I Need You (SansxFrisk)

By Sarahlatte

60.4K 886 1.8K

This is a Frans story, so please don't read it if you're here to make rude comments or you don't support the... More

Christmas (Pt.2)
Goodbye, Frans
Drama and Determination
The Meeting
Prison Visit
Losing Hope
The Second Meeting
Papyrus' Brain
Sans is back!
Gerson's Messages
Our Dose of Undertale Pics and Gifs
The RV
Discovering Wattpad
The Safe Place
The Other Humans
The Final Chapter
Ask Frans!
Dare 1 - GrayWolfie12

The New Guy

7.9K 78 395
By Sarahlatte

Sans was chilling on the couch when he heard a knock on the door.

He opened the door and saw a tall girl. He shook his head. Frisk?

"K-kid?" Frisk gave him a big hug. "Sans!" She said excitedly. "I missed you!"

Frisk looked a bit different from the last time he had seen her. She had her hair grown out, although she kept her bangs. She also had freckles and wore black overalls over her signature striped sweater.

Sans hugged Frisk back and looked over her shoulder to see another girl. Sans scoffed. "What's she doing here?"

"I'm different now, okay? I'm not the same Chara as before. I've changed!" Chara blurt out. Frisk nodded. "It's true, Sans."

Chara had light brown short hair with a little braid. She wore an off shoulder, long sleeved shirt with thick black straps. It was her signature colors, green and cream. She would look kinda pretty if she wasn't a murderer.

Sans gritted his teeth. "Alright, but I'm keeping an eye socket on you, okay?" Chara nodded. "I understand."

Frisk cleared her throat. "Oh, by the way, there's someone I'd like you to meet." She stepped to the side to reveal a boy.

He had shaggy black hair that fell right above his bright green eyes. He wore a dark green camo hoodie and had his hands stuffed in his pockets. He had pale skin and something about him was off putting to Sans.

Sans raised an eyebrow and stuck out his hand, which, to Frisk's surprise, didn't have a whoopee cushion in it.

He shook Sans' hand firmly. Maybe a bit TOO firm. "I'm Blake. I'm Frisk's boyfriend. She's told me a lot about you." Sans managed to mask his momentary shock. "I'm Sans."

Sans was a bit disappointed. He'd had a crush on Frisk ever since he'd laid eyes on her, which was about 10 years ago. Whew, time flies. Sans let go of Blake's hand.

Frisk coughed to break the silence, but it caused the silence to remain after she coughed. Chara then asked "Where's Papyrus?"

Sans gritted his teeth. "Why do YOU wanna know? Wanna chop off his head again?" He said in disgust. Chara sighed. "Look, I understand why you hate me, but what do I have to do in order to gain your trust?"

Sans' eye glowed. Chara took a tiny step back. Papyrus came running down the stairs. When he saw them, his eye lights turned to stars. "HUMANS?"

He ran over and picked up Frisk into a bear hug. "I'VE MISSED YOU, HUMAN FRISK! HOW HAVE YOU BEEN? YOU HAVE GOTTEN SO TALL!" Frisk hugged back. "I've been living my own life on the surface and meeting new people. I've missed you, Papy!"

Papyrus then picked up Chara and bear hugged her too. "I'VE MISSED YOU AS WELL, HUMAN CHARA! IT'S NICE TO SEE YOU!
HAVE YOU CHANGED YET?" Chara smiled. "As a matter of fact, yes Papyrus, I have. Partially thanks to you."

Papyrus set down Chara and put his hands to his cheekbones. "WOWIE!" He turned to Sans. "SEE BROTHER, I TOLD YOU THAT ANYONE COULD CHANGE!"

Sans chuckled. "Heh, I guess I was wrong, bro." He pulled out a tiny electric fan from his pocket. "Fan-tastic job." Papyrus screeched and Blake rolled his eyes. "NYEH? WHY MUST YOU RUIN THIS MOMENT WITH YOUR HORRENDOUS PUNS?"

Papyrus then looked over to Blake. "WOWIE! ANOTHER HUMAN? WHAT IS YOUR NAME?" Blake faked a smile and stuck out a hand. "I'm Blake. Nice to meet you."

