Smoking In the Boys Room // D...

By namjins_onions

13.2K 557 149

Castiel never cared about school. He wants to get in, make music, get out, no bullshit. That's until his Eng... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 20

521 16 8
By namjins_onions




Castiel eyes opened to the dark of his room. He looked towards the window to see a very faint bit of the blue haze of dawn creeping through, but it was faint, barely there. He picked up his phone to check the time.

5:46 am


He internally groaned as his face flopped back down into his pillow, wanting more sleep than his body was allowing.

As he breathed into the soft pillowcase, he remembered what today was.


He smiled, wrapping his arms around his pillow and settling back to comfort as sleep began crawling up behind his eyes.



Gabriel ran into his room screaming. Castiel sat up and checked the time, chuckling.

"7:03. You're so early today." He said groggily as he rolled onto his back, sitting up and stretching. Gabe plopped down onto the foot of his bed.

"Well, YEAH. This one is special. The big one-eight." Anna said, leaning against the door frame.

"This was always a biggie for us, so it'll be a biggie for you, bro-bro." Gabe said patting Castiel's comforter-covered legs.

"You guys don't have to go out of your way or anything, I'm fine with just hanging out. I don't need anything elaborate." Cas said, worrying that Anna and Gabe had taken valuable time and resources on him when he knew money was already tight.

The older siblings looked at each other, rolling their eyes and sighing.

"Of course it has to be elaborate, have you met me?" Gabe smirked, earning a laugh from Cas.

"When are Jo and Charlie coming over?" Anna asked, brushing a loose lock of red hair behind her ear.

"When are we doing dinner?" Cas asked.

"6." Gabe said.

Cas nodded, "Then six-ish. I'll tell them." He said, reaching for his phone. While it had gone unnoticed earlier, he saw a text from Dean that made his heart flutter.

Good morning, angel. HAPPY BIRTHDAAAYYYYY!!!!!!! I'm so happy that I'm lucky enough to get to spend today (tonight? same thing) with the most amazing, gorgeous, and talented person I've ever had the privilege of knowing. Thank you for letting me be a part of your life. I can't wait to see you.

He smiled, sighing.

My god, he's perfect.

He felt Gabe shift forward and immediately locked his phone and tilted it downwards towards his chest. When their eyes met, Gabe had a devilish look on his face.

"Whatcha smiling at?" He said mischievously.

"Charlie sent a picture of her cat." He said, leaning back and moving his phone behind his back protectively. Gabe crept ever closer.

"Oh sure. I don't recall Cake ever making you BLUSH." He said, lunging forward. Castiel, however, had anticipated this. He shot out from under the covers and rushed past Anna into the bathroom across the hall. As soon as he closed the door, he heard Gabriel thump against it. He quickly locked the door and stood back as Gabe began furiously jiggling the handle and banging loudly on the wood.

"CASTIEL HAS A B O Y F R I E N D!!!" He yelled.

"Yeah right Gabe! When you find a boy that'll tolerate me, you send him my way!" Cas shouted back, opening the shower curtain. He began to formulate a reply to Dean after he sent a quick heads-up to the girls about the plans for that day.

Thank you, you're the sweetest. I can't wait to see you, I can't ever stop thinking of you and how happy you make me.

He hoped nothing came across too cringey, he felt like he had a knack for making anything awkward. After hitting send, he began typing once more.

Why the hell were you awake at 6 on a Saturday..?

Dean's response came quickly.

D: What? I had just finished my run. You're adorable, you know that?

C: Ugh, exercising so early. Are you gonna turn me into one of those granola CrossFit morning green juice people? I'm not cute, I'll mess you up TOUGH GUY

D: Only if you want me to 😘😘😘

D: Hate to break it to you sweetheart, but that was really cute.


Castiel huffed as another message came in.

Charles: Noice. Sounds like a plan

Jo: we'll be there

Charles: Are you and the fam doing anything else fun today??

Cas: I don't think so, why?

Jo: Oh, no reason

Charles: 😈😈😈😈

Cas: I don't like that

Cas: what's happening

Cas: I don't like those ominous little emojis

Jo: everything's fine

Cas: nonono what does that mean


Accepting defeat, he turned on the water and stripped himself of his clothing, stepping into the warming water.


He walked to his room, towel wrapped around him, mind racing as to what his friends had planned.

