Contemplation (Anime fanficti...

By Kikaraaa

527K 16.8K 14.5K

When the war had come to an end, rumors spread that Uchiha Sasuke was dead. Three years had passed since the... More

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BONUS CHAPTER: How to get rid of a bich

cнαpтer 28

8.2K 340 128
By Kikaraaa

Quote of the chapter: "I never want to see another important person die in front of me again." -Uchiha Sasuke from Naruto


cнαpтer 28


The demon-like enemy continued his ear-splitting shout as it prepared itself for a rampage.

In a four-legged position, his fangs sharpened while he clenched his jaw and eyed his foes, tail swinging with its acute nails digging in the soil.

"What the hell is that?" Rina took a step back, frightened at the odd appearance.

"It seems like a demon." Hinata enabled her byakugan and observed the chakra circulation with the use of the Hyuuga clan's signature technique Gentle Fist. "He has an immense power of chakra. It can be difficult to defeat it, maybe even impossible to kill it."

"Shit." Tenten cussed, gripping on her kunai tightly as the demon howled once again.

"What is it's power?" Kakashi had asked Hinata who reacted in shock.

"I don't know. It's partly like a tailed beast..."

"That strong?" Rai had joined the conversation with his eyes widened.

Multiple corpses came once again as Kakashi cursed. He was still helping Sakura into her senses since the massive headache had entered her head and earned complex control over her body.

Tenten and Rina prepared their weapons and began attacking the corpses with Lee and Rai before they can attack the demon.

Hinata sharpened her gaze before scanning the enemy for attack. The amount of chakra is too much, causing the opponent to be overpowered. If Hinata could barge right in and stop the chakra's flow while he was observing others, defeating him might be a possible option.

"Gentle Fist Art: Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms!"

Just as Kakashi parted his lips to stop Hinata's plans, Hinata had launched immediately towards the enemy and started her attack.

"Sixteen palms!"

She knows that she could not defeat this monster.

"Thirty-two palms!"

So at least, she could help the others to kill it by being the first pawn and to lower its chakra measures for the others to fight it in an easier way

"Sixty-four palms!"

But she did not stop there. She pursued as if reaching her dreams.

"Ninety-six palms!"

Just like Neji, she would achive that ultimate skill.

"One hundred-twelve palms!"

The enemy growled once again, activating his venom touch to which the others had noticed.

"Hinata!" They called, but Hinata refused to stop right there.

They wanted to stop her but they were frightened to see the shy flower grow in anger if her attack was disturbed-like what happened before. Plus, those damned experiments just kept on popping out of no where.

Kakashi saw Hinata would be reaching her limit so he left Sakura at the moment and ran towards Hinata.

A little bit more.

"One hundred and twenty-eight palms!" Hinata sent the demon lying down backwards. She had locked some of the chakra points and even got the demon hurt physically.

That made Kakashi sigh in relief as he paused his tracks and began fighting the corpse who charged at him.

She turned around to her teammates-who were busy killing-when she finished her attack with a bright smile plastered upon her lips. "I did it!"

"Nice one Hinata!" Tenten acknowledged with a thumbs up before cracking the corpse's neck to death.

Her friends' expressions that were once in glee abruptly turned upside down as they warned after killing the ones they were battling with.


"Don't look back!"



But it was too late. Hinata received an ominous and painful injury from the demon's tail just when she had swirled back due to instincts.

The demon fell back in pain, still breathing hard from the sudden change in his chakra circulation.

Kakashi knocked out his own opponent and jumped to catch Hinata.

The powerful force had brought Hinata to nausea and her cells to decrease with the wound filled with blood. Her blood.

Once she closed her eyes shut and waited for the hard contact with the ground, she groaned in torture when she landed as soft as descending at a trampoline.

Questioned clouded her mind when everything in motion stopped once she unmasked her eyes.

She gasped lightly.


"Naruto? You shouldn't be here!" Sakura shouted, slowly regaining her control.

"You'll get killed!" Lee reminded as all of the experiments head towards Naruto.

"I doubt that, dattebayo!"

"Capture the kyuubi..." They mumbled in unison while Lee, Rai, Tenten and Rina block the enemies from reaching Naruto.

"Naruto, go!" Tenten shouted.

Rina spat at her opponent before punching it at the gut. "Get out of here, Naruto-san!"

