Yandere Malak x Female Reader...

By rainbowcart0405

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Y/n l/n was an (age) year old girl who had a happy life and a loving family. However, you had committed a sin... More

Welcome To Bierce's Ballroom
Malak's POV
Game Area 1: Monkey Business
Malak's POV
Malak's POV
Author's Note
Game Area 3: Deadly Decadence
Malak's POV
Game Area 4: Stranger Sewers
Malak's POV
Game Area 5: Crazy Carnevil
Malak's POV
Story On Hold (For Now...)

Game Area 2: Elementary Evil

9.5K 164 195
By rainbowcart0405

(Y/n's POV)

After that super brief, but suspicious, conversation between Bierce and the mysterious Malak, you went to the next nightmare portal that had just now opened. You then jumped inside and walked down the same creepy corridor like before, except as you reached the end you saw a red barrier that was blocking the entrance of the next nightmare.

"Hmm...it appears that Malak has blocked the entrance, I don't think he likes you very much.", Bierce says to you out of nowhere. "How am I suppose to get though this?", you asked her scared and a bit annoyed.

"Go to the ring alter. I can unlock the power to boost your speed for brief periods of time.", Bierce explains to you. You went back the way you came and entered the ballroom again.

Following Bierce's instructions, you went up to the ring alter and are granted the power of super speed from the statue. "Now use it wisely dearie. And don't thank me - we'll work that out later.", Bierce says as you once again go though the portal.

Once inside, you used the speed boost power, that Bierce granted you, to break the barrier and enter the next nightmare world. As soon as you got inside, you saw that this place looked like an old elementary school building, but it was thundering and raining outside, which spooked you up greatly as you have a fear of thunder.

Just then, Bierce's voice calls out to you saying, "Don't you ever miss your school days? After all, it was the last time you were innocent." This jogged a bit of memory in your brain, recalling when you first met your former best friend at a elementary school that almost looked like the one your in currently.

You decided to shake it off and continued your quest as you walked down the creepy entrance, only to be greeted by another red barrier. "Another barrier. You know what to do.", Bierce says again, as if she had just read your mind.

Using the speed boost again, you dashed straight through the barrier, breaking it. Suddenly you come across a old, broken, and damaged school bus that appeared to have came crashing into the building at high speed.

This sent chills down your spine as your mind was signaling red flags inside your brain and telling you to turn back now. But since the portal back to the ballroom was closed and won't open until you get all the soul shards from this world, you had to keep going, so you continued.

As you were walking, you saw red messages that looked like they were written in blood saying 'Welcome Students!' all over the walls. 'I got a bad feeling about this...', you thought to yourself as you finally reached the end of the long hallway.

You opened the doors and saw that you were in a old auditorium. As you walked, you saw that some of the chairs were knocked over and/or broken.

Suddenly, the door that you came through slammed shut behind you, causing you to jump in fear and surprise. 'Ugh! I always hate it when that happens!', you said angrily to yourself as you continued to reach the stage.

When you finally made it, a spotlight turned on in the middle of the stage and you saw another creepy drawing of the same symbol like on the portal that your in now. Then you heard faint music playing in the background as, out of know where, a demon- like girl appeared on the stage. (Picture above)

"Oh, hi there! You must be (Y/n)! My names Agatha! I'm so excited to finally meet my new mother! Welcome!", the strange girl named Agatha says to you sweetly. "Uh...I'm sorry but, what's going on here? And why did you call me your 'mother'!?", you said confused as you were curious as to why this girl called you mother when you didn't have a daughter.

Agatha just laughed as if you were just playing with her and said, "What are you talking about? Of course your my new mother! Daddy wouldn't lie to me! You must have been tricked by that vile witch, Bierce! But, don't worry! Once daddy's plan works, we'll all become one big happy family! Isn't that great?!" You were now completely terrified of this girl, so you tried to quietly sneak by Agatha, while she was continuing her dialogue about how she finally has a 'mother' after so long and how much fun you two were going to have together. 

But, just as you were about to reach the exit, a chair suddenly fell to the ground with a loud thud. Agatha soon stops talking and turned to see you trying to reach the door that leads outside. 

"Mommy...? Were you trying to LEAVE me?!", she says in a demonic voice that shook you to your core. You slowly turned around to face her and said fearfully, "W-what? N-no of c-course n-not..." 