He began putting on his chosen outfit for the day, pulling the pink sweater over his head and hiking up the black, ripped skinny jeans. He tugged on his black boots and clipped on a thin, black velvet choker, finishing off with silver hoop earrings and a small silver cuff on the ear opposite is industrial bar.

He picked up his phone from where it resided on his bed.


Still pretty early.

He went over to his desk and picked up the viola case from beside it, thinking that he may as well practice in this bit of spare time.


After taking a break to listen to a few new albums that had come out recently and resuming his practice, he clicked the latches on his case shut and rolled his shoulders and neck out. When he once again checked the time, it was already 11.

After seeing a multitude of notifications from Jo and Charlie, Castiel began reading through their conversation thread.

Charles: cassie

Charles: are you ready

Charles: are you dressed yet

Jo: Are you c l o t h e d??



Jo: much important

He began to respond, puzzled.

Cas: I mean, yeah, why?

Jo: Good

Cas: Are you guys going to tell me why you're being weird?

He then heard footsteps bounding up the creaky wooden stairs. Turning towards his door, all he saw was a flash of red before he was being dragged down to the first floor, flying past a very confused Anna and a snickering Gabriel.

"TARGET ACQUIRED. PROCEED TO THE GETAWAY CAR." Charlie screeched as she rushed Cas through the front door.

"Charlie, what the hell?!" Cas protested as he was ushered into Garth's minivan. Jo hopped into the passenger seat, breathless, as Charlie shut the door behind her.

"AWAYYYY!!" She shouted as Garth backed out of the driveway. Cas took a look around him and smiled to himself. Garth and Jo sat upfront, Jo laughing as she pulled up directions on her phone. He sat next to Charlie, and when he turned around, Ash and Balthazar waved from the back.

"Anyone care to let me know what's happening?" Cas questioned.

"That information is classified." Charlie deadpanned, her black aviators glinting in the sunlight the streamed through the window.

Castiel laughed, "You are having WAY too much fun with this."

Jo flipped around in her seat. "She's been like this all morning. I think she's had more fun planning this than you will actually doing it." She rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to directiing Garth.

"Top secret birthday surprise. Sorry Cassie." Balth said, squeezing his shoulder lightly. Cas's stomach dropped uncomfortably.


They pulled off the dusty, country road between formidable walls of corn.

"Okay If you're bringing me here to get murdered, I will come back to haunt all your sorry asses." Castiel muttered as he watched the stalks fly by, his shoulders jostling due to the bumpy road. 

"We're not taking you to get murdered." Jo rolled her eyes.

"Oh we're DEFINITELY taking you to get murdered." Garth said as he maneuvered the dirt path, earning a sharp smack on the arm from Jo. "HEY. Driving. We have precious cargo, woman." He replied, laughing.

"Oh yeah? And who's that?" She said defiantly.

"You." He winked at her and turned back towards the road, a smirk plastered across his thin lips. Jo raised her eyebrows before she rolled her eyes once again.

"Damn straight." She said, chuckling.

"Ugh. Are we there yet?" Charlie said from her deflated state on the seat next to Cas. She had lost most of her tambre from the drive.

"Here we are!" Jo said, looking up from the map on her phone. Castiel glanced out the windshield to see a large barn with a huge tractor out front surrounded by hay bales. There was a hand-painted sign to the left of the building that said "Pumpkin Patch" with a smiling jack-o-lantern next to it.

As Garth continued to pull in to find a parking spot among the other cars, Cas began to see more of what was hidden by the solid walls of corn before. A plump, jolly-looking man stood among a pile of barrels, operating the spout of one of them as golden cider sputtered and gurgled out into the glass in his hand. Children running through the pumpkin patch with shiny, red, candy apples in their grip. A stand where they had presumably received them stood right outside the entrance to the main event: the corn maze.

"So you guys brought me here to murder me in a corn maze? Well I must give you points for creativity." Castiel chuckled as the car came to a halt.

"Cmon, Cassie! It's almost Halloween so your birthday is perfect for fall bonding activities." Charlie said, now sitting very upright in her seat as she grasped his arm and shook it.

Everyone unbuckled their seatbelts and climbed out of Garth's metallic gray minivan, breathing in the fresh country air as they stood upon the hay-littered ground.

"Yo, those kids are making those candy apples look dope. Imma need one." Ash said, eyeing the stand.

"Alright, here's our game plan. Snacks first, we take a look around, stroll through the pumpkin patch. Then when we're all done, we go into the corn maze. Sound good?" Jo said militantly as she looked around at her friends. They all nodded and made noises of approval.

