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By ravenscorpio

76K 1.6K 415

Star Stilinski was once again, finally happy. A stronger bond with her family and friends, and a special some... More

[1] promise
[2] theo raeken
[3] hayden
[4] meant to be
[5] i fell in a hole
[6] intense
[7] tracy
[8] guys in the masks
[9] just netflix
[10] condition was terminal
[11] love
[12] sibling thing
[13] asthma
[14] chimera
[15] genetic chimeras
[16] be careful
[17] found
[18] something wrong
[19] the truth
[20] liars
[22] weak - part 2

[21] stella

2.5K 59 32
By ravenscorpio

21; stella


Mason decided to sleep over here at my house like he usually does. We waited for Star to come back up last night, but she didn't. Apparently she had left during the rain. We tried calling her and even contacting Stiles about it, but he said she's also not answering his calls or anybody's call.

"Let's order pizza." Mason suggested, already dialling the number of the pizza place. "How many do you want."

"The usual." And by the usual, I meant two boxes for me and two boxes for him.

"Yo, Jade." I looked back at Mason after he finished ordering the pizza. "You still haven't told me what's going on with you and Theo."

I immediately felt my face heat up. I looked away from Mason. "Nothing... nothing's going on."

"Oh so that kiss was nothing?"

I may or may not kissed Theo the day after I found out he saved me, Liam and Hayden.

Mason started shaking me. "Come on, Jade. Tell me."

I rolled my eyes, giving in. "Okay, fine. I—"

I stopped when I felt something dripping out of my nose. I raised my hand up and touched the wetness, my eyes widening when I saw silver on my fingertips. My heart starts beating fast as I looked at Mason with wide eyes, his are wide open as well.

"You know what this means..." I trailed off, nervous and scared as I gulped down.



Star awoke from unconsciousness.

It was dark, dirty. She didn't know where she was, and had no memory of what happened. She looked around, seeing tanks filled with unknown substance and a tank that has something inside it.

The moment she heard the heavy footsteps that belonged to the Dread Doctors, that's when she remember what happened.

Finding out about Liam and Hayden and being adopted.

Now Star wished she didn't woke up.

"Phoenix..." Star looked up, seeing the Dread Doctors in front of her. Weirdly enough, she didn't feel any fright or nervousness.

She was numb.

"Phoenix." Star was looking up at them with a glare. "Powerful."

She scoffed, before forcing her body to stand up. "Is that all you can say?"

The three Dread Doctors's figure distors for a few seconds, the sound of an ear-piercing screech was filling Star's ear but she didn't covered them. She just flinched, and listened to it as the screech came to an end.

"Let her out."

Confused, Star furrowed her brows in confusion. "Let who out?"

The Doctors didn't answer her question, they just repeated what they said, confusing Star even more. "Let who out?!"

"Let her out."

Now, the Dread Doctors were surrounding her, repeating the same three words over and over again until Star couldn't take it anymore and covered her ears. She crouched down, trying to block out the sounds, but she could still hear them.

Suddenly, the Dread Doctors grabbed Star, the latter tried to get away from their hold but they were stronger than she was. They dragged her and threw her inside a room, a dark room. Where there was only one dim light bulb giving brightness to the center to the room.

"Let her out."

The Dread Doctors closed the door to the room, trapping Star inside. She rushed towards the door, using her enhanced strength to try and break it open, but it didn't.

Then, a chuckle was heard from somewhere in the room. Star turned around, seeing five or six muscular men standing close under the light. She could feel her heart beating fast as her eyes landed on their weapons. One had a chainsaw, three had machetes and the other two had long knives with them.

Star recognized them, they were all over the news before. Wanted psychopaths who got away from prison. How did the Dread Doctors managed to get them?

More importantly, why?

But those questions were unanswered as they all charged towards Star. The blonde tried to duck all the swings and tried to escape from them, but one of them had badly cut her stomach, making her fall to the ground, coughing out blood. One of them had kicked her back when she tried getting up.

"They said you were the strongest of them all." One of the men said, then chuckling. "I guess they were nothing but liars."

Hearing the last word put fuel to Star's anger.

And something else took over.

Due to the Supermoon and Star's anger, flames started erupting from her entire body. Even in her eyes. The cut on her stomach had healed. Star stood up, the six men surround her now, all of them looking at her in suprise, shock and fright.

She smirked. "You're all going to die."

In one swift movement, the entire room was filled with nothing but fire. The blonde standing in the middle of the room was laughing as she heard the men screaming in agony. She smelt their flesh burning and it made her smile psychotically. She inhaled the air, the smell of the flesh burning down to the bones, burnt hair and clothes.

It was the fear that she loved so much, and the screams.

The door opened, coming in were the Dread Doctors. She walked towards them, smiling wickedly.

"Skoteinó foínika."

"Took you long enough."

Theo dragged Lydia towards the Nemeton tree, were the dead bodies of the dead Chimeras were. There were two new dead bodies there.

Hayden's and Jade's.

Theo couldn't look at Jade's body, he can't.

Standing in front of the Nemeton was her, arms crossed across her chest as she impatiently wait for Theo's arrival.

"Come on." Theo grunt out before dropping Lydia's catatonic body onto the ground.

She walked towards Theo, glancing at Lydia's body with a small smirk. "Do it."

He nodded, walking towards the dead bodies while holding a big injection filled with green substance. "Watch this, Lydia."

Theo walked towards Tracy's dead body, injecting the long needle inside her neck. "You think you lost your mind? Well, watch this!"

Tracy gasped awake, alive. The blonde standing next to Lydia chuckled. She watched as one by one, the dead bodies came back to life. The last one who came back to life was Jade, her eyes immediately making contact with Theo's. Something flashed in his eyes but it was gone quickly.

All of the Chimeras stood up as Theo walked back towards the blonde. Corey, Hayden and Jade's eyes all landed on her, and in unison, they spoke one name.


She glared at them, hating that name. "That's not my name."

"What... what's happening?" Hayden asked, confused and scared.

"Who are you?" Tracy asked after the latter did.

"I'm your Alpha." Theo stated, then looking at the blonde next to him. "And she... she's—"

"Stella." The blonde, the exact replica of Star Stilinski, spoke for herself.

She has every features that Star has, the hair, the height, the figure, the face. But the only thing that was different, was her eyes.

Star had hazel, Stella had black.

"And all of you..." He glanced at Jade, before his eyes flickered back to the whole group. "All of you belong to me."

The Chimera turned around and started walking away, the group of Chimeras following him behind. Stella stayed behind, crouching down next to Lydia's catatonic body, looking down at the girl with a small smirk.

"I know you're wondering who I am, but I'm not Star." Stella stated quietly, brushing out the piece of hair out of Lydia's face. "She's just a Phoenix, she's weak. Pathetic."

Stella stood up, glancing at Lydia's body once more. Stella's eyes lit up with fire, similar to Parrish's eyes, but hers was darker.

"Good luck at telling your friends that the Dark Phoenix is back."


dun dun duuuun! the big plot twist is here!

i welcome you stella, the dark phoenix. cue evil laugh

btw, season 5a is done. we're off to 5b! i may not update for a while tho, i'm currently about to start the part 2 of this sequel

also, i'm going to exo's concert tomorrow! uwu i'm so excited!!

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