CH. 11

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CH. 11 (Emmett)

As i stood there and watched Red's car drive away from the school i wanted nothing more than to leave with her, but I knew she had to go to work so I proceeded with my day.

Later on after i gave my siblings a ride home I found myself once again laying in the big bed that Red and i had shared just the night before.

I struggled with myself to just stay put instead of going out and looking for her like a stalker. I knew she was probably at work, or something and knowing that at all times she was either with us or her family was a comfort to my mind.

I heard the faint footsteps coming up to my room and then my room door being opened.

"Hey Uncle Em."

I looked up and saw my beautiful niece smiling at me. She walked over and laid in the bed with me. Her little body was a higher temperature than Red's, i've never noticed before.

"What's up Short Stack?" I asked grinning.

She gave a small dainty snort. "Nothing, and don't call me short stack." She said with a little sass. "You know when you went to visit Aunt Rose in Italy Elle let me sleep in your bed with her. She's so funny." She said giggling.

"Nessie, Rosalie isn't your Aunt anymore. She chose to move on with her life and that included cutting all of us out her life." I said with an exasperated sigh.

Nessie just gave a sad nod. Edward and Bella had already had this talk with her, But Nessie was a child and it's just hard for her to understand. So instead she changed the subject back to Red.

"I was watching you two today in the Cafeteria." She said smiling again.


"Yes." She giggled. "Why did you eat the food, you know you can't eat it." She asked.

"Well Short stuff, sometimes when you really Love someone you do some pretty weird things, even eat a burger when i know my body will reject it sooner or later."

Nessie's eyes went wide and a huge Cheshire like grin spread across her face. "You said Love!"

"You're delusional." I teased. I knew what I had said but I liked messing with her.

"Maybe so but you, you're in denial." She said with a smug smirk. "Face it, you have found your true love and now you can't resist her. It really is quit romantic." She said dreamily.

"And what do you know about romance?"

"What?" She shrugged. "I've read enough romance novels."

I shook my head and chuckled a deep chuckle. "Your too much Kid. I think it's about that time though, now scoot because i'm leaving."

She got up and waltzed out of my bedroom humming 'Here Comes The Bride' to herself. My Niece, she's something else.

I shook my head and got up, I usually went over to Red's close to sunset.

From observing her i found out that she usually gets out of work around 5 or 6, then she has dinner with her parents, goes upstairs and does homework, then showers and sleeps.

I threw on a sweater even though i didn't really need it then headed out. I walked out the back door, ignoring the snickers Edward and Jasper made about me going out again tonight.

Jacob and Nessie were following Bella into the Lake house, I could smell warm chocolate and assumed Bella must have made them hot cocoa to drink.

I easily made my way across the frozen lake, which by the way supports my weigh fairly easy. Once i was at her house i began my usual inspection.

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