
By smurfyphantom06

170K 5.8K 286

AN EMMETT CULLEN FANFIC After her father has a midlife crisis Ella finds herself in the frozen wasteland of A... More

CH. 1
CH. 2
CH. 3
CH. 4
CH. 5
CH. 6
CH. 7
CH. 8
CH. 9
CH. 10
CH. 11
CH. 13
CH. 14
CH. 15
CH. 16
CH. 17
CH. 18
CH. 19
CH. 20
CH. 21
CH. 22
CH. 23
CH. 24
CH. 25
CH. Twenty Five
CH. 26
CH. 27
CH. 28
CH. 29
CH. 30
CH. 32
CH. 33
CH. 34
CH. 35
CH. 36
CH. 37
CH. 38
CH. 39
CH. 40
Equinox Playlist

CH. 12

4.3K 142 13
By smurfyphantom06

CH. 12 (Emmett)

The rest of the week was almost like a war zone, the lines were drawn, were you team Bella or Team Emmett.

Tension filled the house, and instead of Red coming over to hang out like she would normally do, some of the girls went over to her place.

As much as i wanted to go over with them i knew she needed her "girl" time.

"Ok" Carlisle said walking into the room. "Family meeting, Now."

Nessie ran out of the house to go and tell her Mom and Jake.

Soon everyone was sitting around Esme's large dining room table.

"Alright, everybody. This thing that is going on needs to stop." Carlisle said calmly. "I understand that everyone is entitled to their own opinions and today we are going to discuss and resolve any and all issues. Now, someone explain this entire fiasco so that we can move on from this."

I sat quietly, i knew it wasn't right to talk since my side of things was a little one sided.

Thankfully Alice stood up and spoke.

"Well as we all know, Rosalie left Emmett, and two years later he has finally moved on from the heartbreak and found an amazing soulmate in Elle, he loves her and i've already seen her future, but as i've promised Emmett, i will not reveal anything to anyone unless i see it brings her harm. Now our current conundrum is that Bella doesn't like Elle or is trying to not like her because she still feels strongly toward her friendship with Rose." Alice said and then took her seat next to Jasper.

The room was quiet while Carlisle took in this new information. Finally he spoke. "Alright Bella, i would like to hear how you feel and your thoughts." He said to her.

Bella stayed seated and fiddled with her hands. She kept her eyes glued to her hands as she spoke. "It's like Alice said, i don't want to like Elleen because i still like Rose and she, to me is still family. I think that in time she will come back and then all of this will be useless because we all know Emmett will take her back in a heart beat."

My fists were clinched.

'How could she say these things?' I wondered to myself.

"Bella, are you aware that Emmett went to Italy to see Rosalie?" Carlisle asked gently.

Bella looked up, shocked at his words. "Of course i am?" She said in a questioning manner.

"SO then you also know that he went to see if she was happy with her new life, Emmett found out that Rosalie is in fact no longer the Rose we all loved and remember. No my once daughter is now Princess Rosalie of the Volturi guard, WIFE of Prince Blake. She has given herself entirely to the Volturi and has abandoned anything i have ever taught her." Carlisle said, never once raising his voice but his unhappiness showing through.

Bella clamped her mouth shut and jutted her jaw out. She was upset. "That is her choice." She said coldly.

I could see Edward looking sad, he was saddened that Bella couldn't be reasoned with.

"Then don't you think Emmett also has the choice to move on and be happy once more?" Carlisle tried to reason.

"I suppose so." Bella snapped, crossing her arms over he chest. She wasn't used to being challenged and wasn't a fan of being wrong.

Then he turned to me.

"Emmett, are you sure this is the girl you want for the rest of Eternity?" Carlisle asked.

"Without a doubt." I answered with a smile.

He nodded his head knowingly.

Then my smile faltered a bit because i knew what was coming next.

"You know you're going to have to tell her Son."

I just nodded, "I need a little time," i said. "as long as she isn't in harm i would like to keep the secret and if everyone would please do me the kindness of having myself be the one to tell her." I said.

Everyone nodded and some gave me reassuring smiles.

I knew i had to tell her but i wanted her to know me without the monster, i wanted her to have the chance to get to know me, Emmett...instead of being thrust into this life of vampires and choosing if she wanted to live or die. I couldn't do that to her.

