter ascend and survive but throughout your entire time with her, you took care of her and went to great lengths at your own discomfort and expense to protect her and for that we the Fox Clan will forever be in your debt." he said unfurling the scroll which he then handed to her.

"As you are aware, only those with a title high enough have the ability to bargain down their punishments which your title Lady does not allow.  Therefore, because of the effort you put into saving Xiao Wu, I would like very much for you to consider becoming my daughter." he said as she read the entire scroll through word for word.

"You want to adopt me?" she asked incredulously while thinking her poor heart could not take any more shock than what it had, but as her eyes raised to Lord Pua, the smile on his face had her falling back onto the floor and this time to kneel at Bai Zhis feet in tears while barely keeping herself together.

"That's right.  We owe you a life debt Cheng Yu and I am paying it now.  As my daughter, you will automatically receive the title of Princess of the Fox Clan.  It will of course be in name only.  You will not be entitled to our throne nor any children you produce in the future and nor can the title be carried down through the generations." he explained slowly and clearly.

"However, you will have the support of the entire Fox Clan behind you including the Emperor and his wife.  This alone places you in a very high position of power Cheng Yu, because the Foxes are highly revered thoughout the entire world." Lord Pua jumped in quickly seeing as Bai Zhi would not extol his own virtues that grandly which merely eraned a short cough in embarrassement before The Empress jumped in seeing as the girl looked near to fainting again.

"We understand that you have no family of your own, so this is one way where we can help you by offering you a permanent home with us should you choose to accept it.  Also, my daughter Bai Qian has always wanted a sister, and seeing as she likes you enough to come to the Celestial Heavens to fight for you, says this is the right decision and the only one open to you." The Empress cut in while Cheng Yu continued to gape at them which then had Bai Zhi informing her of the smaller details.

"Now.  We cannot still the punishment altogether, after all it was Haode who was attacked, however an esteemed title will lesson your punishment enough in that it will not kill you." Bai Zhi said as he gently forced her back up off the floor as his wife also rose to place her arms around her.

"Also, with a Fox Clan title, you will be in a much greater position to marry anyone you want." The Empress said as the final bombshell was thrown at her and forcing Bai Zhi to catch her when she fainted all over him.

With the girl in his arms and his wife trying her best not to giggle, Bai Zhi quickly spun her around to lay her down on the seat before joining Lord Pua in the foyer for a short breather before they had to approach Haode with their contract.

Turning once, too look back at the girl whos cheeks were streaked with tears and her face flushed, she noticed immediately that the frown lines had now disappeared.

"Well, I think that went well." The Empress smiled in satsifaction while Lord Pua laughed loudly for the first time in years.

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