Olympian Truth or Dare

By AlphaOfWolves7

51.9K 1K 375

I do not own this it is from fan fiction.net and I moved it here. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 12

1.4K 34 4
By AlphaOfWolves7

Athena's POV

I was pacing back and forth in my room, trying to figure out what Poseidon was going to ask me. Since I was a fair goddess, I wasn't going to go eavesdrop on all them to figure it out. I wasn't worried though. Despite the fact I wasn't allowed to lie, I could probably smooth talk my way out of whatever question they all decided to ask me. The reason I had decided to do this at all was because it made the game more amusing for me.

So far, everyone had been painfully predictable with all the dares and questions. The game, quite frankly, was starting to get repetitive. We take turns going around in a circle and, whoevers turn it was, would try to embarrass their least favorite person in the room. I bet Poseidon was starting to feel a bit stressed with that time limit I had given him. I didn't have to allow the others help him but, as I said, it made the game more interesting for me. A bit more unpredictable.

I was mentally keeping track of the time and it was at precisely 4 minutes, 53 seconds, 22 deciseconds and 56 milliseconds. Of course, it was changing even as I thought of it. I decided though, I would go ahead and get going. Since I know the speed of my materializing I should be able to get back to the kitchen at exactly five minutes. Entering my immortal form, I traveled through the air faster than a mortal can even comprehend.

When I got to the kitchen, it was exactly 5 minutes down to the millisecond. Perfect.

"I trust you all were able to figure out a question?" I asked, a smug smile tugging at the tip of my lips. Judging by the way Poseidon was grinning, I'd say it was a yes. He glanced at Apollo, who gave him a thumbs up, and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. How obvious were they trying to make themselves? Apollo was clearly the one who gave Poseidon the question. Oh well, this should be interesting.

"So, Athena." Poseidon said. "What was the last lie you told Zeus?"

I felt my smile waver ever so slightly. Zeus' eyes narrowed and he looked at me from across the table as if to say, "You have better not have lied to me."

"Well," I said. Hmm, I better play down the lie or give him a convincing reason I didn't tell him the truth. "It was just a little white lie I told him because I didn't feel like worrying him. The lie had been about one of the minor godlings, a child of Eris I believe, his name was Demitri. For a while, he had planned to go against Zeus. Of course, there was no way such an insignificant god like him could have hoped to succeed. Still, to be on the safe side, I made sure he failed."

I smiled a bit sadistically.

Oh, Demitri, that little fool. He never stood a chance.

"I would've liked to have known about that." My father, Zeus, mumbled. I shrugged.

"I didn't want to get you riled up over such a small nuisance, so I just didn't tell you about him." I said.

"It's not like you neglected to tell him," Poseidon said, clearly irked that I hadn't got in trouble like he had hoped. "You flat out lied about it."

My father stared at me for a few minutes, as if deciding what to do with me.

"...What happened to Demitri?" He finally asked. This caught me off guard.


"Demitri, Eris' son, what happened to him?" Zeus asked again, with a bit more emphasis.

"He was dealt with." I replied with my automatic, cryptic response. I wisely left it open for their own minds to decide what had happened to the foolish child of Eris. By doing this, it always left gods uneasy around me as they are left unsure of what I'm capable of.

Several of the gods shifted uncomfortably. Good, just the response I want. It let's me know I still have an edge over them.

"...Er, what exactly did you do to him?" Apollo finally asked, looking like he dreaded the question.

I grinned. "Let's just say he won't be causing trouble for us anymore."

"Enough." Zeus boomed, glaring at me from across the table. I caught the message in his eyes.

"I know what you're doing, drop the power play right now."

