CH. 30

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CH. 30 (Elle)

All around me was darkness.

I could hear everything going on around me and I wanted so bad to open my eyes.

I had been told what to expect as I turned from human to vampire and so far all I could feel was an annoying tingling, like that sensation you get when your limbs fall asleep.

Also instead of a severe burning I felt uncomfortably hot, like my bare body was Laying next to a fire place.

I knew Carlisle and Emmett were worrying whether the medicine was working, and as much as I wanted to ease their worries, for some reason Edward couldn't read my mind.

What was even more curious is that he said "as usual," I didn't realize he had trouble hearing me.

I laid completely still as I heard Emmett laugh slightly then all of a sudden it got quiet.

"What's wrong son?" Carlisle asked worried

Then the sound of the door flying open echoed through the room.

"It's Rosalie!" Alice's beautiful voice trembled with anxiousness.

I was scared and worried and wanted to get up and take care of the problem of Rosalie once and for all.

I laid like a stone silently fuming as Edward spoke angrily.

It seemed like an eternity before anything happened after that.

Edward said something so fast that I couldn't make out his words.

I felt a jolt of heat flame over my forehead, I can only assume Emmett had kissed me there.

The turning process was getting a little worse, every time I was touched that part of the body would begin to burn, but the second i wasn't in contact with anyone my body would go back to that same annoying tingle.

Silence filled the room, so much so that I couldn't tell if anyone was even in the room with me.

I could sense that Emmett was gone, I'm not sure how, but I just knew.

I finally felt like Emmett was back In The room, I got my confirmation in the form of a burning hand and a scortching cheek.

Emmett held my hand and I tried to focus on anything other than the growing flame.

I felt like my hand was blistering and I wanted to scream but was bound by my paralyzed body.

"She left, peacefully. I don't think she will be coming back threatening us anymore." Emmett's strong voice rang out into the echoing room.

Someone sighed and another person shifted their weight.

I began to wonder how it was that I was hearing someone shift their weight from one foot to another.

"Not much longer now" Jasper drawled "her heart's slowing."

As he said the words I felt my breathing become labored and more of a work out.

This went on for what seemed like hours.

Then my body burst into an agonizing burn, and I felt like I was drowning.

I wanted to rip my skin off and scream bloody murder.

A shrill sound pierced the now warm room and gasps where let out.

And then It stopped.

Everything stopped.

I both felt and heard as my heart took its last beat.

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