CH. 22

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CH. 22 (Emmett)

I watched my once vibrant Red slowly dwindle into depression.

Jake told us that the way she was acting was similar to the way Bella was when we all moved away after her unfortunate birthday party.

Nothing anybody said would make her better, so I literally just stayed by her side every minute of every day.

I switched all of my classes and persuaded the teachers to change their seating charts.

Red ate, showered, and went about her normal life only she was in a lifeless state.

Slowly as the months passed Red began to come back to us.

She started talking again, smiling, laughing. Sights and sounds that made my dead heart beat with joy once more.

Until finally she was back to her exuberant self fully.

Alice wanted to throw her a party and Red was anxious for it.

Carlisle said she may still be in shock but I could feel in my bones, she was better.

She would always be heartbroken because of it, she will always remember it.

But she had decided to move on.

Later that day I went to the mall with Alice. While she was off looking at some fru fru thing I found myself looking into a jewelry store window.

I walked in without even thinking.

"How can I help you sir?" The enthusiastic female behind the counter asked.

"I'm here to look at your rings." I said grinning like an idiot.

"Engagement rings?" She asked a little more professionally.

I nodded.

She walked to a showcase then turned her back to me.

When she came back with the rings I didn't miss the glint of envy in her eyes and the top buttons of her blouse suddenly unbuttoned to expose her bust.

I fought the urge to roll my eyes at this women's attempts, even after knowing I wanted to buy an engagement ring this women was still making an attempt to flirt.

"What are you looking for in the ring?" She asked.

"I want some thing big and bright like her personality, something unique yet classic, and since she's a girly girl, something that sparkles a lot."

The women's eyes were wide.

I looked at the rings and my eye found the exact one I wanted, it fit my description perfectly and I could already imagine Red wearing it.

But the saleswomen picked up another ring that looked gaudy and cheap compared to the one I wanted.

"If it was me I would love this one." She said smiling widely as she slide the bauble onto her finger.

I shook my head, and pointed to the one I wanted.

"Oh I didn't even see that one, its gorgeous." The women said to herself as she removed it from the velvet casing.

She placed it on her finger and then wiggled it up and down making the well cut diamonds catch in the light.

"It'll have to be taken down a size, her fingers are much more delicate than yours." I said knowing I had offended her.

"And how would you know that?" She asked rather snippy.

I shrugged, "I just know my girlfriend well."

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