Anger, Hate and Suffering (Ne...

Door NiceGameEh

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This story follows... you, Y/N, as you live your life after a childhood of nothing but abuse and neglect. One... Meer

Fear Leads To Anger
The Start Of Beacon
Identity Revealed
Birth Of A Sith Lord
Will I Stay?
Happy Halloween!
A Visit
Forest Of Forever Fall
The Cave
A Galaxy Far Far Away
The Jedi Council

Sapphire vs Weiss

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Door NiceGameEh

Nice: Hey guys! So I left you with that cave last time, and now it's time for what, frankly, we all want.

Yami: You won't admit you want it, but you do want it.

Nice: That's right, it's a lovers feud!

Yami: TIme for Weiss to get her shot in the spotlight... Sorta.

Nice: Yeah... Sorta... Enjoy!


Y/n's POV

As Saph and I got off the Bullhead, I noticed that she hadn't let go of me since we left the cave. She still had a tight grip on my arm, so I figured her vision must have been what shook her up like this. As we walked towards the school, we saw Ozpin and Professor Goodwitch talking about something. I ignored them and focused on Sapphire. As we were walking through the halls, I had wrapped my arm around her to comfort her. As we neared her dorm, I saw Weiss walking by. She looked over at me with a slightly annoyed look. 

Y/n: Hello Weiss.

Weiss: Y/n.

Weiss kept walking by, looking agitated. I'd grown used to her usually bitter attitude, but it felt off for some reason. Putting the thought aside, for now, I took Saph to her dorm room. 

Y/n: Are you going to be ok now?

Sapphire: C-Could you stay with me for a bit?

I smiled, petting her head.

Y/n: Of course.

We both went inside her dorm, seeing Jessica and Matt were playing cards while Grey was chatting quietly with Lars. Percy and Connor were also here, doing their own things.

Y/n: Hey guys.

Connor: Sup?

Jessica: Y/n, Saph! Perfect timing! Wanna watch me destroy Matt?

Matt: Hey, you're not destroying me! I won the last game!

Jessica: I just let you win! Just watch!

Saph and I chuckled at their antics before sitting down. Connor kept looking over at us, giving me suggestive looks. 

Y/n: Alright Connor, just spit it out. What is it?

Connor: I didn't realize we had a couple in here!

Everyone suddenly froze, stopping what they were doing and staring at Connor with a shocked look. He looked at them all with a confused face.

Connor: What? Am I really the only one who noticed!?

Jessica: N-Noticed what exactly?

Connor: These two! They're totally a couple!

Connor was pointing in a very exaggerated way at us. Jessica and Matt both looked even more shocked now.

Matt: HUH!?

Jessica: Really!? Our shy little leader got a boyfriend before me!?

Sapphire was starting to blush heavily, trying to hide her embarrassment behind her hands. Lars and Percy looked over curiously at the commotion, while Grey didn't pay very much attention. He seemed to just be glancing over and listening slightly.

Sapphire: U-Um... W-Well, the thing is... U-Uhh...

Saph gave up on trying to explain, restoring to just falling onto her bed and hiding under her pillow. I sighed, walking over and sitting next to her.

Y/n: Still need me to stick around?

Saph glanced out from under the pillow, nodding, before hiding again. I smiled slightly, glancing over to the others. Jessica looked like she was analyzing this way too hard, Matt looked like he couldn't understand what was happening, and Connor was grinning like an idiot. The others seemed pretty indifferent.

Jessica: Spit it out Y/n! Is it true!?

Y/n: Why are you yelling so much? I'm right here.

I closed my eyes, holding my chin as I thought about if I should tell them. I wasn't sure if Saph wanted to keep it a secret or not. But with these 6, I was pretty comfortable letting them know. Saph's team and I were close friends at this point, and I trusted Lars and Percy to not care very much. But then... There's one more problem. I looked over at Connor, seeing his look he had since starting the commotion. Whether I tell him or not, he knows already.

Y/n: It's true.

The words slipped out before I could make any effort to stop them, watching as Jessica seemed to die inside and Matt collapsed on the floor. Connor only grinned wider and laughed a bit as I could nearly feel Sapphire start to overheat.

Lars: Boss, I think we have a visitor.

I looked over at Lars before feeling a presence at the door. I walked over and opened it, seeing Weiss standing there. She was just about to knock, as she had her hand up. She put down her hand and put on a quick smile.

