Window to Window ➸ Ziall

By guardianzayngels

127K 7.1K 2.9K

[COMPLETE | AU] Zayn's life is turned upside down when a rugged chain-smoking and impertinent blonde moves ne... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Author's Note♡
Chapter 14
Not An Update! Just An Announcement
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 15

4.1K 215 96
By guardianzayngels

"Red or blue?" Zayn holds up the two shirts to Louis.

"Hmm, the red one. It'll bring out those pretty golden eyes of your's" Louis winks.

Zayn rolls his eyes and heads to his attached bathroom to change. "So how are you and Liam?" Zayn shouts so Louis can hear him.

Louis sighs, "We're not talking. He's avoiding me."

"I know its hard, Lou. But trust me he'll come around. Liam really likes you."

"I know that but his parents...they won't agree with it. Liam's fucking terrified and I don't blame him. I mean, look at the shit I got from coming out freshmen year."

"Zayn, Niall's here!" Trisha yells from downstairs.

Zayn rushes out the bathroom and stares at Louis with wide eyes. "Shit, he's here! How do I look?" he whisper-shouts.

Louis holds up two thumbs. "Fabulous, babe."

Zayn laughs and runs downstairs with Louis hot on his heels. He sees Niall leaning against the door, smirking. God, he looks beautiful. His hair is done in his signature blonde quiff but it looks a lot more put together. He's wearing his American flag tank top along with some black jeans and converse. The two just stand there staring at each other until Louis clears his throat.

"Uh, Zayn I better go. Seeya Monday" he says passing Zayn and walks to the door.

Niall leans off it. "Louis, right?" he points to the shorter boy.

Louis smiles, "That's my name, don't wear it out."

Niall reaches his hand out to shake. "I'm Niall."

Louis shakes his hand, "Yeah, I know. Zayn talks about you all the time. He freakin' stalks you-"

All of a sudden, a shoe comes across Louis' face. Louis holds his cheek and turns to Zayn gobsmacked. "Louis?! You we're leaving, right?!" Zayn presses frantically.

Louis nods slowly. "Yeah, God, calm down. No need to throw a damn shoe" he mumbles. He opens the door and turns back to Niall. "Wrap it before you tap it."

Another shoe comes flying at Louis but Louis shuts the door quickly making the shoe hit it with a loud thud.

Niall turns to Zayn with wide eyes. He's still on the stairwell nervously laughing and scratching the back of his neck. "Don't listen to him! He does drugs!"

Niall laughs and walks over to Zayn. He steps up a few stairs until he's so close to Zayn their breaths are mingling. "So you stalk me, huh?"

"W-what? No! That's crazy! Louis' crazy!" Zayn says quickly.

Niall laughs again and shakes his head. He places his hand on Zayn's and bites his lip. "Oh, that's sad because I was just up in my room maybe ten minutes ago jerking off to the thought of you. So sad you couldn't see it."

Zayn's eyes bulge out his head as he watches a smirking Niall walk down to stairwell and to the door. Niall opens it and turns back to him. "Coming, babe?"

Zayn nods slowly and swallows. He can't believe Niall just said that. Flashes of Niall, sweaty and laying on his bed jerking off and moaning Zayn's name come across Zayn's mind. His hand goes down to his pants to situate his crotch as he follows Niall to his truck but not before putting his shoes back on.


"I'm so gonna kick your arse, Ni" Zayn smiles while situating the vest he had on.

"No way, babe. You're dead meat" Niall says.

Niall and Zayn hear a disgusted scoff and turn to a guy about their age with red hair and freckles.

"Is there a problem?" Niall says through clenched teeth.

The guy shakes his head, "Nope, not at all."

Niall rolls his eyes at him and begins to wander off. He starts to think of strategies of where he can't get tagged and how he can tag Zayn and that red-headed cunt.

Niall smiles when the buzzer goes and begins to walk slowly, flashing his gun around and turning corners cautiously. A few minutes in, he spots Zayn. He wolf-whistles at his boyfriend causing Zayn to turn giving Niall the chance to shoot him.

