A Trial by Halves


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What would have happened if Ye Huas plan to die in he Mermaid Wars had been Successful? What would have happe... Еще

No Regrets
A New Life
A Shimmer of Red
A New World
A Rainbow Halo
A Patch of Sky
Who Are You?
A Growing Enigma
More Questions
Are You......?
When Energy Collides
When Worlds Collide
More Questions
The Spell
The House
The visitor
A Stronger Hold
The Return
A Flicker of Comprehension
Questions, Answers and Tender Eyes
Unravelling the Seal 1
Unraveling the Seal 2
A Time to Talk
The Odd One Out
Lian Song Speaks
Not so Docile
The Struggle
A Little more Understanding
Is She or Not?
First Warning.
One More Sacrifice
A Whisper in the Dark
The Voice
A Voice in The Mirror
Beyond Fear
On Borrowed Time
Another Voice in the Dark
Spiritual Connections
Change of Plans
No Looking Back
A Race Against Time.
The Awakening
Four for All
The Final Battle 1
The Final Battle 2
Days of Healing
The Truth
The Long Road to Healing.
Paying Debts
A Hidden Force
A Little Death
A Flicker of Calm
A Smile not so Bright
Just One More Sacrifice
How Much More?
One Piece at a Time
Eyes of Honey Brown
A Little Step Forward
A Moment in Time
Echoes of the Past
Her Sacrifice
100 Ways - Part 1
100 Ways - Part 2
All in One Lifetime
A Little Victory

Truth and Lies

1K 51 56

No sooner had Su Jin given the order to burn the cell down with them in it, then a guard quickly snatched a torch from the wall and threw it straight through the bars.  Ignoring the groans coming from the injured guards still caught inside the cell, their eyes remained solely on the two women, one of which was freeing the other still shackled to the wall.

In tears and screaming at the guards to show mercy while trying her best to make them understand that Ye Hua was returning for his wife, Cheng Yus hands finally fell away from the thick band of steel that Si Yin had managed to break through with the energy that was now throbbing off her body.  

The seal had yet to break, but Cheng Yu could see it was close, but with the fire to contend with and then the guards which outnumbered them four to one, She immediately sent a wave of energy at the fire while Si Yin immediately threw a powerful burst of her energy at the cell bars.

Her face was a mask of fury and with only Su Jins face on her mind, she cared about nothing else, not even the pain that was searing through her head as she thought solely on getting her hands on that woman.  She had never hated anyone in her entire life, either Mortal or otherwise, but as Si Yin which she could feel taking over her mind, the desire to extract revenge came thick and fast.

In her mind, she was still Mortal, only her energy was seeping from her aura in waves as the seal in the middle of her head began to give way.  She could literally see thousands of images flooding her mind as her memories began to come back to her, memories of her parents, her childhood, her Discipleship, Shifu!

She could still hear the tolling of the Bell of Kunlun Mountain.  It overrode every sound the guards were making, and they were all fully surrounding their cell, their voices were loud and harsh as they spurred them on, pushing them to break out and in among them.  The fire in their eyes and the blood lust pouring off them was sickening and foul, and only increased Si Yins anger and desire to deal them all regardless of the pain that was now blinding her to all reason.

The whip lash to the seal had fractured it beyond repair which she could feel Qing Cang trying to do.  She could also hear his voice.  But it was a mere whisper, barely audible over the thousands of conversations unravelling in her mind.  Yet still she continued to throw her energy at the cell grating along with Cheng Yu who was trying just as hard to get out.  Aiming to break one bar at a time, the gap began to widen as they gave way under the pressure and all the while, the guards on the other side were waiting with their swords at the ready.

And the moment another bar gave way to create a gap wide enough for both women to escape, then every single of those swords flashed across their vision.

In a powerful display of martial arts mastery, Si Yin flew at them all with only her hands and fists while kicking their swords from their hands as her body flew into a frenzied cyclone of swirling energy and fighting skills they had ever seen.  

Cheng Yu on the other hand was no fighter, but she had far more magical capabilites and energy that any man there, and she did not hold back on releasing it.  Powerful sparks of energy flew though the bodies that Si Yin had yet to attack and for a moment, it looked as if they would make their way out of that dank dark place where no women should be.

Only the moment that Si Yin threw herself at two guards aiming to run their swords through Cheng Yu, then suddenly and without warning, the seal broke completely.


Su Jin was almost at Ruoshui Riverbank when she felt the seal break.  Though unsure of how she knew or what exactly it was that she felt, she stopped in her tracks.  She was close enough to the Bell to see the soldiers lining the Celestials side, and the deep purple hue pouring out of the Bell and into the water.  She could also feel the man inside beckoning her closer, only the more of Si Yin that she felt through the power source the stronger her anger grew because she knew that if she didn't deal with her herself, Ye Hua would save her and she herself would die.

And in a fit of rage, she spun on her heels and flew like a lightning bolt all the way back to the Celestial Heavens.  The Power Source had the astounding ability to increase her speed, and it was still taking her some time to acclimatize herself to it, though having thought that Si Yin and Cheng Yu were finally dealt with, she had not bothered to race, she had all the time in the world.

Only what would have taken half a day of travel without the Power Source, took her a mere few minutes.  Upending trees and sending all manner of debris and even people scattering in her wake, she was soon back at the dungeons where she was met with utter chaos and in amongst it was Cheng Yu fighting for all she was worth, while lying on the floor barely breathing was Si Yin.