I folded my hands and placed them on the table. "Yes, father," I replied obediently. It's not like I want to go against my father; in fact, it's quite the opposite. To be completely honest, I sort of revere him. He's not nearly as dumb as most mortals, or his brothers, think he is. In fact, as much as it annoys his brothers, they must admit even they know that their younger brother is smart. Though, that's not to say Poseidon and Hades aren't smart too. They're quite intelligent in fact. Now, if only one of those certain gods would use their intelligence over their bad temper, then I wouldn't feel the need to insult him(I'm obviously talking about Poseidon).

"Since we've gone in a full rotation, I guess it's your turn again Aphrodite." Zeus said. Aphrodite clapped her hands and squealed.

"That's right!"

Apollo's jaw dropped.

"B-But," he stuttered. "I thought that this was the last rotation."

I sighed through my nose. Did that idiot honestly think that?

"Don't be silly!" Aphrodite chided him in a playful tone. "We will be doing five rotations in all; ten if things go well."

So, she does have a stopping point in this game. I was wondering if we were just going to keep going on and on until she got bored.

Artemis' jaw dropped too. "Five rotations?!"

"Ten if things go well." Aphrodite replied, her smiling never wavering.

"Define well." Hades muttered. Before someone could reply, Hermes came bursting into the room with a panicked look.

"Guys, I have some bad news!"

Hermes' POV

"Guys, I have some bad news!" I said, looking at my family with a scared expression. Oh man, oh man! If only they had saw what I had just saw. Then they would be scared too.

"What's wrong?" Zeus asked.

"It's... Ares!" I screeched almost girly enough to sound like Aphrodite. That's how disturbing it was.

"Yes!" Hephaestus suddenly shouted, leaping into the air. I bet he would be grinning if his face wasn't so disfigured. "Has something horrible happened to him?"



"But not how your thinking." I said quickly. His face fell. Quietly, he sat back down in his seat and acted like nothing had happened, except for occasionally muttering something to himself.

"What happened to Ares?" Hera asked.

"He became..." I paused for dramatic effect.

Everyone leaned in close.

"...A brony!" I said, holding up my hands in a theatrical way. The reactions were priceless. Artemis and Queen Hera's nose wrinkled in disgust, Hades just about had a heart attack and Poseidon was practically dancing in his seat.

"Yes! A fellow brony!" Poseidon cheered. Everyone stared at him.

"Please don't tell me..." Hades gasped, clutching his heart. "My own brother is a—" Cue choking noises. "—brony!"

"Okay, then I won't." Poseidon replied, grinning like a madman.

"Nooooooo!" Hades cried, slipping out of his seat in some weird Wizard of Oz, Wicked Witch of the West, fashion. Everyone looked at him wearily.

"Is he okay...?" I asked, legitimately concerned. I've never seen him act that way before. Persephone sighed, leaning her head against her hand in a bored manor.

"Oh, he's had problems with My Little Pony in the past." She said. "I got the other god's in the Underworld addicted to it once and they couldn't stop watching it. It drove Hades crazy."

"No... more... singing... PONIES!" Hades screeched, desperately trying to curl up in the shadows, like he wished he could disappear forever. I considered filming Hades for a moment when I thought better of it. Hades would never let me get away with it if he figured out.

"Will he be alright?" I asked.

Hades scrunched himself up in a fetal position.

"He'll be fine." Persephone said, waving her hand dismissively.


It was then we noticed Aphrodite tapping her foot impatiently.

"Uh-hem! Don't I get to go?" Aphrodite asked.

"In just a minute," Zeus replied, making her pout(might I just say that she looks really cute when she pouts). "Hermes, where is Ares now?"

"He's having a MLP Marathon with Hebe and some other minor godlings." I said. More dying noises from Hades.

"But what about the game?" Hera hissed. I shook my head.

"He says he'd rather watch MLP than play Truth or Dare." I said, sitting down in my seat. "So... can we just go ahead and start without him? I'm getting bored."

Queen Hera glanced at King Zeus for a second who just shrugged. Then she looked back at me and sighed reluctantly. "Fine."

"Yay!" Aphrodite cheered, clapping her hands. "I have some great questions and dares."