Zayn pouts, "Hey! That's not fair!"

Niall laughs, "Too bad! You're out!"

Suddenly a red laser aims at Niall's chest. The person shoots causing a noise indicating Niall's been hit. He turns to the same red-head.

"You're out" the read-head laughs.

Niall clenches his fist but puts up his hands. "Okay, okay. Come on, Zayn."

Niall takes Zayn's hand and they walk off until Niall hears the guy mumble something. "What was that?"


"Yeah, that's what I thought" Niall sasses walking off.

The guys scoffs, "Fags."

Niall drops Zayn's hand and turns back to him. "What the fucking hell did you just say, ya cunt?"

The guy crosses his arms. "Take you and your little faggot boyfriend outta here before we all catch your disease."

And that's it. Niall tries to contain his anger but he fails miserably. The next thing he knows he's on top of the guy, whaling on him. Throwing punches left and right.

"Niall, stop!" Zayn shouts from behind.

Niall doesn't hear him. He can't hear anything except the blood pumping through his ears. He's so damn angry he's seeing a red ring around his vision. He keeps punching and punching. Ignoring Zayn. Ignoring the calls from bystanders. Ignoring the blood.

"Niall, stop! You're gonna kill him!" Zayn yells while gripping at Niall's shoulders.

To say Zayn was scared would be an understatement. He's blood terrified. The look in Niall's eyes, it seems he wants to kill the guy and doesn't care. He's seen Niall upset but holy fucking shit, not like this. He's gone bezerk and there's blood everywhere. Zayn sees the poor guy has got a bloody nose, busted lip and swollen cheeks. Zayn wraps one arm around his queezy stomach and grabs Niall's shoulder. "Stop!" he chokes.

Niall turns around to him quickly, his eyes dark, cold and evil. He looks like a bloody killer. "Shut the hell up, Zayn!" he screeches. He turns back and continues to throw punches. Zayn sees the guy's eyes drooping and his chest rising slowly. This is it, he was gonna die.

"Niall, fucking stop!"

But he continues. Zayn's freaking out, he has no clue what to do. Niall's unstoppable and for a moment he actually thought that if he called Niall's name one more time, Niall might actually turn and hit him. Suddenly, he got an idea.

"Niall, you need to stop! You don't wanna kill him! You don't wanna be sent to your uncle's!"

Niall stops his punch in mid-air. He slowly turns back to Zayn with softened eyes. He quickly hops off the guy, grabs Zayn's wrist and leads him out the place.

"Niall...Niall...Niall" Zayn tries to catch Niall's attention while being dragged to the parking lot.

Niall ignores him, mumbling things to himself and gripping at his blonde locks.


Niall turns to him and surprisingly doesn't yell back or anything. Instead he steps closer and his eyes prick with tears. "Fucking-ah...Zayn, shit...I didn't mean to-I almost...shit, fuck. I did-and I..."

Zayn presses his lips to his cheek. "Shhh, baby calm down."

"I can't fucking calm down! I almost killed that guy! I...shit-oh my God!" Niall freaks.

Zayn grabs his hand. "Shhh, babe. Deep breaths. In and out."

Niall does as he's told. He sucks in a giant breath and exhales. He wipes his sweaty and bloody hands on his jeans. "Shit, babe I'm sorry. I totally ruined this. I can't control my anger! I try so hard and I always...I always fail. I-"

"I get it, Niall. Anger management isn't easy, its gonna take some time. Its okay, I'll be with you every step of the way" Zayn comforts.

Niall nods, "Okay...but how the fucking shit did you not wanna kill that cunt after what he said?!"

Zayn sighs, "You get used to it. Niall, not everyone's gonna accept this relationship sadly. You just gotta ignore the comments and remember no one has the input of who you can be with."

Niall shuts his eyes tightly and shakes his head. "But its not right. People can be with whoever they want. People like that need to be put in their damn place."

"I know, baby I know. But let's just forget about that, okay? This is about me and you not that dickhead or anyone else" Zayn says.

Niall sighs reluctantly understanding. "Okay, okay. Where do you wanna go now?"

