The Bold and The Beautiful th...

By boldfiction

11.2K 158 32

Follows everyone from the Bold and the beautiful but focuses on Steffy and romance and fashion. This is volu... More

The Bold and The Beautiful (team Steffy) V2
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 7
Part 8
part 9
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 15
part 16
Part 22


352 4 1
By boldfiction


Rick was sitting looking through some documents, then he went to the draw and pulled out something and put it in his pocket.

Caroline walked in as he was leaving "hey husband how are you?"

"I am well and just. random. question do you trust me fully?" asked Rick.

"yes with all my hart" she answered.

"I have to go deal with a employee" Rick spoke as he winked and turned and walked off.

Caroline read between the lines and took the hint and followed him.


A naked Maya was sitting in there completely nude when Rick arrived.

Maya spoke first "I knew you would come Rick, I felt it in my heart".

"I followed my hart here too" said Rick as Maya grinned at him "because my hart loves this company."

"and I am here for you to run it with me by your side Rick" said Maya.

"Caroline is my wife Maya so respect that or leave the company immediately" said Rick.

"pardon you Rick what did you say to me, do you want to loose the Presidentcy to Steffy?" she yelled.

"I regret bringing you to this company you have changed so much Maya" said Rick and he turned away and left.

"don't leave Rick I love you" she yelled back.

"well well well chasing married men Maya that's pretty low and blackmail as well, you can keep your job but you have got to wake up to reality, Carter is hot and you treated him like rubbish from the streets, you used to be the rubbish from the streets". said  Caroline.

"Rick loves me" yelled Maya.

"dear me your crazy change your attitude or your fired you have two weeks to improve, we pay you to work" Caroline then walked off.


"Rick we need to talk about what just happened" spoke Caroline.

"I didn't do anything to her to think she had a chance with me" whined Rick.

" don't care about her what was all of that Steffy stuff about?"asked Caroline.

"oh I am worried under Bills loving influence and drive for power she may try go for President of the company" answered Rick.

"would that really be so bad?" Caroline asked.

"well yes cause with our Presidentcy I am nothing I am not a designer or have my own clothing line I am Just Erics son who is a Logan" said Rick.

"your so much more everyone loves you and Steffy doesn't want to be president" said Caroline.

"well I hope that she never wants too because I have no hope against her, she even got me band from the fashion show." said Rick.


Steffy went to Spencer to surprise Bill she had only lingerie and a trench coat on, she walked to the office she knew so well.

On her way she Waved at many familiar faces, even Alison who was at her desk.

walked in and opened her jacket "hey baby" said Steffy.

"wow Steffy your beautiful" Liam ran upto her and kissed her on the lips.

Steffy stood there frozen.

"Liam ah I was on auto pilot I an here for Bill, I wasn't thinking I just walked and ended up here I so sorry" rambled Steffy.

"what?" yelled Liam.

"was an accident, I am so embarrassed" answered Steffy.

"there is no such thing as accidents you are here for me Steffy, look in your hart I am the one you want and need" said Liam, he looked her up and down as she had not done her coat up yet.

Bill went straight to Liams office, the moment after Alison informed him of Steffy being in the building.

Bill walked in with out knocking.

"what is going on in here? yelled Bill has he noticed Steffys clothing.

"she is here for me, cause she loves me dad isn't that obvious to you" said Liam.

"came to surprise you, walked through the building on auto pilot stupiditly went straight to Liams office" said Steffy.

"that is understandable guess your just as happy in love, as i am but please cover up that beautiful body Liam doesn't want to see what he is missing out on" said Bill as he walked over and did up Steffys trench coats.

"Steffy this is weird looking around, remember I was your husband, twice, I love you and you should be with me," said Liam.

"no no she has followed her hart it lead to me, I love her and will be with her for a very long time so get used to it Liam grow up" Bill spoke then walked out but just before getting to the door he turned and said "Steffy come with me let's leave Liam alone to think."

Steffy looked back at Liam then to Bill.


Hope went to see Wyatt and walked in to see him looking at rings on his laptop.

"oh sorry should I have knocked,  are you shopping for me" she gleefully spoke while walking in.

"well ah don't think I can say" answers Wyatt.

"wait why not?" she asked.

"OK well I love you so trust you to  not tell anyone, but some one wants to propose to there girl friend and it is not me." said Wyatt.

"oh oh oh is it Carter back with Maya" she asked.

"no way that girl gone loopy" said Wyatt.

"everyone is all ready married so oh my god it is you isn't it" happily spoke Hope.

"it is my dad you goof" said Wyatt

"oh wait what as in Bill and Steffy, are you kidding me" said Hope.

"I am really not dad asked for me have a look for a ring, and they are in love Hope be happy for them" said Wyatt.

"what about Liam?  or Forrester creations neither can handle Steffy marrying Bill." snapped Hope.

"instead of trying to get Liam and Steffy together we need to find him a new girl, Steffy is taken" spoke Wyatt.

"No way I would rather her with Liam then Bill," snapped Hope.

"wait Hope do you want Bill with your mum is that the issue here?" asked Wyatt.

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