"Alright everyone. BREAK!"




"I'm so dead."

These were the cries of defeat that rang throughout the minivan as the six friends sat in their respective seats, utterly exhausted.

"So Cas, was that a good birthday fun time surprise?" Jo turned to him as Garth started the car.

Castiel smiled. Despite Balthazar hitting on him, the army of mosquitos out for their blood, and the "is this really for children?" difficultly of the maze, there was really only one thing on his mind.

"I had a blast, thank you guys so much. This was really sweet of you." He said earnestly.

"No problemo-"

"AWWW CASSIE!!" Charlie shouted right over Garth as she embraced Cas and shook his shoulders lightly.

"Don't mention it, we love you, Castiel." Jo said, smiling at him from the front passenger seat. He mouthed a thank you at her, still encircled and jostling in Charlie's arms.


"Oh my god, when Ash tried to run through the wall, I died!"

"Or when Balthazar said we should split up, but came dragging Cas back immediately because he got lost!"

They sat around a circular wrought iron table, all laughing and nibbling off of one large ice cream sundae. They had stopped for lunch, and began to reminisce over the events of the corn maze over dessert.

As soon as they finished, it was already 4 o'clock. They all piled into the van and headed for home.

When they reached Castiel's house, they got out and stood around his driveway, feet shuffling, hands scratching bug bites, eyes conveying their wish to make the day last forever.

"Thank you guys so much for everything today, I had so much fun." He said into their group hug.

"Don't mention it."

"Of course."

"Anything for Cassie!"

"So what did you kids get up to?" A voice from behind them said.

They all released and turned to see Gabriel walking out of the house followed by Anna.

"Hey Gabe. We went to that corn maze out on I-24!" Garth said waving.

"Sounds like fun." Anna smiled.

"Well, we better get going Cassie, Balthazar's mom is desperately trying to set him up with some girl who's dad owns the water plant and he wouldn't want to be late for his date." Garth said, patting Castiel on the shoulder. Balthazar looked like he was going to explode.

As the three boys climbed back into the van, Cas laughed at Balthazar smacking Garth's arm and beginning to lecture him.

"What are you guys gonna do until dinner?" Gabe asked as they all trudged back into the house.

They all looked at each other, shrugging.

"MarioKart?" Jo suggested. This seemed like the optimal choice, and was ultimately agreed upon.


"Anna?" She looked up at Cas from her position over the sink. "Charlie and Jo want me to go have a Doctor Who marathon in honor of the new season, could I stay with them tonight?" He asked, hands nearly shaking. She slipped off her sudsy gloves and walked towards him.

"Of course. Go have fun. Just wake me up when you get home tomorrow, okay?" She said, kissing his forehead and hugging him tightly.

"I will. Thank you. I love you." He said as she released him.

"You're welcome. I love you, kiddo." She smiles and ruffled his already tousled hair. He didn't feel good lying to her. He hated hiding things from his sister, he just didn't know what else to do. It wasn't like he could tell her about Dean.

He grabbed his keys and gestured for the girls to follow him out.

Once they were all safely within his car, he looked around at them.

"Okay, Charlie. I need you to do something for me." He looked at her seriously.

"What? What about the Doctor Who marathon?" She asked, puzzled.

"That was a cover up. Sorry." He shrugged sheepishly as he watched her puff in annoyance. "I need you to promise on your LIFE- or no- on your NINTENDO SWITCH that you will not tell a single living soul the events that are transpiring tonight. Can you do that?" He grabbed her hands.

She looked bewildered. "But what's going on?" She asked.

"I'm...going somewhere, but I need an alibi in case anyone ever has questions about where I was tonight." He said, attempting not to reveal any damning information.

"Charlie, what Cas is trying to say is-"

"Cassie are you doing drugs and murdering people? Because that is 110% exactly what it sounds like you're doing and I can't in good conscious let that happen, okay?" Charlie said, frazzled.

"No no-"

"It's not like that Charlie."

Jo and Cas tried to diffuse.

"Castiel just really needs us right now, okay? He needs us to cover for him." Jo said.

"Why? What's happening?" She asked almost desperately.

"Castiel has a date!" Jo blurted out. Castiel sighed.

"With who?" Charlie asked skeptically.

"Erm-uh..." Jo stuttered as she fished for an answer.