Unfortunately, Agatha wasn't buying it and angrily said, "LIAR!! Your trying to leave me and daddy alone and steal my dollies! Well, I won't let you!! I won't let you escape me!! Your going to stay here and were going to be a family!! Even if I have to use some persuasion..." Then, she disappeared in a puff of smoke and the lights went out in the auditorium. 

You were very scared and a bit confused by what Agatha just said to you, so without a second thought, you scurried out of the room through the now-opened door. As you ran, you started to collect the soul shards that were scattered all around the terrifying school grounds. 

"You can't hide from me forever! I'll find you!", Agatha screams out to you as you desperately tried to hide from the crazed school girl. 'Jeez...why does this girl think I'm her mother or something?', you said to yourself as you continued on your quest.

*Time-skip to after getting all the soul shards and avoiding Agatha's wrath later...* 

You've managed to gather all the shards from this evil school-like hell and escaped from Agatha multiple times, even when she was right around the corner. This was either a coincidence or just good luck, but nevertheless, you made it and were currently heading back to where the statue was when you first arrived to get back to the portal. 

When you finally saw the statue in one of the courtyards that you were in before, the door that leads to in suddenly slams shut. Then, Agatha appears in front of the door but she looks a bit different then the last time you saw her. 

Agatha looked like herself, but her eyes were now glowing red and her white underskirt she wore was also turned red. "I welcome you here with open arms and I tried so hard to be the loving daughter you dreamed of having, but you don't care! You don't want to be my new mother, you just want to steal all my things and never come back! You're a big... bad person!", Agatha says in an enraged voice. 

You tried your best to calm the angry girl down and find a way to convince Agatha to open the door she's still blocking, but to no avail. Then, she says something to you in a super creepy voice that literally freaks you out, "Now you're in BIG trouble. You've made Daddy mad too..." 

Agatha then disappears after saying that to you and the door soon opens again. But, standing in front of the statue, was the same creature you saw earlier, only it now looked more like a humanoid version of itself. 

"End of the road, my dear.", the demon says to you in a creepy, flirtatious way. It then transforms in a reaper-like form and begins to come at you in full force. 

You then start to run away, with the help of the speed boost ring, in order to escape the monster. "Move faster! Malak's here!", Bierce warns to you as you continued to run. 

As you continued to run, you accidentally tripped some fake portals set by Agatha to alert her 'daddy' of your whereabouts. "My love, why do you continue this worthless pursuit anyway? That old hag is only just using you to get what she wants and after that she'll leave you to suffer. Why don't you just give up and come with me. I'll make you the most happiest woman in the underworld and treat you like a queen.", Malak says to you in a calm voice that would make any woman run into his arms in an instant. 

But, you weren't one of those types of girls. You were determined to earn a new life for yourself, no matter the consequences or actions you make along the way. 

You then finally made it back to the auditorium where you first met Agatha. You were going to walk back through the door you came into, when Agatha suddenly pops out of nowhere and stops you in your tracks. 

"Going somewhere?", she says in a taunting manner before locking the door again. Agatha then appears in front of you with her anger showing through her glowing red eyes. 

"You! You'll never escape! I won't allow you to leave me or daddy alone and take all my friends away from me, mommy!", Agatha says in a deranged angry voice as she begins to walk closer to your frightened form. Then, as if god had faith in you again, the door suddenly opened again. 

"It's open!", Bierce says to you, as she apparently got the door unlocked again. With no time to waste, you speed boosted out of there and made it to the real portal. 

"Bierce stay out of my room! Your'e both cheating! Mommy come back!", Agatha cries out in anger and sadness as you jumped through the portal and made it back to the ballroom. "Oh you poor dear! Look at you! You're all shooked up! Here, let me get you some tea. That always soothes me whenever I'm like you.", Bierce says as she vanished to another room leaving you all alone in the ballroom.

You begin to reflect of what happened back there, but also what Malak said to you as he hunted you down. 'That Malak dude really creeps me out. Especially when he acts all lovey dovey around me. I mean... what's up with that?!', you said to yourself as you decided to rest before Bierce gets back to send you to the next nightmare. 

However, you failed to notice a certain demon watching you, as you laid resting with sinister intentions for you... 

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