Weiss: Oh, hi Y/n!

Y/n: Weiss, what are you doing here?

Weiss: I-I was looking for you. I thought we could study together today...

Y/n: Well-

Connor: Sorry, he's already busy with his girlfriend!

Weiss' eyes widened as she looked past me to see Sapphire with a blush on her face. I looked toward Saph before looking back at Weiss. She had a shocked look on her face.

Y/n: Weiss?

Weiss suddenly turned around and ran off. I was caught off guard, so I didn't run after her. I looked back at Connor, seeing he was just as surprised.

Percy: Good one Connor.

Connor: I didn't know she was crushing on him too!

Matt: Y/n, you should go talk to her.

I gave a look to Saph, seeing her nod. I nodded back, turning around and walking out. As I walked down the hall, I heard a thud. I moved quicker, going around the corner to see two big guys holding Weiss against a wall.

???: Alright Schnee, time you learned your lesson!

I glared towards them. Weiss looked my way, seeing me as I slowly walked towards them. She looked back at the two that were holding her and smirked.

???: Something funny, Schnee?

Weiss: Not yet.

They tilted their heads in confusion before looking back behind them. They froze as they saw me, walking towards them. The air became heavy and they two struggled to stand. I stood over them now, igniting my Lightsaber as I held it at my side. They looked up at me, fear apparent in their eyes.

???: I-I'm sorry...

Y/n: I don't care.

I spoke coldly, my right eye glowing a fierce golden orange. I raised my off hand and a burst of lightning shot out, hitting the two frozen bodies in front of me. They began to spasm and shout out in pain as I shocked them. After a few seconds, I stopped electrocuting them and they got up, running away. I sighed, my vision returning to normal as I put away my blade. I walked over to Weiss, holding out my hand to help her up. She took it reluctantly as I pulled her up.

Y/n: Are you ok Wei-

I stopped as Weiss suddenly hugged me. It took me a second to hug back. After a few seconds, we broke the hug and Weiss took a step back.

Weiss: Sorry for running off earlier...

Y/n: It's fine. Are you alright?

Weiss: Yeah.

There was an awkward silence between us and I didn't know what to say.

Weiss: So... You and Sapphire?

Y/n: Yeah... I'm still getting used to it.

Weiss seemed upset about the fact Saph and I were dating now. But, I didn't know how to ask her about it.

Weiss: Hey...

I put my attention on Weiss again, hearing her voice.

Weiss: Make sure you don't mess it up.

Weiss walked off after saying that. I just rubbed my temples, getting tired of all this stuff happening in such a short amount of time. I just walked outside, looking to get some air. As I walked out into the courtyard, I noticed that no one else was around. I sat down on the fountain, taking a deep breath as I relaxed a bit. However, my quiet relaxation was cut short as I heard a loud noise above me. I looked up, seeing nothing due to the clouds. However, I quickly caught sight of a ship falling from the sky on fire. I saw it go down in the Emerald Forest. I quickly got up and ran to the cliffside to investigate.

Sapphire's POV

After Y/n took off after Weiss, Jessica got right in my face, grabbing me by the collar of my shirt.

Jessica: Saph, when did you two get together!?

Sapphire: I-It was just the other day!

Jessica: How did you seduce him!? Tell me your secrets!

Sapphire: I-I didn't seduce him!

While Jessica interrogated me, I looked over to Matt for some help, only to see he was giving me the same look as her.

Sapphire: Matt!? You too!?

I looked to Y/n's teammates for one last chance of hope, only to see Lars and Percy watching me with slightly amused faces and Connor looking excited.

Sapphire: Not you too!

Before Jessica could start yelling again, there was a knock at the door. Grey went and answered it, opening the door to see it was Weiss again.

Grey: I guess Y/n got to you?

Weiss: He did.

Weiss walked in, coming right up to me. She looked at me with a slightly judging look. She crossed her arms before looking me in the eyes.

Weiss: Tell me... How did you do it?

Sapphire: How did I do what?

Weiss: Y/n! How did you get him!?

Sapphire: U-Uh... Well...

I looked around, everyone looking at me expectantly. Even Percy and Grey. I thought back to when Y/n and I confessed to each other and remembered how we kissed.

Sapphire: You see... We uh...

Jessica: What did you do Saph?

Connor: Come on, tell us!