Zayn thinks for a moment. "The park. Its a few blocks away."

Niall nods and they walk off to his truck to go the park.


Zayn runs off to swings, giggling like a little girl. Niall shakes his head at Zayn's childishness but deep down he fucking loves it. He sits next to Zayn and turns to him, studying his features fully. God, he's beautiful. His raven locks are done in a nice quiff, not a hair misplaced. He's growing light stubble that looks great on his tan face. His golden eyes are even brighter from the moon's glow and from the shirt he's wearing. Niall loves how straight and white his teeth are, his smile loving and bright. His lips were the best. Oh, how Niall loved them. They're so soft and pink. Niall smiles at him with such adoration. This cute and quirky little shit is all his.

"What is it?" Zayn asked.

Niall bites his lip, "Nothing, you're just so attractive."

Zayn blushes and turns away. "No, you're the attractive one" he mumbles.

Niall laughs, "We're both attractive. I swear if you could get pregnant, we'd make some pretty sexy babies."

Zayn turns to him gobsmacked. "What?"

"You heard me" Niall smirks.

Zayn rolls his eyes playfully, "Well, sorry but I can't get pregnant. There's this thing where males can't pregnant, the women do and what makes you think I'd be the pregnant one?"

"Oh, please look at you. You're all dainty and shit, almost like Louis. We both know I'd top and be the dominant one so you'd get pregnant" he winks at Zayn.

Zayn stops swinging abruply and blinks at him. "You seem very confident with sexual situations. Would you really be willing to have sex with a guy? Putting your dick in a man's arse? I'm just saying. Don't be so cocky cause when it comes to the real thing, you won't be so sure."

Niall thinks for a moment and yeah, he's not ready for that. He feels awkward after thinking about it. He's not ready but he knows Zayn will be there for him for when he is. He really likes Zayn and Zayn returns the feelings.

"You're right, sorry. I'll cut back on the sexual stuff."

They swing in a comfortable silence till Niall thinks of something and turns to his sexy boyfriend. "Babe?"

"Hmm?" Zayn hums.

"Do you really watch me?" Niall asked.

Zayn's eyes grow wide but he covers up with an awkward laugh. "What? No. Me watch you? Never. That's totally weird. I'd never do that. Pssh."

Niall stares at him and Zayn realizes how serious he is. He sighs, "Okay, well sometimes...sorry! Its just I found you very intriguing and along the way I started to develop feelings for you."

Niall smiles, "Its okay, I guess. What kinda stuff did you see?"

Zayn automatically thinks of Niall and Alicia having sex not too long ago. He gulps and turns to the blonde. "N-nothing. Just mostly you walking around...shirtless and shit. I heard you play guitar and sing too. You're so good, Ni."

Niall's heart warms up, "Y-you think I'm good at singing and stuff?"

Zayn nods frantically, "You're bloody amazing! I can tell you're gonna far in the music business."

Niall frowns and looks at the ground. "Yeah, right. Singing is just a hobby, I don't know if I wanna make it a career."

"Is this cause of your mum?" Zayn bites his lip.

Niall grips the chain harder and lets out a deep breath. "Let's not talk about her...please."

"Okay, okay" Zayn says, feeling the hostileness in Niall's tone. His heart breaks. He can't believe Niall's mother treats him like shit. Niall knows he's damaged goods but deep down he feels Zayn can lift his spirit.

They stay at the park for at least an hour, swinging and going down the slides. Playing tag and cuddling and kissing. It was perfect but sadly Niall had to head home which he was dreading. His mum asked where he went and he simply replied he went out with a friend named Liam and they played video games and lost track of time. Surprisingly, Maura believed him, mostly because she really wanted to believe it and not think he was out with Zayn or drinking and smoking. And Niall was grateful for that. He didn't need any shit tonight since tonight had been good.


Holy frickle frackle. I upload this last night and saw earlier that it had only like 12 reads and then i come back and it has 75?! And i checked how many views my story had it had 654 and a few hours later its at 736?! What is life?! This is amazing guys, thanks so much♡

Don't forge to vote and comment:) It only takes a sec!

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