We Met in Starbucks (Harry St...

By harry_is_my_penguin

3.6K 198 49

What if what you have always dreamed of happening to you turns into a living nightmare of ups and downs. Well... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 12

167 8 1
By harry_is_my_penguin

Ashley's POV

It's been a few days ever since Harry asked me to be his girlfriend. And let me tell you something, it's been the greatest few days of my life! Harry is the perfect boyfriend a girl can ask for, well actually he is my first ever boyfriend, but no one can compare to him. He is sweet, caring, and very protective over me. Like yesterday we tried going shopping and this other guy kept staring at me, but Harry was too quick to put his arm around my waist as a sign to the other guy to back off. I thought that was rather sweet actually!

As soon as we got back from our first date, Harry woke all the guys up just to tell him that it was official between him and I. All the boys were so happy for us, except I couldn't help staring at Niall's expression. He looked very happy for us, but even I can look through that fake smile that he puts on whenever the subject of Harry and I comes up. Which makes me wonder what Niall actually feels about us, I mean is he jealous or what? Which is why I have to try and talk to him about it, but I have no idea when. My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a pair of strong arms wrapping around my waist from behind me.

"Hey babe are you ready to go?" Harry said to me while giving me a quick peck on the cheek.

"Yes I guess I am. And can you remind me where we are going to go again?"

"Well we are going to do some promos today for our new album and then we have a radio interview to do and then we have out concert today in Nashville," Harry said with a smile.

"Sounds great," I said to him and then before I could say anything else he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine that I immediatley kissed back to. Before the kiss could deepen any further, someone bursts throught the door.

"Guys please, I don't have to see you two sucking each others faces off every five minutes," Louis states blanky as he walks in with the rest of the boys trailing behind him.

"Oh shut up Louis," Harry states clearly pissed that Louis ruined our moment. I couldn't help smirking as I made my way over to where the other boys were standing. I decided to stand next to Niall which I immediatley regretted doing. For some reason I became very shy to talk to him and when I looked up at him I was getting lost again in those gorgeous blue eyes of his. "Ashley snap out of it, you're with Harry now. You can not be feeling this way towards Niall," I mentally say to myself as I looked down and my palms were sweaty and shaking with nervousness.

"Uhm, hi Niall," I said trying to hide the blush that was creeping up onto my face.

"Hi Ashley. Are you ready to have a busy day with us?" he asks while smiling down at me.

"As ready as I'll ever be," I say making us both laugh in unision. I then get this weird feeling in my stomach, but before I can find out what it is, Louis is tapping on my shoulder.

"What Louis?"

"Can you be my bus buddy today, I don't feel like sitting next to Zayn today," Louis asks me making his bottom lip pop out while Zayn is looking at him in disbelief.

"Louis that was mean, and besides Harry is my bus buddy and you know that," I say to Louis while wagging my finger in front of his face making it way clear that I was disappointed with what he said about Zayn.

"Fine I don't need you anyway! Soooooo Zayn-"

"Ohhhhhh nooooo way Louis, you blew it with me. I'm sitting with Niall this time and you can sit with Liam," Zayn said to Louis while crossing his arms over his chest with disapproval of him. Niall and I were just laughing at how miserable Louis looked and then Harry, Liam, and Zayn joined in as well.

"Yeah, because my pain is just so damn funny to you people," Louis said putting a fake hurt expression on his face.

"Don't worry Louis, I still like you," I said walking over to him and giving him a quick hug as he hugged me back.

"C'mon Ashley, lets get on the bus quickly before the fans start to sworm," Harry said guiding me to the door of our hotel room.

"Yeah you're probably right Harry, lets go guys before you all are late," I said to the boys instructively as Harry and I lead everyone out the door with Harry intertwining our fingers together. But as soon as we got to the exit of the hotel, there were already fans and paparazzi swarming around us. Harry was clutching onto my side as tightly as he could manage because he was afraid I would get lost in the crowd. We were able to get on without any problems and we were making ourselves comfortable on the bus as we were heading towards adventure for the day.


We got to wherever the promos were taking place for the day and we got that over with already. I have to admit, it was pretty hilarious watching the boys goof around as they were doing them. They had to get yelled at twice because of it and I couldn't help but laugh at them. But now we were on our way to the radio station where they were going to do some interviews.

We walk in and the boys all take their seats and put their headsets on. Harry gives me a quick peck on the lips and gestures for me to stand off to the side and watch them. I did as he instructed and as soon as I did, their interview was just starting.

"Hello Nashville, this is your radio host Mike Garrett and we have a special boyband with us today. Please give it up for One Direction everybody!"

"Hello," they all said simultaneously.