The red dot was almost gone from the centre of her head, this she could see clearly and knowing that this battle would have attracted far too much attention alreaedy, she immediately threw out a burst of energy to throw the guards back.  And it was then that she could see the womans energy unravelling in her body, only it seemed suspended, as if still blocked.

In fact it wasn't blocked, but Si Yin was now Bai Qian, only she was caught between an energy wave that she could not free herself from.  It felt as if a new wave of energy was trying to enter her, but her own Immortal energy was not only blocking it, but it had rendered her immobile and too weak to even speak, she felt herself dying.

Su Jin knew that she didn't have much time left.  Ye Hua and no doubt High God Mo Yuan would be there at any moment, so ordering the soldiers to pick her up and carry her to Zhuxian Terrace. along with Cheng Yu who was by that stage on her knees and trying her best to protect the girl while the unusual energy pulsing about her body surprised her because it was so powerful.

"You should have listened to me Su Su.  You should have left when I told you to." she whispered down at the face that was scrunched up in pain.  

Feeling that energy for herself, Su Jin shivered.  She may have had the Power Source, but that energy pulsing off Si Yins body and seeming to gather in rate and power did not belong to the world that she knew.  In fact she had no idea where that energy was coming from, because she knew it wasn't a part of Su Su but was trying to be.  And as that thought hit, she quickly took hold of the girl herself and dragged her to the Well of Death, otherwise known as Zhutian Terrace.  

In her mind, she still believed that Ye Hua would love her if she just got rid of this girl.  Cheng Yu, she cared nothing for, so paid her little heed, even though she was still struggling and crying.  She Knew Ye Hua was not far away, this was another beauty of the Power Source.  Her senses were amplified beyond even a High God, and she could certainly feel the wave of heat that he was trailing behind him.  But standing at the ledge of death, her hand gripped the girls arm tightly as its menacing tendrils of power began to reach out towards them, as if trying to attach itself so as to pull them in.  

The Power Source was now in full control of Su Jins mind, she had no rationality left and Su Su may have found a little compassion for her, only there was one last gift Su Jin wanted to give her before she threw her into the swirling haze of ice cold terror just two steps away.

Pulling her mirror from her inner robe, she activated it with a just a small swipe of her thumb, then looking down into the glazed eyes of the girl who had all but given up the fight having lost the last of her reserves, Su Jins eyes hardened in disgust at the pathetic woman barely able to stand beside her.

"Do you know why I wanted you to walk away?" she asked suddenly changing her voice to that of a little girl.  It was sing song like and terrifying to Si Yins ears, but her lips hardened even though she knew that the woman towering over her was too far gone in the head.

"I wanted to save you from the heartache that Ye Hua was going to leave you with." Su Yin whispered down into ear as the Mirror was raised so Si Yin could see it.

"You see,  he was already promised to me.  The arrangement for our wedding is already underway, and Ye Hua had agreed to it." she smiled down at the face that was pinched angrily while also fearful of that gaping hole that was doing its best to drown her in its horror.

Then placing the mirror against Si Yins ear, she forced the girl to listen to a conversation, one that Su Jin had used the Power Source to create from a multitude of past conversations, only to Si Yins ears, it seemed to flow as one conversation, one that left no doubt as to who was talking and what Ye Hua had agreed to.

"Su Jin.  There is no one in this world more important to me than you.  Let me speak to Grandfather myself, he will us to marry only you will have to be a side consort rather than a number one wife.  But don't worry my dearest, Bai Qian will never set foot in Xiwu Palace as long as I live." Ye Huas soft voice spoke through the mirror and into her already aching head.

"But what about that Mortal Ye Hua.  You said you would get rid of her." Su Jins voice cried softly.

"I plan to.  As soon as I find somewhere for her to live safely, I will return for you my darling." then to Si Yins horror, the sounds of passionate kissing was heard along with Ye Huas deep breathing that he made when he made love.

In tears, Si Yin tried to shake the noise away, only to listen as Ye Hua continued to whisper words of endearment to Su JIn.

"I will only ever love you....." his voice whispered softly back at her.  "I don't love the Mortal, only you my sweetheart." he continued to whisper as the sounds of their love making thickened in intensity.

She knew every sound he made when taken over by passion, even the small grunting noises and soft sighs were his but what the mirror also caught was the sound of his heart beat which Su JIn had also captured and from the mirror, SI Yin heart it excelerating.

Pulling the mirror back towards herself, Su Jin laughed softly at the tearful eyes that seemed to glazing over as death drew nearer.

"You see Su Su.  He never loved you, only me.  I tried warn you, only he remained with you because of the child, who I might add will become my son when you die.  Not only will he call me mother, but Ye Hua will call me wife." she laughed as she took her one step closer.

Rolling her thumb over her own lips, they were the last things Si Yin saw.

"These lips, this body, my bed.  These are all he will ever know for all eternity.  You however, he will forget very quickly, because he never wanted to be with you in the first place, he only felt pity for you.  Now go and die!" Su Jins voice whiplashed her ears, just seconds before her entire form was thrown into the well of death.  

She thought she heard him screaming, and for a moment she thought she caught a glimpse of him, only his eyes did not seem to be on her, but Su Jin.  The agony and terror was there for her to see just a split second before she fell, but it was all she needed to see, to know that what Su Jin had tried to tell her all along, was true.  Only love could have produced that kind of look, she thought to herself.

Into Zhutian Tearrace she fell.  The pain was excruiating, but it came nowhere near to the lies, deception and betrayal he had caused her.  Her heart was breaking while her mind fractured into a million pieces and willingly she gave herself to death in the hope that it would end the enormous shattering of every cell in her being before it all went dark.

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