CH. 36

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CH. 36 (Elle)

Two days later I was sitting on Emmett's lap as our children were all laying on the floor listening as Nessie read aloud to them.

The Lycans had practically moved in with us and more of our friends started arriving. Siobhan and Maggie were thrilled that Emmett and I had babies.

Even Liam seemed to take a special liking to them.

"Here lemme show ye lads som'in me Da taught me ter do." Liam said handing my boys knives.

I was skeptical about the boys having weapons.

"Call-m yerselv lass, the lads will do no hirm to themselves. Ploose (plus) tis only fer wood widdlin'." Liam assured me.

I nodded in acceptance an walked away before I changed my mind.

Alice was staring off into the woods.

"What's goin on there Alice?" I asked concerned.

She shook her head and gave me a weak smile.

"Nothing, just another fight, how many more will there be after this one?" She said voicing her concerns.

I could see it written on her face that this wasn't the whole reason she was worried, something else was bothering her, like the rest of us she was probably just worried about Her husband, so I didn't pry.

"Emmett seems to think this will be it, Once and for all the Volturi will fall." I quoted Emmett.

The vampire women from the amazon were closest to us and began chanting "once and for all the Volturi will fall!"

Alice laughed. "Your husband lives for the fight. Just watch how he gets as the next two days pass." Alice warned.

I was getting up to find my husband for a little alone time.

I paused and crouched back down.

I hugged Alice "I love you Sissy." I whispered into her ear.

She squeezed me tighter like I was her lifeline.

"Love ya too Sissy."

. . . . .


I sat and watched as everyone around me busied themselves.

I on the other hand was doing my darnedest to keep away from Edward.

I kept losing myself to the vision I had last night when everyone left to go to their own houses.

Jasper and I had gone for a quick hunt and when we came back jasper started jotting down potential attack strategies.

I was rearranging my closet for the billionth time when a vision hit me.

But it wasn't like a vision I have ever had before.

This vision was violent and I felt like I was actually there only I could see myself.

**vision begins**

I looked out over the snow covered plains, I search around and see that my family and our friends are doing a great job with the Volturi.

But I still have that feeling deep in the pit of my stomach that something bad is going to happen.

I look over to the Volturi guard, I can see their numbers have dwindled but its only infuriated them more. Now they were here to kill.

My head twisted as I looked for my nieces and nephews.

I finally spot Jacobs Russet colored Wolf and see them all huddled around him for protection.

Where is Maks, they are waiting for Maks to come so Katrina can teleport them all to La Push.

Elle and Emmett forgot to tell Jacob they were going to leave Maks behind since he's full lycan tonight. Stupid jacob.

I rush over to them not paying attention to anything else that is happening around me.

I reach Jacob just as Caius does. He's out for Jacob, Caius hates werewolves and will stop at nothing to exterminate them.

Caius moves too quickly, and he's reacting on impulse so I didn't see his actions.

With his two hands he snaps my head clean off and throws it deep into the Forest.

I watch as Jacob tried to take Caius on by himself.

The Lycans arrive to the fight and make quick work of Caius. And just like Carlisle had predicted, the Lycans harm none of the family members or our allies.

The fight ends with our side the victors, only I am dead.

**vision ends**

I stumbled around knocking various things over.

My chest feels heavy and I want to cry.

Should I tell them and save my life and possible jeopardize the good guys win.

Or should I keep it to myself and let the future run its course.

And now I'm here avoiding Edward like he plague trying to decide what I should do.

Elle came up an sat with me.

She saw something was wrong.

I gave her a generic answer that I knew she could see through it, but she didn't dig deeper into it.

I looked out at my family and friends, their lives lay in my hands.

I knew what my choice was, it never really was a choice.

I knew what I had to do.

Just then Elle bent down and hugged me, as if to say thank you.

"I love you sissy." She whispered to me.

I wanted to cry, I wish I could cry. Then Elle would know how touched I was at this very moment.

But all I can do was hug her back. "I love you too sissy."

She walked away.

I stood up to look for my Jasper.

I only had two more days with him.

In two more days

I would die.

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