"So guys, how is the US been treating you on your third tour so far?"

"Its been really great so far. We always like coming to America on tour because we never really have the time to visit on a daily basis. And since it's a stadium tour, we get a better feel of what US stadiums are like in America," Zayn replied to the radio host.

"Have the fans change at all since the last time you came to America?"

"I don't think they've change in a way of that they have gotten crazier, but I think they have changed in a way as that they are more dedicated than our last tour. And considering that we have grown up a little more in our music, then I think they have grown with us and that is just incredible," Louis said.

"What about you Liam, any thoughts about how you interpret your fans?"

"I would have to agree with Louis because the fans have grown with us and our music. Our third album is a good example because it's far more different than our last two albums in terms of music and that's what we wanted. We wanted to break away from our boyband image and try to create a more mature content of music that grows with us as we ourselves get older and the fans really seem to appreciate that," Liam stated with a smile.

"Really great answers fellas and I'm sure your fans really appreciate them too. Now let's cut to the chase, who is taken in the group?" Mike said and Liam, Zayn, Louis, and now Harry raised their hands and that made me really happy.

"So Harry, you are usually one of the single ones in the group. Who is the lucky lady?"

"Well Mike I did recently obtain a new girlfriend and her name is Ashley," he said as he was making eye contact with me and smiling widely at me and I smiled back at him.

"Is that her over there?" Mike asked him.

"Yes that's her," he said as the camera that was recording them turned towards me. All of a sudden I got really nervous, so all I did was give a nervous wave to the camera and everyone including Harry was laughing. The camera then turned back to the boys and I was washed over with relief.

"So Harry, how does it feel being with your new girlfriend?" Mike asked him.

"It's really great Mike. Ashley is just perfect and I'm really glad that I got the chance to meet her," Harry said with a wide grin with his words making me blush.

"Well I'm glad you're enjoying your new relationship Harry. So Niall, that means you're the only single one in the group. Do you have your eye on anyone in particular?"

"Yeah I guess you can say that, but she is already with someone," Niall said with a frown.

"And who would that be by any chance?" And what Niall said next made my eyes widen.

"Just a friend," and I could have sworn out of the corner of his eye he was looking at me and Harry seemed to noticed too because he seemed to stiffen in his chair.

"Well there you have it folks, Harry is officially off the market and Niall is still looking for that lucky lady. That's all the time we have, thank you One Direction for coming out, I'm Mike Garrett and see you later."

"Bye" the boys said and then they were off the air. Mike shook their hands and said their goodbyes to him and we were about to head off. I wanted to talk to Niall, but before I could pull him aside, he brushed past me out the door as if to say he didn't want to talk. All the other guys seemed to sense the tension and just kept quiet as they followed where Niall stormed out and went towards where the tour bus was. Harry hung back and took my hand in his, but he seemed a little on edge as we walked together to the tour bus and he had a look of anger on his face.

We walked on the bus and everyone was in an uncomfortable silence. Niall must have gone to the way back of the bus because he wasn't with the rest of us. I had to get to the bottom of this with Niall and I right now, so I left Harry's side and went to the back of the bus to where Niall was sat listening to his music with the volume turned all the way up.

"Uh... Niall can we talk for a minute?" I asked him, but he avoided my gaze and made no effort to take off his earphones as he basically was just ignoring my presence. I was now getting angry with him, so now I was standing in front of him and I just took his earphones out of his ears and now I was waiting for him to speak.

"What do you want Ashley?" Niall said clearly annoyed with my presence and not in the mood to talk to me.

"I want to know what was up at the radio station. What did you mean when you said just a friend that you liked?" I said to him demanding an answer.

"Ashley, I really don't feel like talking about this right now," he said to me while getting up and starting to walk away from me but I grabbed his hand and pulled him back making him look into my eyes.

"Niall we have to talk about this. Like why are you constantly frowning at me whenever you see me with Harry or why you always seem like you're down about something or why you hinted at the radio station you like someone who is already taken and you narrowed your eyes towards me when you said it. Niall I gotta know, do you have feelings for me?" I said to him patiently waiting for an answer, but he was trying to squirm out of my grip on his hand but I wouldn't let him. He was just trying to look anywhere but me trying to avoid my question, but I wasn't going to leave until he gave me an answer.

"Do you have feelings for me Niall yes or no?"


Authors Note

Hey everybody, sorry I haven't been on lately. It's just because I've been wicked busy with school lately, but hopefully this update cheers you guys up. I would like to dedicate this chapter to @tabbyclan who recently got over 1k reads and because she constantly supports my book and is overall a great person. Hope you like this chapter and thanks for reading my book. Love you guys!


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