"Bella, i said some harsh and untrue words, and for that i am truly sorry. I can't take back what i said, but i just want you to know that i really do love Elle. She is now my everything. When i went to Italy Rosalie didn't even regard me, she looked down on me when she did see me, i didn't recognize the women that stood before me. I'm sorry, but i really don't think she would come back, and IF she did i honestly wouldn't take her back, i have come to realize that i was never in love with Rosalie, i was grateful to her for saving me that day and i was attracted to her but it steamed no further. What i feel for Elle is more, i would die for her, do anything to make her happy and keep her safe. She's all i want." I confessed.

Alice and Esme were smiling, Jasper nodded and then Bella spoke. "I just need some time, i do like her, it's just hard to know Rose really left especially since we had just gotten close." She said sadly.

I nodded, i knew where she was coming from.

We ended the "Family meeting" with a new sense of clarity. I now knew were Bella stood, and she was willing to give Elle a chance, but i knew they wouldn't become friends overnight. And Bella learned the truth about Rosalie.

Jasper, Edward and i hung back to talk to Carlisle.

"What's going on?" Carlisle asked.

"Well it's just, i noticed that the weirdest thing happens when Elle's around." Jasper said.

"What do you mean?" He asked with his brows furrowed.

"Well it's starts off normal, like usual i can feel her emotions, and then suddenly it's almost like she's pushing her emotions back to me only it's my own emotions i can feel. "

Carlisle looked at him with curiosity. Jasper continued.

"Normally i can feel everyone Else's emotions stronger than my own, but with her it's like her emotions take the back seat and suddenly i'm feeling my own emotions much stronger."

"Interesting. I wonder if it's just with you?" Carlisle wondered aloud.

"It isn't." Edward spoke. "when i'm around her i too can hear her thoughts and then suddenly her train of though trailes away and my own mental notes echo in my head loudly, the only way i can shake it is if i focus on someone else." Edward confessed.

"Remarkable." Carlisle said looking excited.

"How come you didn't say anything?" I asked feeling left out.

"Well we haven't exactly been talking to each other all that much lately." He remarked.

I nodded grumpily, he was right and it was my own fault.

"My theory is that she's something like Bella, like she has a shield of sorts" Edward said "Only instead of just blocking things from getting to her, she makes things bounce back to the person." He said.

"Like a Projector." Carlisle clarified.

"Exactly." Edward said excitedly. "She projects our gifts back to us and our gifts in turn get used on us instead of her."

"Carlisle, she's a human." I pointed out.

"I know, we all know that some humans are gifted. Look at Alice, she had 'premonitions' as a human, then was turned and her human gift increased. I'm sure the same could be said of Elle, She will make for a spectacular Vampire if she chooses that path." He said.

After that we all went our separate ways. I went upstairs and started to think about Red, i wondered if Alice would invite her over for the weekend.

I wonder if she would like to go on a date, i haven't taken a girl who i'm trying to impress on a date in centuries. I pulled out my phone and began to text Red.

[EMMETT: Hey, i was thinking about you.] I confessed.

I wanted to be mad for acting so caught up in my feelings for her, but really i didn't care.

[ELLE: Hi, why were you thinking about me]

I smiled. I decided i would be direct with her.

[EMMETT: I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me, Saturday Night, around sunset?]

I pressed send and anxiously awaited her reply.

I'm more than sure she was texting both Alice and Kate. Then as if on cue Alice bolted into my room excitedly. "I already know what your planning and i will arrange everything. It will be perfect."

She closed the door in a hurry and then my phone vibrated.

[ELLE: I would love that.].

[EMMETT: Alright, make sure you dress WARM and comfy.] I replied, this was Alaska and if i was going to have her out at night the last thing i wanted was her to freeze to death or trip and break something.

She responded almost immediately. [ELLE: Alright, i can't wait. Our first official date =).]

I chuckled slightly and stood up from my bed to look out the window and over to her house. I could see her comfortably lounging on her balcony with a throw blanket over her shoulders.

[EMMETT: Alright, i have some work to do to set up for this date. Talk to you later Babe.]