Everyone started asking me all at once, making me feel pressured. In a moment of panic, I blurted out my answer.

Sapphire: I kissed him!

The room went dead silent after I admitted to kissing Y/n. Weiss' eye was twitching, Jessica's jaw was on the floor and Connor was grinning wider than before.

Weiss: So... You just kissed him and that was all it took?

Sapphire: Well... Y-Yeah.

Weiss: As if! You must have done more than that!

Sapphire: What do you mean!?

Weiss: Look at you! There's no way you didn't push yourself onto him with that body!

I felt my face heat up as I unconsciously covered my chest with my arms.

Jessica: Right!? Just admit it!

As I felt my face heat up more and more, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked back to see Percy with his usual vacant expression as he looked to everyone.

Percy: You guys are freaking her out. She wouldn't do that to win over Y/n. he wouldn't fall to something as weak as that.

Matt: He's right. Saph couldn't seduce someone if she tried.

I wasn't sure whether to be happy Matt helped as well or offended by what he said. Before any more words could be shared among our flustered and suspicious group, Connor's scroll went off. He picked it up and put it to his ear.

Connor: He-

Y/n: Connor, don't say a damn word!

Connor: Wha-

Y/n: I need everyone at Beacon Cliff right now! There's something you all have to see!

I suddenly felt worried. Y/n sounded serious. He might be in trouble.

Sapphire: Let's go!

Connor: Right!

We all got our gear on quickly, grabbing weapons as we made our way to Beacon Cliff. As we arrived, we saw Y/n pacing back and forth.  As we walked into view, he looked over at us, signaling us over.

Y/n: You guys are not going to believe this!

Y/n pointed towards the forest, making us all look to see a large group of trees fallen over and some machine or object sticking out from behind the rest of the trees.

Y/n: Come on, let's go!

Y/n led us down the cliff, heading closer to the object.

Matt: Wait, Y/n! What is this!?

Y/n: Just follow me!

After a minute of walking, we came to a clearing. We all gaped at the strange ship that lay before us. It looked unlike anything that I'd ever seen before. It wasn't Atlas, not enough white. Menagerie has those cool boat ships, and Vacuo... I've never seen a ship from there.

Y/n: I saw it crash earlier. I've already scouted it out. I wanted to get you guys before going inside.

Jessica: This looks really cool!

Lars: Let's be careful. Could be bandits or something.

Y/n: If it's bandits, they're all dead. They wouldn't just stay inside the ruined ship.

We all cautiously made our way to the ship, Y/n and his team going in first. I followed closely behind, Weiss trying to outpace me. No doubt that white-haired princess was trying to get closer than me to Y/n. I was knocked out of my thoughts when Y/n signaled us to stop.

Y/n: Lars, you're with me. We secure the cockpit, then if it's clear, you'll all follow.

Lars: Got it.

Y/n ignited his red Lightsaber and moved into the head of the ship with Lars. I waited a few moments, feeling on edge in the dark and unfamiliar ship. I heard Y/n confirm it was all clear and walked in, only to see him inspecting some kind of robot slumped on the ground.

Weiss: What is that?

Y/n: I was hoping you'd answer that. Look like Atlas tech?

Weiss: No, not at all.

Percy: I recognize this look...

Y/n: Really?

Percy moved to the robot, messing with some wiring in the back of its head before two glowing yellow eyes lit-up on its face.

Robot: Huh? Where am I?

Y/n: Your ship crashed. My friend here just helped reactivate you.

Robot: Huh, thanks, pal.

I took notice of its voice. Feminine and very laid back. Like a human speaking.

Y/n: What's your name?

ZOE3: I am ZOE3, Captain of the Windfall.


Nice: Hey! Thanks for reading! Sorry again that this took so long to get updated, but I've been struggling with lack of inspiration for a while now. Since I just played Vader Immortal episode one like 4 times, I figured I'd write a chapter now.

Yami: Yup, that's why you couldn't help yourself. You had to squeeze in Zoe.

Nice: Of course I did. She's like my new favourite droid in Star Wars ever!

Yami: Well, whatever. Hopefully, you don't mess up any timelines with this.

Nice: I plan on making this closer to Legends than actual canon. After all, in canon, Zoe is the first mate on the Windfall. Plus, I have one more character to introduce in the next chapter. Look forward to that epic reveal! Signing off!

- Iain

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