Papyrus then asked "Do you guys have anywhere to stay?" Frisk responded "Actually, no, we don't. We got evicted from our apartment." She coughed while glancing at Blake. Blake rolled his eyes.

"YOU GUYS CAN STAY WITH US THEN!" Papyrus offered. Sans was about to protest, but Frisk said "If you don't mind, that would be great. Thanks, Papy." She then hugged Papyrus.

Sans sighed and  then asked "Hey Paps, don't you have an interview with Mettaton? You should get going or you'll be late." Papyrus said "NYEH! YOU'RE RIGHT! FAREWELL, SANS AND HUMANS! UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN!" He then sprinted out the door.

Sans looked at the car they had came in, which looked rather expensive. He asked "Who's car is that?" Blake said "Mine." Sans faked a grin. "Nice car." He took a mental note of the license plate number. He didn't trust this guy.

"So, uh... Why don't we talk about room arrangements? I'll take the couch," Sans volunteered. Blake selfishly commented "Frisk and I can take your room, then." Sans glares at him but directed his gaze to Chara. "I guess you'll sleep on the couch next to me, because you're NOT sleeping in the same room as my bro." Chara nodded.

Sans snapped his fingers, causing the house to rumble and a mini tornado of garbage to appear in the corner of the room. "You can bring your stuff into the room then. Do ya need any help?" Blake hastily shook his head.

Chara quickly ran out and grabbed a tiny backpack, placing it next to the couch. Then Frisk and Blake walked out together.

They stood outside the car, and out of Sans' sight. "Ugh, why do we have to stay HERE? Don't you have any HUMAN friends?" Frisk pouted. "Not in this area. I really trust these guys. If you hate monsters so much, why don't you leave?" Blake backhanded Frisk, causing her cheek to swell a little and turn red. "Watch what you say, sweetheart." He then carried his luggage in, leaving Frisk to get hers.

Blake had hurried up to the room, and when Frisk walked in, Sans patted her shoulder and whispered "If he tried anything, tell me." Frisk sighed and smiled at Sans. "Thanks for the concern, but he won't try anything. We've been dating for almost a year now." Sans sighed. "If ya says so."

Chara reentered the room wearing a short sleeved green shirt with a huge black heart in the center and black pajama pants with a green heart pattern. Sans sat on the couch, and Chara awkwardly sat on the opposite side. "You tired, kid?" Chara shook her head.

Sans turned on the TV. He then looked over at Chara. "Hey... um, Kid?" She looked questioningly at him. "What is it?" Sans cleared his throat. "Can you tell me a bit about... Blake?" Chara nodded.

"Well, him and Frisk have been together for about 11 months. He's had a ton of girlfriends before her, all of which he's broken up with, not the other way around. They met on the college campus. He was nice to her for the first month, but slowly got worse, starting with insults and to physical harm. Frisk won't break up with him, either out of fear or she believes he can be better. I personally don't think he can. I hate him, to be honest."

Chara whispered the last sentence. Sans sighed. "That's what I thought. Thanks, kiddo." He thought about Frisk and turned a bit blue.

Chara noticed and asked "You like her, don'cha?" Sans jolted up. "N-NO!" Chara sighed. "It's rather obvious, but Blake's a bit dense. He wouldn't notice. And Frisk will probably find another way to term your overprotectiveness."

Sans released the breath he'd been holding in. "I guess it can't be helped. Yeah, I do like the kiddo. Ever since I'd laid eyes on her. But she'll never like me back. She's too... perfect. And so caring, kind, beautiful, angelic..." Sans rambled for a bit and Chara just grinned while looking at him.

Sans snapped out of his rambling trance. "Oh, um, Sorry kid. Got a bit carried away. I've felt a bit bonely without her here, heh." Chara smiled. "Understandable. It's alright. She's here now." Sans grinned. "Whaddya wanna watch?" He asked while pointing to the TV. Chara grinned evilly. "Horror movie." Sans nodded and grinned evilly as well. Soon, they fell asleep.

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