I had grown accustomed to calling her Babe. She didn't seem to mind.

[ELLE: Alright, TTYL =).]

I slide my phone into my pocket and went to look for Alice. I found her in the forest, a few miles in and away from our house and the lake.

. . . . .

I finished texting Emmett and then called Kate to come over. It had been a while since we've had some alone BFF time. And right now i needed her to talk to and help me get ready for tomorrow night.

About twenty minutes later Kate showed up with an overnight bag.

We immediately began talking about my date, trying to guess what Emmett had planned.

"Dinner and a Movie?" I suggested.

"Nah," She dismissed the idea. "Emmett's actually quite the romantic, i think this will be a lot more special than your typical date."

I smiled and blushed. I had never been on a date other than the mentioned Dinner and a movie. Once i went bowling but it wasn't really my style. And once i was invited to Laser-tag as a date, but then it turned out that it was a group thing.

"I've never had a guy try an impress me so much." I confessed.

Kate looked at me and smiled. "Well Doll you better get used to it. The guys in my family are hopeless romantics. They go above and beyond to woo their women. Just wait until he starts giving you gifts."

My eyes widened. Yes i am a girl so naturally i love gifts but i don't think i could except anything very extravagant.

"What do you mean?" I asked worried.

She giggled. "Once Edward gave Bella a huge diamond in the shape of a heart. i mean it was a pure diamond, flawlessly cut. It had to be at least 3 carats."

"Wow" i said "That sounds gorgeous but i don't think i would feel right excepting such luxuries."

Kate waved her hand in the air. "Please Doll, My family is loaded, and i can promise you they could probably buy this whole state and still wouldn't dent one of their bank accounts."

"Kate i'm not a gold digger." I said a little angrily.

"I know, and all i'm saying is, if Emmett wants to spoil you then by all means except the gift. You don't know how much it can effect a person by rejecting their gifts." She said.

I sat in silence as Kate finished up my pedicure. I never thought about it like that. I didn't want to hurt Emmett in any way, i liked him too much, heck who am i kidding i love the guy, only i won't tell him that. It's far too soon and i don't want to scare him away.

After our toes dried Kate got up and rummaged through my closet.

She pulled out a dress and some cute heels that were my favorites. The outfit was great but not for this date.

"No." I said.

Her face fell. "Why not?"

"Emmett said warm and comfy. so i'm guessing he doesn't want me in heels. He also said near Sunset so i'm guessing it will be chilly."

She thought my words over and then disappeared back into my closet.

She took a while and then she exited the closet with an arm full of clothes she had everything from the essentials to the accessories.

She laid the outfit out on my bed and i admired it. It was a cute yet simple outfit, nothing too fussy about it.

She had picked out a pair of Dark denim skinny jeans, A thick brown striped knitted top, a pair of boots, my tan coat and a beige beret that had a handful of studs and embellishments on it.

"Tomorrow i will straighten your hair." Kate insisted.

I scrunched up my face. I've only ever straightened my hair once and i didn't care for it too much. "No, it will be flat and lifeless."

"Trust me doll, when i'm done with you it will be anything but lifeless. if you want i can add a few curls on the ends with a curling wand but the top needs to be straightened to manage fly aways since you'll probably be in your beret most of the night."

I nodded, just giving into her. I never really mess with my hair since i never know what to do. Luckily my hair is very manageable.

We sat up and talked for a while longer, I moved the outfit to a hanger and then placed it on my closet door.

We went down stairs to help Cat bake some cookies for her parent teacher night tonight at the Day care Center.

Once all of the cookies were in the oven, Kate and i left to go watch a movie, we chose a scary movie. We huddled together in the packed theater and she made fun of me every time i jumped.

When the movie was over we were full of laughs as we recalled the cheesy movie and our reactions.

We got home and i was exhausted. I went and showered, when i got out Kate was already passed out on her own side of the bed. I quietly got into bed and let myself drift off.

I sighed contently, then i whispered into the night. "Good Night Emmett, I love you."

I knew Kate was too far gone in her sleep to notice it, and i don't know why i said it. But for some reason i felt like he would do the same thing too.

I smiled as i thought about my handsome boyfriend, then i let myself fall into sleep.

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