"This person isn't out yet, they don't want anyone to know." Castiel said, feigning pity. A knowing look appeared on Charlie's face.

"Oooohh. I understand. Got it. No prob bob. If anyone asks, you were with us the whole night." She nodded seriously.

Jo and Cas let out breaths they hadn't realized they were holding.

"Alright, I'll drop you guys off at Charlie's. Thanks for covering me."


"Hello, Dean." Castiel said onto the soft, worn leather of Dean's jacket.

"Hey, Angel." Dean said kissing, his cheek softly. "Did you have a good day?" He asked, pulling away and brushing hair away from Castiel's face.

"I had a very good day, but it's even better now." He said, smiling up at Dean.

"You're so pretty." Dean whispered breathlessly. Castiel cursed himself for the blush he already knew was flooding his cheeks. He leaned up, capturing Dean's lips in a kiss.

"Thank you." Cas whispered back as he pulled away.

"Shall we?" Dean said, nodding towards the Impala. Castiel's stomach churned nervously as he felt his face warming rapidly. He nodded, his usual confidence draining him. As they walked towards the car, Dean rushed forward to open his door for him. Cas laid a soft kiss on his lips as he got in.

When the door shut, Castiel's mind began to drift, then, began to race.

What if I do something wrong? What if I do something stupid?

Dean shut his door and turned the key in the ignition.

What if he thinks I'm immature? I AM, compared to the people he normally dates.

Castiel's eyes were fixed on the reflective posts that lined the highway whizzing past the car.

How would I even know the kind of person he would normally date? I'm just a stupid teenager, I don't know anything. Dean's an ADULT.

Unbeknownst to Cas, Dean kept glancing over at him, growing more worried by the second. His soft hand never reciprocating the light, periodical squeezes that Dean attempted to resuscitate him from his stupor with.

Why the hell am I so nervous? I'm usually the one initiating things.

Come on, Castiel, every time you have sex, you make a point of getting wasted. You don't even remember it half the time.

What's wrong with me?

He knew the answer.

You're afraid that HE'LL see something wrong with you. You're afraid he'll see you how you see yourself.

Castiel had gotten so deep into his thoughts that he hadn't noticed their arrival. In fact, they had been there for a minute or two while he simply stared off into space with his eyebrows knitted together.


His head snapped up to see a worried Dean staring at him.

"Are you okay?" He asked, resting a hand gently on the boy's shoulder. Cas nodded weakly.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

Dean was not convinced. He frowned at Castiel's lie.

"Hey, you've been staring into the void the whole way here, what's up?" Dean asked, shifting to turn towards Cas on the bench-seat of the Impala.

"It's really nothing." He said quietly. Dean cupped his cheek.

"It's not." He said, studying his face. Dean sighed and dropped his hand, and fiddled nervously. "Look, I- I'm not EXPECTING anything of you, I know you're 18 now, but you're obviously uncomfortable and I don't want to push you into ANYTHING you don't want to do and-"

"I want to."

Cas blurted it out before he could think.

"I-I want to. I do. I'm just..." He trailed off, not wanting to reveal himself.

"I get it, I'm still your teacher, and I know that this is kind of weird and not exactly normal, and I didn't just want to see you tonight because I expected you to like, put out for me or anything, and I'm sorry if I made you feel that way-"

"Dean, it's not that-"

"We totally don't have to do anything, we can just talk and hang out by the river and not even WORRY about it-"

"I'm nervous." Castiel almost covered his mouth.


"You're...nervous?" Dean looked puzzled.

I'm such a fucking idiot.

"You? Nervous?" Dean said, still confused.

"What?" Castiel asked as he looked over Dean's face worriedly.

"I just- You just seem so sure and confident all the time that I would have never thought you'd be..." Dean trailed off.

"Nervous?" Castiel said sheepishly.

"Yeah." Dean shrugged.

God, way to blow it, Cas. Now he REALLY thinks you're a dumb teenager.

"I've just never...had anyone...take the lead before, you know? I'm always in charge and it's just weird for me to not have control over the situation. I always know exactly how things are gonna play out beforehand but this time, I don't. I have no idea. And that's kind of terrifying." He said, looking at his hands, trying to nurse the situation. Dean was silent for a moment.

"Did you think I wasn't nervous? Well, fuck, I'm STILL nervous. You just seem like this invincible force of nature, like nothing I could possibly do could measure up to what you've experienced before. You're intimidating as hell, Cas, and it's not just all the holes in your face." Dean poked his eyebrow bar, making Castiel giggle.