"Naruto, go and stay in the hospital with Hinata." Kakashi advised, joining the team in bringing the corpses to death.

"No way! A war broke out because of me, I-I can't let this happen again! Imma kill this-" He shouted and his fangs were slowly growing as his eyes were turning into the kyuubi. However, he was forced to stop himself when Hinata spoke.

"Naruto-kun..." She cupped his cheek and dozed off, losing consciousness.

"Naruto, please!" Sakura screamed in plea.

"We got this, I'll take care of Sakura." Kakashi promised as he kicked the experiment's head.

Naruto gloomily glanced at Sakura who was covering her face with both of her hands as if she was shaking something out of her head-completely in a trauma. Then he stared at his girlfriend in pain with all the dirt and a couple small cuts with a huge injury she had.

And just like that, the one-tail kyuubi transformation had been shut down.

"You owe me an explanation, Kaka-sensei." Naruto said, reffering to Sakura's actions. "Take care of her."

Those were his last words before he dashed off, despite his arguments which he kept to himself.

A few minutes has passed when he reached to the hospital, where Tsunade was, with Hinata in his arms.

"She needs help."

Tsunade snapped her finger as a nurse automatically came. "Bring her to the ER, I'll meet you there."

The nurse nodded as Naruto place Hinata at a movable bed and rushed her to the emergency room.

"Naruto? Shouldn't you be-"

"I know," He mentioned and shot Tsunade a stern look. "I'm not going to fight. I'll stay here."

A smirk of satisfaction was evident at Tsunade's features. "Very well then, you might as well help here."

"Tell me what to do, dattebayo."

"Wait for a minute." Tsunade said, meeting another patient before she called Shizune to help Naruto.

He looked over the window, seeing some sort of light around the demon and preparing to attack is it create some sort of giant weapon.

By just seeing that view, he was tempted to go there and he knew that he should fight. But for once, he let this slip. Because he knew that if he did, not only he would die-but also his friends.


Crimson blood splat around the plants in forest because of violence. Just as the shinobi had finished killing every last one of the corpse that was spotted in their radius, they all moved to defeat the monster.

Kakashi gave his signal as Tenten and Rina showed their expertise.

Different types of weapons were rapidly thrown in unison towards the practically a demigod enemy.

As expected, the sharp steel attack did not work. Although the next move caught them by surprise.

The weapons that stopped in front of the demon melted like crisps as it combined to form a temporary giant sword, able to kill in one shot.

The demon targeted Sakura who was still having trouble with control in her body and was the farthest. The poison that was stuck in her body had a somewhat aftershock which is why when the user had died, she experienced trauma-which was the aftershock. He shouted in fury once again before sending the huge weapon to Sakura.


"My youthful cherry blossom!"


"Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall!" Kakashi suddenly built a wall in front of Sakura as he panicked, praying that his former student would survive while Sakura was still stuck in confusion.

She only realized what was happening when it was too late.

As if on cue, Kakashi's prayer had turned into a reality like a miracle.

Speed as fast as light, Sakura was brought out of the danger zone once the sword came in contact with the wall.

A sigh of relief had escaped Kakashi's lips as he dropped on his knees. He was very pleased that someone had saved Sakura, because he would not know what he would do if Sakura was pierced by that large sword since his wall was not a hundred percent full-proof plan.

By seeing Sakura's incident, the others' temper had increased as they sent multiple attacks towards the demon.

Sakura's vision slowly returned as crystal clear, the blur fading. She panted as she blinked before scanning her strange surroundings.

It was just then that Shiro had pushed Rina with him from a powerful attack from the demon.

Kiba came along with Akamaru as he also fought with Kakashi, Tenten, Lee and Rai. They all used teamwork in weakening the enemy.

Her saviour had placed her down at a safe place.

Looking up at the peculiar figure, she gulped the lump in her throat.

And just like that, the headache was gone in a snap while she regain her full control over he body.


Her tone rose as if she did not believe it. "You're supposed to be at the cell!" She scolded as her heart beat skipped in an alarming rate.

"If I was then you could have died," Sasuke stared at her emerald eyes, relieved that she was all right, as she returned the gaze. "And I can't let that happen."





The quote has a relation to what Sasuke last mentioned in this chapter ;)

I love this chapter <3

Thanks for reading!

Votes and Comments are very much welcomed ♡



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