Leto's POV

I was really, really beginning to hate my son's world.

The gods came charging at me from every angle and I knew even I couldn't take them all head on, despite fighting a 100,000 monsters at the Final Battle of the Titan War. So, I did the only thing I could do.

I leapt up into the air and used one of the god's backs as a springing board to propel myself into the air. I landed several feet away from the crowd and took off running. Look, I'm no coward but I'm not an idiot either. No way am I going to fight dozens of crazy gods who wish to tear me apart.

"Baby pleaaase don't gooooooooo!" Poseidon sang. Without stopping, I scooped a rock off the ground and threw it at his face.

"Shut-up before we get in trouble for copyright!" I shouted.

"That doseeeen't rhyme with gooooo, you knooooooow?" Eunostus, goddess of the flour mill, sang. I scowled. Who said we had to rhyme when we speak? It's bad enough that we have to sing to each other.

I'm going to have a very serious talk with Apollo when I get back.

"Hey!" I cried out as something wrapped around my legs and tripped me. I turned around quickly to look at my legs. Wha— angry grass?! Ugh, stupid grass spirits. Before I could even cut the grass, I was surronded by the music crazed gods. I smiled weakly.

"Hello, guys. You mind singing me a song first?" I asked, hoping to buy some time. Hebe bounced up and down and nodded.

"We can siiiiiing about tearing you apaaaaart!"

"Uh... No. That's a bad idea." I said. Then I realized something. "Wait a sec, she didn't rhyme!"

They all looked at each other. "Is Hebeeee supooooose toooo?"

"Yes, that's what I thought!" I yelled accusingly. What, did they forget their rule or something?

"Youuuuuu don't haaaaaave tooooo rhyyyyme. It just makes siiiiiinging easieeeeeerrrr." Poseidon replied, shrugging. This surprised me.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yep." Poseidon said. My jaw dropped.

"You just talked! Now I know you can't do that!" I shouted. Everyone turned and glared at him. He coughed.

"Nooooo-OOOO-oooo IIIIII diiiiiddddnnn't." Poseidon sang, sounding rather uneasy. "IIIIII'mmmmmm siiiiiiingiiiiinnnnng."

For whatever reason, the idiots bought it.

"Whatever." I said, deciding that they were all a lost cause. "Shouldn't you bring me before your 'King' before tearing me apart?"

They all considered this.

"Weeeee gueeeeeessss soooooo," Dike sang.

"So, leeet's goooooo." Poseidon sang, grabbing my arm. Slowly, everyone began to march me towards the direction of the Olympian Council building, more silent than they had been when I arrived(it was actually pretty nice). Of course, this meant I had plenty of time to observe the scenery. It wasn't pretty.

There were so many colors I was starting to wonder if I was high. Did Apollo assign Iris, the goddess of the rainbows, as the new Olympus designer or something?

Not to mention there were these weird animals flying around that looked like they could only come from my son's disturbed mind. Seriously, I've seen Pokémon that didn't look this bizarre. We even passed by a giant floating baby head, although no one else seemed to know what it was doing here either. That concerned me slightly.

At long last, we got to the Olympian Council. Well, at least it looks normal on the outside. Maybe Apollo knows better than to mess with it.

"IIIII'LLLLL taaaaakeee it from heeeeeere." Ares sang, yanking my arm away from Poseidon, rather forcefully.

"Ouch." I muttered. The gods materialized away and I was left alone with Ares. Now is my chance to beat him up... but, this was also a chance to get good footage of Apollo, the King of the Gods. Well... I guess I'll let him lead me in.

As I expected, he opened the cruise ship sized doors and dragged me inside. M jaw dropped.

...Maybe Apollo didn't know better than to mess with the Council.

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I DO NOT OWN THIS. ALL CREDIT GOES TO KachuFuugetsu on AsainFanfics.com. Thank you
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I do not own this story I found it at fan fiction.com and I don't own twilight
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