"How am I intimidating...?" He asked.

"The way you carry yourself, the way you talk and move and that burning look in your eyes. You have an...intensity about you that I've never seen before. It's scary as hell." Dean chuckled. Castiel was silent for a minute.

"I'm just a stupid kid compared to what you're probably used to, I just feel like I'll be disappointing." Cas mumbled reluctantly.

"You could not possibly disappoint me. I don't think you have a disappointing bone in your body." Dean said seriously. "Also, I would be willing to bet that you get a lot more action than I do anyway." He shrugged.

Cas sat in thought for a moment.

"But hey," Dean snapped him out of his trance, "my offer still stands. We don't have to do anything if you don't want to, we can just hang out like our normal dates. No big deal." Dean grabbed one of his hands, tracing his knuckles with a finger. Castiel looked at him as he smiled softly. He had decided.

Cas grasped the back of Dean's neck and pulled him into a kiss, scooting closer to him.

"Should we move this to the back?" He whispered against Dean's lips.

"Are you sure?" He asked, caressing the younger boys face in his hands. Cas nodded as he leaned their foreheads together.


Castiel straddled Dean's lap, grinding down into him as their lips fought for dominance. Dean's hands grasped Castiel's hips tightly as he bucked slightly up into them. He took the younger boys gasp as an opening to slide his tongue into Castiel's mouth. They savored the taste of each other, slowly running their tongues against one another's.

Dean slowly lifted Castiel from where their hips slotted together onto the slender boy's back, knees on either side of his hips.

"This looks familiar." Dean chuckled softly. Cas looked up at him quizzically.

"The roles were reversed that time, but yep, seems about where we were after that party." Dean said smirking. Cas seemed to realize all at once what he was referring to. He blushed furiously.

"I can't believe I did that to you." He mumbled as he covered his eyes with his forearm. "I can't believe I don't even REMEMBER it." He muttered again. He felt Dean tug his arm away, and when he looked up, he was met by Dean's striking green eyes.

"You want me to jog your memory?" He said mischievously. The look in his eyes made Castiel's stomach churn with excitement and he nodded slowly, biting his lip subconsciously.

"Well, first, you kissed me like this," Dean presser his lips to Castiel's passionately, swiping his tongue across the boy's bottom lip and parting his lips as he entered. "Then, you showed me all your pretty tattoos," He pulled up, lifting his shirt over his head and tossing it to the front. "Then," he began placing hot, wet kisses to Cas's neck, making him arch his back. Dean used this as an opportunity to slide his hands underneath his back and into his sweater, cradling his delicate waist. Castiel's breaths quickly became labored and erratic as Dean sucked harder on the soft skin of his neck.

He unlatched and swiped his tongue over the fresh mark on Cas's neck, "Then, you kissed me right here," he lifted the hem of the sweater and leaned down, placing a kiss directly above Cas's jeans. As he ran his fingers along the top of the denim fabric, he glanced up at a very flustered Castiel. His cheeks were a dark pink, he had a hand tangled in his fluffy, raven hair, and when Dean stopped his motions, he glanced up with lidded eyes.

"Is this okay?" Dean asked, nodding to his restless fingers dusting over the fixtures of Castiel's jeans. The boy nodded and swallowed thickly, eyes closing briefly as he tried to recover from the previous events.

"Are you sure? Like 100%?" Dean pressed on. Cas propped himself up on an elbow suddenly and pulled Dean into a chaste kiss.

He pulled away, long, pale fingers stroking Dean's cheek. He moved to place two fingers under each side of Dean's chin, gripping it firmly as he gazed into his eyes. "I, Castiel Novak, am giving you my full consent," he smiled, "now kindly fuck me into next week." He growled darkly.

His dark tone and the soft rumble of his voice made Dean's cock twitch with anticipation.

Wasting no time, he quickly unfurled Castiel's jeans, dragging them down and tossing them beside their discarded shoes and Dean's shirt.

"You didn't get this far," Dean began massaging Castiel's hipbones and kissing the exposed skin around his underwear, "but I think I can fill in the blanks of where you were going." He said slyly as he began sliding the black boxer-briefs down his slender legs. They joined the growing pile up front.

Castiel shivered in the chill of air, but it soon turned to a small convulsion of pleasure as he felt a tongue and lips on the inside of his now exposed thigh. Cursing softly and gripping Dean's shoulders, Castiel closed his eyes and let the back of his head thunk against the leather seat, his grip tightening as he felt the mouth that was previously nursing the skin of his inner thigh now sinking over the tip of his throbbing erection.

