CH. 29

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CH. 29 (Emmett)

After I cleaned my wife up Alice put a new outfit on her and I sat in the room with her.

Occasionally one of the women would come up and bring the babies for me to feed or just hold for a few minutes.

I never left Red's side for a second.

Now it was the second day, already leading into the third morning.

Carlisle had come into the room with Edward.

"Just coming to check on you two." Carlisle said cheerfully, Edward smiling beside him.

I wasn't the only one excited for Reds transformation.

"Anything?" Carlisle asked Edward.

Edward looked beyond Red, I knew he was trying to hear her thoughts.

"She's making me hear my own thoughts as usual." Edward said with a smile.

I chuckled, even wrestling with the burning pain of turning into a vampire, she's still being hardheaded.

I grabbed her delicate hand and kissed it gently, I hoped she wasn't in too much pain.

Carlisle and I hoped that the medication he gave her after she had the babies would help a little.

He decided to inject more of the epidural medicine into her in hopes she wouldn't feel the pain of being turned.

We hoped Edward would be able to hear her thoughts and let us know if she was in pain or if the medicine worked.

But of course she was being difficult not wanting to let us in, and that worried me. Because when she tried to be strong was when she was usually in the most pain, so sadly I'm guessing the pain medication wasn't working.

I looked back over at my father to tell him what I thought, but Edward caught my eye.

Edward's previous smile slowly began to fall and his eyes grew wide.

I jumped up from my seat sensing that something was wrong.

He was hearing someone's thoughts, and judging by how his eyes looked glazed over he was seeing Alice's vision in his own head.

I began walking to the door to find Alice. But Edward's voice broke the silence and snapped me into attention.

"Don't leave her side!" Edward growled.

I was confused but did as he said and went and stood next to my wife's laying form.

"What is it son?" Carlisle asked cautiously.

Just then Alice and jasper bolted into the room.

"It's Rosalie," Alice said panicked.

I growled, "somebody explain."

Alice was so terrified plus holding little Katrina so Edward started talking.

"Alice saw Rosalie in the woods, There was snow all around So I'm judging she's still here in Alaska somewhere. She was pacing, angry. Debating whether she should go back to Italy and tell them that we are making another half breed. Or coming here and kill Elle herself."

By the time Edward finished talking everyone was in The room.

I was pissed, I was breathing heavily and my mouth was pooling with venom.

Rosalie had crossed the line too far this time, she was threatening my little family now, and I would do anything in my power to protect them.

Edward nodded his head in agreement to my thought.

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