Chapter 6

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Apollo's POV

After the steak was thrown at mom's head, all of Hades was unleashed(Uncle H says I should stop using that term but I just can't help it. Does, 'And all Underworld was released' sound as good? Nope, I didn't think so). After this huge cat fight, we decided that mom and Uncle P would switch places. Mom was only sitting for a second before she got up.

"Well, I'm off." she told us.

"What?!" I cried. "You can't leave yet mommy!"

"Sure I can," she said shrugging. "Besides, I have an alternative universe to go too."

Arty rolled her eyes. "Mom, you are so lying."

Leto frowned. "Who said I was lying?"

"Nobody needed too." Ares said gruffly, leaning back in his chair like he is oh-so-macho. "We know that that's not possible."

"Mortals don't think we're possible," she argued. "Yet, here we are."

"I still call bull on this one." he replied, shrugging.

"Whatever. I don't need your approval." Leto said. Then she went to walk out the door.

"Wait! But what about your dare?" I asked.

"I would have liked too, but I promised Hecate I would check out this dimension." Leto told us.

"And you don't dare Leto because...?" Athena asked me, giving me the look like I'm suppose to know something. Why don't I...? Oh! It's my turn!

"Real quick mom: Truth or dare?" I asked. Knowing my mommy so well I already had the dare in mind.

"Dare." she shrugged as if it didn't matter either way to her(which, it did).

"I dare you to go to a dimension where I'm king of the gods!" I proclaim proudly.

"That's a horrible image." Athena grumbled. What a grump. Why does she always have to be so grumpy? She's like dad on his bad days(which is every day).

"I want you to bring proof too." I added. I looked at Heph and he nodded once and tossed her a camera that he got out of his belt(A/N it's like Leo's belt).

"A world were you rule..." my father said nervously. Hades shuddered.

"Terrifying." he said. I frowned.

"You guys are such bullies." I whined. Mom said good-bye and materialized out of the room.

"So, who's turn is it now?" I asked. My sister wore a feral grin.

"Why, it's my turn dear brother!" Artemis said, the weird smile never leaving her face. Huh, I wonder what she is up too...

"Apollo, truth or dare?" she asked. Huh... wait! Who, what?! I looked around to see if anyone knew what was going on.

"She just dared you stupid." Athena said, rolling her eyes again.

"Oh, well... dare." I said, unsure. My sister just smirked and I could tell she was thinking, "Dare. How typical of a male to pick that. Boys are so fickle..." Twin telepathy. Nice huh? Okay... maybe it wasn't that but I know my sister well enough for it to be that.

"Well, I want you too..." her voice trailed off as she got ready to say it. "...To not tell haikus for a week and admit I'm older!"

Everybody groaned while I just sat there appalled. Wha- no haikus?! And admit that she's older? Never!

"Th-that's two dares!" I tried to argue. "That's cheating!"

"No it's not!" she argued.

"Yes it is!"

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