"Dean," he moaned, much to the older's pleasure. As the older sucked and swirled, Castiel began to subconsciously realize something. Of course his mind was hazy with ecstasy, however he would notice later on that the more he fell apart for Dean, the more dominant he became. Dean was normally very sweet and caring, often seemingly a little unsure of himself; however, as Castiel relinquished more and more control, Dean snatched up every bit of it. And, much to his surprise, Castiel liked it.

When the older finally popped up, stopping when Castiel was on the very edge, he had a look in his eye that Cas had never seen. This was dark, mischievous, maybe even a little twisted. It made Castiel shiver.

"So beautiful," Dean hummed as he ran his large hands up and down Castiel's torso, then down and under his thighs. Cas's pink, fuzzy, sweater-encased hands shot up to his cheeks to hide his red face. Dean's hands soon pried them away.

Dean looked down at the boy underneath him. "You look so cute in your sweater, baby." He said huskily, eyes still scanning every inch of the younger boy.

"T-thank you." Cas stuttered squeakily. He didn't know why Dean could make him forget how to thread two thoughts together.

Dean began unbuckling his belt slowly, sliding it from the loops and discarding it. He unzipped his worn jeans and kissed Castiel's knee-bent legs lazily.

"Are you okay? Is this okay?" Dean said, momentarily loosing his dark demeanor. Castiel smiled sweetly up at him and nodded, kissing him softly. When they pulled away, that look was back, and Dean held two fingers up to Castiel's lips.

"You mind helping me out, sweetheart?"

Cas readily obliged, taking Dean's outstretched fingers into his mouth and loading them with as much saliva as he could muster. After they were sufficiently lubricated, Dean pulled them out and reached down to prep Castiel for the main event.

Cas hissed at the burning sensation of being stretched open. A third finger, then a fourth went in, opening Castiel up in preparation.

Dean pulled away, and Cas gasped at the loss. The man above him began shimmying down both his jeans and his underwear. His erection popped out, thumping against his stomach at the release from its constraints. Castiel gulped nervously.

How the hell is that thing going to fit...?

Sensing his hesitation, Dean stroked his cheek gently.

"Hey, I'll go slow, okay?" He said, smiling at Cas. The younger boy nodded, his heart fluttering at the delicacy with which Dean cared for him. He heard the telltale ripping of a condom's foil wrapper before it was discarded. Dean slid it into himself, wanting to keep Castiel as safe as possible.

He sat up, sliding his hands down Castiel's torso and underneath his upper thighs as he propped the boy up into his lap. He lined himself up and pushed in as slowly as he could muster. Cas's breath hitched as he was filled once more. Dean took a moment for them both to adjust before he leaned out and pushed back in once more, feeling that he was going agonizingly slow, but not wanting to hurt Cas. He repeated this action a few more times and with each pseudo-thrust, he could feel Castiel's muscles relaxing. As he pushed in once more, he felt Cas's hand grip his upper arm a little more forcefully than before.

"Move." He groaned. Dean wasted no time.

The man began quickening his pace, angling himself higher so that he could sink deeper into Castiel. He began slamming into the petite boy.

"Nnnn-oh FUCK, DEAN," Castiel moaned, LOUD. Dean silently cheered as he began repeatedly hitting the spot he had now discovered, that particular bundle of nerves that caused Cas to melt in his arms.

As they continued to build up tension, Castiel soon felt the sensation like a hot coil pressurizing in his stomach. He tapped Dean's arm gently.

"I'm gon-AHH," by the time the warning had begun to leave his lips, white liquid was already spurting out of him as he clenched and convulsed around Dean's length.

The sight of Castiel writhing in pleasure-neck exposed, back arching, a hand tangled roughly in his hair, open mouthed, and absolutely gorgeous-sent him over the edge. He released into the latex surrounding his cock and gave a few more hearty thrusts before pulling out, breaths labored and erratic.

"Shit." Cas breathed. Dean chuckled.

"I second that." He said softly, flipping them around to gingerly place Castiel on top of his chest. The smaller boy snuggled in.

"Cuddles are a requirement, by the way, you can never get out of it as long as you're with me." Dean said as he stroked Castiel's hair.

"I wouldn't want it any other way." Cas sighed contentedly.

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